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3-[18F]Fluoro-2-hydroxypropyl substituted compounds were synthesized and evaluated as novel 18F-labeled PET tracers for imaging Aβ plaque in a living brain. All compounds exhibited high binding affinities toward the synthetic Aβ1–42 aggregate and/or Alzheimer’s disease brain homogenate. In the microPET study with normal mice, the 3-[18F]fluoro-2-hydroxypropyl substituted compounds resulted in fast brain washout by reducing the lipophilicities of the compounds. Intriguingly, (S)-configured PET tracers, (S)-[18F]1b and (S)-[18F]1c, exhibited a 2.8 and 4.0-fold faster brain washout rate at a peak/30 min in the mouse brain than the corresponding (R)-configured PET tracers despite there being no meaningful difference in binding affinities toward Aβ plaque. A further evaluation of (S)-[18F]1c with healthy rhesus monkeys also revealed excellent clearance from the frontal cortex with ratios of 7.0, 16.0, 30.0 and 49.0 at a peak/30, 60, 90, and 120 min, respectively. These results suggest that (S)-[18F]1c may be a potential PET tracer for imaging Aβ plaque in a living brain.  相似文献   
为系统掌握常春二乔玉兰春夏季开花物候节律,探讨其与营养物质的关系,本研究以6年生常春二乔玉兰为试验材料,观测其年生长发育节律、春夏季开花物候特性以及茎段营养物质的含量变化。结果表明:(1)每年12月始至翌年2月下旬为常春二乔玉兰休眠期。2月下旬花芽膨大生长,并于3月开始春季开花,花期持续约20 d。4月进行营养生长,5月完成花芽分化。5月底部分花芽膨大并于6月开始开花,夏季花期持续约20 d。7~9月为未膨大花芽的发育滞缓期。此外,少量夏季开放的花的基部侧芽再次分化形成花芽。10~12月随着落叶的开始,树体逐渐进入休眠期。(2)常春二乔玉兰营养生长后分化的花芽能够花开两季。春季开花为先花后叶,开花率为100%,开花同步率较高,雌、雄蕊发育正常,为可育花。夏季开花为花叶同放,开花率约为30%,且开花同步率较低,开放的花内雌、雄蕊发育异常,为不育花。(3)春季开花期间可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白呈下降趋势,淀粉含量于开花后期下降;夏季开花期间可溶性糖和淀粉总体呈先降后升趋势,而可溶性蛋白总体呈下降趋势。综上所述,常春二乔玉兰春、夏季开花期内开花模式存在一定差异,其显著节律特征与营养物质含量变化有关,推测低水平的可溶性糖及高水平的淀粉和可溶性蛋白有利于春季开花的启动,而低水平的可溶性蛋白及高水平的可溶性糖和淀粉含量则有利于夏季开花的实现。  相似文献   
Two associated incomplete thyreophoran dorsal vertebrae from the Callovian Marnes de Dives Formation of the Vaches Noires cliffs, on the Normandy coast, are referred to an indeterminate stegosaur that appears to be different from Lexovisaurus, previously reported from the Callovian of western France. These vertebrae are the first evidence of thyreophorans from the Vaches Noires and complement the dinosaur assemblage from this locality, which hitherto consisted of several theropod taxa and an indeterminate sauropod. The dinosaur record from the Vaches Noires is heavily dominated by theropods and this imbalance is difficult to explain. A possible explanation may be that the dinosaur sample from the Vaches Noires is too small to be statistically significant and representative of the original faunal assemblage from which it is derived.  相似文献   
《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(8):1073-1082
The present study investigates the inner structural organization of the two mandible specimens Tighenif 1 and Tighenif 2 from the late early Pleistocene site of Tighenif, Algeria. Using (micro)tomographic scans, we built a new protocol to investigate the cortical bone topography at the post-canine level. We selected two cross-sectional slices placed between the P3/P4 and M1/M2 on the right and left sides and assessed the cortical bone thickness topography (CBT) on each slice. Our analyses demonstrate that the mandibles from Tighenif exhibit higher CBT and a different topographic distribution pattern at the molar level than in modern humans, resulting in a proportionally more robust inner structure, while a similar signal is observed between the fossil and extant specimens at the premolar level. Further studies need to be done in order to determine if this feature is related to functional constraints during mastication or paramasticatory activities; or if it is related to any independent evolutionary process.  相似文献   
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and the presence of Lewy bodies (LB) in neurons. α-Synuclein (αSyn) is a major component of LB and promote the PD pathogenesis via its accumulation by the impaired proteasomal or autophagic clearance. Numerous studies have revealed that the reduction of proteasome activity and autophagy is accelerated by cellular senescence. Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) contributes to PD progression and its most prevalent mutation, G2019S LRRK2, increases its activity. Our previous report has shown that the G2019S LRRK2 mutant promoted p53-induced p21 expression and neuronal cytotoxicity. The p53-p21 pathway plays a role in cellular senescence. We hypothesized that the loss of dopaminergic neurons by the stimulated p53-p21 pathway via the G2019S LRRK2 mutation might be associated with cellular senescence, thereby promoting the accumulation of αSyn. We confirmed that the ectopic expression of the phosphomimetic p53 mutant, p21, or G2019 in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells increased the following: 1) the expression of β-galactosidase, a marker of cellular senescence, and the activity of senescence-associated β-galactosidase, 2) endogenous αSyn protein level, but not its mRNA level, and 3) αSyn fibril accumulation in dSH-SY5Y via low proteasome and cathepsin D activities. Elevated oligomeric αSyn and the increase in β-galactosidase with induced p21 were observed in brain lysates of G2019S transgenic mice. Our results suggest that cellular senescence is promoted via the p53-p21 pathway due to the G2019S LRRK2 mutation. Eventually, decreased protein degradation by G2019S-mediated senescence could accelerate αSyn aggregate formation.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of weak combined magnetic fields (MFs) produced by superimposing a constant MF (in the range 30 - 150 µT) and an alternating MF (100 or 200 nT) on cytokine production in healthy Balb/C male mice exposed 2 h daily for 14 days. The alternating magnetic field was a sum of several frequencies (ranging from 2.5 - 17.5 Hz). The frequencies of the alternating magnetic field were calculated formally based on the cyclotron resonance of ions of free amino acids (glutamic and aspartic acids, arginine, lysine, histidine, and tyrosine). The selection of different intensity and frequency combinations of constant and alternating magnetic fields was performed to find the optimal characteristics for cytokine production stimulation in immune cells. MF with a constant component of 60 μT and an alternating component of 100 nT, which was a sum of six frequencies (from 5 to 7 Hz), was found to stimulate the production of tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon-gamma, interleukin-2, and interleukin-3 in healthy mouse cells and induce cytokine accumulation in blood plasma. Then, we studied the effect of this MF on tumor-bearing mice with solid tumors induced by Ehrlich ascite carcinoma cells by observing tumor development processes, including tumor size, mouse survival rate, and average lifespan. Tumor-bearing mice exposed to a combined constant magnetic field of 60 μT and an alternating magnetic field of 100 nT containing six frequencies showed a strong suppression of tumor growth with an increase in survival rate and enhancement of average lifespan.  相似文献   
Amyloid β (Aβ) aggregation plays an essential role in promoting the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Therefore, the inhibition of Aβ aggregation is a potential therapeutic approach for AD. Herein, twenty-seven biflavonoids with different inter-flavonyl linkages and methoxy substitution patterns were isolated from several plants, and their Aβ40 aggregation inhibitory activity was evaluated by the thioflavin-T fluorescence assay. Amentoflavone (1) and its monomethoxy derivatives (2, 3, and 5) exhibited the most potent inhibitory activity, with IC50 values of approximately 5 μM. It was clarified that increasing the number of methoxy substituents on the biflavonoid structures attenuated the inhibitory activity. Moreover, the linkage and the methoxy substitution pattern had a marked influence on the inhibitory activity. Our investigation strongly supports that biflavonoids can be considered a new type of anti-Alzheimer agents that may be successfully developed for AD patients.  相似文献   
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