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应用紫外诱变技术对溶藻菌株NP23进行紫外诱变处理。经过粗筛后,从8株诱变株中选出2株对绿藻中小球藻和蓝藻中惠氏微囊藻的去除效果明显优于原始菌株的突变株NP23-1和NP23-4,其溶藻率(叶绿素a的去除率)比原始菌株提高30%-35%。连续6代测试,2株诱变菌株NP23-1和NP23-4溶藻率都很稳定,表明所得突变株是比原始菌株更优秀的溶藻菌株。  相似文献   
Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a potentially lethal autoimmune mucocutaneous blistering disease characterized by binding of IgG autoantibodies (AuAbs) to keratinocytes (KCs). In addition to AuAbs against adhesion molecules desmogleins 1 and 3, PV patients also produce an AuAb against the M3 muscarinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor (M3AR) that plays an important role in regulation of vital functions of KCs upon binding endogenous ACh. This anti-M3AR AuAb is pathogenic because its adsorption eliminates the acantholytic activity of PV IgG; however, the molecular mechanism of its action is unclear. In the present study, we sought to elucidate the mode of immunopharmacologic action of the anti-M3AR AuAb in PV. Short-term exposures of cultured KCs to PV IgG or the muscarinic agonist muscarine both induced changes in the expression of keratins 5 and 10, consistent with the inhibition of proliferation and upregulated differentiation and in keeping with the biological function of M3AR. In contrast, long-term incubations induced a keratin expression pattern consistent with upregulated proliferation and decreased differentiation, in keeping with the hyperproliferative state of KCs in PV. This change could result from desensitization of the M3AR, representing the net antagonist-like effect of the AuAb. Therefore, chronic exposure of KCs to the anti-M3AR AuAb interrupts the physiological regulation of KCs by endogenous ACh, contributing to the onset of acantholysis. Since cholinergic agents have already demonstrated antiacantholytic activity in a mouse model of PV and in PV patients, our results have translational significance and can guide future development of therapies for PV patients employing cholinergic drugs.  相似文献   
Infection of bean leaves by Colletotrichum lundemuthianum causes vein necrosis and subsequent localized wilting of the blade. The effect of infection on photosynthesis was investigated by imaging leaf chlorophyll fluorescence as a means of mapping stomatal and metabolic inhibition of photosynthesis. During infection, CO2 assimilation (An), stomatal conductance to water vapour, and photosynthetic electron transport rate (Jt) decreased, whereas dark respiration increased. An decreased more than was expected from the reduction in green leaf area, showing that photosynthesis was inhibited in apparently healthy areas. Under subsaturating irradiance, images of Jt in air showed that photosynthesis decreased gradually, with this effect shifting from green to necrotic areas. Sudden increase in CO2 concentration to 0·74% in the atmosphere around the leaf only partially reversed this inhibition, showing that both stomatal and metabolic inhibition occurred. Under limiting irradiance, decreases in Jt and in maximal Jt during high CO2 exposure as leaf damage severity increased suggested that metabolic inhibition was mediated through an inhibition of Ribulose 1·5‐bisphosphate (RuBP) regeneration. Finally, the importance of our data in terms of assessing the loss of photosynthetic yield from visible symptoms – as is currently performed in epidemiology – is discussed.  相似文献   
A leaf curl disease with symptoms typical of begomoviruses was observed in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) at the Main Research Farm of the Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur, India. Infected plants had severe distortion of leaves and the plants were unproductive. PCR indicated the involvement of French bean leaf curl virus (JQ866297), a recently described Begomovirus, and Tomato leaf curl Gujarat virus (ToLCGV). The full‐length genome of ToLCGV associated with leaf curl disease of bean was 2757 nucleotides long and had maximum identity (97–98%) with seven isolates of ToLCGV (AY234383, AF449999, EU573714, GQ994098, AY190290, FR819708, AF413671) and is designated as Tomato leaf curl Gujarat virus‐(IN:Knp:Bean:2013) (KF440686). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first record of ToLCGV infecting a leguminous host, P. vulgaris.  相似文献   
Iron absorption in the presence of varying amounts and sizes of dietary fiber was measured. A method using non-everted rat intestinal segments perfused in oxygen was refined. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF), a component of dietary fiber, was extracted from cooked pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). The NDF did not affect iron absorption in intestinal segments from iron replete rats. However, 4 and 6 mg of NDF/ml significantly decreased iron absorption in the intestinal segments from anemic rats. NDF with a smaller particle size of 0.125 mm increased iron absorption relative to that absorbed with 0.180 mm particles. Histological examination validated using non-everted intestinal segments perfused with oxygen as a method for studying dietary effects on iron absorption. Segments which are not everted are less prone to damage. Perfusion with oxygen maintained metabolic activity in the tissue during the experiment.  相似文献   
夏枯草药材和种植土壤中农药及重金属残留分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用气相色谱及ICP-AES法测定了安徽庐江和江苏洪泽2个种植基地的土壤和夏枯草(Prunella vulgaris L.)果穗及全草中有机氯农药及重金属含量,并根据污染指数和相关标准对土壤及药材的安全性进行了评价.测定结果表明:来源于2个基地的土壤及药材中有机氯农药及重金属含量有明显差异.庐江产果穗和全草中Pb、Cd、Cu、Cr、As及BHC含量分别为3.361和3.953、0.172和0.190、8.258和7.722、3.423和2.658、0.284和0.355、0.003和0.004 mg·kg-1,Hg和DDT未检出;洪泽产果穗和全草中Pb、Cd、Cu、Cr、Hg及BHC含量分别为2.399和1.558、0.155和0.111、7.682和6.756、4.259和3.801、0.077和0.102、0.003和0.006 mg·kg-1,As未检出,果穗中也未检出DDT.庐江基地土壤中Cd、Cu、Cr、As、Hg、BHC和DDT含量分别为0.001、12.943、47.417、1.008、0.003、0.003和0.002 mg·kg-1,Pb未检出;洪泽基地土壤中Pb、Cd、Cu、Cr、As、Hg和BHC含量分别为3.443、0.002、18.655、63.385、3.701、0.141和0.004 mg·kg-1,DDT未检出.比较结果表明:夏枯草果穗中重金属残留量均高于全草,但均低于国家限量标准;土壤中有机氯农药及重金属单项污染指数均小于1,且庐江和洪泽基地土壤的综合污染指数分别为0.286和0.399,因此,土壤污染等级属安全级且污染水平为清洁级.  相似文献   
Prior intracellular recording and labeling experiments have documented local-circuit and projection neurons in the spinal trigeminal (V) nucleus with axons that arborize in more rostral and caudal spinal trigeminal subnuclei and nucleus principalis. Anterograde tracing studies were therefore carried out to assess the origin, extent, distribution, and morphology of such intersubnuclear axons in the rat trigeminal brainstem nuclear complex (TBNC). Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) was used as the anterograde marker because of its high sensitivity and the morphological detail provided. Injections restricted to TBNC subnucleus caudalis resulted in dense terminal labeling in each of the more rostral ipsilateral subnuclei. Subnucleus interpolaris projected ipsilaterally and heavily to magnocellular portions of subnucleus caudalis, as well as subnucleus oralis and nucleus principalis. Nucleus principalis, on the other hand, had only a sparse projection to each of the caudal ipsilateral subnuclei. Intersubnuclear axons most frequently traveled in the deep bundles within the TBNC, the V spinal tract, and the reticular formation. They gave rise to a number of circumscribed, highly branched arbors with many boutons of the terminal and en passant types.

Retrograde single- or multiple-labeling experiments assessed the cells giving rise to TBNC intersubnuclear collaterals. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and/or fluorescent tracer injections into the thalamus, colliculus, cerebellum, nucleus principalis, and/or subnucleus caudalis revealed large numbers of neurons in subnuclei caudalis, interpolaris, and oralis projecting to the region of nucleus principalis. Cells projecting to more caudal spinal trigeminal regions were most numerous in subnuclei interpolaris and oralis. Some cells in lamina V of subnucleus caudalis and in subnuclei interpolaris and oralis projected to thalamus and/or colliculus, as well as other TBNC subnuclei. Such collateral projections were rare in nucleus principalis and more superficial laminae of subnucleus caudalis. TBNC cells labeled by cerebellar injections were not double-labeled by tracer injections into the thalamus, colliculus, or TBNC.

These findings lend generality to currently available data obtained with intracellular recording and HRP labeling methods, and suggest that most intersubnuclear axons originate in TBNC local-circuit neurons, though some originate in cells that project to midbrain and/or diencephalon.  相似文献   
【背景】从海南热带海区中分离得到一株微藻,其生长速度快、适应力强,经鉴定该微藻为普通小球藻。【目的】提高热带普通小球藻的生长速率。【方法】以"宁波大学3#微藻培养液配方"为基础培养液,分别添加有机碳(C6H12O6和CH3COONa)对热带普通小球藻进行自养、兼养及异养培养,获得促进热带普通小球藻快速生长的培养方式。在"宁波大学3#微藻培养液配方"的基础上对热带普通小球藻的兼养培养基配方进行优化,并用优化兼养培养基与"宁波大学3#微藻培养基"对比培养热带普通小球藻。【结果】添加6 g/L CH3COONa的兼养模式促进热带普通小球藻生长效果最好;优化的兼养培养基配方为:6 g/L CH3COONa,20 mg/L(NH4)2SO4-N,5 mg/L Na H2PO4-P,3 mg/L Fe SO4-Fe,1 mg/L Vitamin B1和0.000 5 mg/L Vitamin B12。对比培养实验结果显示,培养第6天,兼养培养液收获的生物量(细胞密度)达4.20×107 cells/m L,是"宁波大学3#配方微藻培养液"的2.30倍。【结论】兼养培养模式为热带普通小球藻的最佳培养模式,优化的兼养培养基极显著地提高了热带普通小球藻的生物量(P0.01)。  相似文献   
I studied the influence of gibberellic acid (GA3) treatment in a field population of common bean on plant tolerance to leaf removal. Individual bean seedlings were treated with a foliar application of 10 μM GA3 on day 7 and day 14 after emergence, which led to a significant increase in height in GA3-treated plants. Twenty-eight days after emergence, either zero, one, two, or three leaflets from each trifoliate leaf were removed from each of 20 GA3-treated and 20 control plants. All pods were harvested from each plant after plants became senescent 6 weeks later. Multivariate analyses revealed that leaf removal produced significant reductions in several yield components in both GA3-treated and control plants, although the effects were not pronounced until at least two leaflets from each trifoliate leaf (67% of the total leaf area) were removed. However, GA3-treated plants suffered greater reductions in total pod wall mass and total seed number than control plants after 33 and 67% leaf area removal. These results indicate that GA3 treatment may have altered the assimilatory capacity or resource allocation pattern of treated plants in such a way as to decrease their ability to tolerate leaf removal, a negative consequence of the hormonal alteration of traits important to plant compensation for biotic stressors. Received December 6, 1996; accepted March 5, 1997  相似文献   
The chemical composition, antioxidant, cytotoxic, anticholinesterase and anti‐tyrosinase activities of the hydrodistilled essential oil of the aerial parts of Beta vulgaris subsp. maritime (L.) Arcang . from Tunisia have been evaluated. The chemical composition of the oil (yield 0.037% [w/w]), determined by GC‐FID and GC/MS is reported for the first time. Twenty five components, accounting for 98.1% of the total oil have been identified. The oil was characterized by a high proportion of oxygenated sesquiterpenes (39.2%), followed by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (30.3%) and one apocarotenoids (26.3%). The main compounds were γ‐irone (26.3%), α‐cadinol (12.1%), T‐cadinol (10.6%), bicyclogermacrene (10.4%) and δ‐cadinene (6.0%). The isolated oil was tested for its antioxidant activity using the DPPH·, ABTS, catalase, and paraoxonase assays and also for its cytotoxic, anticholinesterase, and anti‐tyrosinase activities. The essential oil exhibited high antioxidant activity (IC50 = 0.055 ± 0.006 mg/ml) and important result oncatalase (524.447 ± 2.58 Units/mg protein). Furthermore, it exerted a significant cytotoxic effect against A549 cell line, with IC50 = 42.44 ± 1.40 μg/ml. The results indicate that the essential oil of Bvulgaris subsp. maritima (L.) Arcang . aerial parts may be used in future as an alternative to synthetic antioxidant agents, with potential application in the food and pharmaceutical industries.  相似文献   
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