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Wetland restoration efforts require practical models for predicting the effects of various measures on ecosystem structure and function. The present study examined the species diversity and abundance of macrophytes in relation to hydrological parameters in the Alluvial Zone National Park along the Austrian Danube with a main focus on the Lobau, an urban riverine wetland within the city limits of Vienna. A macrophyte regression model was developed based on the output of a 2D hydraulic model for different wetland management options. These management options describe possible rehabilitation measures by re-connecting the riverine wetland with the Danube. Stepwise multiple regressions revealed that the most important predictors of macrophyte diversity and abundance were water velocity at bankfull discharge (maximum water velocity) and size of shallow water areas (<1 m depth) during the growing season. Macrophyte abundance and diversity increased with decreasing water velocity and increasing shallow water area. These parameters integrate information about environmental features such as nutrients, light availability and hydrological disturbance for macrophytes and explained between 65 and 85% of the macrophyte distribution in an analysis. The model results enabled us to predict quantitatively the development and spatial distribution of macrophytes for different management options in this urban riverine wetland. These predictions suggest that partial reconnection could be a compromise solution at the scale of the whole riverine wetland, increasing the availability of suitable aquatic habitats and diversifying the types of existing wetland water bodies to establish potential new habitats for macrophyte species.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Synorganisation of floral organs, an important means in angiosperm flower evolution, is mostly realized by congenital or post-genital organ fusion. Intimate synorganisation of many floral organs without fusion, as present in Geranium robertianum, is poorly known and needs to be studied. Obdiplostemony, the seemingly reversed position of two stamen whorls, widely distributed in core eudicots, has been the subject of much attention, but there is confusion in the literature. Obdiplostemony occurs in Geranium and whether and how it is involved in this synorganisation is explored here.


Floral development and architecture were studied with light microscopy based on microtome section series and with scanning electron microscopy.

Key Results

Intimate synorganisation of floral organs is effected by the formation of five separate nectar canals for the proboscis of pollinators. Each nectar canal is formed by six adjacent organs from four organ whorls. In addition, the sepals are hooked together by the formation of longitudinal ribs and grooves, and provide a firm scaffold for the canals. Obdiplostemony provides a guide rail within each canal formed by the flanks of the antepetalous stamen filaments.


Intimate synorganisation in flowers can be realized without any fusion, and obdiplostemony may play a role in this synorganisation.  相似文献   
Needle primordia in buds and branch lengths were assessed in the crown of a plantation-grown white spruce tree. There was a gradation in needle primordia in buds in branches within the crown. The largest number of primordia was in the terminal bud of the leading main stem shoot, with the number in first-order whorl lateral shoot terminal buds decreasing from whorl 1 to whorl 4, below which buds contained a similar small number of primordia (about one-third as many as in the terminal shoot). Previous year's shoot elongation followed a similar pattern (i.e., elongation of whorl branches was greater closer to the top of the tree and elongation in the fourth through ninth whorls was about one-third that of the main stem leader). Higher order branches within whorls had within-branch gradation in shoot elongation and number of needle primordia, with older branches having as few as 16–30 primordia in buds and 3–4 cm elongation for high-order branches on older main stem whorls. There were strong correlations between the number of primordia in branch terminal buds and branch length/diameter and bud length/diameter/volume. In both black spruce and white spruce, there were strong correlations of number of needle primordia in main stem leader terminal buds with number of needle primordia in terminal buds of first and second whorl leaders.  相似文献   
王越  林箐 《生物信息学》2018,25(7):77-83
为研究中国先进的城乡绿地规划理念与建设成果,选取上海为研究对象,以城市建设背景变化及绿地格局重大变革为转折,将城乡绿地网络建设划分为6个阶段,通过历史地图、统计资料的收集及田野调查,重点梳理绿地网络规划建设历史进程并对比6个阶段绿地建设的时代背景、规划编制、规划布局及建设成果,进而从经济支持、政策引导和事件推动3方面探讨绿地建设主要驱动力。由此总结上海城乡绿地网络主要特征及控制、连接、拓展、更新和融合五大整合策略,为其他城市绿地建设提供理论依据。  相似文献   
The hydraulic conductivities of excised whole root systems of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Atou) and of single excised roots of wheat and maize (Zea mays L. cv. Passat) were measured using an osmotically induced back-flow technique. Ninety minutes after excision the values for single excised roots ranged from 1.6·10-8 to 5.5·10-8 m·s-1·MPa-1 in wheat and from 0.9·10-8 to 4.8·10-8 m·s-1·MPa-1 in maize. The main source of variation was a decrease in the value as root length increased. The hydraulic conductivities of whole root systems, but not of single excised roots, were smaller 15 h after excision. This was not caused by occlusion of the xylem at the cut end of the coleoptile. The hydraulic conductivities of epidermal, cortical and endodermal cells were measured using a pressure probe. Epidermal and cortical cells of both wheat and maize roots gave mean values of 1.2·10-7 m·s-1·MPa-1 but in endodermal cells (measured only in wheat) the mean value was 0.5·10-7 m·s-1·MPa-1. The cellular hydraulic conductivities were used to calculate the root hydraulic conductivities expected if water flow across the root was via transcellular (vacuole-to-vacuole), apoplasmic or symplasmic pathways. The results indicate that, in freshly excised roots, the bulk of water flow is unlikely to be via the transcellular pathway. This is in contrast to our previous conclusion (H. Jones, A.D. Tomos, R.A. Leigh and R.G. Wyn Jones 1983, Planta 158, 230–236) which was based on results obtained with whole root systems of wheat measured 14–15 h after excision and which probably gave artefactually low values for root hydraulic conductivity. It is now concluded that, near the root tip, water flow could be through a symplasmic pathway in which the only substantial resistances to water flow are provided by the outer epidermal and the inner endodermal plasma membranes. Further from the tip, the measured hydraulic conductivities of the roots are consistent with flow either through the symplasmic or apoplasmic pathways.Symbols L p, cell cell hydraulic conductivity - L p, root root hydraulic conductivity - L p, root calculated root hydraulic conductivity - root reflection coefficient  相似文献   
Population subdivision and migration are generally considered to be important causes of linkage disequilibrium (LD). We explore the combined effects of recombination and gene flow on the amount of LD, the maintenance of polymorphism, and the degree of local adaptation in a subdivided population by analyzing a diploid, deterministic continent–island model with genic selection on two linked loci (i.e., no dominance or epistasis). For this simple model, we characterize explicitly all possible equilibrium configurations. Simple and intuitive approximations for many quantities of interest are obtained in limiting cases, such as weak migration, weak selection, weak or strong recombination. For instance, we derive explicit expressions for the measures and r2 (the squared correlation in allelic state) of LD. They depend in qualitatively different ways on the migration rate. Remarkably high values of r2 are maintained between weakly linked loci, especially if gene flow is low. We determine how the maximum amount of gene flow that admits preservation of the locally adapted haplotype, hence of polymorphism at both loci, depends on recombination rate and selection coefficients. We also investigate the evolution of differentiation by examining the invasion of beneficial mutants of small effect that are linked to an already present, locally adapted allele. Mutants of much smaller effect can invade successfully than predicted by naive single-locus theory provided they are at least weakly linked. Finally, the influence of linkage on the degree of local adaptation, the migration load, and the effective migration rate at a neutral locus is explored. We discuss possible consequences for the evolution of genetic architecture, in particular, for the emergence of clusters of tightly linked, slightly beneficial mutations and the evolution of recombination and chromosome inversions.  相似文献   
采用营养液水培的方法,以“改良毛粉802F1”番茄为材料,硝普钠(sodiumnitroprusside,sNP)为一氧化氮(N0)供体,研究外源N0对铜胁迫下番茄幼苗根系构型及其超微结构的影响。结果表明,50μmol·L-1的铜胁迫下,外施100μmol·L-1 SNP能够显著增加番茄幼苗植株的生物量、株高和茎粗,提高根系活力,改善根系构型中的根长度、根平均直径、根表面积和根体积,缓解番茄幼苗亚细胞结构(细胞核、线粒体、叶绿体、液泡、核膜)的改变,维持番茄幼苗组织结构的稳定,减缓铜胁迫对植株生长的抑制作用,添加NO清除剂牛血红蛋白后,能显著消除NO的缓解效果。  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Interactions between roots and soil microbes are critical components of below-ground ecology. It is essential to quantify the magnitude of root trait variation both among and within species, including variation due to plasticity. In addition to contextualizing the magnitude of plasticity relative to differences between species, studies of plasticity can ascertain if plasticity is predictable and whether an environmental factor elicits changes in traits that are functionally advantageous.


To compare functional traits and trait plasticities in fine root tissues with natural and reduced levels of colonization by microbial symbionts, trimmed and surface-sterilized root segments of 2-year-old Acer rubrum and Quercus rubra seedlings were manipulated. Segments were then replanted into satellite pots filled with control or heat-treated soil, both originally derived from a natural forest. Mycorrhizal colonization was near zero in roots grown in heat-treated soil; roots grown in control soil matched the higher colonization levels observed in unmanipulated root samples collected from field locations.

Key Results

Between-treatment comparisons revealed negligible plasticity for root diameter, branching intensity and nitrogen concentration across both species. Roots from treated soils had decreased tissue density (approx. 10–20 %) and increased specific root length (approx. 10–30 %). In contrast, species differences were significant and greater than treatment effects in traits other than tissue density. Interspecific trait differences were also significant in field samples, which generally resembled greenhouse samples.


The combination of experimental and field approaches was useful for contextualizing trait plasticity in comparison with inter- and intra-specific trait variation. Findings that root traits are largely species dependent, with the exception of root tissue density, are discussed in the context of current literature on root trait variation, interactions with symbionts and recent progress in standardization of methods for quantifying root traits.  相似文献   
Starvation is not a prerequisite for the formation of aerobic granules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Activated sludge with sludge volume index (SVI)30 of 77 ml g−1 and SVI30 of 433 ml g−1 was inoculated to start up reactors R1 and R2, respectively. In both R1 and R2, cycle time of 1 h and the influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations of 1,000 mg l−1 were employed. Initial settling time of 2 min resulted in the loss of a substantial amount of biomass as wash-out and high effluent COD concentrations within the first week of operation. This implied that there was no starvation phase in each cycle of R1 and R2 during the first week of operation. However, aerobic granules with a size above 400 μm formed by day 7. Thus, it was concluded that starvation was not a prerequisite for the formation of aerobic granules. When cycle time was 1 h, the instability of aerobic granules was observed. When cycle time was prolonged to 1.5 h and granular sludge of 200 ml was used to start up reactor R3, the reactor R3 reached steady state within 1 week. SVI, size, and the morphology of granular sludge in R3 remained stable during the 47-day operation, which indicated that prolonged starvation time had positive effects on the stability of aerobic granules.  相似文献   
  • 1 The rosy apple aphid Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini) (Homoptera: Aphididae) is a pest of economic importance to the apple industry worldwide, particularly in organic apple orchards where no acceptable controls are available. In the Similkameen Valley of British Columbia, Canada, the rosy apple aphid population size varies widely between orchards and between years. To explain this variation, potential environmental correlates of aphid density were evaluated. The architecture of the alternate host was also evaluated for its effect on rosy apple aphid summer survival and reproduction.
  • 2 The percentage of trees infested by rosy apple aphids among orchards was in the range 8–94% for trees having at least one cluster with more than ten aphids in 2007 and in the range 0–39% in 2008.
  • 3 A general linear model correlating aphid densities to the environmental variables of abundance of the alternate host (plantain Plantago spp.), foliar nitrogen, tree age and planting density, and reduced by stepwise regression, indicated that foliar nitrogen and tree age explained 33% of the variation. Abundance of the summer, alternate food plant, plantain, was not related to later aphid densities on apple trees.
  • 4 Plantain architecture, however, influenced aphid numbers and 25‐fold more aphids were found on low‐lying plantain leaves than on more upright leaves. Experimental manipulation of leaf angle and leaf size showed that significantly more aphids occurred on low angle, large leaves. Finally, mowing that encouraged low lying plants prior to spring aphid migration was associated with a four‐fold greater number of both winged and wingless aphids on the plantain.
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