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Female mate choice and the benefits of this behavior are criticalaspects of Darwinian sexual selection, but they are seldom documentedbecause it is difficult to identify the male trait(s) that femalesmay be seeking. We conducted experiments with grasshoppers (Melanoplussangutnipes: Orthoptera, Acrididae) to examine this behavior.Males that feed more intensively and select a diet mix thatpermits greater food intake (food intake per body mass per time)in laboratory trials were preferentially selected by females.These better foraging males on average provide greater paternalinvestment (greater spermatophore mass) to the female, whichincreases her reproductive rate (eggs produced per body massper time). However, paternal investment may not entirely explainfemale choice of better foraging males, because these maleswere still selected even if they had their food intake restrictedor had been allowed to recently mate, which reduces spermatophoreproduction. Furthermore, males change their mating strategyin response to female choice and the foraging abilities of surroundingmales. Poorer foraging males attempt forcible copulation ratherthan displaying and allowing female choice. A male will facultativelyswitch between these strategies depending on the foraging abilitiesof the surrounding males. While females attempt to reject forciblecopulation, forcible copulation reduces the frequency with whichfemales successfully copulate with better foraging males. Therefore,males that are less "attractive" to females adopt alternativemating strategies to counter female choice which would excludethem from mating.[Behav Ecol 7: 438–444 (1996)]  相似文献   
Dispersal by young mammals away from their natal site is generallythought to reduce inbreeding, with its attendant negative fitnessconsequences. Genetic data from the dwarf mongoose, a pack-livingcarnivore common in African savannas, indicate that there areexceptions to this generalization. In dwarf mongoose populationsin the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, breeding pairs arecommonly related, and close inbreeding has no measurable effecton offspring production or adult survival. Inbreeding occursbecause average relatedness among potential mates within a packis high, because mating patterns within the pack are randomwith respect to the relatedness of mates, and because dispersaldoes little to decrease the relatedness among mates. Young femalesare more likely to leave a pack when the dominant male is aclose relative but are relatively infrequent dispersers. Youngmales emigrate at random with respect to the relatedness ofthe dominant female and tend to disperse to packs that containgenetically similar individuals.[Behav Ecol 7: 480–489(1996)]  相似文献   
Male wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes) construct nests that areused in their display to females. Previous work has suggestedthat the number of vacant nests may be used as a mate choicecue. Correlational data from 1992 confirmed that females appearedto be assessing die number of vacant nests on a male's territoryand preferentially mating with males with more nests. Male taillengdi was also correlated widi mating success. In 1993 thenumbers of nests on territories was experimentally manipulated,the female setdement patterns confirmed that die number of vacantnests did mediate mate choice. Male tail length failed to explainadditional variance in mating success when die variance explainedby the experimental manipulation was removed, suggesting diatdie original correlation arose because both tail length andmating success were correlated widi a confounding variable.The structure of the vegetation in a male's territory influencedmating success. This appeared to be due to nests surviving betterin territories widi dense vegetation. Males on territories inwhich nests survive well had longer tails. Male-male competitionfor good territories may explain die observed effects of malemorphology on mating success. Furdier analysis of die nest choicedata showed diat all nests had an equal chance of being usedby a female. The fact diat all nests had an equal probabilityof being chosen by a female means diat each additional nestbuilt by a male wren results in die same increase in matingsuccess. This suggests diat die benefits to males of nest buildingincrease linearly. The number of nests on a territory will beaffected by various factors such as predation pressure, nestbuilding rate, and vegetation structure. The information diatfemales are getting by assessing such a signal is discussed.  相似文献   
Intra- and interspecific resource competition are potentially important factors affecting host plant use by phytophagous insects. In particular, escape from competitors could mediate a successful host shift by compensating for decreased feeding performance on a new plant. Here, we examine the question of host plant-dependent competition for apple (Malus pumila)- and hawthorn (Crataegus mollis)-infesting larvae of the apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: Tephritidae) at a field site near Grant, Michigan, USA. Interspecific competition from tortricid (Cydia pomonella, Grapholita prunivora, and Grapholita packardi) and agonoxenid (subfamily Blastodacninae) caterpillars and a curculionid weevil (Conotrachelus crataegi) was much stronger for R. pomonella larvae infesting the ancestral host hawthorn than the derived host apple. Egg to pupal survivorship was estimated as 52.8% for fly larvae infesting hawthorn fruit without caterpillars and weevils compared to only 27.3% for larvae in harthorns with interspecific insects. Survivorship was essentially the same between fly larvae infesting apples in the presence (44.8%) or absence (42.6%) of interspecific insects. Intraspecific competition among maggots was also stronger in hawthorns than apples. The order or time that a larva exited a hawthorn fruit was a significant determinant of its pupal mass, with earlier emerging larvae being heavier than later emerging larvae. This was not the case for larvae in apples, as the order or time that a larva exited an apple fruit had relatively little influence on its pupal mass. Our findings suggest that decreased performance related to host plant chemistry/nutrition may restrict host range expansion and race formation in R. pomonella to those plants where biotic/ecological factors (i.e. escape from competitors and parasitoids) adequately balance the survivorship equation. This balance permits stable fly populations to persist on novel plants, setting the stage for the evolution of host specialization under certain mitigating conditions (e.g. when mating is host specific and host-associated fitness trade-offs exist).  相似文献   
Differential selection in a heterogeneous environment is thought to promote the maintenance of ecologically significant genetic variation. Variation is maintained when selection is counterbalanced by the homogenizing effects of gene flow and random mating. In this study, we examine the relative importance of differential selection and gene flow in maintaining genetic variation in Papilio glaucus. Differential selection on traits contributing to successful use of host plants (oviposition preference and larval performance) was assessed by comparing the responses of southern Ohio, north central Georgia, and southern Florida populations of P. glaucus to three hosts: Liriodendron tulipifera, Magnolia virginiana, and Prunus serotina. Gene flow among populations was estimated using allozyme frequencies from nine polymorphic loci. Significant genetic differentiation was observed among populations for both oviposition preference and larval performance. This differentiation was interpreted to be the result of selection acting on Florida P. glaucus for enhanced use of Magnolia, the prevalent host in Florida. In contrast, no evidence of population differentiation was revealed by allozyme frequencies. FST-values were very small and Nm, an estimate of the relative strengths of gene flow and genetic drift, was large, indicating that genetic exchange among P. glaucus populations is relatively unrestricted. The contrasting patterns of spatial differentiation for host-use traits and lack of differentiation for electrophoretically detectable variation implies that differential selection among populations will be counterbalanced by gene flow, thereby maintaining genetic variation for host-use traits.  相似文献   
Aspects of the biology and host range of Sibinia fastigiata Clark (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) were studied to assess its safety for release in Australia as a biological control agent of the weed Mimosa pigra L . (Mimosaceae) . Larvae feed on the seeds and adults on open flowers of their host . Adults oviposit on to immature seeds 3 mm long or less and hence seeds of this length and maturity were used in the host range tests and for rearing . Females are shown to avoid previously attacked seeds enhancing their effectiveness as seed destroyers . Survival of adults was higher when provided with open flowers . The host range was determined using laboratory control - choice oviposition tests on excised plant material and , in the field in the native range , no - choice oviposition tests on living plants , surveys of adults on plants , and breeding of insects from pods of plants of various legume species . The control - choice oviposition tests employed a new design in which the control plant alone was offered to the insects followed by a choice of test plants species . Other than M. pigra, only one plant species was acceptable for oviposition , the closely related M. asperata. Larval development also occurs on M. asperata and this host is occasionally used in the field . This insect was approved for release in March 1997 .  相似文献   
Abstract The silent parD ( kis/kid ) stability operon of plasmid R1 is normally repressed by the co-ordinated action of the Kis and Kid proteins. In this report it is shown that a mutation in repA , the gene of the plasmid replication protein, that reduces two-fold the copy number of the plasmid, leads to the derepression of the parD system. This derepression can be prevented by a suppressor mutation in copB, a copy number control gene of plasmid R1, that increases the efficiency of replication of the repA mutant. Derepression of the wild-type parD system leads to high plasmid stability. These data show the activation of a plasmid stability operon by a mutation that reduces the efficiency of wild-type plasmid replication.  相似文献   
Synopsis The ecological and evolutionary forces maintaining genetic polymorphism within populations is of continuing interest to evolutionary biologists. Male pygmy swordtails,Xiphophorus pygmaeus, are polymorphic at a Y-linked locus controlling body color. Fish with the + and cp alleles have blue bodies; those with the con allele have bright gold bodies. Male and female fish were tested in the laboratory to determine if there were any preferences for association with groups of male fish based on color. Single test fish were presented with two groups of males of different phenotypes, and times in which the test fish spent in proximity to each group were recorded. Males of different phenotypes showed no differences in preference, nor did phenotype of the males in the groups affect the behavior of the test fish. Females also showed no preference for males of a particular phenotype. Finally, female test fish showed no preference for groups containing a male with the rare phenotype compared to a group containing all males of the same phenotype.  相似文献   
Open-field tests may be used for the host-specificity determination of insects used in the biological control of weeds. Such tests allow insects to exercise free choice of plants without constraints associated with the use of cages. Therefore, this testing method can generate host data on candidate biocontrol agents under more natural conditions than those obtained via cage tests. The literature contains 24 studies of open-field testing, involving 13 target weed species, more than 34 species of insects and one eriophyid mite. Field-test data were used to support the release of 20 of these candidate agents into new countries. Most field tests have been conducted in concert with laboratory host-specificity tests or in response to the results of laboratory tests. This review also provides information on experimental designs, locations, categories of test plants included and the constraints of open-field testing.  相似文献   
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