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Besides the open circuit voltage (VOC) deficit, fill factor (FF) is the second most significant parameter deficit for earth‐abundant kesterite solar cell technology. Here, various pathways for FF loss are discussed, with focus on the series resistance issue and its various contributing factors. Electrical and physical characterizations of the full range of bandgap (Eg = 1.0–1.5 eV) Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1?x)4 (CZTSSe) devices, as well as bare and exfoliated films with various S/(S + Se) ratios, are performed. High intensity Suns‐VOC measurement indicates a nonohmic junction developing in high bandgap CZTSSe. Grazing incidence X‐ray diffraction, Raman mapping, field emission scanning electron microscopy, and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy indicate the formation of Sn(S,Se)2, Mo(S,Se)2, and Zn(S,Se) at the high bandgap CZTSSe/Mo interface, contributing to the increased series resistance (RS) and nonohmic back contact characteristics. This study offers some clues as to why the record‐CZTSSe solar cells occur within a bandgap range centered around 1.15 eV and offers some direction for further optimization.  相似文献   
通过对宣城扬子鳄繁殖研究中心三代繁殖鳄1982—2003年繁殖力有关参数的分析,结果表明近三年来繁殖研究中心扬子鳄产卵量明显减少;亲代受精率为(83.80±2.37)%、孵化率为(89.53±0.86)%;发现F1受精率为(79.38±2.74)%、孵化率为(83.78±1.95)%;F2代个体受精率为(68.7±1.84)%、孵化率为(88.16±1.68)%;通过单因素方差分析F(受精率)=4.33(P<0.05)、F(孵化率)=4.56(P<0.05)差异显著。分析影响扬子鳄繁殖的因素发现:产卵量明显减少可能与亲代鳄逐渐退出繁殖期、F1代鳄整体产卵能力有下降趋势、F2代鳄没有大规模进入繁殖期有关;分析历史资料发现扬子鳄产卵窝数与4月份的温度相关性高(R=0.979,P<0.01);作者认为F1、F2代个体与亲代之间的受精率、孵化率有显著差异,近交衰退、遗传多样性的丧失有密切关系。利用时间序列分析建立理想状态下饲养扬子鳄种群数量估计模型,预测10年内扬子鳄饲养将可能达到19000尾;根据该种群增长模式及种群年龄结构特点,应扩大饲养规模,特别是育成鳄饲养池及幼鳄饲养池的建设。  相似文献   
Mast seeding, or masting, is the variable production of flowers, seeds, or fruit across years more or less synchronously by individuals within a population. A critical issue is the extent to which temporal variation in seed production over a collection of individuals can be viewed as arising from a combination of individual variation and synchrony among individuals. Studies of masting typically quantify such variation in terms of the coefficient of variation (CV). In this paper we examine mathematically how the population CV relates to the mean individual CV and synchrony, concluding that the relationship is a complex one which cannot isolate an overall measure of synchrony, and involves additional factors, principally the number of plants sampled and the mean productivity per plant. Our development suggests some simple approximate relationships of population CV to individual variability, synchrony and the number of individuals. These were found to fit quite well when applied to data from 59 studies which included seed production at the individual level.  相似文献   
Population multiple components is a statistical tool useful for the analysis of time-dependent hybrid data. With a small number of parameters, it is possible to model and to predict the periodic behavior of a population. In this article, we propose two methods to compare among populations rhythmometric parameters obtained by multiple component analysis. The first is a parametric method based in the usual statistical techniques for comparison of mean vectors in multivariate normal populations. The method, through MANOVA analysis, allows comparison of the MESOR and amplitude-acrophase pair of each component among two or more populations. The second is a nonparametric method, based in bootstrap techniques, to compare parameters from two populations. This test allows one to compare the MESOR, the amplitude, and the acrophase of each fitted component, as well as the global amplitude, orthophase, and bathyphase estimated when all fitted components are harmonics of a fundamental period. The idea is to calculate a confidence interval for the difference of the parameters of interest. If this interval does not contain zero, it can be concluded that the parameters from the two models are different with high probability. An estimation of p-value for the corresponding test can also be calculated. Both methods are illustrated with an example, based on clinical data. The nonparametric test can also be applied to paired data, a special situation of great interest in practice. By the use of similar bootstrap techniques, we illustrate how to construct confidence intervals for any rhythmometric parameter estimated from population multiple components models, including the orthophase, bathyphase, and global amplitude. These tests for comparison of parameters among populations are a needed tool when modeling the nonsinusoidal rhythmic behavior of hybrid data by population multiple component analysis.  相似文献   
Shifts in climate regime have provoked substantial trophic‐ and species‐dependent changes within ecosystems. With growing concerns of present global warming, we examined potential lake ecosystem responses, natural hierarchy responses (i.e. immediate responses at lower system levels as opposed to delayed responses at higher system levels), and possible shifts among abiotic (physics, nutrients) and biotic (phytoplankton, zooplankton) system components. Specifically, we analyzed decadal data collected from Müggelsee, a lake in Berlin, Germany, for climate‐induced abiotic and biotic changes, their timing and type, and classified them as abrupt permanent, gradual permanent, abrupt temporary, or monotonic. We further categorized variable changes as a function of system hierarchy, including lake physics (ice, temperature, stratification), nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen, silicate), plankton, and levels of integration (i.e. species, taxonomic groups, and total plankton). Contrary to current theory, data suggest abrupt responses did not occur in a hierarchy‐dependent manner, nor was a clear pattern observed among functional system‐based categories. Abrupt permanent changes were the most prominent response pattern observed, suggesting they may be driven by large‐scale climatic oscillations and by surpassed thresholds, as noted in previous case studies. Gradual changes coincided with affected abiotic parameters spanning an expansive time range; for example, climatic effects in spring preceded changes in nutrient limitation. Variables displaying no long‐term changes pointed to compensation processes caused by, e.g., simultaneously acting forces of warming trends and climate‐independent changes in trophic state. Nevertheless, the complexity of response patterns at the single system level manifested clear chronological regime shifts in abiotic and biotic parameters in spring and, to a lesser extent, in summer. With regard to projected global warming, the majority of currently unaffected system levels may face impending thermal thresholds, achievement of which would result in an accelerated shift in ecosystem state.  相似文献   
Evidence suggests that dab and rainbow trout are able to quickly adjust their food intake to an appropriate level when offered novel diets. In addition day-to-day and meal-to-meal food intake varies greatly and meal timing is plastic. Why this is the case is not clear: Food intake in fish is influenced by many factors, however the hierarchy and mechanisms by which these interact is not yet fully understood. A model of food intake may be helpful to understand these phenomena; to determine model type it is necessary to understand the qualitative nature of food intake. Food intake can be regarded as an autoregressive (AR) time series, as the amount of food eaten at time t will be influenced by previous meals, and this allows food intake to be considered using time series analyses. Here, time series data were analysed using nonlinear techniques to obtain qualitative information from which evidence for the hierarchy of mechanisms controlling food intake may be drawn. Time series were obtained for a group of dab and individuals and a group of rainbow trout for analysis. Surrogate data sets were generated to test several null hypotheses describing linear processes and all proved significantly different to the real data, suggesting nonlinear dynamics. Examination of topography and recurrence diagrams suggested that all series were deterministic and non-stationary. The point correlation dimension (PD2i) suggested low-dimensional dynamics. Our findings suggest therefore that any model of appetite should create output that is deterministic, non-stationary, low-dimensional and having nonlinear dynamics.  相似文献   
During the past century, Lake Tåkern and Lake Krankesjön, southern Sweden, have shifted repeatedly between a state of clear water and abundant submerged vegetation, and a state of turbid water and sparse vegetation. Long-term empirical data on such apparently alternative stable state dynamics are valuable as complements to modeling and experiments, although the causal mechanisms behind shifts are often difficult to identify in hindsight. Here, we summarize previous studies and discuss possible mechanisms behind the shifts. The most detailed information comes from monitoring of two recent shifts, one in each lake. In the 1980s, L. Krankesjön shifted to clear water following an expansion of sago pondweed, Potamogeton pectinatus. Water clarity increased when the pondweed was replaced by characeans. Zooplankton biomass in summer declined and the concentration of total phosphorus (TP) was reduced to half the previous level. The fish community changed over several years, including an increasing recruitment of piscivorous perch (Perca fluviatilis). An opposite directed shift to turbid water occurred in Lake Tåkern in 1995, when biomass of phytoplankton increased in spring, at the expense of submerged vegetation. Consistent with the findings in L. Krankesjön, phyto- and zooplankton biomass increased and the average concentration of TP doubled. After the shift to clear water in L. Krankesjön, TP concentration has increased during the latest decade, supporting the idea that accumulation of nutrients may lead to a long-term destabilization of the clear water state. In L. Tåkern, data on TP are inconclusive, but organic nitrogen concentrations oscillated during a 25-year period of clear water. These observations indicate that intrinsic processes cause gradual or periodic changes in system stability, although we cannot exclude the possibility that external forces are also involved. During such phases of destabilization of the clear water state, even small disturbances could possibly trigger a shift, which may explain why causes behind shifts are hard to identify even when they occur during periods of extensive monitoring.  相似文献   
The chloroplast-encoded atp B gene was sequenced from 33 strains representing 28 species of the colonial Volvocales (the Volvocaceae and its relatives) to reexamine phylogenetic relationships as previously deduced by morphological data and rbc L gene sequence data.1128 base pairs in the coding regions of the atp B gene were analyzed by MP, NJ, and ML analyses. Although supported with relatively low bootstrap values (75% and 65% in the NJ and ML analyses, respectively), three anisogamous/oogamous volvocacean genera— Eudorina, Pleodorina, and Volvox, excluding the section Volvox (= Euvolvox, illegitimate name), constituted a large monophyletic group (Eudorina group). Outside the Eudorina group, a robust lineage composed of three species of Volvox sect. Volvox was resolved as in the rbc L gene trees, rejecting the hypothesis of the previous cladistic analysis based on morphological data that the genus Volvox is monophyletic. In addition, the NJ and ML trees suggested that Eudorina is a nonmonophyletic genus as inferred from the morphological data and rbc L gene sequences. Although phylogenetic status of the genus Gonium is ambiguous in the rbc L gene trees and the paraphyly of this genus is resolved in the cladistic analysis based on morphological data, the atp B gene sequence data suggest monophyly of Gonium with relatively low bootstrap values (56–61%) in the NJ and ML trees. On the basis of the combined sequence data (2256 base pairs) from atp B and rbc L genes, Gonium was resolved as a robust monophyletic genus in the NJ and ML trees (with 68–86% bootstrap values), and Eudorina elegans Ehrenberg represented a paraphyletic species positioned most basally within the Eudorina group. However, phylogenetic status and relationships of the families of the colonial Volvocales were still almost ambiguous even in the combined analysis.  相似文献   
景观格局变化一直是景观生态学研究的核心问题之一,也是相关生态和环境过程研究的基础.本文应用3S技术,综合传统的空间统计分析、转移矩阵、景观指数和景观动态指数、Kappa指数系列,并引入模糊Kappa指数方法,以铁岭市2002-2011年间景观格局变化为例进行了综合研究.结果表明:铁岭市景观空间格局在研究时段内发生一定程度的变化.旱地面积大幅增加,水田面积明显减少,各景观类型之间均有相互转化.景观格局总体的变化趋势是形状趋于复杂、异质性增加、破碎化加剧,人为干扰的影响较明显.研究区域2002-2007年综合景观动态度指数明显高于2007-2011年,景观动态总体呈现放缓趋势.通过Kappa指数系列可知,研究时段内研究区景观变化由景观类型之间变化为主逐渐转变为各类斑块位置上的变化为主.应用多种方法进行综合分析更能全面有效地反映景观格局变化.  相似文献   
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