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Milk samples from the stomachs of harp seal pups were analysed for Cu, Zn, Se, Cd and Hg, as were liver, kidney, and muscle from mother-pup pairs. Tissues were also analysed for MeHg. Milk contained, in addition to essential trace metals, Cd and Hg (57 ng/g and 6.5 ng/g respectively).
Pups had mercury in all three tissues. The percent methyl mercury in liver of pups was higher than in liver of mothers. Mercury in muscle was mostly methyl mercury in both mothers and pups. Total mercury in liver of mothers but not pups was correlated positively with selenium. Estimates of ingested mercury by pups indicated they had acquired most of their mercury during gestation.
Although mothers had cadmium in liver and kidney, it was not detected in tissues of pups. Cadmium did not transfer across the placenta, while mercury did. Tissue concentrations of Cu and Zn were higher in pups than mothers. The presence of metallothionein in pup tissues was postulated.
A strong positive correlation of copper and selenium between mothers and pups indicated transfer of these elements from mother to pup in direct proportion to their concentrations in maternal liver and kidney.  相似文献   
Length, weight and maturity were studied in relation to age in the common seal (Phoca vitulina vitulina L., 1758), collected during the periods 1979-1983 and 1990-2000 in Icelandic waters. The maximum age of common seal observed was 36 years for females and 30 years for males. For common seal females and males, asymptotic length and weight were 161 cm and 93 kg and 174 cm and 97 kg, respectively, showing slight sexual dimorphism in size. The condition of adult females, measured as fat thickness at the lower end of the sternum, was lower in the period 1979-1983 than in 1990-2000 during June-September, the breeding and mating time of the Icelandic common seal. Males reached sexual maturity between 5 and 7 years, whereas 50% of females did so at age 4 years. Including the length and age interaction term in the logistic regression model for the maturity of females significantly improved it. Thus, body size matters in the onset of maturity. The mean birthing date for the Icelandic common seal was found to be in early June. A comparison of animals collected in the two periods 1979-1983 and 1990-2000 did not show significant differences in growth and the average age of sexual maturity for either males or females. The observed decline of the Icelandic common seal population is most probably caused by increased mortality, due to exploitation and accidental by-catch in gill-nets, rather than a decrease in fecundity.  相似文献   
Abstract: Endangered Hawaiian monk seal ( Monachs schauinslandi ) pups at all the major breeding islands in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands have been tagged since the early 1980s. Pups were double flipper tagged as soon as possible post-weaning. With few exceptions, an extensive tag resighting effort was conducted annually at the same islands. These resighting data were used to estimate seal survival rates from the time of tagging to age one at all locations using the ratio of seals alive in the second year to number of pups tagged. These survival rates among the islands, from weaning to age one, averaged over the years of the study, ranged from 0.80 to 0.90. For young seals over age one, capture-recapture methods were used to calculate survival pooled through several years, and these rates ranged from 0.85 to 0.98. At French Frigate Shoals and Laysan Island, the higher numbers of tagged pups allowed separate estimates of male and female survival to be calculated. These rates suggested that survival of immature females was better than males. Beginning in 1989, survival of immature seals at French Frigate Shoals declined sharply.  相似文献   
Abstract: The largest aggregations of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Alaska, USA, haul out on floating ice in tidewater glacial fjords. Seals use these fjords in peak numbers during the critical periods of pupping, breeding, and molting when visits by tour ships also peak. Documented and suspected declines of harbor seals in fjords with rising vessel traffic underscore the need to better understand possible impacts, particularly in areas where ship visits have risen substantially in the past 2 decades. We examined the interruption of haul-out bouts of harbor seals due to approaching cruise ships in Disenchantment Bay, Alaska. We conducted observations from cruise ships and focused on disturbance of seals as evidenced by seals flushing into the water from the floating ice on which they rested. We investigated rate of flushing in relation to vessel distance, approach angle, group size, and seal type (mother, pup, or other). Using a survival-regression analysis, we found that the risk of disturbing harbor seals increased when ships approached within 500 m; seals approached as close as 100 m were 25 times more likely to enter the water than seals 500 m from a ship. Seals were 4 times more prone to enter the water when ships were approaching directly rather than passing abeam. Seals responded similarly regardless of group size or seal type. Energetic models indicated a potential to disrupt energy balance and cause thermal stress in disturbed pups if they spent >50% of their time in ice-chilled water. Studies at non-glacial sites suggest that pups spend 40–70% of their time in the water. Voluntary guidelines for approaching seals in Alaska recommend that cruise ships approach ≥91 m (100 yards), a distance at which we show 90% of seals would flush into the water. Our findings indicate a need to develop regulations to maintain a 500-m separation between cruise ships and seals in all Alaskan glacial fjords.  相似文献   
Earlier studies have shown that members of the cytochrome P4501 (CYP1) enzyme family are constitutively expressed, and are elevated in the livers of ringed seals (Phoca hispida) and grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) living in the heavily polluted Baltic Sea. In this study, we compared the expression profiles of several additional CYP enzymes in the liver and extrahepatic tissues of Baltic ringed and grey seals with the corresponding CYP expression in seals from relatively unpolluted waters. We used marker enzyme activity levels, diagnostic inhibitors and immunoblot analysis to assess members of the CYP2A, CYP2B, CYP2C, CYP2D, CYP2E and CYP3A sub-families. Coumarin 7-hydroxylation (COH), a marker of CYP2A activity, was high in the liver and the lungs of all the studied seal populations. The presence of a putative CYP2A form in these seals was further supported by the strong inhibition of COH activity by a chemical inhibitor and by an anti-CYP2A5 antibody. However, antibodies to human and rodent CYP2B, CYP2C and CYP2E forms did not recognize any proteins in these seal species. Dextromethorphan O-demethylation (marker for CYP2D activity) and chlorzoxazone 6-hydroxylation (marker for CYP2E activity) were measurable in the livers of all the seals we studied. Both activities were elevated in the Baltic seal populations, showed a strong positive correlation with CYP1A activity and were at least partly inhibited by a typical CYP1A inhibitor, alpha-naphthoflavone. Further studies are needed to determine the presence and characteristics of CYP2D and CYP2E enzymes in ringed and grey seals. Testosterone 6beta-hydroxylation, a CYP3A marker, showed a relatively high level of activity in the livers of both seal species and was potently inhibited by ketoconazole, a CYP3A-selective inhibitor. The putative CYP3A activity showed an opposing geographical trend to that of CYP2D and CYP2E, since it was elevated in the control area. CYP3A protein levels, revealed by immunoblotting, showed a positive correlation with testosterone 6beta-hydroxylation. We conclude tentatively that CYP2A- and CYP3A-like enzymes are expressed in ringed and grey seals, but that CYP2B- and CYP2C-like ones are not. Further information on the individual contaminant profile is needed before any conclusions can be drawn on a possible connection between the varying CYP expressions and the contaminant load.  相似文献   
It is notoriously difficult to measure physiological parameters in cryptic free‐ranging marine mammals. However, it is critical to understand how marine mammals manage their energy expenditure and their diving behavior in environments where the predation risks are low and where survival is mainly linked to capacities to maintain physiological homeostasis and energy budget balance. Elephant seals are top marine predators that dive deeply and continuously when at sea. Using acoustic recorders deployed on two postbreeding southern elephant seals (SES) females, we developed methods to automatically estimate breathing frequency at the surface. Using this method, we found that seals took successive identical breaths at high frequency (0.29 Hz) when recovering at the surface and that breath count was strongly related to postdive surfacing time. In addition, dive depth was the main factor explaining surfacing time through the effects of dive duration and total underwater swimming effort exerted. Finally, we found that recovery does not only occur over one dive timescale, but over a multidive time scale for one individual. The way these predators manage their recovery will determine how they respond to the change in oceanic water column structure in the future.  相似文献   
We document and compare the annual molt of the Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii) on two islands off the west coast of the Baja California Peninsula that are the northern and southern extremes of its distribution in Mexico. During 2014, observations were made from March to July on Todos Santos Island (northern extreme) and from January to June on San Roque Island (southern extreme). On Todos Santos, the premolt lasted 15 wk (March–June) and the molt 12 wk (April–July). On San Roque, the premolt lasted 22 wk (January–June) and the molt 17 wk (February–June). The proportion of seals undergoing molt peaked on 26 May on Todos Santos and on 7 June on San Roque. Shedding of old hair most commonly initiated on the torso and progressed to the head and flippers (reverse molting pattern). The period when the highest number of harbor seals haul out in Mexico is in late April on the more southerly islands and in early May on the more northerly islands, when a large proportion of seals are in premolt.  相似文献   
Multi-decadal time-series of biological indices that reflect the state of a population are rare in ecological studies, but invaluable for assessing environmental regulation of population dynamics. We utilized canine teeth extracted from ringed seals (Pusa hispida) killed by polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in the Beaufort Sea, Canada, in 1985–2011, to obtain widths of annual growth layers in the cementum. Canine teeth for 75 individuals were measured and compared across years using a proportional width index (PWI) spanning 1965–2007. PWI was positively correlated with ringed seal ovulation rate obtained independently from other studies and was significantly lower than normal during ringed seal reproductive declines in 1974–75, 1984–87, 1991–93, and 2004–05, suggesting that PWI reflects ringed seal reproductive capacity. The PWI was also examined against climatic and sea ice factors to assess environmental regulation of ringed seal reproduction. Results suggest that ringed seals benefit from cyclonic circulation regimes in the Beaufort Sea, and an earlier breakup of sea ice in summer that may positively influence the quality and quantity of food during the open water season. Results highlight how cementum annuli in the canine teeth of ringed seals can provide an index of body state and linkages to sea ice conditions. Canine teeth from ringed seals can function as a means to monitor the effects of past Arctic marine variability on area-specific populations for which there are few independent empirical data.  相似文献   
The intensification of land alterations promotes the spread of invasive and overabundant species. Yet, controlling such species is not always derived from extensive impact assessments. We explored the consequences of the Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix) expansion into the arid region of Israel on the local biota. Crow activities and their potential effects were examined in a nature reserve and its surrounding agricultural lands. We used line transect counts and Global Positioning System (GPS) tagging to assess crow habitat utilization patterns. To measure crow impact on the local community, we compared artificial nest predation rates between agrarian and natural land types. Compositional analysis of the GPS-tagged crows' home range indicated a preference for arable lands, with low utilization of natural areas, limited to the vicinity of the nature reserve edges. Accordingly, Hooded Crows were among the dominant nest predators, mainly in agricultural lands or near their borders. These findings suggest that crow impact on natural habitats is low and limited to highly exploratory individuals. As crow abundance is expected to continue increasing, we call for short and long-term management actions, including establishing agri-environmental schemes to boost the local community's resistance to overabundant and invasive species.  相似文献   
During the last decades, the critically endangered Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus has strongly declined across its African range. Although direct persecution has been suggested as a major cause of this decline, little is known about the impact of humans on reproductive output in West Africa. We studied the impact of human activities on the reproductive output of Hooded Vultures in the Garango area of Burkina Faso. Twenty and 56 nesting attempts were monitored, respectively, during the breeding season in 2013/14 and 2014/15, to determine reproductive success and identify causes of nest failure. Annual breeding success varied between 0.68 and 0.71 chicks fledged per breeding pair per year and productivity was assessed at 0.57 chicks fledged per territorial pair in 2014/15. The main threats imposed by humans were poaching of eggs, chicks and collection of nest materials, leading to 20% (13 out of 64 breeding attempts) of nest failures over the two years. An additional important reason for nest failure was the pruning and (partial) cutting of nest trees. Despite this high level of human interference, we found that Hooded Vulture nest success increased with proximity to human settlements, probably because breeding vultures benefit from protection by people against persecution and disturbance.  相似文献   
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