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Despite their ecological relevance, field studies of the extraradical mycelia of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi are rare. Here we examined in situ interactions between ECM mycelia and host vigour. Ectomycorrhizal mycelia were harvested with in-growth mesh bags buried under Norway spruce (Picea abies) clones planted in 1994 in a randomized block design. Mycelial biomass was determined and fungal species were identified by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region. Microbial community structure in the mycelium was investigated by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiling. Compared to slow-growing spruce clones, fast-growing clones tended to support denser mycelia where the relative proportions of Atheliaceae fungi and PLFAs indicative of Gram-positive bacteria were higher. Ascomycetes and PLFAs representative of Gram-negative bacteria were more common with slow-growing clones. In general, the ECM mycelial community was similar to the ECM root-tip community. Growth rate of the hosts, the ECM mycelial community and the microbes associated with the mycelium were related, suggesting multitrophic interactions between trees, fungi and bacteria.  相似文献   
Evolution of bacterial genomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review examines evolution of bacterial genomes with an emphasis on RNA based life, the transition to functional DNA and small evolving genomes (possibly plasmids) that led to larger, functional bacterial genomes.  相似文献   
The precipitation of iron sulfides potentially offers enough energy and reducing power to sustain life but organisms harnessing this reaction have not to our knowledge been previously described. We isolated a bacterial strain, capable of forming the iron sulfide minerals troilite (FeS), greigite (Fe3S4), and pyrite (FeS2), from subsurface, microbial mats in Mangalia, Romania. This strain, most closely related to strains of Thiomonas sp., forms pyrite only if the redox conditions remain negative (< ?60 mV), sulfides are provided continually (≈1 mM), and the concentration of iron remains low (≤ 0.08 mM) but constant. Pyrite formation by this microbial strain is proposed as an example of biologically controlled mineralization because it is controlled by uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation, it is larger in living than in dead cells, it is additive (controlled less by the amount of cell surfaces and more by reagents), and it results in the formation of ATP. This study indicates that precipitation and crystal formation can represent an energy resource for life and provides support for the “iron-sulfide world hypothesis” regarding the early evolution of life on Earth.  相似文献   
This paper summarises the experience accumulated duringthe field application of biopreparation `Rhoder' (solely or in a combinationwith preliminary mechanical collection of free oil) for remediation of oil polluted aquatic systems and soils in the Moscow region and Western Siberia during 1994–1999.It was demonstrated that `Rhoder' had a very high efficiency (>99%) for bioremediation of the open aquatic surfaces (100 m2 bay of the River Chernaya, two 5,000 m2 lakes in Vyngayakha) at initial level of oil pollution of 0.4–19.1 g/l. During remediation of the wetland (2,000 m2) in Urai (initial level of oil pollution of 10.5 g/l), a preliminary mechanical collection of oil was applied (75% removal) followed by a triple treatment with `Rhoder'. It resulted in an overall treatment efficiency of 94%. Relatively inferior results of bioremediation of the 10,000 m2 wetland in Vyngayakha (65% removal) and the 1,000 m2 marshy peat soil in Nizhnevartovsk (19% removal) can be attributed to the very high initial level of oil pollution (24.3 g/l and >750 g/g dry matter, respectively) aggravated by the fact that it was impossible to apply a preliminary mechanical collection of oil on these sites. A possible strategy for remediation of such heavily polluted sitesis discussed.  相似文献   
Approximately 15000 L of unleaded gasoline werereleased into the surrounding vadose zone from aleaking underground storage tank. Initialremediation was by soil vapor extraction andcombustion which soon became cost prohibitive, asadded propane was required to reach the combustionlimit of the extracted vapors. As a cost effectivealternative, a field-scale compost based biofilterwas used in conjunction with soil vapor extractionto remediate the vadose zone. The biofilter wasconstructed on site using 4:1 diatomaceousearth:composted horse manure. Results of a fivemonth study showed that the biofilter removedapproximately 90% of total petroleum hydrocarbons(TPH) and >90% of the BTEX compounds (benzene,toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene), achieving thestringent permit requirements set at either 90% TPHreduction or less than 1.36 kg per day of volatileorganic compounds (VOC's) released to theatmosphere. The biofilter showed the capacity toreadily adapt to changing environmental conditionssuch as increased contaminant loading, andvariations in temperature and moisture. Thebacterial population in the biofilter was uniformlydiverse throughout the biofilter, suggesting that aconsortium of bacteria was needed for efficientbiodegradation. The cost of biofilter set up andoperation saved 90% in the first year alone of theoperating expenses incurred by soil vapor extractionand combustion.  相似文献   
目的对杭州地区市售发酵乳制品中分离鉴定的乳酸菌进行耐药传播的安全性分析,旨在揭示发酵乳制品中是否存在可传递耐药基因的超级耐药菌。方法自行分离鉴定的耐药乳酸菌,提取质粒并电泳分析是否存在质粒;以耐受叠氮化钠的大肠埃希菌J53作为受体菌进行质粒接合试验;若乳酸菌存在耐药现象,发现存在耐药质粒,且耐药性可通过质粒传播,评定为3级。乳酸菌存在耐药现象,发现存在耐药质粒,但接合试验未能证明耐药性可通过质粒传播,评定为2级。乳酸菌存在耐药现象,但未检测出耐药质粒,评定为1级。结果美丽健产品中分离的双歧杆菌(MLJ-G-2)和乳杆菌(MLJ-G-1)检测出含有质粒,但不会发生耐药转移,三种菌耐药危害等级分别为2、2、1。伊利产品中分离的双歧杆菌(YL-G-3)、乳杆菌(YL-G-1)、嗜热链球菌(YL-Q)检测出含有质粒,但不会发生耐药转移,四种菌耐药危害等级分别为2、2、1、2。味全产品中分离的双歧杆菌(WQ-G-3)、乳杆菌(WQ-G-1)、乳杆菌(WQ-G-2)、嗜热链球菌(WQ-Q)均检测出含有质粒,其中乳杆菌(WQ-G-1)、乳杆菌(WQ-G-2)会发生耐药转移,四种菌耐药危害等级分别为2、3、3、2。光明产品中分离的乳杆菌(GM-G-2)、乳杆菌(GM-G-3)、嗜热链球菌(GMQ)检测出含有质粒,乳杆菌(GM-G-2)会发生耐药转移,四种菌耐药危害等级分别为2、1、3、2。蒙牛产品中只分离的嗜热链球菌(MN-Q)检测出含有质粒,不会发生耐药转移,耐药危害等级为2。结论发酵乳制品中分离所得的乳酸菌81.2%的菌能检测出质粒,耐药性可能与质粒相关,存在潜在的生物安全威胁;18.8%的菌的耐药性可通过质粒接合发生传播,存在直接的生物安全威胁。  相似文献   
Recent studies have indicated that culturable bacteria constitute highly sensitive bioindicators of metal-induced stress in soil. We report the impact of different copper exposure levels characteristic of contaminated agricultural soils on culturable Pseudomonas spp. in the rhizosphere of sugar beet. We observed that the abundance of Pseudomonas spp. was much more severely affected than that of the general population of culturable heterotrophic bacteria by copper. For diversity assessment, Pseudomonas isolates were divided into operational taxonomic units based on amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis and genomic PCR fingerprinting by universally primed PCR. Copper significantly decreased the diversity of Pseudomonas spp. in the rhizosphere and significantly increased the frequency of copper-resistant isolates. Concomitant chemical and biological analysis of copper in the rhizosphere and in bulk soil extracts indicated no rhizosphere effect and a relatively low copper bioavailability in the studied soil, suggesting that the observed effects of copper may occur at lower total concentrations in other soils. We conclude that culturable Pseudomonas sensu stricto constitutes a highly sensitive and relevant bioindicator group for the impact of copper in the rhizosphere habitat, and suggest that continued application of copper to agricultural soils poses a significant risk to successful rhizosphere colonization by Pseudomonas spp.  相似文献   
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