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ABSTRACT Although effects of forest management on amphibians are relatively well studied, few studies have examined how these practices affect egg deposition by adults, which can impact population recruitment. We quantified the effects of 4 canopy tree-retention treatments on amphibian oviposition patterns in clusters of 60-L aquatic mesocosms located in each treatment. We also related aquatic and terrestrial biophysical parameters in treatment plots to oviposition patterns. Cope's gray treefrogs (Hyla chrysoscelis) deposited more egg masses in clear-cut and 25–50% tree-retention treatments than in controls. In contrast, mountain chorus frogs (Pseudacris brachyp***hona) deposited more egg masses in unharvested control and 75% retention treatments than in clear-cut or 25–50% retention treatments. Spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) only deposited eggs in 75% retention treatments and controls. The number of egg masses deposited by mountain chorus frogs was positively related to canopy cover and negatively related to water temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen, whereas we noted the opposite relationships for Cope's gray treefrogs. We did not detect a relationship between the number of egg masses deposited by any species and the distance of mesocosms to either the nearest mature closed-canopy forest or to the nearest natural amphibian breeding pool. The impacts of the silvicultural treatments we studied were species-specific and depended on the amount of trees removed. In areas where protection of spotted salamander and mountain chorus frog breeding habitat is a priority, we recommend harvests retain at least 75% of the canopy. Our results also suggest that retention of 25–50% of canopy trees surrounding amphibian breeding pools has little conservation benefit.  相似文献   
Giant water bug Kirkaldyia (=Lethocerus) deyrolli (Belostomatidae: Heteroptera) nymphs consume many individuals of anuran larvae (tadpoles) before they reach adulthood. However, no quantitative data on the number of tadpoles consumed have been made available until now, despite the importance of this data for the conservation of this species. The number of tree frog, Hyla japonica (Hylidae: Anura), tadpoles consumed by nymphs of K. deyrolli was examined under laboratory conditions. The number increased according to the developmental stage of the nymphs; the fifth instar nymphs were the highest consumers. The total numbers consumed by the nymphs throughout development were 155.0 ± 12.8 (average ± SD) and 172.8 ± 9.6 for the males and the females, respectively. Thus, it might be important to maintain high densities of frogs in fields to conserve the population of K. deyrolli into the future.  相似文献   
Genetic differentiation of Hyla arborea molleri and H. meridionalis was studied through allozyme electrophoresis and through essays of artificial hybridization. Samples were taken at several localities in Portugal, where these species occur either in sympatry or allopatry, and at one locality in France. Of the 21 presumptive loci analyzed, 6 were monoallelic, while 9 loci were discriminative between both species. A relatively high level of genetic differentiation was found between the two species (NEI's D = 0.725), contrasting with their morphological similarity. Remarkably low levels of genetic variability were found within species, with greater differentiation found among samples of H. meridionalis than of H. a. molleri. Although the capacity for interspecific hybridization was low, hybrid embryos resulted from both reciprocal crosses, but with much greater success in the cross ♂H. a. molleri x δH. meridionalis. Hybrids showed greater similarity with the male parent, and showed heterozygote allozymic phenotypes for discriminative loci. Results are compared with those of similar studies on the same and different species of Hyla, and differentiation of H. a. molleri and H. meridionalis is discussed in relation to their taxonomic status and origin.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Um Hinweise auf die Funktion des Kehlkopfes bei der Rufabgabe zu bekommen, führten wir eine vergleichende elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung an den vier Kehlkopfmuskeln rufaktiver Laubfrösche durch. Zum weiteren Vergleich studierten wir auch einen Extremitätenmuskel.Die Kehlkopfmuskeln sind untereinander gleich gebaut, unterscheiden sich aber in mehrfacher Hinsicht vom Extremitätenmuskel: Ihre Myofibrillen sind nur ein Drittel so dick. Die Kehlkopfmuskeln enthalten sehr viele, auffallend große und dichte Mitochondrien; das sarcoplasmatische Retikulum ist mächtig entwickelt. Sie enthalten außerdem sehr viel Fett, das stets mit den Mitochondrien assoziiert ist. In beiden Muskeltypen kommt Glykogen vor; seine Menge ist in den Kehlkopfmuskeln jedoch größer als im Extremitätenmuskel. Die Zahl der motorischen Endplatten ist in den Kehlkopfmuskeln 25 mal höher als im M. plantaris longus. Die Zahl der Triaden pro Sarcomer und ihre Anordnung ist bei den beiden Muskeltypen gleich.Die Kehlkopfmuskeln winterstarrer Hyla-Männchen unterscheiden sich in ihrem Feinbau und Fettgehalt nicht von den Muskeln rufaktiver Tiere.
The fine structure of the laryngeal muscles of the tree frog, Hyla arborea arborea (L.), compared with that of a skeletal muscle
Summary In order to obtain information on the function of the larynx during vocalization, a comparative electron microscopic study was made of the four laryngeal muscles of male tree frogs druing their vocalizing phase. A skeletal muscle (m. plantaris longus) was examined for comparison.The fine structure of the laryngeal muscles is uniform, but differs from skeletal muscles in several respects: the diameter of the myofibrils of the laryngeal muscles is only 1/3 that of the skeletal muscle. They contain many strikingly large and dense mitochondria. There is a strongly developed sarcoplasmic reticulum. Laryngeal muscles contain large quantities of fat which is always associated with mitochondria. Laryngeal muscles contain more glycogen than skeletal muscle. The number of motor endplates in laryngeal muscles is 25 times larger than in m. plantaris longus. The number of triads per sarcomere and their location is the same in both types of muscle.The laryngeal muscles of hibernating and active tree frogs do not show any difference with respect to fine structure and amount of fat.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
We sampled litter frogs in an 1800-ha mid-elevation seasonal forest in southeastern Brazil. One hundred 8 * 8-m plots were sampled during the dry/cold season and wet/warm season (unburned areas); we also examined the effects of fire in recently burned areas. A total of 267 frogs (305 g), belonging to 16 species (4 families) were caught. A single species comprised 78.5 percent of the individuals in the dry/cold season and 54.3 percent in the wet/warm season. The density of individuals did not change significantly with season, biomass did. Density and biomass of frogs were positively correlated with altitude. A Mantel test indicated that biological data (species and their abundance) were significantly associated with environmental parameters. The burned areas showed low values in richness, density and biomass of frogs. Harsh seasonal climate and a history of human disturbance may produce the low observed diversity values. The greater densities of frogs in sites of higher elevation may primarily result from mist-generated humidity, which diminishes the harshness of the dry/cold season in relation to lower sites.  相似文献   
Comparative genomic studies are revealing that, in sharp contrast with the strong stability found in birds and mammals, sex determination mechanisms are surprisingly labile in cold‐blooded vertebrates, with frequent transitions between different pairs of sex chromosomes. It was recently suggested that, in context of this high turnover, some chromosome pairs might be more likely than others to be co‐opted as sex chromosomes. Empirical support, however, is still very limited. Here we show that sex‐linked markers from three highly divergent groups of anurans map to Xenopus tropicalis scaffold 1, a large part of which is homologous to the avian sex chromosome. Accordingly, the bird sex determination gene DMRT1, known to play a key role in sex differentiation across many animal lineages, is sex linked in all three groups. Our data provide strong support for the idea that some chromosome pairs are more likely than others to be co‐opted as sex chromosomes because they harbor key genes from the sex determination pathway.  相似文献   
Hyla chrysoscelis, Cope's Gray Treefrog, is a generalized treefrog found throughout much of east‐central North America. Although it is a model for many behavioural and ecological studies, little is known of its skeletal morphology or development. Herein, we describe the postembryonic skeletal development and adult osteology of H. chrysoscelis. The adult skull is well ossified with slight dermal ornamentation, the postcranial and tadpole skeletons are fairly non‐distinct with no obvious novel morphologies, and the Gosner stage by which bony elements first appear varies. We compare the rank order sequence of ossification to that of its sibling species Hyla versicolor and use examples from this study to demonstrate current complications with conducting ossification sequence meta‐analyses.  相似文献   
The phenotypes of gray treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) tadpoles vary depending on whether predators are present in the pond. Tadpoles reared in ponds with predatory dragonfly larvae are relatively inactive compared with tadpoles in predator-free ponds, and have relatively large, brightly colored tailfins with dark spots along the margins. Models for the evolution of plasticity predict that induced phenotypes such as this should confer high fitness relative to the typical phenotype when in the presence of predators, but should be costly when the predator is absent. Our study tested for the predicted fitness trade-off in H. chrysoscelis by first rearing tadpoles in mesocosms under conditions that induce the alternate phenotypes, and then comparing the performance of both phenotypes in both environments. We generated the two phenotypes by rearing tadpoles in 600-liter outdoor artificial ponds that contained either two caged dragonflies (Anax junius) or an empty cage. Tadpoles from the two environments showed significantly different behavior, tail shape, and tail color within two weeks of exposure. We compared the growth and survival of both phenotypes over four weeks in ponds where there was no actual risk of predation. Under these conditions, both phenotypes grew at the same rate, but the predator-induced phenotype had significantly lower survival than the typical phenotype, indicating that induced tadpoles suffered greater mortality from causes other than odonate predation. We tested the susceptibility of both phenotypes to predation by exposing them to dragonflies in 24-h predation trials. The predator-induced phenotype showed a significant survival advantage in these trials. These results confirm that the predator-induced phenotype in H. chrysoscelis larvae is associated with fitness costs and benefits that explain why the defensive phenotype is induced rather than constitutive.  相似文献   
In many amphibian larvae a suite of morphological and behavioural characters varies together in an induced defence against predators, but it remains unclear which features are functionally related to defence. We independently manipulated behaviour and morphology in tadpoles of Hyla versicolor and assessed their consequences for swimming performance and predator escape. Data on burst swimming showed that tadpoles which accelerated rapidly were elongate, with shallow bodies and tails. Predator escape was measured by exposing tadpoles to predators (larval Anax dragonflies or larval Ambystoma salamanders) and recording time until death. Tadpoles were first reared for 30 days in ponds containing either caged Anax or no predators; individuals responded to predators by developing large brightly coloured tails and short bodies. We placed tadpoles of both morphological phenotypes into plastic tubs, and manipulated their behaviour using food and chemical cues from predators. Mortality risk experienced by the predator‐induced phenotype was about half that of the no‐predator phenotype, and risk increased with time spent swimming. An interaction between morphology and behaviour arose because increasing activity caused higher risk for tadpoles with deep tail fins but not shallow tail fins.  相似文献   
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