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Summary To examine the effects of predators and plant genotype on the behavior, patterns of herbivory, growth and survivorship of caterpillars, we used an experimental garden in which we contrasted two hostplant genotypes of plantain (Plantago lanceolata), two kinds of herbivores (specialist Junonia coenia vs. generalist Pyrrharctia isabella) and two levels of caterpillar predation (with and without Podisus maculiventris stinkbugs). Each of the replicate plots per treatment contained two plants of the same genotype. The stinkbugs reduced the survivorship of the specialist caterpillars but not that of the generalists, which reflects the differences in predatoravoidance behaviors of these species. Nonetheless, the stinkbugs influenced the behavior of both caterpillar species. When stinkbugs were present, both specialist and generalist caterpillars were less likely to be found on the plant upon which they were initially placed (=initial plant), and they were more likely to be off both plants within the plot than larvae in the absence of predators. Consequently in the presence of the stinkbug predators, the proportion of the initial plants consumed was less than in the absence of the predators. Plant genotype influenced plant size and the proportion of individual plants eaten, but it did not affect larval location on the plots. Neither presence of predators nor plant genotype had an effect on relative growth rate of the caterpillars.  相似文献   
Meat-eating behavior of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) was witnessed on two occasions at Wamba, Republic of Zaire. Only flying squirrels were observed to be eaten by the bonobos. Several bonobos gathered around the possessor of the meat and showed interest in the meat on all occasions. Begging behavior was noted on one of the two occasions, but the possessor of the meat ignored it. No sharing of meat was seen on either occasion. The exclusive targets of hunting by bonobos are apparently small mammals, such as flying squirrels and infant duikers, since evidence of meat eating by wild bonobos, which have been studied for more than fifteen years, has been restricted to these mammals. The bonobos at Wamba may have a specialized “prey image”, as in the case of the chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) of the Tai forest, and certain medium-sized or small mammals may not conform to this image.  相似文献   
Theoretical and analytical problems of the dynamics of distribution and abundance in animal communities were examined. In many communities, species with low abundance and of limited spatial occurrence (i.e., rare species) typically form a conspicuous peak when a frequency distribution of the number of species is constructed with respect to the proportion of sites occupied within an area of distribution. Models of distribution dynamics, including a new model proposed here, were compared with a range of animal community data using a new procedure to assess single- and bi-modal patterns in frequency distributions of spatial occurrence. Data reveal that single-modality with an excess of rare species occurs more frequently than bimodality. Even when bimodality is detected, the mode representing wide-spread species is in the majority of cases smaller than that for rare species. Thus, a new model in which the rate of local extinctions is assumed to be negatively related to patch occupancy (or population abundance) is in better agreement with observed data than earlier models. Some problems of analysis, in particular model assumptions and testing, are discussed.  相似文献   
Daily increase in fresh weight was recorded for apterous and alate nymphs of S. avenae at 20°C. Comparison with a control group indicated that daily disturbance and weighing of nymphs did not affect significantly their growth, developmental time or survival. The increase in fresh weight of apterous and alate virginoparae at 20°C was best described by logistic equations. Alate virginoparae were significantly heavier than apterous virginoparae at birth and throughout most of their nymphal life, but they experienced a weight loss at the final ecdysis. The relative growth rate did not remain constant, but declined during development. The decline is associated with a decline in honeydew production per unit body weight. The implications of an inconstant relative growth rate and the marked loss in weight at the adult moult in alates are discussed.
Résumé L'enregistrement de l'augmentation quotidienne du poids frais à 20°C des larves ailées et aptères de S. avenae a montré que des perturbations quotidiennes n'affectent pas significativement la croissance, la durée du développement et la survie. Les équations logistiques décrivent plus exactement l'augmentation de poids frais des aptères et des ailés virginipares à 20°C. Les virginipares ailés étaient significativement plus lourds que les virginipares aptères à la naissance et pendant la plus grande partie de la vie larvaire, mais présentaient une perte de poids à la mue finale. Le taux de croissance relative ne restait pas constant, mais diminuait au cours du développement. La diminution était associée à une diminution de la production de miellat par unité de poids du corps. La discussion porte sur les conséquences de la variation de l'augmentation du poids relatif et de la perte marquée de poids à la mue imaginale.
Summary Simple correlations were calculated between nine different cms sources (cms-S, -R, -ML, -L, -CA, -EK, -C, -Rb, -T) on the basis of the weighted restoring reactions of 41 inbred lines. The Principal Component Analysis was applied to a 9 × 9 matrix which clearly grouped cytoplasms according to their similarities. The Principal Component I included S, R, ML, L, CA and EK cytoplasms; the Principal Component II contained C and Rb cytoplasms while T-cytoplasms was placed in Principal Component III. This corresponds to the main groupings indicated in the literature (Beckett 1971). However, after varimax rotation of the Principal Components, the S main group, including the 6 tested cytoplasms, fell into 3 subgroups: I.: S, R, ML; II.: L, CA; III.: EK.These data indicate that the Principal Component Analysis can be used to select a limited number of cms sources from the S group, representing the variability of the cytoplasmic gene pool of that group.  相似文献   
The development of leaf stomata in species of Orchidoideae sensu Garay is agenous or hemimesogenous with a single mesogene cell. Both kinds of development occur in all 26 species studied and are found in a characteristic proportion which may differ markedly even between related species.
Leaf and stem stomata develop similarly but surrounding cells may divide obliquely in the latter, so that perigene cells are formed. At maturity, mesogene and perigene cells resemble other epidermal cells, the stomata being anomocytic.
In monocotyledons, the hemimesogenous development of stomata is previously known only from five orchid genera of the neottioid tribe Cranichideae sensu Dressler. This kind of stomatal development in monocotyledons is documented by micrographs for the first time. Mesogene and perigene cells are recorded for the first time in the Orchidoideae. The diversity of types of stomatal development in this group is emphasized.  相似文献   
Radioisotopically labelled l-leucine and l-valine were fed to Pisum sativum and incorporated into squalene and β-amyrin. Chemical degradation of the radioactive squalene revealed an equal distribution of the radioactivity in the isopentenyl pyrophosphate(IPP)-derived and the 3,3-dimethylallyl pyrophosphate(DMAPP)-derived moieties of the squalene molecule, unlike the unbalanced distribution in favour of the DMAPP-derived moiety of a monoterpenoid molecule biosynthesized from these amino acids by higher plants.  相似文献   
Impoundment behavior was determined for alkalinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity from stations located along the length of a bottom-draining, oligo-mesotrophic, hardwater, deep-storage reservoir located in central Texas. The epilimnion deepened the length of the reservoir throughout the summer as a result of drawdown. Bicarbonate alkalinity and conductivity exhibited both longitudinal and vertical stratification. Alkalinity and conductivity in the epilimnion decreased from the riverine reach downreservoir to the dam. This longitudinal progression was attributed to inflow and photosynthetically induced epilimnetic decalcification.Hypolimnetic anoxic conditions first occurred in the sedimentation zone in the upreservoir and riverine reaches and then developed in a downreservoir pattern as summer progressed as a result of drawdown. Alkalinity and conductivity in the hypolimnion increased during anoxic conditions and consequently increased in a downreservoir progression.  相似文献   
Field sampling of an Iowa population of Lymnaea stagnalis appressa Say indicated an annual generation pattern, with survivorship to maturity of i percent or less. Estimates of adult fecundity ranged from about 300 to 800 eggs.Density and food manipulations were performed to determine whether density dependent limitation of growth rates, maturation, or fecundity occurs in this fresh water pulmonate snail. Addition of a high quality food resource, spinach, accelerated growth rates, but did not drastically accelerate maturity, nor increase fecundity. Density increments lowered growth rates, delayed maturity, and lowered fecundity, and the addition of spinach did not counteract high densities. Adult densities are fairly low in the field population, and adults are randomly dispersed, indicating little density dependent regulation of fecundity in this population. However, the low survivorship to maturity, response in growth rates with food addition, and increasing survivorship with age and size indicate that juvenile mortality may play an important role in structuring life history patterns in this population.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to assess microenvironmental variability within integumental tissue of genetically identical mice with respect to a specific cellular response: cyclic synthesis of yellow and black pigment by hair bulb melanocytes. Crosses were performed within and between inbred strains of mice that were isogenic with the exception of a single gene substitution at the agouti locus. Agouti locus genes included the Avy, Aw, A, atd, at, ax, am, and a alleles. The pigment patterns of dorsal, flank, and ventral hairs of the first and third hair generations and of hairs growing in special integumentary areas such as the pinna, tail, and hind foot were studied. It was found that the amount of yellow pigment synthesized by hair bulb melanocytes within genetically identical mice is both agedependent and conditioned by the integumentary environment. Furthermore, the special integumentary regions produce hairs with a variety of pigment patterns in which the distribution and relative amounts of black and yellow pigments do not necessarily conform to dominance relationships expected among agouti locus alleles as judged by their effects on the pigmentation of the dorsal pelage. We conclude that within genetically uniform integumental tissues, microenvironmental differences occur and are reflected as alterations in the metabolic pattern of differentiated cells.  相似文献   
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