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全膜覆土穴播是西北黄土高原旱作区大面积应用于密植作物栽培的关键增产技术,可显著提高降水利用率和作物生产力,但目前对其增产机制和环境效应缺乏系统研究分析。在2011—2013年以春小麦陇春27号为试验材料,设全膜覆土穴播(FMS)、地膜覆盖穴播(FM)和露地穴播(CK)3个处理,研究半干旱旱作区全膜覆土穴播的土壤水热效应及其对小麦产量的影响。结果表明,小麦苗期FMS在0—25 cm土层的平均地温比CK提高1.4—3.5℃,但孕穗到灌浆期正午地表地温比FM和CK分别降低5.3—6.4℃和3.1—4.3℃。FMS和FM使小麦拔节前0—200 cm土层土壤贮水量分别增加33.1和29.3 mm,且可促进小麦对深层水分(100—200 cm)的利用,FMS成熟期100—200 cm土层土壤贮水量比播前下降44.4—69.6 mm,较CK高8.4—145.5%,但FMS在休闲期补充土壤水分77—127 mm,分别较FM和CK增加4.5%—40.9%和12.8%—109.5%;FMS的休闲效率为30.5%—52.6%,比CK高12.8%—109.5%,比FM高4.5%—40.9%。基于对土壤水热环境和作物耗水的影响,FMS的产量达1750—3180 kg/hm2,水分利用效率为5.5—11.5 kg hm-2mm-1,分别比CK增加40%—220%和27%—239%,而且干旱年份的增加幅度更高。因此,FMS改善了小麦生长前期的土壤水热条件,调节作物不同生育期的耗水强度,显著提高作物水分利用效率和产量,并提高降水休闲效率,使小麦生育期耗散的土壤水分在休闲期得到有效补充。  相似文献   
Capsicum annuum L. Bugang exhibits a hypersensitive response against Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) P0 infection. The C. annuumUDP-glucosyltransferase 1 (CaUGT1) gene was upregulated during resistance response to TMV and by salicylic acid, ethephon, methyl viologen, and sodium nitroprusside treatment. When the gene was downregulated by virus-induced gene silencing, a delayed HR was observed. In addition, free and total SA concentrations in the CaUGT1-downregulated hot pepper were decreased by 52% and 48% compared to that of the control plants, respectively. This suggested that the CaUGT1 gene was involved in resistance response against TMV infection by controlling the accumulation of SA.  相似文献   
为了解广东从化温泉的原核微生物多样性及其产纤维素酶、淀粉酶的能力,选取从化3个地热区的7个温泉样点,现场测量各采样点的水体理化参数,并采集温泉水样品。利用免培养技术对从化温泉环境样品基因组的16S rRNA基因进行扩增,利用高通量测序技术,分析从化温泉环境原核微生物群落结构及多样性。同时,借助纯培养技术,对7个样点的微生物进行分离纯化,并将菌株接种于以微晶纤维素或淀粉为唯一碳源的培养基中,检测其纤维素酶、淀粉酶活性。免培养结果显示,广东从化温泉环境原核微生物群落以细菌为主,群落结构与总碳含量相关性最大。通过选择性分离培养,共获得71株细菌,分属于17个不同的属,其中有9株属于潜在新分类单元,其中67.61%有纤维素酶活性,18.31%有淀粉酶活性。广东从化温泉中存在丰富多样的原核微生物类群,且蕴藏大量具有产生纤维素酶、淀粉酶活性的菌株,极具进一步发掘和研究的价值。  相似文献   
气候变暖对东北三省春玉米严重低温冷害及种植布局的影响   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
赵俊芳  杨晓光  刘志娟 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6544-6551
以我国对气候变化较为敏感的东北三省为例,利用1961~2007年78个气象站的资料,结合玉米生长季温度距平冷害指标,分析了气候变暖对东北三省春玉米严重低温冷害及种植布局的影响.结果表明:(1)气候变暖背景下,从20世纪60年代到21世纪初,东北三省各地区春玉米严重冷害受害程度总体表现为减少趋势,但由于不同地方温度波动幅度较大,区域性的严重冷害发生频率也随之加大;就平均发生频率空间分布而言,1961~2007年严重冷害的平均发生频率表现为东北部高于西南部,最大值出现在黑龙江北部(38%),最低值在辽宁南部(4%).(2)气候变暖背景下,不同熟性玉米品种可种植界线明显北移东延,早熟品种逐渐被中、晚熟品种取代,中、晚熟品种可种植面积不断扩大.(3)随着不同熟性玉米品种种植区域北移东延,严重低温冷害出现频率明显增加,种植风险也在增大.  相似文献   
该研究选取六个多年生苦荞新品系,对春季、秋季直播与秋季再生其主要农艺性状进行调查。结果表明:(1)不同播种季节对多年生苦荞新品系主花序的花粉可育率、总结实率、有效结实率、植株株高、主茎粗、主茎分枝数、主茎节数、籽粒百粒重、单株粒数、单株产量的影响均达到显著或极显著水平;秋播主花序花粉可育率、总结实率、有效结实率、植株主茎分枝数、籽粒百粒重、单株粒数、单株产量均极显著高于春播;植株株高、主茎粗、主茎节数均极显著低于春播;主花序花朵大小、籽粒种子长宽比无显著差异。(2)不同种植方式对主花序花粉可育率、有效结实率、植株主茎节数及籽粒百粒重的影响达到显著或极显著水平;秋季再生主花序花粉可育率、籽粒单株粒数显著高于秋季直播;主花序有效结实率、植株主茎粗、主茎节数、籽粒百粒重显著低于秋季直播;主花序花朵大小、总结实率、植株株高、主茎分枝数、籽粒种子长宽比、单株产量无显著差异;相关分析表明,各生长季节下主花序有效结实率及单株粒数与单株产量的相关系数均最高。(3)所有参试品系中,1612-241秋季直播的单株产量显著高于其他品系; 1612-16、1612-33秋季再生单株产量较正季优势显著。该研究结果有助于筛选出适宜一季播种两季收获的优良品系,为今后多年生苦荞的选择育种提供线索基础。  相似文献   
Relatively minor annual amplitudes of change in certain major nutrients, and especially pH and water temperature were measured in the spring-fed system of Montezuma Well, Arizona during a four year study. phytoplankton diversity was low but for the most part, composition was spatially and temporally constant; total seasonal phytoplankton density was significantly correlated with regional incident light. Phytoplankton species composition changed briefly during and for a short period following the summer monsoon. Ultraplankton (<5 µm diam.) numerically comprised nearly 80% of the phytoplankton community throughout most of the year. The limited residence time of water in the Well may have provided a competitive advantage for cells with high surface area:volume ratios and correspondingly rapid division rates. Nannochloris bacillaris Naum. and Coccomyxa minor Skuja were perennial dominants. Diatom populations did not increase with annual increases in vernal solar radiation. Low pH, high dissolved CO2, and limited residence time for metabolic inhibitors are considered to be largely responsible for the reduced blue-green populations in the Well. The only flagellated photosynthetic group present in Montezuma Well was the Cryptophyta. Desmid populations were minimal, even though pH was consistently below circumneutral (6.5) and free CO2 concentrations high. The role of grazing by an amphipod, Hyalella montezuma, on annual phytoplankton abundance is examined.  相似文献   
Many crop models relate the allocation of dry matter between shoots and roots exclusively to the crop development stage. Such models may not take into account the effects of changes in environment on allocation, unless the allocation parameters are altered. In this paper a crop model with a dynamic allocation parameter for dry matter between shoots and roots is described. The basis of the model is that a plant allocates dry matter such that its growth is maximized. Consequently, the demand and supply of carbon, nitrogen, and water is maintained in balance. This model supports the hypothesis that a functional equilibrium exists between shoots and roots.This paper explains the mathematical computation procedure of the crop model. Moreover, an analysis was made of the ability of a crop model to simulate plant dry matter production and allocation of dry matter between plant organs. The model was tested using data from a greenhouse experiment in which spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown under different soil moisture and nitrogen (N) levels.Generally, the model simulations agreed well with data recorded for total plant dry matter. For validation data the coefficient of determination (r2) between simulated and measured shoot dry weight was 0.96. For the validation treatments r2 was slightly lower, 0.94. In addition to dry matter production the model succeeded satisfactorily in simulating the dry weight of different plant organs. The response of simulated root to shoot ratio to the level of soil moisture was mainly in accordance with the measured data. In contrast, the simulated ratio seemed to be insensitive to the changes in the levels soil N concentration used in the experiment.The data used in the present study were not extensive, and more data are needed to validate the model. However, the results showed that the model responses to the changes in soil N and water level were realistic and mostly agreed with the data. Thus, we suggest that the model and the method employed to allocate dry matter between roots and shoots are useful when modelling the growth of crops under N and water limited conditions.  相似文献   
土壤水分亏缺对春小麦根系干物质累积和分配的影响   总被引:20,自引:6,他引:20  
在人工气候室中进行实验,实施光、温自动控制,研究了土壤水分对春小麦根系干物质积累和分配的影响,3个处理是春小科整个生长发育期内土壤水分分别控制在田间持水量的30%,60%,90%,实验结果表明,在四叶一心-抽穗开花期间,3个处理气孔阻力逐渐降低,光合速率蒸腾速度逐渐上升,其中,中等水分条件下蒸腾速率明显低于充分供水,而光合速率则接近或显著高于是。抽一开花期,下层以根长,根竽中等水分处理显著高于其余  相似文献   
胞浆内精子注射技术生产小鼠   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以piezo操作系统为技术支撑 ,在掌握小鼠卵母细胞胞浆内精子注射技术 (ICSI)的基础上 ,进行了ICSI技术生产试管小鼠的尝试。来自成年昆明 (KM)小鼠附睾尾的新鲜精子 ,剪切去尾后 ,直接将精子头注射到B6D2F1小鼠卵母细胞质中 ,注射后 1h ,83.3%的卵母细胞存活。6h时 ,84.0 %的成活卵子成功受精 ,形成原核 ,排出PB2 体外培养的ICSI胚胎 ,卵裂率 (98%vs 94.7% )和 4-细胞期胚胎比率 (89.5%vs 92.1% )均与培养的体内受精卵没有差异 (P >0.05 ) ;但是 ,桑椹胚(63.8%vs84.2% )和囊胚发育率 (25.7%vs68.4% )极显著地 (P <0.01)低于对照组。120枚原核期胚胎移植给 7只假孕受体后 ,4只受孕小鼠共产出 28只ICSI小鼠 (23.3% )。健康成年的 25只ICSI小鼠都没有明显的生理和行为异常。随机选择其中的 20只小鼠 ,分别进行ICSI小鼠间、ICSI与KM小鼠间共 12组的交配 ,结果所有雌鼠妊娠产仔。在成功建立小鼠ICSI技术的基础上,成功获得了我国的首例ICSI小鼠,并且证明这些ICSI小鼠都具有正常的繁殖后代的能力。  相似文献   
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