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The mouse olfactory system comprises 6-10 million olfactory sensory neurons in the epithelium lining the nasal cavity. Olfactory neurons extend a single dendrite to the surface of the epithelium, ending in a structure called dendritic knob. Cilia emanate from this knob into the mucus covering the epithelial surface. The proteins of the olfactory signal transduction cascade are mainly localized in the ciliary membrane, being in direct contact with volatile substances in the environment. For a detailed understanding of olfactory signal transduction, one important aspect is the exact morphological analysis of signaling protein distribution. Using light microscopical approaches in conventional cryosections, protein localization in olfactory cilia is difficult to determine due to the density of ciliary structures. To overcome this problem, we optimized an approach for whole mount labeling of cilia, leading to improved visualization of their morphology and the distribution of signaling proteins. We demonstrate the power of this approach by comparing whole mount and conventional cryosection labeling of Kirrel2. This axon-guidance adhesion molecule is known to localize in a subset of sensory neurons and their axons in an activity-dependent manner. Whole mount cilia labeling revealed an additional and novel picture of the localization of this protein.  相似文献   
The process by which cerebral perfusion is maintained constant over a wide range of systemic pressures is known as “cerebral autoregulation.” Effective dampening of flow against pressure changes occurs over periods as short as ~15 sec and becomes progressively greater over longer time periods. Thus, slower changes in blood pressure are effectively blunted and faster changes or fluctuations pass through to cerebral blood flow relatively unaffected. The primary difficulty in characterizing the frequency dependence of cerebral autoregulation is the lack of prominent spontaneous fluctuations in arterial pressure around the frequencies of interest (less than ~0.07 Hz or ~15 sec). Oscillatory lower body negative pressure (OLBNP) can be employed to generate oscillations in central venous return that result in arterial pressure fluctuations at the frequency of OLBNP. Moreover, Projection Pursuit Regression (PPR) provides a nonparametric method to characterize nonlinear relations inherent in the system without a priori assumptions and reveals the characteristic non-linearity of cerebral autoregulation. OLBNP generates larger fluctuations in arterial pressure as the frequency of negative pressure oscillations become slower; however, fluctuations in cerebral blood flow become progressively lesser. Hence, the PPR shows an increasingly more prominent autoregulatory region at OLBNP frequencies of 0.05 Hz and below (20 sec cycles). The goal of this approach it to allow laboratory-based determination of the characteristic nonlinear relationship between pressure and cerebral flow and could provide unique insight to integrated cerebrovascular control as well as to physiological alterations underlying impaired cerebral autoregulation (e.g., after traumatic brain injury, stroke, etc.).  相似文献   
The efficacy of DNA extraction protocols can be highly dependent upon both the type of sample being investigated and the types of downstream analyses performed. Considering that the use of new bacterial community analysis techniques (e.g., microbiomics, metagenomics) is becoming more prevalent in the agricultural and environmental sciences and many environmental samples within these disciplines can be physiochemically and microbiologically unique (e.g., fecal and litter/bedding samples from the poultry production spectrum), appropriate and effective DNA extraction methods need to be carefully chosen. Therefore, a novel semi-automated hybrid DNA extraction method was developed specifically for use with environmental poultry production samples. This method is a combination of the two major types of DNA extraction: mechanical and enzymatic. A two-step intense mechanical homogenization step (using bead-beating specifically formulated for environmental samples) was added to the beginning of the “gold standard” enzymatic DNA extraction method for fecal samples to enhance the removal of bacteria and DNA from the sample matrix and improve the recovery of Gram-positive bacterial community members. Once the enzymatic extraction portion of the hybrid method was initiated, the remaining purification process was automated using a robotic workstation to increase sample throughput and decrease sample processing error. In comparison to the strict mechanical and enzymatic DNA extraction methods, this novel hybrid method provided the best overall combined performance when considering quantitative (using 16S rRNA qPCR) and qualitative (using microbiomics) estimates of the total bacterial communities when processing poultry feces and litter samples.  相似文献   
Analysis of one of the vital functions of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, the phagocytosis of spent aged distal fragments of photoreceptor outer segments (POS) can be performed in vitro. Photoreceptor outer segments with stacks of membranous discs containing the phototransduction machinery are continuously renewed in the retina. Spent POS are eliminated daily by RPE cells. Rodent, porcine/bovine and human RPE cells recognize POS from various species in a similar manner. To facilitate performing large series of experiments with little variability, a large stock of POS can be isolated from porcine eyes and stored frozen in aliquots. This protocol takes advantage of the characteristic of photopigments that display an orange color when kept in the dark. Under dim red light, retinae are collected in a buffer from opened eyecups cut in halves. The retinal cell suspension is homogenized, filtered and loaded onto a continuous sucrose gradient. After centrifugation, POS are located in a discrete band in the upper part of the gradient that has a characteristic orange color. POS are then collected, spun, resuspended sequentially in wash buffers, counted and aliquoted. POS obtained this way can be used for phagocytosis assays and analysis of protein activation, localization or interaction at various times after POS challenge. Alternatively, POS can be labeled with fluorophores, e.g., FITC, before aliquoting for subsequent fluorescence quantification of POS binding or engulfment. Other possible applications include the use of modified POS or POS challenge combined with stress conditions to study the effect of oxidative stress or aging on RPE cells.  相似文献   
The growth-promoting phytotoxin fusicoccin1 stimulates both [86Rb+]K+ uptake and H+-excretion from oat coleoptiles by at least 5-fold after a lag of less than 90 seconds. Both processes are affected similarly by metabolic inhibitors and external pH. FC appears to activate a K+H+ exchange which is only partly specific for K+, and which can transport more H+ than K+. The natural plant growth hormone indoleacetic acid1 also stimulates K+-uptake, but only after a long lag, and to a maximum of 30%, suggesting that IAA does not affect directly the K+H+ exchange process, and that the two hormones induce H+-excretion, and thus cell elongation, by different mechanisms.  相似文献   
Previous data have suggested an involvement of MDR/PGP-like ABC transporters in transport of the plant hormone auxin and, recently, AtPGP1 has been demonstrated to catalyze the primary active export of auxin. Here we show that related isoform AtPGP4 is expressed predominantly during early root development. AtPGP4 loss-of-function plants reveal enhanced lateral root initiation and root hair lengths both known to be under the control of auxin. Further, atpgp4 plants show altered sensitivities toward auxin and the auxin transport inhibitor, NPA. Finally, mutant roots reveal elevated free auxin levels and reduced auxin transport capacities. These results together with yeast growth assays suggest a direct involvement of AtPGP4 in auxin transport processes controlling lateral root and root hair development.  相似文献   
根据前人的研究,植物激素对部分茎段剥皮后新皮再生有一定的影响。草本植物菊芋(Helianthus tuberosus L.)在正常情况下环剥后,其维管组织的分化过程与杜仲、茄子很不一样,对于一些外源激素的刺激反应可能也有差异,为此,有必要应用一些外源激素对菊芋环剥后再生新皮的组织分化进行试验研究。  相似文献   
A crude enzyme preparation from mung bean cotyledons was separated into peroxidative and non-peroxidative IAA oxidase on a DEAE-cellulose column. Both fractions differed in their pH optima, Km and Vmax. The Km and Vmax of non-peroxidative IAA oxidase were higher than those of peroxidative IAA oxidase. Peroxidative IAA oxidase showed a linear increase in absorption at 247 and 254 nm after a short lag of 2–3 min. The addition of catalytic amounts of hydrogen peroxide eliminated the lag period and also enhanced the rate of IAA degradation. The non-peroxidative IAA oxidase fraction, however, did not exhibit any significant increase in absorption at 247 and 254 nm and showed a lag period of 5 min which was not affected by hydrogen peroxide. Instead, addition of the same catalytic amount of hydrogen peroxide inhibited the rate of IAA degradation. The peroxidative IAA oxidase fraction exhibited the reaction kinetics characteristic of peroxidase-catalysed IAA degradation. The rate of IAA oxidation by purified non-peroxidative IAA oxidase was very low. The slow rate of catalysis shown by non-peroxidative IAA oxidase appears to be due to the presence of inhibitor(s).  相似文献   
Fluctuation in levels of endogenous free IAA has been followed in the SD plant Chenopodium rubrum under photoperiodic conditions inductive or not inductive of flowering. Endogenous IAA was measured fluorimetrically as -pyrone. The level of IAA shows little fluctuation under continuous illumination. An endogenous rhythm of IAA fluctuation was found in plants transferred from light to continuous darkness, with a natural period of 30 hrs. The troughs of minimum IAA level within the endogenous rhythm coincided with the peaks in the endogenous rhythm of flowering response, which possessed the same period length. The concentration of IAA in the shoot always decreased at the end of cycles of dark period that induce flowering. The results are discussed in relation to the role of IAA in flowering of SD plants.  相似文献   
For most plant hormones, biological activity is suppressed by reversible conjugation to sugars, amino acids and other small molecules. In contrast, the conjugation of jasmonic acid (JA) to isoleucine (Ile) is known to enhance the activity of JA. Whereas hydroxylation and carboxylation of JA‐Ile permanently inactivates JA‐Ile‐mediated signaling in plants, the alternative deactivation pathway of JA‐Ile by its direct hydrolysis to JA remains unstudied. We show that Nicotiana attenuata jasmonoyl‐l ‐isoleucine hydrolase 1 (JIH1), a close homologue of previously characterized indoleacetic acid alanine resistant 3 (IAR3) gene in Arabidopsis, hydrolyzes both JA‐Ile and IAA‐Ala in vitro. When the herbivory‐inducible NaJIH1 gene was silenced by RNA interference, JA‐Ile levels increased dramatically after simulated herbivory in irJIH1, compared with wild‐type (WT) plants. When specialist (Manduca sexta) or generalist (Spodoptera littoralis) herbivores fed on irJIH1 plants they gained significantly less mass compared with those feeding on wild‐type (WT) plants. The poor larval performance was strongly correlated with the higher accumulation of several JA‐Ile‐dependent direct defense metabolites in irJIH1 plants. In the field, irJIH1 plants attracted substantially more Geocoris predators to the experimentally attached M. sexta eggs on their leaves, compared with empty vector plants, which correlated with higher herbivory‐elicited emissions of volatiles known to function as indirect defenses. We conclude that NaJIH1 encodes a new homeostatic step in JA metabolism that, together with JA and JA‐Ile‐hydroxylation and carboxylation of JA‐Ile, rapidly attenuates the JA‐Ile burst, allowing plants to tailor the expression of direct and indirect defenses against herbivore attack in nature.  相似文献   
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