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太行山南麓山区栓皮栎-扁担杆生态系统水分利用策略   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
孙守家  孟平  张劲松  贾长荣  任迎丰 《生态学报》2014,34(21):6317-6325
分析了太行山南麓低丘山区降水、泉水、地下水、土壤水以及栓皮栎、扁担杆的氢氧稳定同位素特征,结合Iso Source模型确定了栓皮栎和扁担杆水分来源的季节性差异,并对栓皮栎和扁担杆水分利用策略进行分析。结果表明,同一生态系统中的栓皮栎和扁担杆枝条水的δ18O和δD值差别明显。雨季中栓皮栎和扁担杆水分来源较浅,以0—20 cm土壤水分为主,但旱季中栓皮栎和扁担杆水分主要来源均比雨季明显加深,其中栓皮栎主要利用40—60 cm土壤水分,扁担杆则主要利用20—40 cm土壤水分。此外,旱季后期栓皮栎还利用部分泉水,其比例达到了19.6%。二者水分来源的不同,使得栓皮栎与扁担杆在旱季期间能避开用水冲突。旱季中生长在生态系统上层的栓皮栎中午部分气孔关闭,蒸腾速率下降,生长在生态系统下层的扁担杆日均蒸腾速率、气孔导度则分别比栓皮栎下降了46.94%和30.58%。栓皮栎和扁担杆分别采取了深水源及部分气孔关闭和浅水源及低蒸腾耗散的水分利用策略来利用旱季中有限的水分,因而其组成的生态系统表现出较强地适合太行山南麓脆弱环境的生态适应性。  相似文献   
董彬  韩睿明  王国祥  毛丽娜  冀峰  马杰 《生态学报》2015,35(24):8202-8210
采用高分辨率光纤氧微电极测定了富营养化水体中沉水植物菹草(Potamogeton crispus)茎叶微界面(0—2.0 mm)氧(O_2)。菹草叶微界面O_2浓度梯度具明显的时空变化。时间上,菹草叶微界面O_2浓度具有明显的生长阶段变化和昼夜变化。幼苗期和快速生长期微界面O_2浓度增加幅度较小,稳定期叶表O_2浓度梯度增加幅度最大,衰亡期叶微界面O_2浓度受附着物影响具明显的空间梯度。菹草叶微界面O_2表现为昼高夜低的单峰变化模式,主要受光照和温度的影响。空间上,越接近茎叶表面,O_2浓度越高。顶部幼叶微界面O_2浓度梯度增加较平缓,中部成熟叶微界面O_2浓度梯度变化最陡,波动幅度最大,中部茎和基部衰老叶微界面O_2浓度梯度由于受密集附着物的影响,在附着物表面达到最大值,进入附着层后略有下降。结果表明,菹草茎叶微界面O_2时空变化主要受附着物和植物光合放氧能力的影响。光纤微电极是一种分析植物叶微界面氧时空分布的理想工具,对深入研究植物微界面在富营养化水体中养分的迁移转化具有重要意义,可为水生植物生理生态研究提供有力工具。  相似文献   
This article presents the biochemical intra-skeletal-muscle basis of exercise intensity domains: moderate (M), heavy (H), very heavy (VH) and severe (S). Threshold origins are mediated by a ‘Pi double-threshold’ mechanism of muscle fatigue, which assumes (1) additional ATP usage, underlying muscle V̇O2 and metabolite slow components, is initiated when inorganic phosphate (Pi) exceeds a critical value (Picrit); (2) exercise is terminated because of fatigue, when Pi reaches a peak value (Pipeak); and (3) the Pi increase and additional ATP usage increase mutually stimulate each other forming a positive feedback. M/H and H/VH borders are defined by Pi on-kinetics in relation to Picrit and Pipeak. The values of the ATP usage activity, proportional to power output (PO), for the M/H, H/VH and VH/S borders are lowest in untrained muscle and highest in well-trained muscle. The metabolic range between the M/H and H/VH border (or ‘H space’) decreases with muscle training, while the difference between the H/VH and VH/S border (or ‘VH space’) is only weakly dependent on training status. The absolute magnitude of the muscle V̇O2 slow-component, absent in M exercise, rises gradually with PO to a maximal value in H exercise, and then decreases with PO in VH and S exercise. Simulations of untrained, physically active and well-trained muscle demonstrate that the muscle M/H border need not be identical to the whole-body M/H border determined from pulmonary V̇O2 on-kinetics and blood lactate, while suggesting that the biochemical origins of the H/VH border reside within skeletal muscle and correspond to whole-body critical power.  相似文献   
干旱与条锈病复合胁迫对小麦的生理影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以抗旱性和抗病性不同的小麦为材料,以正常生长为对照,观察了病原菌和水分复合胁迫对小麦叶片相对含水量、活性氧代谢以及对抗氰呼吸的发生、运行的影响。讨论了在干旱与病原菌侵染复合胁迫下,抗氰呼吸在植物抗逆机制中所扮演的角色。复合胁迫下,抗病小麦显然具备更强的水分调控能力,而感病品种不能有效控制病叶水分散失。水分胁迫能引起抗氰呼吸的下降,但不能抵消因病原菌侵染引起的抗氰呼吸的增强,条锈菌侵染对小麦抗氰呼吸的影响远远大于水分胁迫。病原菌侵染和水分复合胁迫下,活性氧产生的速率表现出累加效应,而抗氰呼吸表现出和基质抗氧化酶的活性互补。植物交替氧化酶在干旱与病原菌侵染复合胁迫中具有重要的抗氧化功能,并可能调节着逆境下物质与能量需求间的矛盾。  相似文献   
摘要 目的:观察依托咪酯联合右美托咪定对高血压基底节区脑出血患者脑糖氧代谢和氧化应激的影响。方法:纳入2020年1月-2022年12月期间我院收治的90例高血压基底节区脑出血患者,采用随机数字表法将患者分为对照组和研究组,各为45例。对照组患者接受依托咪酯乳状注射液麻醉,研究组患者接受依托咪酯乳状注射液联合右美托咪定注射液麻醉。对比两组血流动力学[心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP)]、糖氧代谢指标[氧饱和度(SjvO2)、脑氧摄取率(CEO2)、脑动静脉氧差(AVDO2)]、氧化应激指标[丙二醛(MDA)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)]和不良反应。结果:麻醉诱导后5 min(T1)~手术完毕时(T4)时间点,研究组心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP)低于对照组(P<0.05)。T4时间点,研究组SjvO2高于对照组,CEO2、AVDO2低于对照组(P<0.05)。T4时间点,研究组SOD高于对照组,MDA低于对照组(P<0.05)。两组不良反应总发生率对比未见差异(P>0.05)。结论:依托咪酯联合右美托咪定可更好维持机体血流动力学,改善脑糖氧代谢,减轻氧化应激,对高血压基底节区脑出血患者发挥出良好的麻醉效果。  相似文献   
细颗粒物(PM2.5)是空气动力学直径≤2.5 μm的颗粒物,能诱发多种疾病.已有大量的流行病学调查证实,PM2.5能够损伤生殖系统,但其致病机制不明确,相关的研究也非常有限.为研究PM2.5短期暴露对大鼠子宫的损伤,以及姜黄素(curcumin,CRC)对其保护作用,本研究将50只雌性SD大鼠随机分为生理盐水对照组、...  相似文献   
Oxidative stress triggered by aluminum in plant roots   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aluminum (Al) is a major growth-limiting factor for plants in acid soils. The primary site of Al accumulation and toxicity is the root meristem, and the inhibition of root elongation is the most sensitive response to Al. Al cannot catalyze redox reactions but triggers lipid peroxidation and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in roots. Furthermore, Al causes respiration inhibition and ATP depletion. Comparative studies of Al toxicity in roots with that in cultured plant cells suggest that Al causes dysfunction and ROS production in mitochondria, and that ROS production, but not lipid peroxidation, seems to be a determining factor of root-elongation inhibition by Al.  相似文献   
Thraustochytrid strain ACEM 6063, rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, was cultured at 15°C and 20°C in high (>40%) and low (<5%) dissolved oxygen (DO), and at 25°C in low-DO media. Samples were taken 4, 2, and 0 days before each culture reached peak biomass (T−4, T−2, and Tp, respectively). Twenty sterols, 13 of which were identified, were detected. Predominant were cholest-5-en-3β-ol, 24-ethylcholesta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol, 24-methylcholesta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol, and 2 coeluting sterols, one of which was 24-ethylcholesta-5,7,22-trien-3β-ol. These 4 sterols comprised 50% to 90% of total sterols. Cultures grown at high DO had simpler sterol profiles than those grown at low DO. Only the 4 sterols mentioned above were present at more than 3% of total sterols in high-DO cultures. In low-DO cultures, up to 6 additional sterols were present at more than 3% of total sterols. Culture age, temperature, and DO influenced squalene and sterol content. Total sterols (as a proportion of total lipids) decreased with increasing culture age. If organisms such as ACEM 6063 are to be used for commercial production of lipid products for human consumption, both their sterol content and factors influencing sterol production need to be characterized thoroughly. Received January 8, 2001; accepted March 6, 2001.  相似文献   
Pelagic coelenterates and eutrophication: a review   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
Mary N. Arai 《Hydrobiologia》2001,451(1-3):69-87
Although eutrophication is a widespread problem in marine waters, its effects are often difficult to separate from normal fluctuations of pelagic coelenterate populations and from other anthropogenic changes due to industrial pollution, construction, introductions, global warming and overfishing. The least complex situations are in small coastal water bodies such as the Caribbean lagoons and Scandinavian fjords. Typically, the diversity of pelagic coelenterates decreases, but the biomass of a small number of species (such as the hydromedusae Aglantha digitale and Rathkea octopunctata and the scyphomedusae Aurelia aurita and Cassiopea spp.) may increase. Adaptations that may allow these species to survive under eutrophic conditions are discussed.  相似文献   
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