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Summary Complex carbohydrates in secretory granules and at the apical cell surface of mouse gastric mucoid cells were studied during embryogenesis and in the early postnatal period by various cytochemical methods; the periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (PA-TCH-SP) and tannic acid-uranyl acetate (TA-UA) procedures made neutral mucosubstances (NMS) visible, whereas the hexose residues of glycoconjugates were identified using WGA-, RCA II- and ConA-ferritin. The glycocalyx was stained with ruthenium red (RR). During differentiation of the embryonic mucoid cells the number of secretory granules increased in parallel to the increase in their carbohydrate component. NMS-stainable parts in secretory granules also had binding sites for the conjugates RCA II- and WGA-ferritin, but the binding of ConA could not be identified. The increasing quantity of NMS in secretory granules was correlated with the increased amount of PA-TCH-SP and TA-UA positive substances in the apical glycocalyx only in 14- and 18-day-old embryos. The observed uniform affinity for RR and lectin conjugates in all analysed developmental stages remains to be explained.  相似文献   
Summary The objective of this in-vitro study was to examine whether the diencephalic floor or the mesenchyme is involved in differentiation of LH cells in the developing rat adenohypophysis. Overall growth of the adenohypophysial tissue was retarded when the adenohypophysial primordium was cultivated after enzymatic removal of the diencephalic floor on days 11.5 and 12.5 of gestation. This malgrowth was more marked when the brain was separated on day 11.5; most expiants retained a simple cystiform structure that consisted of a few layers of undifferentiated cells. Removal of the brain also caused a highly significant decrease (P < 0.001) in the number of immunoreactive LH cells, if it was performed on day 11.5 but not day 12.5. Mesenchyme had little effect on the adenohypophysial growth or the number of immunopositive cells. Cultivation of the adenohypophysial primordium with the diencephalic floor resulted in the appearance of many immunoreactive LH cells. The number of LH cells significantly decreased, however, when the co-cultivated brain completely surrounded the adenohypophysial tissue.These results indicate that in 11.5-day-old fetal rats the diencephalic floor is indispensable for the initial proliferation of adenohypophysial primordial cells and for the early determinating process of LH cells. Once determined, the development of LH cells may proceed without the surrounding tissues. The cytodifferentiation seems to be rather inhibited when in contact with the brain. The significance of the intimate spatial relationship between developing LH cells and the surrounding mesenchyme is also discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure of a new type of vascular graft, prepared from a mixture of polyurethane (95 weight %) and poly-L-lactic acid (5 weight %), was examined six weeks after implantation into the abdominal aorta of rats. These microporous, compliant, biodegradable, vascular grafts function as temporary scaffolds for the regeneration of the arterial wall.Smooth muscle cells, covering the grafts, regenerated a neo-media underneath an almost completely regenerated endothelial layer (neo-intima). These smooth muscle cells varied in morphology from normal smooth muscle cells to myofibroblasts. They were surrounded by elastic laminae and collagen fibers.Macrophages, epithelioid cells, multinucleated giant cells, fibroblasts and capillaries were present in the disintegrating graft lattices. The epithelioid cells and multinucleated giant cells engulfed polymer particles of the disintegrating grafts.The regeneration of the endothelial and smooth muscle cells is similar to the natural response of arterial tissue upon injury. The presence of macrophages, epithelioid cells, multinucleated giant cells, fibroblasts and capillaries in the graft lattices resembles the natural response of tissue against foreign body implants. Both of these responses result in the formation of a neo-artery that possesses sufficient strength, compliance and thromboresistance to function as a small caliber arterial substitute.Supported by Grant nr. 82.042 from the Dutch Heart Foundation  相似文献   
Summary In the testis of Esox lucius at the time of spermiation, activity of cyclic adenosine 3,5-monophosphate (cAMP) was immunocytochemically localized at the level of the Sertoli cells. In these cells adenylate cyclase activity was also ultracytochemically demonstrated by using adenylyl imidodiphosphate as a substrate. Reaction products of adenylate cyclase were primarily detectable on the basal and adluminal plasma membranes and on the surface of protrusions of the cell body into the lumen.  相似文献   
Summary This paper presents a study on the structure and function of Kupffer cells (KC) and liver endothelial cells (LEC) isolated by a simple and rapid technique involving 1) perfusion of the liver with collagenase; 2) cell separation by means of density centrifugation in Percoll; and 3) cell culture, taking advantage of the fact that KC and LEC differ in their preferences for growth substrate. The KC, which attach and spread under serum-free conditions on surfaces of glass or plastic during the first 15 min in culture exhibit a typical macrophage-like morphology including membrane ruffling and a heterogenous content of vacuoles. Moreover, these cells express (a) Fc receptors (FcR) for binding and phagocytosis of erythrocytes covered with immune globulin G (E-IgG), and (b) complement receptors (CR) for binding and serum dependent phagocytosis of erythrocytes covered with either human C3b or mouse inactivated C3b (iC3b). The cells also bind fluid phase fluoresceinated C3b. Approximately 30% of the KC express immune response-associated (Ia)-antigens.The LEC attach and spread on fibronectin coated surfaces, but not on glass or plastic surfaces, during the first two hours in culture with or without serum, and are morphologically distinct from KC. Cultured LEC are well spread out with no membrane ruffling and with numerous large vesicles surrounding the regularly shaped nucleus. These cells bind, but do not ingest E-IgG via the FcR, but no binding of fluid phase C3b or particle fixed C3b or iC3b can be observed. Incubation of LEC with fluorescein amine conjugates of ovalbumin or formaldehyde treated serum albumin, but not with fluoresceinated native serum albumin, results in accumulation of fluorescence specifically localized in the large perinuclear vesicles. Neither KC nor any other cell types tested have the ability to accumulate fluorescence upon incubation with these compounds. Iaantigens are not present on the LEC.Cytochemical demonstration of unspecific esterase, acid phosphatase, and peroxidase reveals different patterns and intensities of staining in KC as compared to LEC.Abbreviations Used KC Kupffer cells - LEC Liver endothelial cells - C Complement - C3b Major fragment of C3 activation - iC3b C3b that has been cleaved by factor I (C3b inactivator), present in serum - meC3b C3b produced by treating purified human C3 with methyl amine - trC3b C3b produced by treating purified human C3 with trypsin - CR Complement receptors for C3b and iC3b - IgG Immune globulin G - IgM Immune globulin M - E Erythrocytes - E-IgG E covered with anti-E IgG - E-IgM E covered with anti-E IgM - E-C3b(h) E-IgM reacted with purified human C1, C4, oxidized C2 and C3 (E-IgMC14xyC2C3b) - E-iC3b(m) E-IgM incubated with C5 deficient serum from AKR mice - FcR Receptors for the Fc portion of IgG - FITC Fluorescein isothiocyanate - FITC-meC3b FITC conjugated to meC3b - FITC-trC3b FITC conjugated to trC3b - FA Fluorescein amine - FA-OA Ovalbumin conjugated with FA - FA-SA Serum albumin conjugated with FA - FA-FSA Formaldehyde-treated serum albumin conjugated with FA - Ia Immune response-associated AcE Acid unspecific esterase acting on alpha naphtyl acetate - NASDAE Unspecific esterase acting on naphthol AS-D acetate - NASDCAE Unspecific esterase acting on napthol AS-D chloroacetate  相似文献   
Summary The three-dimensional structure of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in the red, white and intermediate striated muscle fibers of the extensor digitorum longus muscle of the rat was examined under a field-emission type scanning electron microscope after removal of cytoplasmic matrices by the osmium-DMSO-osmium procedure.In all three types of fibers, the terminal cisternae and transverse tubules form triads at the level of the A-I junction. Numerous slender sarcotubules, originating from the A-band side terminal cisternae, extend obliquely or longitudinally and form oval or irregular shaped networks of various sizes in front of the A-band, then become continuous with the tiny mesh (fenestrated collar) in front of the H-band. The A-and H-band SR appears as a single sheet of anastomotic tubules. Numerous sarcotubules, originating from the I-band side terminal cisternae, extend in threedimensional directions and form a multilayered network over the I-band and Z-line regions. At the I-band level, paired transversely oriented mitochondria partly embrace the myofibril. The I-band SR network is poorly developed in the narrow space between the paired mitochondria, but is well developed in places devoid of these mitochondria.The three-dimensional structure of the SR is basically the same in all three muscle fiber-types. However, the SR is sparse on the surface of mitochondria, so the mitochondria-rich red fiber has a much smaller total volume of SR than the mitochondria-poor white fiber. Moreover, the volume of SR of the intermediate fiber is intermediate between the two.  相似文献   
Summary With the use of an anti-human S-100 protein antibody, it was possible to reveal a characteristic cell type in the anterior lobe of the normal human pituitary. These cells, so-called folliculo-stellate cells, were present in all pituitaries studied but their number varied from one gland to another. Immunoreactive cells, isolated or grouped, were arranged close to various secretory granulated cells. Especially by use of double immunoenzymatic labeling, it was evident that these cells are spatially related either to somatotropes, prolactin cells and corticotropes, or to glycoprotein-containing cells. Such immunoreactive cells were rare or absent in pseudo-follicular arrangements of secretory granulated cells. Since it is now possible to identify this cell type by light microscopy and since no reliable functional significance is known, it seems more advisable to term this cell type stellate cell instead of folliculostellate cell.  相似文献   
Summary It has been reported that only certain types of pancreatic parenchymal cells survive transplantation. This study examines whether the extent of differentiation of the pancreas at the time of transplantation affects the resulting morphology or viability of its components. Segments of chick pancreas or its primordia from stages preceding formation of dorsal bud (60 h) through hatching (day 21) were implanted in the abdominal region of three-day chick embryos. After various periods of growth, grafts were examined by light- and electron microscopy. In all transplants, individual endocrine cells (A, B, D, PP) and islet structure were identical to those of normal embryos of comparable age. The exocrine portion also appeared normal in implants from embryos younger than seven days. In grafts from older donors, however, normal acini and ducts were replaced by dilated, irregularly shaped tubules from which new islets appeared to develop. These results suggest that transplantation causes structural modification of exocrine tissue, which may reflect its initial functional capabilities. These observations are compared with similar structural alterations that occur following experimental obstruction of ducts and in human pancreatic pathology.  相似文献   
Summary At the antennal tip of the collembolan insect Hypogastrura socialis two terminal-pore sensilla are located, which, in addition to normally structured and most probably chemosensitive sensory cells, also contain aberrant sensory cells. Portions of these cells resemble chemoreceptors but also shown are features that, as a rule, occur in mechanoreceptors. One cell in each sensillum is remarkable in two characteristics: (1) Its dendritic outer segment does not reach the cuticular outer structures of the sensillum; (2) it contains dense-core granules (diameter 60–110 nm) within its perikaryon, its dendritic inner segment and its axon. Additionally, these two cells do not show lengthening of their dendritic outer segment during molt as do all other sensory cells. Among the fibers of one major branch of the antennal nerve within the head capsule a single axon was observed to contain dense-core granules. This axon was traced to its termination where normal synaptical contacts were found. Based on the assumption that the axon belongs to one of the granule-containing sensory cells two alternative hypotheses are proposed: (1) an individual sensory cell of a sensillum may synthesize a transmitter that is different from that of the other sensory cells of this sensillum; (2) the aberrant cells have lost exteroceptive functions but act as neuromodulatorsSupported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 4/G1)  相似文献   
Summary Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUV-EC) grew rapidly in vitro in medium supplemented with epidermal growth factor, fetal bovine serum (FBS) and human diploid fibroblast-conditioned medium. The effect of FBS could be replaced partially by bovine serum albumin, cholesterol, and vitamin E, and completely by further addition of serum dialysate or refeeding every other day. Among these components, fibroblast-conditioned medium is essential for HUV-EC growth. The HUV-EC were cultured serially for over 50 population doublings in the 10% FBS containing fibroblast-conditioned medium and for over 40 population doublings in the serum-free medium. Mitogenic factor(s) present in the medium conditioned by fibroblasts may be related to endothelial cell growth factor and play an important role angiogenesis and regeneration of vascular endothelium in vitro.  相似文献   
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