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Various hypotheses have been put forward to explain the presence of sclerophyllous plant disjuncts between western North America and the Mediterranean region. The Madrean–Tethyan hypothesis postulates that the two regions were floristically connected in the Early to Middle Tertiary by way of a low-latitude migration route. Others deny the possibility of such a route, and instead postulate convergence to xerophytic conditions from more widespread mesophytic ancestors, or suggest long-distance dispersal scenarios. One example of a “Madrean–Tethyan link” between the two regions is composed of four species within the genus Styrax: S. officinalis subsp. officinalis from the Mediterranean region, S. officinalis subsp. redivivus and subsp. fulvescens from California, and three closely related species in Texas and northeastern Mexico (S. texanus, S. platanifolius, and S. youngiae). This group was examined with isozymes to assess whether patterns of genetic variation are consistent with those predicted by the Madrean–Tethyan hypothesis. Ten populations from California, six from the Mediterranean region, and three from Texas were sampled. Pairwise comparisons revealed mean genetic identity (I) estimates of 0.581 between Mediterranean and California populations, 0.470 between Mediterranean and Texas populations, and 0.640 between California and Texas populations. Two populations of a species thought by many to be the closest relative of S. officinalis on morphological grounds (S. jaliscanus) exhibited low I (0.299–0.321) relative to all other group comparisons. Intercontinentally disjunct populations of S. officinalis possessed an I value that warrants species status for the Californian and Mediterranean groups. Divergence time estimates between Madrean and Tethyan Styrax range from 5.0 to 13.8 Mya, too recent to be consistent with the Madrean–Tethyan hypothesis. However, alternative explanations for this disjunction are suboptimal in that they require the invocation of either long-distance dispersal, which appears unlikely in this group, or extinction. Nonetheless, the evidence presented here and in other recent studies casts substantial doubt on the Madrean–Tethyan hypothesis as a general explanation for the presence of Madrean and Tethyan taxa similar in overall appearance. More plants with Madrean–Tethyan distributions must be sampled before definitive conclusions regarding this aspect of Madrean and Tethyan vegetation can be reached.  相似文献   
用HBsAgRPHA做为模式,选用羊、火鸡、鹅、人O型血球为载体,醛化后分成致敏和不致敏两种,与异嗜性抗体、中国生物制品药品检定所的参比品等作凝集试验。结果表明,无论特异性还是灵敏度都以人O型血球为最佳。在此基础上,设计了五种醛化方法处理人O型血球,共得出18个醛化样品,经73种不同的比较试验,筛选出最佳醛化方法为改良丙酮醛──甲醛法,采用该法醛化后血球为褐色,阴性血清和空白对照背景清晰,血球沉集点致密,下滑程度好。致敏抗—HBsMcAb后,使HBsAg灵敏度达到1~2ng/ml。为制备高质量的血凝试剂提供了最佳载体。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Microsporidian spores were developed from cells which were grown in vitro from a human liver lesion which was due to larval Echinococcus multilocularis . The microsporidian spores developed in the same fashion as an Encephalitozoon cuniculi . The Encephalitozoon -like spores were completely separated on Percoll gradients. The separated spores contained DNA capable of amplification by two different primer sets designed for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of E. multilocularis DNA. However, the cell DNA from which microsporidium developed was thoroughly insensitive to the PCR using the E. multilocularis primer sets. The results strongly suggested that Encephalitozoon should be taken into consideration, when DNA isolated from larval E. multilocularis is analyzed.  相似文献   
We produced three monoclonal antibodies, SG1, SG2 and SG3, specific for human seminal -glutamyltransferase when characterized by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblotting. Seminal -glutamyltransferase was localized, by immunostaining, to the epithelial cells of the ductus epididymidis, seminal vesicle and prostate gland with SG1, those of the prostate gland with SG2, and those of the seminal vesicle with SG3. Rabbit polyclonal anti-seminal -glutamyltransferase serum reacted with the proximal convolution of the kidney and the bile capillaries of the liver, and with the epithelial cells of the reproductive organs. However, immunoreactivity was not observed in the kidney or liver with the monoclonal antibodies. Thus, these monoclonal antibodies are probably all specific to seminal -glutamyltransferase but recognize different epitopes.  相似文献   
Collagen IV and laminin are important constituents of the basement membrane (BM). By use of immunocytochemistry we examined the occurrence and distribution of these two components in the BM beneath normal, mucoid and metaplastic epithelium of large bronchi in 22 adults suffering from chronic nonspecific lung diseases. Both collagen IV and laminin were expressed as a thin and continuous layer beneath the epithelium in most tissue specimens with normal epithelium. In a few specimens the layer showed interruptions with a patchy distribution of the immunoreactivity. Three patterns of distribution of BM components were found under the metaplastic epithelium. Total absence of immunoreactive collagen IV and laminin was the most common variant. Weak and scarce staining for both proteins in the BM characterized the second pattern. The third variant showed strong collagen IV immunoreactivity but lack of laminin. The BM beneath the mucoid epithelium was characterized by irregular distribution of collagen IV and laminin. We suggest that the occurrence and distributional pattern of the BM components are related to the type of overlying epithelium and connected with an altered synthesis of these components.  相似文献   
The vas deferens forms part of the male reproductive tract and extends from the cauda epididymis to the prostate. Using the patch clamp technique, we have identified a Ca2+-activated, voltage-dependent, maxi K+ channel on the apical membrane of epithelial cells cultured from human fetal vas deferens. The channel had a conductance of 250 pS in symmetrical 140 mm K+ solutions, and was highly selective for K+ over Na+. Channel activity was increased by depolarization and by an elevation of bath (cytoplasmic) Ca2+ concentration, and reduced by cytoplasmic Ba2+ (5 mm) but not by cytoplasmic TEA (10 mm). Channel activity was also dependent on the cation bathing the cytoplasmic face of the membrane, being higher in a Na+-rich compared to a K+-rich solution. We estimated that up to 600 maxi K+ channels were present on the apical membrane of a vas cell, and that their density was 1–2 per 2 of membrane. Activity of the channel was low on intact cells, suggesting that it does not contribute to a resting K+ conductance. However, fluid in the lumen of the human vas deferens has a high K+ concentration and we speculate that the maxi K+ channel could play a role in transepithelial K+ secretion.Funded by grants from the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and the Medical Research Council (UK). We thank Mr. David Stephenson for excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   
In human Caco-2 intestinal epithelial layers, xxxl-alanine absorption can be energized by a proton gradient across the brush-border membrane. Acidification of the apical medium, even in Na+-free media, is associated with a saturable net transepithelial absorption of xxxl-alanine. xxxl-Alanine transport causes cytosolic acidification consistent with proton/amino acid symport. xxxl-Alanine transport in Na+-free media is rheogenic, stimulating an inward short-circuit current in voltageclamped epithelial monolayers. By measurement of rapid xxxl-alanine influx across the apical membrane, xxxl-alanine-stimulated inward short-circuit current and intracellular acidification in the same cell batch, we estimate xxxl-alanine/proton stoichiometry to be 10.62 ±0.25 (xxxsd) (short-circuit current) or 10.73 ±0.19 (intracellular acidification). From competition studies, it is likely that xxxl-proline, -aminoisobutyric acid, and -alanine, but not xxxl-valine and xxxl-serine, are substrates for protonlinked, substrate transport in the brush border of Caco-2 cells.This study was supported by the Wellcome Trust (to D.T.T. and N.L.S.) and the LINK Programme in Selective Drug Delivery and Targeting (funded by the SERC/MRC/DTI and Industry). Charlotte Ward gave excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   
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