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为探讨海藻粉和抗菌肽不同添加水平对肉鸡生长性能、免疫器官指数和肠道菌群的影响。选取1日龄体重相近的AA肉鸡504羽,随机分为7个处理,每处理6个重复,每重复12羽。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组在基础日粮中添加不同水平(1.0%、3.0%、5.0%)的海藻粉和抗菌肽(300 mg/kg、600 mg/kg)。试验分前期(1~21 d)和后期(22~42 d)共42 d。结果表明:(1)添加不同水平的海藻粉对前期、后期和全期肉鸡的料重比有显著影响(P0.05);对21日龄肉鸡的脾脏指数和胸腺指数及对42日龄肉鸡的法氏囊指数差异显著(P0.05);降低了21日龄和42日龄肉鸡盲肠大肠杆菌的数量(P0.05),增加了盲肠乳酸菌的数量(P0.05)。(2)添加不同水平的抗菌肽对后期和全期肉鸡的料重比有显著差异(P0.05);对21日龄肉鸡的脾脏指数和胸腺指数及对42日龄肉鸡的法氏囊指数差异显著(P0.05);降低了21日龄和42日龄肉鸡盲肠大肠杆菌的数量(P0.05),增加了盲肠乳酸菌的数量(P0.05)。(3)海藻粉和抗菌肽交互作用对前期、后期和全期肉鸡的料重比有明显影响(P0.05);对21日龄肉鸡的脾脏指数和胸腺指数及对42日龄肉鸡的法氏囊指数差异显著(P0.05);降低了21日龄和42日龄肉鸡盲肠大肠杆菌的数量(P0.05),增加了盲肠乳酸菌的数量(P0.05)。本研究得出以下结论,海藻粉和抗菌肽能促进肉鸡生长,提高肉鸡免疫器官指数和改善肠道菌群,且二者间存在协同效应,添加5%的海藻粉和300 mg/kg抗菌肽综合效果最佳。  相似文献   
The cultivation of shiitake mushroom (Lentinus edodes) is increasing rapidly in Bangladesh due to its nutritional and medicinal importance with excellent flavor and longer shelf life. With the aim of increased production, we have cultivated L. edodes on saw dust (SD) supplemented with different levels (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 40%) of wheat bran (WB), rice bran (RB), maize powder (MP) and their combination (WB+RB+MP = 1:1:1) to investigate the growth, yield and quality of this mushroom. Most of the growth, yield and quality parameters varied significantly when mushrooms were cultivated with different levels of supplementation. The yield of mushroom was increased with the level of each supplementation upto a certain level, and then decreased. SD supplemented with 25% WB produced the highest number of fruiting bodies (34.8/500 g packet), highest biological yield (153.3/500 g packet), and biological efficiency (76.6%) of L. edodes. But the yield of the best quality mushroom was observed on SD with 40% WB supplementation; however, the qualities were not always supplementation dose dependent. In this study, we report that 25% WB supplementation with SD may be very effective for higher yield and 40% WB supplementation for better quality of L. edodes.  相似文献   
Vanadium has been reported to have broad pharmacological activity both in vitro and in vivo. Vanadium compound, sodium orthovanadate, Na3VO4, is well known for its hypoglycaemic effects. However, Na3VO4 exerts these effects at relatively high doses (0.6 mg/ml) and exhibit several toxic effects. In the present study lower doses of Na3VO4 (0.2 mg/ml) are combined with Trigonella foenum graecum seed powder (TSP), another hypoglycaemic agent, to reduce its toxicity without compromising its antidiabetic potential. The efficacy of the lower doses of Na3VO4 has been investigated in restoring the altered glucose metabolism and histological structure in the sciatic nerves in 21 and 60 days alloxan diabetic rats. A portion of the glucose was found to be channelled from the normal glycolytic route to polyol pathway, evident by the reduced hexokinase activity and increased polyol pathway enzymes aldose reductase and sorbitol dehydrogenase activity causing accumulation of sorbitol and fructose in diabetic conditions. Ultrastructural observation of the sciatic nerve showed extensive demylination and axonal loss after eight weeks of diabetes induction. Blood glucose levels increased in diabetic rats were normalized with the lower dose of vanadium and Trigonella treatment. The treatment of the diabetic rats with vanadium and Trigonella prevented the activation of the polyol pathway and sugar accumulations. The sciatic nerves were also protected against the structural abnormalities found in diabetes with Trigonella foenum graecum as well as Na3VO4. Results suggest that lower doses of Na3VO4 may be used in combination with TSP as an efficient antidiabetic agent to effectively control the long-term complications of diabetes in tissues like peripheral nerve.  相似文献   
马尾松(Pinus massoniana)为重庆的重要乡土树种和主要造林树种,担负着特殊而重要的生态环境保全功能,但在酸雨的长期影响下,其健康状况持续低下。为探究不同剂量石灰石粉对马尾松细根生长的影响,给受害马尾松纯林的恢复与管理提供科学依据,2004年5月在属于酸雨区的重庆市江北区铁山坪林场,采用随机区组设计,设立在马尾松纯林酸化土壤表面一次性撒施石灰石粉0(不撒施对照)、1、2、3,4t/hm2 5个处理的长期定位观测试验。2006年10月的监测结果表明,与对照相比,撒施石灰石粉可明显促进腐殖质层和0-20、20-40、40-60cm土层马尾松细根的生长(P < 0.05),尤其是改善腐殖质层和20-40、40-60cm的根量,在腐殖质层和0-60cm马尾松细根的干重总密度、长度总密度、表面积总密度、体积总密度和根尖总密度与对照各项密度指标对应值的比值,1t/hm2下分别为1.53、1.34、1.39、1.24,1.48,2t/hm2下分别为2.05、1.83、1.94、1.79,2.04,3t/hm2下分别为2.17、2.02、2.02、1.78,2.32,4t/hm2下分别为2.68、2.52、2.62、3.70和2.71,改善效果总体上随撒施剂量增大而增强。从有限时间(2-3a)内观测的根系生长改善效果与经济投入的比值来看,建议一次性撒施的最佳剂量为2t/hm2,但在考虑时间加长情况下,效果最好和最经济的剂量还有待后续研究。  相似文献   
目的:利用喷雾干燥工艺制备芽孢杆菌dhs-330-021菌粉,并研究菌粉的活性及稳定性。方法:以脱脂乳、海藻糖、β-环糊精和谷氨酸钠为保护剂,采用喷雾干燥(条件为:进口温度100℃,出口温度50~60℃,进样速度2~4mL/min)制备芽孢杆菌菌粉,以喷干存活率和菌粉活菌数为指标,选择最佳制备条件。结果:获得喷干保护剂配方为脱脂乳10.0%、海藻糖6.0%、β-环糊精13.0%、谷氨酸钠15.0%,喷干存活率为65.9%,菌粉活菌数为1.38×109CFU/g,存放180 d后菌粉活菌数为1.03×10~9CFU/g。结论:喷雾干燥工艺可以用于芽孢杆菌dhs-330-021菌粉的制备,获得的菌粉稳定性较好。  相似文献   
A panel of geochemical techniques is used here to investigate the taphonomy of fossil feathers preserved in association with the skeleton of the Jurassic theropod Anchiornis huxleyi. Extant feathers were analysed in parallel to test whether the soft tissues morphologically preserved in the fossil also exhibit a high degree of chemical preservation. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) indicate that clays and iron oxide pseudomorphs occur in the surrounding sediment and also reveal the preservation of melanosome-like microbodies in the fossil. Carbon gradient along a depth profile and co-occurrence of carbon and sulphur are shown in the fossil by elastic backscattering (EBS) and particle-induced x-ray emission (PIXE), which are promising techniques for the elemental analysis of fossil soft tissues. The molecular composition of modern and fossil soft tissues was assessed from micro-attenuated total reflectance fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (micro-ATR FTIR), solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (CP-MAS 13C NMR) and pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry in the presence of TMAH (TMAH-Py-GC-MS). Results indicate that the proteinaceous material that comprises the modern feathers is not present in the fossil feathers. The fossil feathers and the embedding sediment exhibit a highly aliphatic character. However, substantial differences exist between these samples, revealing that the organic matter of the fossil feathers is, at least partially, derived from original constituents of the feathers. Our results suggest that, despite the morphological preservation of Anchiornis feathers, original proteins, that is keratin, were probably not preserved in the 160-myr-old feathers.  相似文献   
【背景】投加微生物菌剂是强化生物处理效能的重要手段,反硝化是污水脱氮除磷的关键步骤,但目前对于反硝化微生物菌剂相关的研究报道较少。【目的】驯化高效反硝化聚磷菌菌剂,并对系统进行生物强化。【方法】采用两阶段法快速富集反硝化聚磷菌,筛选高效脱氮除磷功能菌株NC1-1并进行鉴定,以NC1-1为菌种来源制备干粉菌剂,研究菌剂强化A2SBR系统污水处理效果。【结果】历经36 d后反硝化聚磷菌富集成功,菌株NC1-1经鉴定属于戈登氏菌属,其脱氮除磷率分别为89.46%和91.68%。麦麸、玉米粉配比为85%:15%、NC1-1投菌量为20 mL、发酵液用量20 mL的条件下成功制得干粉菌剂,干粉菌剂最佳投加量为10%的A2SBR系统总磷(total phosphorus,TP)和NO3--N去除率比未投加菌剂的A2SBR系统提高12.06%和11.52%。【结论】菌剂NC1-1的投加使A2SBR系统的污染物去除效能进一步提高,研究结果为进一步研究反硝化聚磷菌菌剂提供了...  相似文献   



将SPF级C57BL/6J小鼠分为空白对照组、蒜氨酸组、大蒜辣素组和大蒜粉组, 每组10只。空白对照组小鼠灌服蒸馏水30 d, 蒜氨酸组、大蒜辣素组、大蒜粉组小鼠灌服不同浓度的受试物溶液30 d, 采用16S rDNA实时荧光定量PCR检测实验前后小鼠粪便样本中乳杆菌、双歧杆菌、肠杆菌、肠球菌、产气荚膜梭菌水平变化。


给药30 d后, 与空白对照组相比、实验前后自身对比, 蒜氨酸组、大蒜辣素组、大蒜粉组小鼠的肠杆菌、肠球菌水平无明显变化; 乳杆菌、双歧杆菌水平显著增加; 产气荚膜梭菌水平显著降低。


蒜氨酸、大蒜辣素、大蒜粉对肠道菌群具有有益的调节作用, 是一种良好的天然有益于肠道菌群的食品。

Over the course of the last two decades, the understanding of the early evolution of feathers in nonavian dinosaurs has been revolutionized. It is now recognized that early feathers had a simple form comparable in general structure to the hairs of mammals. Insight into the prevalence of simple feathers throughout the dinosaur family tree has gradually arisen in tandem with the growing evidence for endothermic dinosaur metabolisms. This has led to the generally accepted opinion that the early feather coats of dinosaurs functioned as thermo insulation. However, thermo insulation is often erroneously stated to be a likely functional explanation for the origin of feathers. The problem with this explanation is that, like mammalian hair, simple feathers could serve as insulation only when present in sufficiently high concentrations. The theory therefore necessitates the origination of feathers en masse. We advocate for a novel origin theory of feathers as bristles. Bristles are facial feathers common among modern birds that function like mammalian tactile whiskers, and are frequently simple and hair‐like in form. Bristles serve their role in low concentrations, and therefore offer a feasible first stage in feather evolution.  相似文献   
In this paper it is described for the first time the capability of Myrothecium verrucaria to grow in submerged and solid state cultures using poultry feathers as the only substrate. The fungus produced a protease with an unusual keratinolytic activity among plant pathogenic fungi. Its crude protease hydrolyzed keratinous substrates at pH 9.0 and 40 °C in the following order: poultry feather keratin > sheep wool keratin > human nail keratin > human hair keratin. Protease activity was highly sensitive to phenylmethyl sulphonyl fluoride (PMSF) indicating that the enzyme belonged to the serine protease family.  相似文献   
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