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周宏俊  宋霖  黄晓 《生物信息学》2018,25(11):23-28
以寄畅园的借景为研究对象,在分析寄畅园外部山林地造园环境的基础上,剖析寄畅园借景的景观与空间特征,以及这一借景景观与地形环境的关联性,揭示水系山势纵横之间的正面全景与侧面景深的组合关系,并在对拙政园、赖久寺庭园等中日园林布局的例证分析中,展现所隐含的山水因借的布局模式。同时梳理历史文献中关于寄畅园借景的变迁过程,指明园林布局对借景变迁的影响。  相似文献   
绿色校园建设是推进校园可持续发展、促进环境教育开展的校园重要建设工作之一。校园绿地是校园环境营造与教育功能表现的重要载体,也是绿色校园建设的直接体现。在分析《绿色校园评价标准》中对校园绿地建设评价指标的基础上,以北京林业大学为例,将校园绿地建设现状与指标要求进行对比。认为北京林业大学校园绿地建设在校园绿地总体规划、校园绿地营造、校园植物配置3个层面不仅满足指标要求,也形成了自身校园绿地建设特点,包括以植物观赏型绿地为基底、结合互动参与型与科教示范型绿地的建设体系,与科教场所相得益彰、与生活空间相互渗透、与实习基地相辅相成的3种特色绿地营造形式,以及植物与地形、道路结合形成特色的校园植物景观空间。通过以上研究,希望对当前绿色校园视角下的校园绿地建设提供借鉴,同时提出北京林业大学校园绿地未来的建设愿景与方向。  相似文献   
近年,随着国土自然和文化资源保护意识的成熟,有关“国家公园”概念内涵、建设标准、运营体制等问题的讨论日益激烈。中国的“国家公园”思想可追溯至近代。本文考证了近代报刊、报告和书籍等史料,厘清了近代“国家公园”思想“传播—引介—转译”的演进历程及分期特征。结合境外(美国、英国、日本等)的实证案例和境内(太湖、庐山等)的早期构想,分析了近代“国家公园”中国化的认知与实践。以期追溯“国家公园”的发展源头,梳理其发展脉络,给现今的讨论提供历史参考和判断依据。  相似文献   
生态认知视角下的校园雨水花园设计旨在探讨生态语境下校园景观的教育作用。环境教育中的无意识教育方式是通过环境的感染力潜移默化影响受育者,无意识教育方式为受育者提供的开放性、自主性和互动性的教育途径更能深刻影响受育者的认知。基于生态认知的校园雨水花园设计以无意识环境教育思想为指导,运用生态显露设计,以可视化雨水路径刻画雨水生态特征,以满足花园功能、技术和艺术要求且实现可视化雨水路径的空间设计与艺术品质,创造雨水花园的张力场效应和感染力,如空间秩序、材质对比、色彩运用以及空间的愉悦体验等,以促进生态的无意识教育  相似文献   
Plants depend on gravity to provide the constant landmark for downward root growth and upward shoot growth. The phytohormone auxin and its cell‐to‐cell transport machinery are central determinants ensuring gravitropic growth. Statolith sedimentation toward gravity is sensed in specialized cells. This positional cue is translated into the polar distribution of PIN auxin efflux carriers at the plasma membrane, leading to asymmetric auxin distribution and consequently, differential growth and organ bending. While we have started to understand the general principles of how primary organs execute gravitropism, we currently lack basic understanding of how lateral plant organs can defy gravitropic responses. Here we briefly review the establishment of the oblique gravitropic set point angle in lateral roots and particularly discuss the emerging role of asymmetric cytokinin signaling as a central anti‐gravitropic signal. Differential cytokinin signaling is co‐opted in gravitropic lateral and hydrotropic primary roots to counterbalance gravitropic root growth.  相似文献   
In eukaryotes, the genome is hierarchically packed inside the nucleus, which facilitates physical contact between cis-regulatory elements (CREs), such as enhancers and promoters. Accumulating evidence highlights the critical role of higher-order chromatin structure in precise regulation of spatiotemporal gene expression under diverse biological contexts including lineage commitment and cell activation by external stimulus. Genomics and imaging-based technologies, such as Hi-C and DNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), have revealed the key principles of genome folding, while newly developed tools focus on improvement in resolution, throughput and modality at single-cell and population levels, and challenge the knowledge obtained through conventional approaches. In this review, we discuss recent advances in our understanding of principles of higher-order chromosome conformation and technologies to investigate 4D chromatin interactions.  相似文献   
施剑  李艳明  方向东 《遗传》2017,39(3):189-199
长链非编码RNA(long non-coding RNA, lncRNA)是一类转录本长度超过200nt、不编码蛋白质的RNA。近年来,随着染色质构象捕获及转录组测序等技术的发展,lncRNA与染色质构象间的关系越来越受到重视。多项研究表明,lncRNA在基因调控网络中具有重要的作用,可通过影响细胞核高级结构的动态变化来调控真核基因的表达。因其广泛的基因调控功能及在肿瘤发生过程中的重要作用,lncRNA被认为是未来肿瘤临床诊断和预后判定的新型标志物之一。本文旨在介绍lncRNA改变细胞核高级结构从而调控关键基因表达的分子机制,并详细介绍lncRNA在肿瘤治疗中的临床意义。  相似文献   
For detailed analyses of muscle adaptation mechanisms during growth, ageing or disease, reliable measurements of muscle architecture are required. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and DTI tractography have been used to reconstruct the architecture of human muscles in vivo. However, muscle architecture measurements reconstructed with conventional DTI techniques are often anatomically implausible because the reconstructed fascicles do not terminate on aponeuroses, as real muscle fascicles are known to do. In this study, we tested the reliability of an anatomically constrained DTI-based method for measuring three-dimensional muscle architecture. Anatomical magnetic resonance images and diffusion tensor images were obtained from the left legs of eight healthy participants on two occasions one week apart. Muscle volumes, fascicle lengths, pennation angles and fascicle curvatures were measured in the medial and lateral gastrocnemius, soleus and the tibialis anterior muscles. Averaged across muscles, the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.99 for muscle volume, 0.81 for fascicle length, 0.73 for pennation angle and 0.76 for fascicle curvature. Measurements of muscle architecture obtained using conventional DTI tractography were highly sensitive to variations in the stopping criteria for DTI tractography. The application of anatomical constraints reduced this sensitivity significantly. This study demonstrates that anatomically constrained DTI tractography can provide reliable and robust three-dimensional measurements of whole-muscle architecture. The algorithms used to constrain tractography have been made publicly available.  相似文献   
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