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A. R. Main  C. M. Bull 《Oecologia》2000,122(4):574-581
Populations of the Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, near Mt. Mary, South Australia carry natural infestations of two tick species Aponomma hydrosauri and Amblyomma limbatum. In field experiments at two sites, 18 km apart, lizards with experimentally increased tick loads had smaller home ranges, moved shorter distances in a day, and were found basking more but moving less often than lizards from which ticks were experimentally removed. The results were consistent for adult lizards in two years, and for sub-adults in a third year. Laboratory trials showed that juvenile lizards that had tick infestations had lower sprint speeds than uninfested siblings, and that adults with tick infestations had less endurance than those that were uninfested. The results contrast with those of a previous survey that showed that lizards with high tick loads had greater body size and remained longer at a site, but indicate that there may be a balance, for lizards, between the fitness advantages in occupying habitats with high-quality resources, and the costs from parasites that also prefer those habitats. Received: 02 March 1999 / Accepted: 07 October 1999  相似文献   
The present study investigates the effect of cannulation and chronic'black-box' confinement, as well as epinephrine administration (4–0 μg kg−1), on the degree and time-course of alterations in trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) catecholamine and cortisol concentrations. Plasma cortisol concentrations in seawater trout acclimated to 3–6° C reached 104 ng ml−1 1 day after cannulation/confinement and remained elevated above resting levels (8 ng ml−1) until 6 days post-confinement. Although plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine generally declined over the period of confinement (day 1 approx. 12 nM; day 7 approx. 6 nM), norepinephrine titres were usually higher and more variable. Epinephrine injection caused elevations in plasma epinephrine levels but not in norepinephrine levels; epinephrine titres reaching 107 ± 26 nM (range 65–238 nM) at 2 min post-injection and returning to pre-injection levels by 30 min post-injection. Plasma cortisol increased by 20 ng ml−1 following epinephrine administration. Based on the time-course for post-confinement alterations in plasma cortisol, it appears that up to a week may be required before cannulated fish are completely acclimated to 'black-box' confinement. The findings suggest that meaningful results from experiments utilizing epinephrine injection and 'black-box confinement are contingent upon: (1) knowledge of circulating epinephrine levels shortly after injection (i.e. within 2 min post-injection); and (2) an experimental design that takes into account the elevated cortisol titres that are inherent with cannulation/confinement and epinephrine injection.  相似文献   
张微  田颖  张亚琼  李杰  胡严 《动物学杂志》2024,59(3):349-357
红隼(Falco tinnunculus)被列为国家二级重点保护野生动物,是能同时适应农村和城市环境的小型猛禽,对维持城市生态系统稳定具有重要意义。2022年4月至7月,为在北京救助的7只红隼佩戴了卫星追踪器,追踪其活动轨迹,依据追踪的动物活动位点数据,采用净平方位移-时间曲线依次对各红隼的迁徙模式进行了判别,深入分析了迁徙红隼的迁徙时间、距离和路线等,并采用核心密度法分别计算了迁徙及留居型红隼95%及50%活动区面积。研究结果表明,在北京地区红隼的迁徙模式为部分迁徙,追踪的7只红隼个体(N01 ~ N07)中,4只为留鸟,1只为迁徙鸟,2只居留类型无法准确判断。N01为迁徙红隼,其度夏地和越冬地分别在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟和河北廊坊,此红隼秋季迁徙速度明显高于春季,其春季迁徙距离551 km,历时25 d,平均迁徙速度为22 km/d,而秋季迁徙距离412 km,历时2 d,平均迁徙速度为203 km/d,河北承德滦平县是其春季迁徙的重要中途停歇地。不同红隼个体间95%及50%活动区面积均存在较大差异,迁徙红隼N01 95%、50%活动区面积在度夏区分别为93.10 km2、17.50 km2,在越冬区分别为7.03 km2、0.99 km2;留居型红隼95%、50%活动区面积均值分别为1 165.34 km2、178.71 km2(n = 4),其中最大95%、50%活动区面积分别为4 320.26 km2(N02)、648.22 km2(N02),最小95%、50%活动区面积分别为2.80 km2(N03)、0.29 km2(N03)。本研究揭示了北京地区红隼的迁徙模式、迁徙路线、重要停歇地及活动区状况,为红隼的针对性保护和管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
The per capita home range area of Japanese macaques,Macaca fuscata, is significantly smaller in evergreen forest than in deciduous forest, though a corresponding difference in food resource utilization patterns has never been described. The present study compared the home range utilization pattern of Japanese macaques living in two habitats: the Yakushima population inhabits an evergreen forest, while the Kinkazan population inhabits a deciduous forest. We found that in the Yakushima population, (1) food density was higher; (2) inter-feeding bout sites distance was shorter; (3) daily travel distance was shorter; (4) home range size was smaller; and (5) the unit value of the main home range was higher, than in the Kinkazan population. Yakushima groups utilized a small home range area intensively, compared to Kinkazan groups. We also found that a Yakushima group shared 24% of its main home range with neighboring groups, though a Kinkazan group shared only 10% with other groups. It is supposed that food distribution affects daily ranging pattern, and ultimately the social relationships between groups in Japanese macaques.  相似文献   
Enset is a large, single‐stemmed perennial herbaceous plant domesticated as a staple food crop only in Ethiopia. Khat is a perennial plant cultivated for its economically important leaves and twigs that are the sources of stimulant when chewed. We address the issue of yield estimation of both crops, as they are important for the livelihoods of smallholders in the home garden systems in Southern Ethiopia and have received little attention so far. The objective of this study was to develop linear allometric models for estimating the edible (food and feed) and commercial yields of enset and khat plants, respectively. Data were collected from 20 enset and 100 khat plants. Diameter at 50‐cm height (d50), pseudostem height (hp) and their combination were good predictor variables for the food products of enset with adjusted R2 values above 0.85, while d50, hp, edible pseudostem height (hep), total height (ht) and their combination were good predictor variables for the feed products of enset with adjusted R2 values above 0.70. For dwarf khat plants crown area (ca) combined with total height (ht) resulted in the best prediction with an adjusted R2 of 0.77, while the leaf and twig dry weight for tall khat plants was best predicted by ca with adjusted R2 of 0.43. In all cases linear models were used.  相似文献   
The home range ofTakydromus tachydromoides was studied in a grassland area from April 1977 to November 1978. The mean size of home range did not differ markedly between sexes; 136.5 m2 for males and 130.8 m2 for females. Home ranges of adults overlapped greatly in each sex, and the lizard was considered to be non-territorial. Individuals showed return movement to a definite area (sleeping site) within the home range, and the home range did not shift within a year or between years. Characteristics of the home range of this grassland-inhabiting lizard were discussed in relation to resource abundance and predation pressure.  相似文献   
2018年初以来,北部湾涠洲岛附近出现了布氏鲸(Balaenoptera edeni)的活动。一头上颌与须板异常的小布氏鲸个体引发热议,其视频在网络上广泛流传。我们在船只调查时,目击该个体10次,其以单独活动为主(90%),主要出现在涠洲岛到斜阳岛之间的水域,最小凸多边形家域面积为14km2,核心家域面积为166.9km2。然而,在 2019年3月30日我们发现该个体已死亡漂浮在海面,根据尸体腐烂状况来推测,该个体的死亡时间大约为3~5日,死亡原因不明。根据照片和现场解剖分析,推测该小布氏鲸的上颌和鲸须异常可能是被渔网或绳索缠绕导致的。由于无法从外形上确认属于哪一个亚种,因此我们测定了该个体的线粒体DNA D-loop(mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA)和细胞色素b(cytochrome b, Cyt b)基因,分别得到909bp和395bp的序列,经比对和系统发育重建,发现该个体属于近岸分布的小布氏鲸亚种(Eden’s whale, B. e. edeni)。由于小布氏鲸具有一定季节迁移特性,我们无法判断造成其上颌伤害的渔网或绳索是否在中国水域。尽管如此,仍然建议当地部门应加强宣传,减少渔网等海洋垃圾的丢弃和排放,为小布氏鲸营造一个安全的栖息环境。  相似文献   
Tanaka  Ryo 《Population Ecology》1966,8(2):93-101
Population Ecology - From a field study for the vole population (Clethrionomys rufocanus) in Hokkaido in the late summer of 1965, it has been proved that the range length may decrease from 25 to 18...  相似文献   
Core activity areas are the most important sites within an animal’s home range as they contain the greatest density of critical resources. Because these areas are small and intensively used, they can affect the total distances covered by animals searching for resources. Our objective was to document which habitat variables affect core area selection by female mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in an arid environment, and to learn which variables affect their displacement within these areas. Using radiotelemetry, from 2012 to 2014 we monitored seven female mule deer. We estimated their core areas, and with this information we identified and classified the location records as inside or outside of the core area. For each record, we also recorded variables related to time (month, time of day), environmental conditions (temperature, relative humidity), and habitat characteristics (plant association, distance to the nearest water body, slope), and used them to predict the presence of the deer in the core area using Classification and Regression Trees (CART). The same variables were analyzed using a GLM to determine which factors explain variations in displacement distance. The most important variable in core area selection was the distance to the nearest body of water (<933.71 m at the population level and <1375.11 m on average for individual deer), followed by two plant associations that included the dominant species Prosopis glandulosa, Pleuraphis mutica, Larrea tridentata, Opuntia rastrera and Fouquieria splendens in areas with a gentle slope or none. Displacement distances within the core area were shorter than those outside and were affected by time of day and month. Our results are the first to elucidate the use of the core area by female mule deer in the Chihuahuan Desert, and allow us to start understanding the connection between the habitat resources essential to the survival of these deer and their movement under desert conditions.  相似文献   
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