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Uplift of the roof of africa and its bearing on the evolution of mankind   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Evidence concerning the geomorphological evolution of the Western Rift Valley, sedimentation within the valley and comparison of the fossil mammalian faunas of Western Uganda and East Africa indicate that the mountain ranges which now flank the Western Rift were uplifted in three or more stages beginning during the upper Miocene and that they reached climatically important altitudes during the upper Pliocene, at which time they began to modify regional climatic patterns in East Africa. Their main effect was the xerification of conditions over much of the region east of the mountains. The regional climatic effects due to the mountain ranges were themselves modified by global climatic changes related to the onset of the Glacial Period, the two phenomena combining to yield the Present day climatic regime of East Africa. As the climate changed, so did the flora and fauna. Faunal response was of three main kinds: a) dispersal into East Africa of pre-existing forms already adapted to more xeric conditions (many bovids, some cercopithecids), b) autochthonous evolution of forms adapted to mesic environments into forms adapted to more xeric conditions (suids, elephantids, some bovids, hominids), c) displacement of species ranges of those lineages unable to adapt to changing conditions (i.e. local extinctions) (Anancus, Brachypotherium). Autochthonous evolvers, including hominids, adopted two main strategies reflected in their hard anatomy: a) dietary shift (suids, proboscideans, bovids and later Pliocene hominids) and b) locomotor changes (early Pliocene hominids).  相似文献   
Summary A chlorotic condition of soybeans in the river valleys of eastern Nebraska was studied. The pattern of chlorosis, presence of petiolar necrosis, reductions in rhizobial and mycorrhizal infection, and plant and soil chemical analyses suggest that the condition is more complex than normal iron deficiency chlorosis or other mineral deficiencies or toxicities. Nodulation is almost totally inhibited in affected plants. Mycorrhizal fungi, while able to infect early in the season, do not persist on affected plants. Breakdown of endodermis was observed in the roots of affected plants. The factors contributing to this condition have not yet been determined. Published with the approval of the director as Paper No. 5672, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   
A new genus and species of peri-Saharian buthid scorpion is described on the basis of single specimen collected in the Great Rift Valley, North of Kenya. This new scorpion taxon represents yet another endemic relict element for the faunas of the peri-Saharian regions. Comments are also included on the evolution of the Sahara and peri-Saharian regions and its possible consequences on the distribution of the extant scorpion fauna.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Effects of silvicultural activities on birds are of increasing interest because of documented national declines in breeding bird populations for some species and the potential that these declines are in part due to changes in forest habitat. Silviculturally induced disturbances have been advocated as a means to achieve suitable forest conditions for priority wildlife species in bottomland hardwood forests. We evaluated how silvicultural activities on conservation lands in bottomland hardwood forests of Louisiana, USA, influenced species-specific densities of breeding birds. Our data were from independent studies, which used standardized point-count surveys for breeding birds in 124 bottomland hardwood forest stands on 12 management areas. We used Program DISTANCE 5.0, Release 2.0 (Thomas et al. 2006) to estimate density for 43 species with >50 detections. For 36 of those species we compared density estimates among harvest regimes (individual selection, group selection, extensive harvest, and no harvest). We observed 10 species with similar densities in those harvest regimes compared with densities in stands not harvested. However, we observed 10 species that were negatively impacted by harvest with greater densities in stands not harvested, 9 species with greater densities in individual selection stands, 4 species with greater densities in group selection stands, and 4 species with greater densities in stands receiving an extensive harvest (e.g., >40% canopy removal). Differences in intensity of harvest influenced densities of breeding birds. Moreover, community-wide avian conservation values of stands subjected to individual and group selection, and stands not harvested, were similar to each other and greater than that of stands subjected to extensive harvest that removed >40% canopy cover. These results have implications for managers estimating breeding bird populations, in addition to predicting changes in bird communities as a result of prescribed and future forest management practices.  相似文献   
Deciduous tooth size in Native Americans of the Ohio Valley area is fairly stable from the terminal Late Archaic (3200 BP) through the Late Prehistoric (350 BP) periods. Some fluctuation in average size did occur during this time. These fluctuations most likely reflect random changes due to gene drift. However, no difference in the pattern of interactions among the sizes of teeth (covariance structures) can be demonstrated during this period. Principal components analysis of the buccolingual and mesiodistal dimensions in the total sample indicate that the major axis of deciduous tooth size in the Ohio Valley population shows an allometric relationship, with the dimensions of the anterior teeth increasing (or decreasing) as the 1.33 power of the dimension of m1(1) and as the 2.0 power of the dimension of m2(2). Comparison of the Ohio Valley samples with other samples from the Eastern Woodlands suggests that geography may have played a minor role in structuring deciduous tooth size variation. For the most part, however, widely separated Eastern Woodlands populations appear to have been evolving independently with respect to deciduous tooth size.  相似文献   
The sugar diet and life-span of Phlebotomus papatasi were studied in a typical zoonotic focus of Leishmania major in an arid area of the Jordan Valley during 1996-1997. Plant-tissue residues (cellulose particles) were identified in the stained guts of 23% of P. papatasi and significant amounts of sugar were found in the gut of 16%. Feeding on different plants was demonstrated by using their branches, suffused with cellulose stain, as baits in the field. Ingested, stained cellulose was detected in 10% of the sandflies (6% of males, 12.5% of females) caught near bait-branches of common local plants, mostly Chenopodiaceae. The similar rates of plant and sugar feeding, with the observed absence of aphids (ruling out the availability of honeydew), implied that the sugar meals of sandflies were obtained directly from plants. The relative paucity of sugar meals in P. papatasi coincided with a short life-span, evaluated by daily growth lines in the cuticle. The age of the oldest females was estimated to be 8 days, and 6 days for males. Under local conditions, the first gonotrophic cycle can be completed in 6 days and the usual transmission of L. major is apparently afterwards, when females ingest blood to initiate another cycle. Only about 9% of P. papatasi females survived > 6 days.  相似文献   
Lake Bogoria, in the Rift Valley of Kenya is an extreme saline lake (conductivity 40–80 mS cm–1, alkalinity 1500 m equ l–1). It is hydrologically more stable than the other, endorheic lakes in Kenya, because it is deep – maximum depth at present just over 10 m in an area of 3000 ha – and so does not have periods when it is dry. It is ecologically simple, with only one species dominating the phytoplankton – the cyanobacterium `spirulina', Arthrospira fusiformis. Its biomass and productivity were very high – biomass between 38 and 365 g l–1 chlorophyll `a' and 3.4–21 × 103 coils ml–1 and net production between 0.24 and 1 gm C m3 h, the latter in a narrow zone of less than a metre. There were no macro-zooplankton in the plankton and the only grazer of A. fusiformis was the lesser flamingo, Phoeniconaias minor,which occurred irregularly in very high concentrations (in excess of 1 × 106). Detritivory in the benthos was effected by a single chironomid species, Paratendipes sp., at a maximum density of 4 × 104 m–2. The mean daily emergence of adult chironomids was estimated to be 1 × 103 m–2, the maximum 3. There was no littoral plant community within the lake but 44 dicotyledonous and 31 monocotyledonous plant species in the drawn-down zone and adjacent to it. A diverse draw-down terrestrial invertebrate fauna, only superficially described here, processed the flamingo feathers and carcasses, with other detritus such as chironomid pupal exuviae and decaying A. fusiformis scum. About 50 bird species depended upon the chironomids, either as they emerged through the water column as flying adults or later on the shoreline as floating pupal exuvia and dead adults. The lake has high conservation value because of three bird species in particular – lesser flamingo, Cape teal and black-necked grebe. The former provides real economic value in a region otherwise impoverished, because of the spectacle of tens of thousands of flamingos set against the landscape of hot springs and fumaroles at the lake edge, which draws 15000 visitors per annum. P. minor has experienced three periods during the past ten years when major mortalities have occurred, the last of which killed 700 birds day–1. This could have involved as many as 200000 birds (about 1/5th of the maximum population at this lake) if mortality was at a constant rate for the nine months it was observed. Causes of mortality have been suggested as avian tuberculosis, poisoning from cyanobacterial toxins or from heavy metal contamination at Lake Nakuru, but it is still not yet clear what contribution each makes to the problem.  相似文献   
A portion of the former Lake Hula wetland (northern Israel) was re-flooded in spring 1994 and the physical, chemical and biological developments within the resulting new lake and wetland complex (Agmon) was followed closely by a multi-disciplinary scientific team. The first three years of study relating to Lake Agmon are reported in this issue of Wetlands Ecology & Management. We provide in this paper a general background on the Lake Hula Draining Project in the 1950s and the recent re-flooding and creation of the Agmon wetland.  相似文献   
下扬子区奥陶纪牙形刺多样性演变初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据前人和作者现有资料,对下扬子地区,特别是宁镇地区奥陶纪已经报道的牙形刺属种进行厘定,并按牙形刺带逐带进行多样性统计分析,初步编制出该地区奥陶纪牙形刺属种的地层延限表.研究表明;下扬子区牙形刺在奥陶纪的宏演化经历了3次较明显的辐射事件,分别发生在特马豆克期晚期-弗洛期早期(Serratognathus diversua带)、大坪期早期(Baltoniodus triangularis带)、达瑞威尔期晚期(Eoplacognathus suecicus带);此外,还经历了2次快速增长期,分别发生在达瑞威尔期早期(Lenodus antivariabilis带)、桑比期晚期至凯迪期早期(Hamarodus europaeus带),后者可能与局部环境变化有关.研究表明:华南海平面升降对下扬子区牙形刺宏演化趋势有重要影响.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: There is considerable confusion in the literature concerning impermeability of seeds with 'hard' seed coats, because the ability to take up (imbibe) water has not been tested in most of them. Seeds of Opuntia tomentosa were reported recently to have a water-impermeable seed coat sensu lato (i.e. physical dormancy), in combination with physiological dormancy. However, physical dormancy is not known to occur in Cactaceae. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine if seeds of O. tomentosa are water-permeable or water-impermeable, i.e. if they have physical dormancy. METHODS: The micromorphology of the seed coat and associated structures were characterized by SEM and light microscopy. Permeability of the seed-covering layers was assessed by an increase in mass of seeds on a wet substrate and by dye-tracking and uptake of tritiated water by intact versus scarified seeds. KEY RESULTS: A germination valve and a water channel are formed in the hilum-micropyle region during dehydration and ageing in seeds of O. tomentosa. The funicular envelope undoubtedly plays a role in germination of Opuntia seeds via restriction of water uptake and mechanical resistance to expansion of the embryo. However, seeds do not exhibit any of three features characteristic of those with physical dormancy. Thus, they do not have a water-impermeable layer(s) of palisade cells (macrosclereids) or a water gap sensu stricto and they imbibe water without the seed coat being disrupted. CONCLUSIONS: Although dormancy in seeds of this species can be broken by scarification, they have physiological dormancy only. Further, based on information in the literature, it is concluded that it is unlikely that any species of Opuntia has physical dormancy. This is the first integrative study of the anatomy, dynamics of water uptake and dormancy in seeds of Cactaceae subfamily Opuntioideae.  相似文献   
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