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The relationships of nine blood group systems and two blood protein polymorphisms with breeding values for several production traits were examined in dairy cattle of the Swedish Red and White (SRB) breed. The material consisted of 2212 bulls; the bulls were performance tested for growth rate and their breeding values for milk yield, fat and protein content in milk were estimated from progeny tests. The direct effect of marker alleles or marker phenotypes was analysed in a multiple regression model. Several significant associations were found; many supported earlier findings. However, the contribution of the markers to the total variation of the breeding values was very small. Linkage between marker loci and production loci was studied in offspring from heterozygous sires by estimating the interactions between sire and marker alle using a model eliminating the direct effects of sire and marker alle. There were strong indications of linkage between some marker loci (e.g. B, J and Am-1 loci) and loci with large effects on production traits.  相似文献   
Genetic variation and distances of five Italian native sheep breeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic distances among five of the most important Italian native sheep breeds were estimated by using gene frequencies of four blood group and seven blood protein loci and by three different computing methods. The values of the three distance matrices were highly correlated. Genetic distances were found within the range values reported in the literature for local breeds. Shorter distances fitted the historical evidence of migrations.  相似文献   
Summary Both carotid bodies from 26 patients coming to necropsy were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and sections 4 m thick were stained for various peptides by use of the immunogold technique. The results show that the human carotid body contains met- and leu-enkephalin, substance P, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), neurotensin and bombesin. The distribution of these six peptides within the carotid body differs. Thus met- and leu-enkephalin are both present predominantly within glomic chief cells but with a marked tendency to favour the dark variant of these cells. Substance P and VIP both show a weak immunoreactivity in comparison to the enkephalins and are present in all three variants of chief cell. Neurotensin shows the weakest immunoreactivity of all and is restricted to a few glomic chief cells in a minority of cases. Bombesin also shows a weak immunoreactivity in glomic chief cells but a strong reaction in glomic arteries and arterioles. In these vessels bombesin appears to be confined to smooth muscle cells in the media but we cannot say whether it is secreted by them or merely bound to receptor sites on their membranes. These findings are related to quantitative data on the concentration of peptides in the human carotid body from a previous paper with which we were associated.  相似文献   
Summary Increasing evidence confirms that the extracellular matrix greatly influences cell behaviour and function. Collagen and fibrin are in contact with trophoblast throughout pregnancy. To investigate whether these two matrices influence hormon production by the trophoblast, explants from first-trimester chorionic villi were cultured for up to 30 days either a) in medium with agitation, b) embedded in type-I collagen (three-dimensional gels), or c) embedded in fibrin (three-dimensional gels). The supernatant culture medium was changed every 48 h and tested by radioimmunoassay for hCG, progesterone and pregnancy-associated plasma protein A. In addition, after 3, 7, 15, and 30 days of culture villi were fixed and studied by light and electron microscopy. Embedding in the extracellular matrix showed higher and longer-lasting production rates of all measured products and superior structural preservation as compared to cultures with agitation. Collagen matrix proved to be superior to fibrin. As established by several tests, this difference was neither due to thrombin used to polymerize fibrinogen, nor to differences in the diffusion rates through the two different matrices used. We conclude that extracellular matrix, particularly collagen, influences the synthesis of trophoblastic products. Embedding of the villous explants in three-dimensional gels constitutes a new method for long-term cultures of chorionic villi.This study was presented at the workshop Placental-and decidual-specific protein synthesis and secretion: regulation, role and interaction, Zemun, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 19–20 May, 1988 (Bischof and Castellucci 1988; see also J. Aplin 1989), and at the 11th Rochester Trophoblast Conference, Rochester, N.Y. USA, 9–12 October 1988 (Castellucci et al. 1988)  相似文献   
俞昌喜  王庆平 《生理学报》1990,42(4):331-339
本文应用受体阻断、高效液相,6-OHDA 化学损毁神经末梢和放射自显影等多学科技术方法,探讨脊髓苯环立啶受体的心血管效应与去甲肾上腺素能神经系统的关系。结果表明,哌唑嗪、育亨宾均可对抗 ith PCP 的降压和减慢心率作用,ith PCP 产生降压和减慢心率作用时,脊髓脑脊液内 MHPG 的含量升高;用6-OHDA 损毁脊髓 NA 能神经末梢后,ith PCP的降压和减慢心率作用大为减弱,脊髓 PCP 受体密度亦同时大为降低。可以认为,脊髓内有 PCP 受体分布于 NA 能神经末梢上,促进 NA 释放或抑制 NA 重摄取,可能是脊髓 PCP 受体产生心血管抑制效应的重要机理。  相似文献   
中国九个人群耵聍的遗传多态性   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
翁自力  金锋 《人类学学报》1990,9(3):236-243
报道了九个人群的耵聍位点基因。计算表明中国各族人群在耵聍位点上的遗传分化程度非常大,固定指数F_(ST)=0.22。本文根据耵聍基因频率在我国和邻近地区的分布趋势,认为亚洲东北地区应是干型基因的起源地,目前世界上耵聍位点基因频率分布格局主要是基因扩散的结果,而非选择作用造成的。  相似文献   
Summary Lymph nodes contain an extensive array of extracellular matrix fibers frequently referred to as reticular fibers because of their reticular pattern and positive reaction with silver stains. These fibers are known to contain primarily type-III collagen. In the present study, frozen and plastic-embedded sections of mouse and human lymph nodes were subjected to immunostaining with a panel of monospecific antibodies directed against type-IV collagen, type-III collagen, laminin, entactin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan. Immunofluorescent staining revealed that, in addition to being uniformly stained with antibodies to type-III collagen, these fibers also stained positively with antibodies to type-IV collagen and to other basement-membrane-specific components. Furthermore, the basement-membrane-specific antibodies stained the outer surface of individual fibers. These same type-III collagen-rich fibers were distinct from blood vascular basement membranes since they did not react with antibodies to factor VIII-related antigen, an endothelial-cell-specific marker. The role of these basement-membrane-specific components associated with the reticular fibers of lymphoid tissue is unknown. However, it is possible that the ligands promote attachment of reticular fibroblasts as well as macrophages and lymphocytes to the extracellular matrix fibers.  相似文献   
Seven volunteers (3 females and 4 males; 3 Caucasians and 4 Africans) participated in two 24 h sessions during the cool dry (CD) and the hot dry (HD) seasons of the sahelian tropical climate. Body temperatures were taken on portable cassette recorders for 24 h. Rectal (Tre) and mean skin (Tsk) temperatures decreased in the HD compared to the CD conditions, meeting one of the criteria for adaptation to heat. No ethnic differences in thermal responses were found. Males and females differed in their body temperature rhythms and in their reactions to heat. Body temperatures were higher in females than in males. Males reacted to heat with a decrease in Tre, without change in the Tre-Tsk gradient. Females showed a decrease in both Tre and Tsk, more marked for Tsk, with an increase in the Tre-Tsk gradient. It was concluded that males showed seasonal acclimatization to heat via a decrease in metabolism confirmed by a decrease in plasma levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in the HD condition. Females showed a mixed metabolic and thermolytic type of acclimatization, with an absence of variation in plasma TSH levels. In conclusion, the steady rise in temperature between the CD and HD conditions was sufficient to trigger an acclimatization to heat similar in Caucasian and African subjects, although exposure to the external climate differed widely.  相似文献   
电刺激麻醉兔延髓腹侧化学敏感区头端区引起潮气量(V_T)增加,呼吸频率(f)增快;电刺激压力敏感区(中间区)则使V_T减小,f亦增快。弱刺激时,两者均产生降压反应;刺激增强可诱发双相或升压反应。在出现周期性呼吸时,电刺激化学敏感区可使呼吸节律正常化、V_T增大,而电刺激压力敏感区则导致呼吸暂停。电刺激压力敏感区时,吸气时间(TI)和呼气时间(T_E)均缩短,以T_E变化更明显;由于V_T减小和T_I缩短,V_T/T_I保持相对不变,提示吸气终止的中枢阈值降低。在准备刺激的相应局部预先应用阿托品,可使电刺激化学敏感区产生的通气增强效应翻转,而对电刺激压力敏感区引起的通气抑制无明显影响;用印防己毒素则可选择性消除电刺激压力敏感区的通气抑制和降压效应。本工作表明延髓腹侧存在两个不同的中枢机制,其中化学敏感区产生的通气增强与胆碱能系统有关;压力敏感区产生的通气减弱效应与GABA系统有关。  相似文献   
Human milk glutathione peroxidase (GPx) was purified 4500-fold using acetone precipitation and purification by repetitive ion-exchange and gel filtration chromatography with an overall yield of 34%. Homogeneity was established by gel electrophoresis. Using gel filtration, the molecular weight (mol wt) of the enzyme was estimated to be 92 kdalton (kD). The monomeric molecular weight was estimated to b 23 kD from polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, indicating that the native enzyme consists of four identical subunits. The molecular weight of each subunit was supported by amino acid analysis. Selenium (Se) content of the purified enzyme was 0.31%, in a stoichiometry of 3.7 g-atoms/mol. Data from these studies reveal that GPx provided approximately 22% of total milk Se, but only 0.025% of the total protein.  相似文献   
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