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Ethylene production of habituated and auxin-requiring tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi) callus cultures were compared. More ethylene was produced by auxinrequiring i.e. auxin-heterotrophic cultures than by habituated ones. Treatment with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid increased the ethylene evolution of habituated cultures over the range 10−7 to 10−4 M , which suggests that the higher ethylene production of auxin-dependent callus is caused by the 2,4-D in the medium. The IAA levels depended on the age of both types of callus cultures.  相似文献   
The efficacy of DNA extraction protocols can be highly dependent upon both the type of sample being investigated and the types of downstream analyses performed. Considering that the use of new bacterial community analysis techniques (e.g., microbiomics, metagenomics) is becoming more prevalent in the agricultural and environmental sciences and many environmental samples within these disciplines can be physiochemically and microbiologically unique (e.g., fecal and litter/bedding samples from the poultry production spectrum), appropriate and effective DNA extraction methods need to be carefully chosen. Therefore, a novel semi-automated hybrid DNA extraction method was developed specifically for use with environmental poultry production samples. This method is a combination of the two major types of DNA extraction: mechanical and enzymatic. A two-step intense mechanical homogenization step (using bead-beating specifically formulated for environmental samples) was added to the beginning of the “gold standard” enzymatic DNA extraction method for fecal samples to enhance the removal of bacteria and DNA from the sample matrix and improve the recovery of Gram-positive bacterial community members. Once the enzymatic extraction portion of the hybrid method was initiated, the remaining purification process was automated using a robotic workstation to increase sample throughput and decrease sample processing error. In comparison to the strict mechanical and enzymatic DNA extraction methods, this novel hybrid method provided the best overall combined performance when considering quantitative (using 16S rRNA qPCR) and qualitative (using microbiomics) estimates of the total bacterial communities when processing poultry feces and litter samples.  相似文献   
The process by which cerebral perfusion is maintained constant over a wide range of systemic pressures is known as “cerebral autoregulation.” Effective dampening of flow against pressure changes occurs over periods as short as ~15 sec and becomes progressively greater over longer time periods. Thus, slower changes in blood pressure are effectively blunted and faster changes or fluctuations pass through to cerebral blood flow relatively unaffected. The primary difficulty in characterizing the frequency dependence of cerebral autoregulation is the lack of prominent spontaneous fluctuations in arterial pressure around the frequencies of interest (less than ~0.07 Hz or ~15 sec). Oscillatory lower body negative pressure (OLBNP) can be employed to generate oscillations in central venous return that result in arterial pressure fluctuations at the frequency of OLBNP. Moreover, Projection Pursuit Regression (PPR) provides a nonparametric method to characterize nonlinear relations inherent in the system without a priori assumptions and reveals the characteristic non-linearity of cerebral autoregulation. OLBNP generates larger fluctuations in arterial pressure as the frequency of negative pressure oscillations become slower; however, fluctuations in cerebral blood flow become progressively lesser. Hence, the PPR shows an increasingly more prominent autoregulatory region at OLBNP frequencies of 0.05 Hz and below (20 sec cycles). The goal of this approach it to allow laboratory-based determination of the characteristic nonlinear relationship between pressure and cerebral flow and could provide unique insight to integrated cerebrovascular control as well as to physiological alterations underlying impaired cerebral autoregulation (e.g., after traumatic brain injury, stroke, etc.).  相似文献   
Analysis of one of the vital functions of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, the phagocytosis of spent aged distal fragments of photoreceptor outer segments (POS) can be performed in vitro. Photoreceptor outer segments with stacks of membranous discs containing the phototransduction machinery are continuously renewed in the retina. Spent POS are eliminated daily by RPE cells. Rodent, porcine/bovine and human RPE cells recognize POS from various species in a similar manner. To facilitate performing large series of experiments with little variability, a large stock of POS can be isolated from porcine eyes and stored frozen in aliquots. This protocol takes advantage of the characteristic of photopigments that display an orange color when kept in the dark. Under dim red light, retinae are collected in a buffer from opened eyecups cut in halves. The retinal cell suspension is homogenized, filtered and loaded onto a continuous sucrose gradient. After centrifugation, POS are located in a discrete band in the upper part of the gradient that has a characteristic orange color. POS are then collected, spun, resuspended sequentially in wash buffers, counted and aliquoted. POS obtained this way can be used for phagocytosis assays and analysis of protein activation, localization or interaction at various times after POS challenge. Alternatively, POS can be labeled with fluorophores, e.g., FITC, before aliquoting for subsequent fluorescence quantification of POS binding or engulfment. Other possible applications include the use of modified POS or POS challenge combined with stress conditions to study the effect of oxidative stress or aging on RPE cells.  相似文献   
The evolutionary conserved, less-polymorphic, nonclassical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules: Qa-1 and its human homologue human leukocyte antigen-E (HLA-E) along with HLA-F, G and H cross-talk with the T-cell receptors and also interact with natural killer T-cells and other lymphocytes. Moreover, these nonclassical MHC molecules are known to interact with CD94/NKG2 heterodimeric receptors to induce immune responses and immune regulations. This dual role of Qa-1/HLA-E in terms of innate and adaptive immunity makes them more interesting. This review highlights the new updates of the mammalian nonclassical MHC-I molecules in terms of their gene organization, evolutionary perspective and their role in immunity.  相似文献   
The mouse olfactory system comprises 6-10 million olfactory sensory neurons in the epithelium lining the nasal cavity. Olfactory neurons extend a single dendrite to the surface of the epithelium, ending in a structure called dendritic knob. Cilia emanate from this knob into the mucus covering the epithelial surface. The proteins of the olfactory signal transduction cascade are mainly localized in the ciliary membrane, being in direct contact with volatile substances in the environment. For a detailed understanding of olfactory signal transduction, one important aspect is the exact morphological analysis of signaling protein distribution. Using light microscopical approaches in conventional cryosections, protein localization in olfactory cilia is difficult to determine due to the density of ciliary structures. To overcome this problem, we optimized an approach for whole mount labeling of cilia, leading to improved visualization of their morphology and the distribution of signaling proteins. We demonstrate the power of this approach by comparing whole mount and conventional cryosection labeling of Kirrel2. This axon-guidance adhesion molecule is known to localize in a subset of sensory neurons and their axons in an activity-dependent manner. Whole mount cilia labeling revealed an additional and novel picture of the localization of this protein.  相似文献   
已有研究证实,6-甲氧基-2-并噁唑啉酮(6-methoxy-2-benzoxazolinone,MBOA)是引起玉米胚芽鞘向光性运动的主要物质。本文采用生物测定和HPLC分析等方法,对MBOA的生理作用特点做进一步的探讨,结果表明:1.光刺激下收集的胚芽鞘分泌物主要成份是MBOA,该物质明显抑制鸡冠花和水芹下胚轴的伸长。2.将MBOA与IAA混合处理胚芽鞘,产生相互拮抗的效果。3.单侧放置含MBOA琼脂块能引起去顶胚芽鞘弯曲生长。4.伤害胁迫使胚芽鞘MBOA含量增加。因此,MBOA不仅是引起植物向光性运动的物质,也是与抗伤害胁迫有关的天然抑制物质,其生理功能之一是与生长素的作用相互拮抗,并抑制植物生长。  相似文献   
生长素和赤霉素对离体水仙花茎切段伸长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以离体水仙(Narcissustazettavar.chinensis)花茎切段为材料,通过外源吲哚-3-乙酸(Indole-3-aceticacid,IAA)和赤霉素A3(GA3)处理,结合内源激素分析,研究了这两种激素对水仙花茎切段伸长的影响,以及它们之间的相互作用。结果表明:外源50μmol/LIAA和30μmol/LGA3均能促进花茎切段的伸长,其中IAA的促进作用大于GA3。200μmol/L生长素运输抑制剂2,3,5-三碘苯甲酸(2,3,5-Triiodobenzoicacid,TIBA)和65μmol/L赤霉素合成抑制剂烯效唑(Uniconazole,S-3307)均显著抑制花茎切段的伸长。外源50μmol/LIAA处理明显增加内源GA1 3的含量,是对照的3.40倍;外源30μmol/LGA3处理对内源IAA含量影响不明显,说明IAA对维持花茎切段内源活性GA水平起重要作用,IAA和活性GA共同发挥调控花茎切段伸长的作用。  相似文献   
Afin d'apporter des arguments supplémentaires à?hypothese selon laquelle les rhythms circadiens sont impliqués dans la morphogénèse, des expériences ont été réalisées de manière a mettre en évidence la relation éventuelle de dépendance entre le moment (dans le cycle de 24 heures) où commence le traitement et ? effet (1) de la morphactine, un inhibiteur compétitif de ?'auxine et (2) de ? auxine (IAA).

Les résultats ont montré que (1) ? effet inhibiteur de la morphactine varie considérablement selon le moment auquel le traitement a commencé, plusieurs semaines avant ? expression morphogénétique; (2) le maximum d'inhibition change avec le stade de développement et le degré d'inhibition diminue avec le temps; (3) ?'IAA accélerè la formation du chapeau lorsque le traitement a commencé pendant la phase de croissance rapide des algues; ? effet depend du moment (du cycle de 24 heures) auquel il a commencé son effet diminue au cours du temps; (4) lorsque le traitement a commencé avec des algues plus petites que les precédéntes, il exerce un effet transitoirement inhibiteur qui dépend du moment du cycle de 24 heures auquel il a commence; (5) les fragments anucléés aussi répondent différentiellement à un traitement à ? IAA commencé a différents moments du cycle de 24 heures; ? effet est plus net quand des mRNA ont été accumulés; (6) ? effet de ? IAA n'est pas cumulé a celui d'une perturbation du cycle L-D; celui de la morphactine n'est pas modifyé ou est légérement amélioré par une perturbation du cycle L-D.

Mots clefs–Acetabularia, rhymes circadiens, morphogénèse, auxine, morphactine.

In order to support the hypothesis that circadian rhythms are implicated in cap formation, experiments were undertaken on the possible time-dependency of the effects of (a) a competitive inhibitor of auxins, morphactin and (b) of auxin (IAA). It was found that: (i) the inhibitory effect of morphactin varies dramatically with the time at which the several weeks' treatment was first begun; (ii) the maximum inhibition varies with development and decreases with time; (iii) IAA accelerates cap formation when the algae are submitted to IAA during the exponential growth phase; the effect is time dependent and decreases with time; (iv) IAA first applied on smaller algae has a transient inhibitory effect which is time dependent; (v) anucleate fragments also respond differentially to an IAA treatment begun at several times in the 24-hr cycle, most clearly when newly formed mRNA have been accumulated and (vi) the effect of iAA is not cumulative with that of a LD shift; that of morphactin is not, or only slightly, improved by a LD shift.  相似文献   
In A. angustifolia seeds the highest values of freeIAA occurred in the embryonic axis, at the initial phases of development. Thesevalues decreased sharply coincident with the increase of IAA with thedifferentiation of cotyledons and seed elongation. During seed development,tryptophan concentrations varied inversely with free IAA and directly withconjugated IAA. An increase in peroxidase activity was followed by a decreaseinfree IAA in the embryo axis, and in conjugated IAA in the megagametophyte.Megagametophyte tissues did not exhibit significant variation in free IAAduringseed development. Following the stage where cotyledons arise, tryptophandecreased in the megagametophyte and increased in the cotyledons and embryonicaxis.  相似文献   
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