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Understanding the effect of landscape configuration on the bird species richness and their functional traits (dietary preferences) is important to link the conservation and restoration plans to the production of the crops. Our aims were: 1) to study the influence of forest types (native, mixed and plantations) on the bird species richness in two agroforestry landscapes (heterogeneous/homogeneous); 2) to assess the effect of size/density of forest patches in the birds’ functional traits; 3) to evaluate the effect of isolated trees on them, and 4) to discuss conservation and restoration measures for the birds’ functional traits in agroforestry landscapes. We used hierarchical occupancy models to evaluate the effect of different landscape metrics and detectability measures on bird communities. We recorded a total of 64 bird species. The estimated species richness was considerable higher in homogeneous landscape (31.7 ± 2.7) than heterogeneous (27.3 ± 2.5). Our results showed the bird assemblage had a positive trend with native forests, negative with mixed forests and neutral trend for plantations. The granivores and insectivore’s species showed significant preferences for homogeneous landscape, while omnivores had significant preferences for heterogeneous landscape. Carnivores/Piscivores and herbivores/frugivores species did not show preferences by any landscape type. The response of functional traits depended on different forests attributes. The isolated trees had a significant effect on the birds’ functional traits. In conclusion, it is necessary a deep knowledge about the relationship between the landscape configuration and the bird species richness/functional traits. These findings could help in the future with the conservation, restoration, and rewilding policies in this important hotspot of biodiversity, avoiding alterations in the ecosystem services.  相似文献   
近年来,我国近海多种重要渔业资源处于不同程度的衰退状态,而短蛸具有生命周期短、生长迅速的特点,在我国近海经济渔获产量中占重要地位。然而,有关短蛸的栖息分布特征及其与环境因子的关系尚缺乏研究,不利于更好地保护和利用其资源。本研究根据2011年和2013—2017年春季海州湾的渔业资源和环境因子调查数据,采用随机森林模型、人工神经网络模型和广义提升回归模型3种机器学习方法分析了短蛸的栖息分布特征及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明: 随机森林模型的拟合效果和预测能力在3种模型中优势较大,选择该模型进行分析表明,底层水温、水深和底层盐度对短蛸的栖息分布有较大影响。短蛸的相对资源密度随底层水温、水深和底层盐度的增加均呈先上升后下降趋势。根据FVCOM模型模拟的环境数据,应用随机森林模型预测了短蛸在海州湾海域的栖息分布,发现短蛸主要分布在34.5°—35.8° N、119.7°—121° E之间的海域。  相似文献   
Personal exposure assessment is a challenging task that requires both measurements of the state of the environment as well as the individual's movements. In this paper, we show how location data collected by smartphone applications can be exploited to quantify the personal exposure of a large group of people to air pollution. A Bayesian approach that blends air quality monitoring data with individual location data is proposed to assess the individual exposure over time, under uncertainty of both the pollutant level and the individual location. A comparison with personal exposure obtained assuming fixed locations for the individuals is also provided. Location data collected by the Earthquake Network research project are employed to quantify the dynamic personal exposure to fine particulate matter of around 2500 people living in Santiago (Chile) over a 4‐month period. For around 30% of individuals, the personal exposure based on people movements emerges significantly different over the static exposure. On the basis of this result and thanks to a simulation study, we claim that even when the individual location is known with nonnegligible error, this helps to better assess personal exposure to air pollution. The approach is flexible and can be adopted to quantify the personal exposure based on any location‐aware smartphone application.  相似文献   
The MolMod database is presented, which is openly accessible at http://molmod.boltzmann-zuse.de and contains intermolecular force fields for over 150 pure fluids at present. It was developed and is maintained by the Boltzmann-Zuse Society for Computational Molecular Engineering (BZS). The set of molecular models in the MolMod database provides a coherent framework for molecular simulations of fluids. The molecular models in the MolMod database consist of Lennard-Jones interaction sites, point charges, and point dipoles and quadrupoles, which can be equivalently represented by multiple point charges. The force fields can be exported as input files for the simulation programmes ms2 and ls1 mardyn, GROMACS, and LAMMPS. To characterise the semantics associated with the numerical database content, a force field nomenclature is introduced that can also be used in other contexts in materials modelling at the atomistic and mesoscopic levels. The models of the pure substances that are included in the database were generally optimised such as to yield good representations of experimental data of the vapour–liquid equilibrium with a focus on the vapour pressure and the saturated liquid density. In many cases, the models also yield good predictions of caloric, transport, and interfacial properties of the pure fluids. For all models, references to the original works in which they were developed are provided. The models can be used straightforwardly for predictions of properties of fluid mixtures using established combination rules. Input errors are a major source of errors in simulations. The MolMod database contributes to reducing such errors.  相似文献   
Recent years have seen an increasing interest in individual behavioral variation. However, the implications of such variation for population dynamics are often unknown. We studied the dynamics of a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus gephyreus) population from southern Brazil, where some individuals forage cooperatively with artisanal fishermen. We fitted mark‐recapture models to 10 yr of photo‐identification data to investigate the influence of this foraging specialization on dolphins’ population parameters, controlling for sex and ranging behavior. We estimated adult survival to be high (0.949 ± 0.015 SE), weakly influenced by home range size, sex or the frequency of interaction with fishermen. The slightly higher survival probability for individuals with smaller home ranges could stem from the benefits of reduced spatial requirements implied by the specialized foraging. Foraging also influenced the probability of resighting individuals, and there was no temporary or permanent emigration. Abundance fluctuated slightly over the years from 54 (95% CI = 49–59) to 60 (95% CI = 52–69) individuals, with no evident population trend. Despite such apparent population stability, we confirm this population remains small and geographically isolated which may threaten its viability and the viability of its unusual, localized foraging specialization. Our study also illustrates how accounting for individual variation can portray animal population dynamics more realistically.  相似文献   
A diversity of selective pressures and stochastic processes have likely created substantial variation in song structure, creating difficulties in quantifying the influence of specific ecological factors. This problem is further compounded by differences in study taxa and methods of data analysis between studies. Large comparative studies offer the potential to mitigate some of these methodological difficulties by maximizing the power of statistical analyses and minimizing the probability of misidentifying the magnitude and direction of relationships between independent and dependent variables. In this study, we quantified song complexity for 367 species of globally distributed songbirds (Passeriformes, Passeri). We quantified eight individual acoustic variables that have previously been linked to audio complexity which we analyzed independently, and after applying multivariate statistics to the variables. We used Bayesian linear mixed effect models to test multiple hypotheses regarding song complexity: that it should be greater in open habitats, in migratory species, for sexually monomorphic species, at higher latitudes and altitudes, and that it should co‐vary with clutch size characteristics. Our results challenge perceptions of the effect of habitat structure on song complexity; for instance, counter to expectation, we found songs in closed environments to have reduced syllable diversity. Additionally, our results suggest song complexity may not be ubiquitously a means of communicating male quality, with no significant difference between recordings from monomorphic and dimorphic species. By estimating song complexity in multiple ways, and quantifying these over large taxonomic and spatial scales, we are able to gain a more nuanced understanding of how song complexity is potentially affected by a range of biotic and abiotic factors. Our results also suggest that caution is required when making generalized statements about the relative influence of different factors on song complexity; more densely‐sampled, group‐specific studies are necessary complements to this taxonomically broad analysis.  相似文献   
The western massasauga (Sistrurus tergeminus) is a small pit viper with an extensive geographic range, yet observations of this species are relatively rare. They persist in patchy and isolated populations, threatened by habitat destruction and fragmentation, mortality from vehicle collisions, and deliberate extermination. Changing climates may pose an additional stressor on the survival of isolated populations. Here, we evaluate historic, modern, and future geographic projections of suitable climate for S. tergeminus to outline shifts in their potential geographic distribution and inform current and future management. We used maximum entropy modeling to build multiple models of the potential geographic distribution of S. tergeminus. We evaluated the influence of five key decisions made during the modeling process on the resulting geographic projections of the potential distribution, allowing us to identify areas of model robustness and uncertainty. We evaluated models with the area under the receiver operating curve and true skill statistic. We retained 16 models to project both in the past and future multiple general circulation models. At the last glacial maximum, the potential geographic distribution associated with S. tergeminus occurrences had a stronghold in the southern part of its current range and extended further south into Mexico, but by the mid‐Holocene, its modeled potential distribution was similar to its present‐day potential distribution. Under future model projections, the potential distribution of S. tergeminus moves north, with the strongest northward trends predicted under a climate scenario increase of 8.5 W/m2. Some southern populations of S. tergeminus have likely already been extirpated and will continue to be threatened by shifting availability of suitable climate, as they are already under threat from desertification of grasslands. Land use and habitat loss at the northern edge of the species range are likely to make it challenging for this species to track suitable climates northward over time.  相似文献   
Problems with carry-over effects in the simple two-period cross-over have lead to interest in more complex cross-over designs. A method for analysing the optimum two-treatment three-period design with binary response variables is given by making a simple extension to Gart's logistic model. The method gives independent tests for, and estimates of the difference in treatment and first-order carry-over effects. An example of the analysis is given, using the loglinear models facility in GLIM.  相似文献   
The underwater light field is described as a stochastic process, with the vertical attenuation as a random variable. It is shown that the vertical attenuation integral is well described as a Normal process with uncorrelated increments. The attenuation processes within a water body are found to be quite independent of the incoming irradiance. Thus, the relative light intensity at any depth can be approximated by a Lognormal random variable. Based upon the expectation of this Lognormal variable, and the mean value of the incident irradiance, the irradiance delivered at any depth can be estimated, as well as the statistical distribution of the irradiance. Light data from a number of Norwegian soft-water lakes showed good fit to the model. Two productive lakes included in this study also had a light regime well described by the statistical model. However, the model should be extended to cater for seasonal variations in these applications.  相似文献   
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