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Summary The ultrastructure of the rectal papillae of the parasitoid hymenopteran, Nasonia vitripennis (Walk), is described. These organs in this insect consist of four distinct cell types arranged as a closed, hollow cone. The majority of the cells are present in the raised cone, and are characterised by large numbers of mitochondria arranged in a membranous labyrinth. A series of cells form a collar around the base of the cone. Junction cells have been identified which are present at the point of insertion of the cone into the rectal epithelium. The base of the cone consists of cells with elaborately folded plasma membranes facing both the central cavity of the cone, and the haemolymph. The structure of this rectal papilla is compared with those found in other insects.We are indebted to Professor E. W. Knight-Jones in whose department the work was carried out, and to the Science Research Council for support for one of us (I.D.).  相似文献   
Spermatozoa morphology has, for some years, been used to help answer some phylogenetic questions for Hymenoptera. This is the second study describing spermatozoa morphology of an Eulophidae species in which important characteristics were observed. Melittobia spermatozoa are spiralled and measure approximately 270mum in length. The head contains a small acrosome, apparently formed only by an acrosomal vesicle, which, together with the initial nuclear region, is surrounded by an extracellular sheath, from which innumerable filaments irradiate. The nucleus is helicoidal and completely filled with compact chromatin. A centriolar adjunct is observed at the nucleus-flagellum transition; it associates laterally with the nucleus and exhibits two small expansions, which reach around the centriole. In the flagellum there are two mitochondrial derivatives, which in cross-sections are asymmetric. In the derivative with the larger diameter, two distinct regions are observed, a small one, near the axoneme, with a clear "fissure" inside, and a larger region where the cristae occur. Both derivatives initiate at the nuclear base, but the larger diameter derivative finishes first, before the flagellum extremity. At the end of the axoneme, the accessory microtubules are the first to finish.  相似文献   
Bethylidae is a family belonging to the insect order Hymenoptera and contains about 2 200 described species. Bethylids typically parasitize larvae of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera, including species that are serious pests of stored products. Here, we review the main characteristics of each of the bethylids reported as biological control agent of these pests. The biological characteristics and peculiarities are reported for each species, and the potential for their practical application is discussed.  相似文献   
本文描述了云南省突颚反颚茧蜂属HeratemisWalker1新种─—缺刺反颚茧蜂H.enndisWuetChen,并建立了该属中国已知3种的分种检索表。新种模式标本保存于福建农业大学益虫室。  相似文献   
Onychopterocheilus sarikamisensis sp. n. is described and illustrated from eastern Turkey. The species is related to O. hellenicus (Morawitz, 1885) but differs by the shape of the clypeus and antennae, and by the pale colouration of the maculations.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A3E75353-EC16-458F-908FAB9240E8016B  相似文献   
Laboratory trials were conducted to determine whether the spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), puparium can provide an effective physical barrier to protect immature stages of the pupal parasitoid Pachycrepoideus vindemiae (Rondani) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) from spinosad treatments. Spinosad insecticides are currently an important suppression strategy for D. suzukii in organically managed fruit orchards although they are well known to cause mortality in hymenopteran parasitoids. High adult P. vindemiae female mortality (83%) occurred within 24 h of exposure to D. suzukii pupae treated with 10 mg a.i. l?1 spinosad and female parasitoids did not avoid the pupae treated with similar low levels of spinosad in choice tests that included untreated pupae. Pachycrepoideus vindemiae develops as an idiobiont ectoparasitoid on host fly pupa within the sclerotized host puparium. Significant P. vindemiae survival and emergence was recorded when parasitized D. suzukii puparia were exposed to field treatment levels of spinosad; however, the parasitoid survival was dependent on the time of the spinosad treatment of the host post‐parasitization. Significant parasitoid survival occurred when the host puparia were treated at 2 weeks when the parasitoid was in the pupal stage but did not occur when the host puparia were treated at 1 week post‐parasitization, when the parasitoids were still in a larval stage. The parasitoid adults consumed or otherwise came in contact with residual degrading spinosad when they exited the treated host, and consequently high and low adult parasitoid mortality occurred when the adults emerged from puparia treated at 2 and 1 week(s), respectively. Our study indicates that generally the integration of P. vindemiae parasitism into a sustainable D. suzukii management program is not compatible with spinosad treatments, although P. vindemiae in the pupal stage inside sclerotized host puparia appear to be minimally impacted by spinosad treatments, provided that the spinosad degrades before parasitoid emergence.  相似文献   
记述采自浙江、江苏、福建和贵州的长尾小蜂属Torymus Dalman 2新种:浙江长尾小蜂Torymus zhejiangensis,sp.nov.和斑翅长尾小蜂Torymus maculatus.sp.nov.。模式标本保存在浙江大学农业与生物技术学院应用昆虫研究所。  相似文献   
Apical serrations of the hymenopteran ovipositor have been widely postulated to originally constitute adaptations for cutting through hard substrates. Simplifications of the ovipositor tip have occurred in several ichneumonid wasp genera associated with spiders. Despite such reduction in Clistopyga (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), the ovipositor still possesses some apical serrations. Through the first detailed study, we believe, on the behaviour of an ovipositing Clistopyga species, we show that it can alter its ovipositor for different purposes and that the primary function of the apical serrations is clinging to its spider host as the spider attempts to escape. Intriguingly, we also discover a hitherto undocumented adaptation for the hymenopteran ovipositor. The female wasp seals openings in the silken spider nest by using its ovipositor on the silk in a highly sophisticated way that is comparable to how humans entangle wool by needle felting. By studying the ovipositor morphology through a scanning electron microscope, we elucidate how this works, and we hypothesize that by closing the nest the female wasp protects its developing kin.  相似文献   
对膜翅目叶蜂科平背叶蜂亚科的片角叶蜂属Indostegia Malaise进行了系统研究,描述了分布于中国川滇黔地区的4个新种:多齿片角叶蜂Indostegia multidenticula sp nov,短角片角叶蜂I brevicornis sp.nov,黑股片角叶蜂I.nigrofemorata sp nov.和短刃片角叶蜂I.breviserrula sp.nov..基于新的材料重新描述了片角叶蜂属的属征,编制了片角叶蜂属分种检索表.新种模式标本分别保存于中南林学院昆虫标本室和中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   
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