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Abstract. Humus profiles were sampled along an altitudinal gradient in the Macot‐La‐Plagne Forest (France, northern Alps) to investigate variation occurring under carpets of Vaccinium myrtillus present within Picea abies forests. The vertical distribution of subterranean organs of V. myrtillus was compared with (1) that of P. abies roots and other accompanying vegetation and (2) other components of humus profiles, in particular humified organic matter mainly consisting of animal faeces. It was shown that V. myrtillus roots were mostly concentrated in mineral horizons, while P. abies roots and V. myrtillus rhizomes occupied litter horizons. This was interpreted in terms of competition for nutrient capture between P. abies and V. myrtillus. The effects of altitude were (1) a change in the vegetation accompanying V. myrtillus in dense V. myrtillus carpets, bryophytes at the montane level being replaced by forbs at the sub‐alpine level and (2) a decrease in the thickness of ecto‐organic horizons. This was interpreted as a shift from a moder system characterized by recalcitrant litter (moss) processed by an active faunal community (stabilized in the form of animal faeces) to a mor system characterized by low animal abundance but with litter of better quality which is easily leached in the absence of prominent faunal activity.  相似文献   
Abstract. Persistence and colonization of submersed aquatic plant species were studied in permanent plots (20 cm × 20 cm) at three shallow sites adjacent to Askö island, in the northern Baltic Sea. The study started in 1991 at two of the sites, in 1992 at a third site and continued until 1997. Two major weather‐induced disturbances occurred during the study: a long, stormy period during a mild winter and a cold winter with extreme low water levels. The stormy period caused a large loss of species from plots (95 ± 5% SE) at the most wave‐exposed site, resulting in a low species number per plot (0.8 ± 0.2) the following summer. During the three following years the mean species number increased to 3.6 ± 0.2. The cold winter caused high species turnover and increased species number per plot at the two most wave‐exposed sites. The species turnover at the sheltered site was highest in the two years with low water level in May, possibly due to increased waterfowl herbivory. Annuals, loosely anchored and highly reproductive species had significantly higher plot colonization rates and lower persistence than perennials, well‐anchored species and species with none or low reproduction. The extent of lateral growth had no significant effect on colonization or persistence. Although these disturbances have a large effect on the dynamics, species mobility was also high in other years. Relative to other, similar, studies in terrestrial vegetation mean persistence in plots was remarkably low and mean mobility and species turnover rates were very high.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that resource monopolization and defense increaseas the spatial clumping of resources increases was tested usinggroups of three convict cichlids competing for 120 Daphnia magnaprey. Spatial clumping was manipulated by varying the distance(3, 20, or 40 cm) between three tubes through which the preyappeared. As predicted, monopolization of prey (percentage eatenby the dominant fish) and frequency of aggression (chases perminute) by dominant fish increased significantly as the distancebetween the tubes decreased. However, there was no evidenceof individual flexibility in the aggressiveness (percentageof conspecifics chased) of dominant fish across treatments.Differences among dominant fish in aggressiveness were positivelycorrelated with their ability to monopolize prey, but the strengthof the correlation decreased as the distance between the tubesincreased. Aggression appears to be a more effective mechanismof interference competition when resources are clumped thanwhen resources are dispersed.  相似文献   
Abstract. In contrast to populations of most dioecious Silene species (which usually are female-biased), populations of Silene otites have been frequently reported to be male-biased. We describe sex ratio variation in 34 natural S. otites populations in Central Germany in relation to vegetation cover, population size and fungal infection. The overall sex ratio was unbiased in 1994 and only slightly male-biased in 1995. Sex ratio varied among the populations from 26.6 % to 72.6 % females. The sex ratio of small populations varied strongly due to stochastic processes. Furthermore, we found that populations in habitats with high vegetation cover contained a higher percentage of females. Hermaphroditic plants, theoretically, could increase male bias as they only produce male or hermaphroditic offspring. Their frequency in the populations, however, was far too low to affect sex ratio. In 1994 12.1 % and in 1995 17.0 % of the plants were infected by the smut fungus Ustilago major. Disease incidence in the population was not related to sex ratio, suggesting equal susceptibility of males and females. The sex ratio of partially infected plants did not deviate from the population sex ratio, both under field conditions and in a greenhouse laboratory experiment. The results suggest that the frequently reported male bias in Silene otites populations is not a general pattern, but is mainly caused by environmental conditions.  相似文献   
DEP domain containing 1(DEPDC1) is involved in the tumorigenesis of a variety of cancers. But its role in tumorigenesis of lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) is not fully understood. Here, we investigated the role and the underlying mechanisms of DEPDC1 in the development of LUAD. The expression and prognostic values of DEPDC1 in LUAD were analysed by using the data from public databases. Gene enrichment in TCGA LUAD was analysed using GSEA software with the pre‐defined gene sets. Cell proliferation, migration and invasion of A549 cells were examined with colony formation, Transwell and wound healing assays. The function of DEPDC1 in autophagy and RAS‐ERK1/2 signalling was determined with Western blot assay upon DEPDC1 knockdown and/or overexpression in A549, HCC827 and H1993 cells. The results demonstrated that DEPDC1 expression was up‐regulated in LUAD tissues, and its high expression was correlated with unfavourable prognosis. The data also showed that DEPDC1 knockdown impaired proliferation, migration and invasion of A549 cells. Most notably, the results showed that DEPDC1 up‐regulated RAS expression and thus enhanced ERK1/2 activity, through which DEPDC1 could inhibit autophagy. In conclusion, our study revealed that DEPDC1 is up‐regulated in LUAD tissues and plays an oncogenic role in LUAD, and that DEPDC1 inhibits autophagy through the RAS‐ERK1/2 signalling in A549, HCC827 and H1993 cells.  相似文献   
Abstract. The concept of mapping potential replacement vegetation (PRV) is proposed as a parallel to potential natural vegetation (PNV). Potential replacement vegetation (PRV) is an abstract and hypothetical vegetation which is in balance with climatic and soil factors currently affecting a given habitat, with environmental factors influencing the habitat from outside such as air pollution, and with an abstract anthropogenic influence (management) of given type, frequency and intensity. For every habitat, there is a series of possible PRV-types corresponding to the different anthropogenic influences, e.g. grazing, mowing, trampling or growing cereals. The PRV-concept is especially useful in large-scale mapping (scales > 1 : 25 000) of small areas where replacement vegetation is the focus of attention for managers and land-use planners, for example in nature reserves where the aim is conservation of replacement vegetation managed in a traditional way, or in restoration ecology where the concept may be used for defining restoration goals and evaluating the success of restoration efforts. At smaller scales, PRV-mapping may be useful for revealing the biogeographical patterns of larger areas which may be different from the corresponding PNV patterns, because replacement vegetation and natural vegetation may respond to environmental gradients at different scales. An example of medium-scale PRV-mapping through the coincidence of diagnostic species of vegetation types, based on species distribution grid data, is presented. In cultural landscapes, the advantage of using the PRV-concept instead of PNV is its direct relationship to the replacement vegetation. In the habitat mapping with respect to the replacement vegetation, the PRV concept yields more valuable results than the mapping of actual vegetation, as the latter is strongly affected by spatially variable anthropogenic influences which may be largely independent from climatic and soil factors.  相似文献   
Abstract. Mechanical damage by floodwaters is frequently invoked to explain the distribution of riparian plant species, but data have been lacking to relate vegetation to specific estimates of flood damage potential. This research uses detailed estimates of unit stream power (an appropriate measure of the potential for mechanical damage) in conjunction with vegetation cover data to test this relationship at 37 valley-bottom sites in the Transverse Ranges of Southern California. A computer program, HEC-2, was used to model the slope and the variation in flow depth and velocity of the 20-yr flood across the sites. Regression models tested the influence of stream power (and of height above the water table) on the woody species composition of 393 4-m cross-section segments of the valley-bottom sites. Results indicate that unit stream power does have a significant effect on the riparian vegetation, but that the amount of that influence and its importance relative to the influence of height above the water table varies between watersheds. Some species are found primarily in locations of high stream power, while others are limited to portions of the valley bottom that experience only low stream power.  相似文献   
Abstract. The growth rate of Eucalyptus regnans seedlings in their first year can be much increased if the soil is first dried and then rewetted. The ratio of growth on predried soil to growth on undried soil (the Growth Ratio or GR) reaches a maximum at air-dryness (pF 6.0–6.4). In E. regnans forest soil, GR is greatest in humus-rich topsoil and declines with depth. The effect of air-drying persists for several months after rewetting when soil is stored under glasshouse conditions. It is largely unaffected by repeated drying and wetting, by the rate of drying or by the season of collection. The mixing of dried and undried soil or the placement of a layer of dried soil above undried soil produces an enhancement of growth proportional to the amount of dried soil added. Firing of a litter layer above soil at wilting point increases subsequent seedling growth to that in air-dried soil. The addition of ash from a litter fire to undried soil produces an increase in growth approximately equal to that caused by air-drying The drying effect is most pronounced in soils from mature E. regnans forest and nearby brackenland and is less in dense younger forest, frost-hollow grasslands and old grassy gaps in the mature forest. The effect is restored by the inoculation of E. regnans mycorrhizal roots from both dried and undried soil. The effect varies along an gradient from 500 to 1500 m a.s.l. and is a maximum in the wet E. regnans climatic zone and a minimum in zones or local aspects where forests are normally subject to frequent drying. The stimulatory effect on seedling growth in soils of the E. regnans zone may have an effect on the outcome of competition during regeneration in large gaps. Part of the growth responses previously ascribed to the ‘ash-bed’ effect may be due to the desiccation effect in these soils.  相似文献   
Abstract. To investigate survivorship and regeneration in desert perennial plants, individual shrubs were mapped, measured and tagged on a nearly level 360 m2 plot of diverse Mojave Desert vegetation in 1981, they were re‐mapped and measured 15 years later, in 1996. A large majority of the shrubs persisted between censuses. Modest birth (establishment) and death rates indicate that plants are replaced approximately every century, while the median longevity of several species is much longer. A 15‐yr intercensus interval, appropriate for most species (i.e. birth and death rates were measurable), is too short for several larger shrubs (including Larrea divaricata, Ephedra nevadensis, Yucca schidigera and the larger Opuntia spp.) in which virtually no births or deaths occurred and in which longevity must be extremely high. While individuals of most species grew over the 15‐yr interval, others did not, and some individuals shrank in size. In a number of species, individual growth rates were significantly reduced according to the number of neighbouring plants rooted 0.5–2.0 m distant. Even Larrea tridentata, one of the largest species, showed significant effects of growth rate reduction where crowded by allospecific plants, despite the generally much smaller sizes of these neighbours.  相似文献   
Abstract. In southern France, the natural invasion by Quercus humilis of calcareous grassland takes place in a mosaic of herbaceous and scrubby patches. We hypothesized that the presence of the shrubs Buxus sempervirens and Juniperus communis alter the rate and the pathway of the succession by facilitating the regeneration of Q. humilis. To infer the process of facilitation at a large scale, the spatial distribution of Q. humilis was studied in relation to acorn sources and the type of plant cover in grazed and ungrazed sites. Abundant recruitment up to 80 m from the wood margins and from isolated oak trees in grassland shows that acorns are dispersed effectively. At the three study sites, the density of Q. humilis individuals was higher under shrubs than in grassland, suggesting that facilitation may occur. This density difference was much higher in the grazed sites than in the ungrazed site. Moreover, before grazing by livestock, the distribution of first-year seedlings is independent of vegetation cover. Thus, shrubs improve Q. humilis regeneration by protecting individuals from grazing. The high density of individuals at the northern edge of shrubs suggests that a second facilitation mechanism may exist, probably related to improved germination conditions. Facilitation by shrubs appears to be very important for Q. humilis dynamics.  相似文献   
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