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Blood metabolites and urea kinetics were determined in starveling elephant seal pups to assess the transition to stage III fasting in this fasting-adapted species. Five postmolt and two premolt starvelings, denned as having a mass <50 kg, were studied until death or departure to sea. Premolt starvelings died on the rookery while postmolt starvelings departed to sea. Increased mass loss and a significant inverse relationship between mass and the ratio of blood urea nitrogen to creatinine suggested that premolt starvelings had enrered stage III starvation prior to death while urea kinetics suggested that postmolt pups engaged stage III starvation prior to departure. The mean rate of protein catabolism was estimated at 19.4 g/d for departing starvelings, twice the absolute rate and about four times the mass-specific rate estimated in healthy weanlings after eight weeks of fasting. Three starvelings stranded after departure, possibly as a result of thermoregulatory challenges and inefficient dive behavior. Entrance into stage III fasting interrupts the development of diving in emaciated pups (<50 kg) suggesting that an increased rate of protein catabolism might be linked to the cue to forage. This biochemical trigger is possibly different than the cue to feed in healthy weanlings, which depart the rookery with substantial fat stores.  相似文献   
Like most otariids species, the Subantarctic fur seal breeds on land in large, dense colonies. Pups are confronted by the long and repetitive absences of their mother throughout lactation. At each mother's return, pups have to find her among several hundreds of congeners. This recognition process mainly relies on acoustic signals. We performed an acoustic analysis on 125 calls from 20 females recorded during the 1999–2000 breeding season on Amsterdam Island (Indian Ocean). Ten variables were measured in both temporal and frequency domains. To find the acoustic parameters supporting individual signature, we assessed the differences between individuals using Kruskall-Wallis univariate analysis of variance. For each variable, we also calculated the potential of individuality coding (PIC) as the ratio between the between-individual coefficient of variation and the mean value of the within-individual coefficients of variation. We found that the frequency spectrum, the characteristics of the frequency modulation of the initial and middle part of the call and the call duration exhibit an important individual stereotypy (PIC values ranging between 1.5 and 3), whereas features relative to amplitude and the frequency modulation of the final part of the call are weakly individualized (PIC values between 1 and 1.2).  相似文献   
Eight adult female harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) of the White Sea–Barents Sea stock were tagged with satellite-linked dive recorders during the nursing period and followed from breeding in late February 1995 until moulting in late April 1995. Another ten adult harp seals of both sexes were tagged and followed from moult in early May 1996 until breeding in late February the following year. Between breeding and moult the seals were distributed along the coasts of Kola of Russia and eastern Finnmark of Norway, coinciding in time and space with the spawning capelin (Mallotus villosus). Between moulting and breeding they encircled the entire Barents Sea, mostly in open water, using the water column from 20 to 300 m, and in so doing by and large reflecting the annual migrations of the capelin. Capelin is therefore assumed to be the main source of prey for the White Sea–Barents Sea stock of harp seals, to be substituted, in part, by amphipods (e.g. Themisto libellula) in mid-summer and polar cod (Boreogadus saida) and herring (Clupea pallasii) in late autumn and winter. These data provide a baseline for the evaluation of the effects of future climatic change in the rich Barents Sea ecosystem.  相似文献   
New Zealand fur seals are one of many pinniped species that survived the commercial sealing of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in dangerously low numbers. After the enforcement of a series of protection measures in the early twentieth century, New Zealand fur seals began to recover from the brink of extinction. We examined the New Zealand fur seal populations of Banks Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand using the mitochondrial DNA control region. We identified a panmictic population structure around Banks Peninsula. The most abundant haplotype in the area showed a slight significant aggregated structure. The Horseshoe Bay colony showed the least number of shared haplotypes with other colonies, suggesting a different origin of re-colonisation of this specific colony. The effective population size of the New Zealand fur seal population at Banks Peninsula was estimated at approximately 2500 individuals. The exponential population growth rate parameter for the area was 35, which corresponds to an expanding population. In general, samples from adjacent colonies shared 4.4 haplotypes while samples collected from colonies separated by between five and eight bays shared 1.9 haplotypes. The genetic data support the spill-over dynamics of colony expansion already suggested for this species. Approximate Bayesian computations analysis suggests re-colonisation of the area from two main clades identified across New Zealand with a most likely admixture coefficient of 0.41 to form the Banks Peninsula population. Approximate Bayesian computations analysis estimated a founder population size of approximately 372 breeding individuals for the area, which then rapidly increased in size with successive waves of external recruitment. The population of fur seals in the area is probably in the late phase of maturity in the colony expansion dynamic.  相似文献   
We evaluated bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) as a means of rapidly and inexpensively estimating total body water (TBW) of harbor seals ( Phoca vitulina ). Deuterium oxide dilution was used to estimate TBW in 17 adult females and 16 of their pups between birth and late lactation. Isotope dilution was also used to determine TBW in 12 adult males early and 10 of these males late in the breeding season. At the same time, resistance ( Rs ) and reactance ( Xc ) measurements were taken using a tetrapolar, impedance plethysmograph (Model 101 A, RJL Systems). Seals were sedated with diazepam prior to taking BIA measurements. Within-day duplicate Rs measurements on pups and adults, taken 2-240 min apart, differed by an average of 3.0%± 1.4% ( n = 42, CV = 102%). Movement of the seal during BIA measurements caused variability in both Rs and Xc values. BIA measurements were generally poor predictors of TBW. Rs was significantly correlated with TBW in pups only ( Rs = 0.93, P = 0.001, n = 11). Bioelectrical conductor volume (length2/ Rs ) was significantly correlated with TBW only in adult females ( Rs = 0.63, P = 0.02, n = 14). We conclude that BIA is not a reliable method of estimating TBW in wild harbor seals.  相似文献   
Thirteen Weddell seals ( Leptonychotes weddellii ) were collected at Vestkapp, eastern Weddell Sea coast, in austral spring 1986. All stomachs contained partially digested food. The mean wet weight of stomach contents was 7.5 kg, 3.3% of the. mean body weight of the collected seals. Twelve fish species and three cephalopod species were identified from 372 left otoliths and 25 lower beaks, representing 58.4% of 679 total prey items obtained. Composition by number of total prey was: Chionodraco myersi (15.8%), Trematomus eulepidotus (10.0%), Pagetopsis maculatus (9.7%), Racovitzia glacialis (9.6%) and Cryodraco antarcticus (4.1%). Otoliths of the seven other fish species and beaks of the three cephalopod species together represented 9.1% of total prey numbers. The pooled wet weights calculated from 13 prey species (regressions for two octopod species were not available) amounted to 43.5 kg food mass and represented 44.7% of the combined food mass in all stomachs. Composition by mass was: C. myersi (44.5%), T. eulepidotus (19.8%), squid Psychroteuthis glacialis (8.5%), P. maculates (7.9%), C. antarcticus (7.1%) and R. glacialis (6.2%). The remaining 7 fish species together represented 5.8% by mass. Temporal variation in food availability was apparent. Midwater fish Pleuragramma antarcticum was the staple food of Weddell seals from the same area during the 1985 summer, whereas it was absent in the samples taken in spring 1986. Estimates of fish biomass from net hauls demonstrate a highly variable availability of pelagic food resources for top predators in the Vestkapp area.  相似文献   
We studied the ontogeny of hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit and erythrocyte counts in the Galapagos fur seal ( Arctocephalus galapagoensis , Heller 1904). Two hundred and fifty-three animals were sampled between the ages of 22 d and > 8 yr, of which 46 were adult females. Body mass increased steadily with age from 6.1 ± 1.2 kg in 1-mo-old pups ( n = 27) to 28.5 ± 3.3 kg in adult females. Even adult females increased in mass with age. Hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), and red blood cell (RBC) values all increased in a logarithmic fashion with age up to 2 yr. Blood values for pups were Hct: 35.5 ± 4.1%; Hb: 12.9 ± 1.3 g/dl; RBC: 4.1 ± 0.3·106/μl. Half-year-old fur seals (Hct: 42.1 ± 3.2%; Hb: 15.7 ± 1.3 g/dl; RBC: 4.9 ± 0.5·106/μl; n = 50) were the oldest age group to show significantly lower blood values than adult females ( P < 0.001 for all three parameters). Yearling blood values (Hct: 47.2 ± 3.6%; Hb: 17.3 ± 1.6 g/dl; RBC: 5.6 ± 0.4·106/μl; n = 56) did not differ significantly from those of adult females ( P < 0.32; P < 0.26; P < 0.23, respectively). Blood values of adult females were lower than those of 2-yr-olds (Hct: 49.6 ± 2.4%; Hb: 18.5 ± 1.2 g/dl; RBC: 5.7 ± 0.3·106/μl; n = 31). These differences were significant only for RBCs ( P < 0.003). Up to the age of 1 yr, age was the best predictor for blood values, thereafter mass tended to be a better predictor. Female juveniles between the ages of 150 and 600 d had higher blood values than same-age males. The relationship of blood value development to diving activity is briefly described and the results are compared to values of other marine mammals. Ontogeny is discussed in relation to the development of these blood values in terrestrial mammals.  相似文献   
Abstract: Endangered Hawaiian monk seal ( Monachs schauinslandi ) pups at all the major breeding islands in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands have been tagged since the early 1980s. Pups were double flipper tagged as soon as possible post-weaning. With few exceptions, an extensive tag resighting effort was conducted annually at the same islands. These resighting data were used to estimate seal survival rates from the time of tagging to age one at all locations using the ratio of seals alive in the second year to number of pups tagged. These survival rates among the islands, from weaning to age one, averaged over the years of the study, ranged from 0.80 to 0.90. For young seals over age one, capture-recapture methods were used to calculate survival pooled through several years, and these rates ranged from 0.85 to 0.98. At French Frigate Shoals and Laysan Island, the higher numbers of tagged pups allowed separate estimates of male and female survival to be calculated. These rates suggested that survival of immature females was better than males. Beginning in 1989, survival of immature seals at French Frigate Shoals declined sharply.  相似文献   
Many animals respond to predation risk by forming groups. Evolutionary explanations for group formation in previously ungrouped, but loosely associated prey have typically evoked the selfish herd hypothesis. However, despite over 600 studies across a diverse array of taxa, the critical assumptions of this hypothesis have remained collectively untested, owing to several confounding problems in real predator–prey systems. To solve this, we manipulated the domains of danger of Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) decoys to provide evidence that a selfish reduction in a seals'' domain of danger results in a proportional reduction in its predation risk from ambush shark attacks. This behaviour confers a survival advantage to individual seals within a group and explains the evolution of selfish herds in a prey species. These findings empirically elevate Hamilton''s selfish herd hypothesis to more than a ‘theoretical curiosity’.  相似文献   
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