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Abstract. In an effort to identify ‘plant functional types’, the islands floras of Great Britain and Kríti (Crete, Greece) were examined separately for ecological correlates of plant range size. Plant functional types (PFTs) were defined here as categories into which plants could be grouped on the basis of attributes that predict greater or lesser sensitivity to ecological variability. Plant range size indicates commonness of a species and was assumed to be a proxy for ‘ecological flexibility’, i.e. species of larger range sizes can better withstand environmental change and differences than species of smaller range sizes. Using evolutionary comparative methods that account for the effect of taxonomic relatedness, both floras were investigated for the effects on range size of woodiness vs. non-woodiness, trees vs. shrubs, trees vs. herbs and shrubs vs. herbs. The British flora was examined additionally for the effects of wind- vs. non-wind-pollination, self vs. animal pollination and animal vs. non-animal fruit dispersal on range size. Two analyses showed significant effects on range size: for British species, trees had larger ranges than shrubs, and wind- pollinated species had larger ranges than non-wind-pollinated species. It is suggested that the lack of a similar pattern for shrubs and trees in Kríti is because the lower water availability of Kríti imbues shrubs with an ecophysiological advantage not relevant in plants of Great Britain. That trees have larger range sizes than shrubs in Great Britain is ascribed to the greater importance of competition for light when other factors are not at issue. The greater range of wind-pollinated than non-windpollinated species in Great Britain is postulated to be because both mutualists must be capable of invading new areas. This may be termed a ‘cost of mutualism’. In terms of PFTs, the results indicate that ‘life-form’ is too broad a classification category by which to differentiate relative sensitivity to environmental variability in Great Britain, in that there were significant differences in range size of trees and shrubs, but not between either of the two categories and herbs, or between woody and non-woody plants. Although pollination type may predict relative sensitivity to variation in Great Britain, dispersal type will not. Finally, differences between Great Britain and Kríti in relative range size patterns suggests that plant functional types may be specific to a region or set of conditions.  相似文献   
小麦和油菜中Cu和Zn的化学结合形态初步研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
1 引  言微量元素在植物体中的化学结合形态的研究 ,对于充分了解其在植物体内的迁移转化机理 ,以及阐明其生理作用特征等都具有重要意义 .但是 ,至今为止 ,由于植物体内微量元素的化学结合形态比较复杂 ,而且差异很大 ,加上研究方法的限制 ,人们对于微量元素在植物体中存在的化学形态知之甚少 .参照国内外报道的一些资料[1~ 4 ] ,采用连续浸提的方法 ,初步探讨了Cu和Zn在小麦和油菜植株中的各种化学形态的含量和分异特征 ,试图阐明其在植物体内各种化学结合形态的差异性规律 ,为明确其在植物体内的转运机理和合理施用微量元素肥料…  相似文献   
Instances of Soil and Crop Heavy Metal Contamination in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Both general and specific investigations of soil and crop heavy metal contamination were carried out across China. The former was focused mainly on Cd, Hg, As, Pb, and Cr in soils and vegetables in suburbs of four large cities; the latter investigated Cd levels in both soils and rice or wheat in contaminated areas throughout 15 provinces of the country. The results indicated that levels of Cd, Hg, and Pb in soils and some in crops were greater than the Governmental Standards (Chinese government limits for soil and crop heavy metal contents). Soil Cd ranged from 0.46 to 1.04?mg kg?1, on average, in the four cities and was as high as 145?mg kg?1 in soil and 7?mg kg?1 in rice in the wide area of the country. Among different species, tuberous vegetables seemed to accumulate a larger portion of heavy metals than leafy and fruit vegetables, except celery. For both rice and wheat, two staple food crops, the latter seemed to have much higher concentrations of Cd and Pb than the former grown in the same area. Furthermore, the endosperm of both wheat and rice crops had the highest portion of Cd and Cr. Rice endosperm and wheat chaff accumulated the highest Pb, although the concentrations of all three metals were variable in different parts of the grains. For example, 8.3, 6.9, 1.4, and 0.6?mg kg?1 of Pb were found in chaff, cortex, embryo, and endosperm of wheat compared with 0.11, 0.65, 0.71, and 0.19?mg kg?1 in the same parts of rice, respectively. Untreated sewage water irrigation was the major cause of increasing soil and crop metals. Short periods of the sewage water irrigation increased individual metals in soils by 2 to 80% and increased metals in crops by 14 to 209%. Atmospheric deposition, industrial or municipal wastes, sewage sludge improperly used as fertilizers, and metal-containing phosphate fertilizers played an important role as well in some specific areas.  相似文献   
Zu Y G  Wang Y  Wang W J  Hu Y  Wang X P  Sun W 《农业工程》2007,27(7):2695-2703
The plant life cycle form and its spectrum features of different plants in the artificial community of Pinus svlvestris var. mongolica at the botanical garden of Northeast Forestry University were classified by PCA method. For canopy layer plants, the vegetative growth (V) accounted for 46%, the sexual growth (S) accounted for 35%, and the clonal growth (C) accounted for the rest 19%. For succession layer plants, V accounted for more than 50%, and C accounted for a little higher than S did. For herbaceous layer plants, V accounted for nearly 47%, which was only 4% higher than that of S, and C only accounted for 11%. These findings indicate that the plant life cycle forms of canopy layer plants and herbaceous layer plants were VS transition form with V form as the main form, while the succession layer plants were V form. At the viewpoint of artificial community, the life cycle form can be described as V0.49S0.33C0.18, a typical VS transition form, indicating that most of the species studied in this community are in a healthy status with the V form. Moreover, the relatively high (33%) percentage in the S form indicates that the community also tends to sexual growth for offspring, although it will be steady within a period of time for the vegetative growth of bodies.  相似文献   
The allosteric regulation of human liver pyruvate kinase (hL-PYK) by fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (Fru-1,6-BP; activator), ATP (inhibitor) and alanine (Ala; inhibitor) was monitored over a pH range from 6.5 to 8.0 at 37 °C. As a function of increasing pH, hL-PYK’s affinity for the substrate phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), and for Fru-1,6-BP decreases, while affinities for ATP and alanine slightly increases. At pH 6.5, Fru-1,6-BP and ATP elicit only small allosteric impacts on PEP affinity. As pH increases, Fru-1,6-BP and ATP elicit greater allosteric responses, but the response to alanine is relatively constant. Since the magnitudes of the allosteric coupling for ATP and for alanine inhibition are different and the pH dependences of these magnitudes are not similar, these inhibitors likely elicit their responses using different molecular mechanisms. In addition, our results fail to support a general correlation between pH dependent changes in effector affinity and pH dependent changes in the corresponding allosteric response.  相似文献   
The trypanosome alternative oxidase (TAO) functions in the African trypanosomes as a cytochrome-independent terminal oxidase, which is essential for their survival in the mammalian host and as it does not exist in the mammalian host is considered to be a promising drug target for the treatment of trypanosomiasis. In the present study, recombinant TAO (rTAO) overexpressed in a haem-deficient Escherichia coli strain has been solubilized from E. coli membranes and purified to homogeneity in a stable and highly active form. Analysis of bound iron detected by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) reveals a stoichiometry of two bound iron atoms per monomer of rTAO. Confirmation that the rTAO was indeed a diiron protein was obtained by EPR analysis which revealed a signal, in the reduced forms of rTAO, with a g-value of 15. The kinetics of ubiquiol-1 oxidation by purified rTAO showed typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics (Km of 338 μM and Vmax of 601 μmol/min/mg), whereas ubiquinol-2 oxidation showed unusual substrate inhibition. The specific inhibitor, ascofuranone, inhibited the enzyme in a mixed-type inhibition manner with respect to ubiquinol-1.  相似文献   
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can improve plant tolerance to several abiotic stresses, including heavy metals, drought or salinity exposure. However, the role of AMF in alleviation of soil cadmium (Cd)-induced toxicity to plants is still largely unknown. In this study, Cd speciation in soil and subcellular distribution of Cd were used to characterize the roles of application AM fungi in the alleviation of Cd toxicity in alfalfa plants. Our results showed that the addition of Glomus mosseae in Cd contaminated soil (10 mg/Kg) significantly increased soil pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and organic matter in rhizosphere soil with Medicago truncatula L., and then account for significantly decreased contents of exchangeable and carbonate-bounded Cd speciation in rhizosphere soil, indicating alleviation of plant toxicity by reduction of bioavailable fractions of Cd. Although there is no significant difference found in Cd accumulation by roots and shoots respectively between Cd and AM-Cd treatments, more portion of Cd was recorded compartmentalization in cell wall fraction of both root and shoot in treatment of Cd with AM application, indicating alleviation of Cd toxicity to plant cell. Herein, application of AM fungi in Cd treatments performed to inhibit the appearance of Cd toxicity symptoms, including the improvement of leaf electrolyte leakage, root elongation, seedling growth and biomass. This information provides a clearer understanding of detoxification strategy of AM fungi on Cd behavior with development and stabilization of soil structure and subcellular distribution of plant.  相似文献   
In this study, fluorescent silver nanoclusters (Ag NCs) were synthesized using denatured fish sperm DNA as the template. In contrast to other methods, this method did not use artificial DNA as the template. After their reaction with denatured fish sperm DNA, Ag+ ions were reduced by NaBH4 to form Ag NCs. The Ag NCs showed a strong fluorescence emission at 650 nm when excited at 585 nm. The fluorescence intensity increased fourfold at pH 3.78, controlled with Britton–Robinson buffer solution. The fluorescence of the Ag NCs was quenched in the presence of trace mercury ions (Hg2+) in a weakly acidic medium and nitrogen atmosphere. The extent of the fluorescence quenching of Ag NCs strongly depends on the Hg2+ ion concentration over a linear range from 2.0 nmol L?1 to 3.0 μmol L?1. The detection limit (3σ/k) for Hg2+ was 0.7 nmol L?1. Thus, a sensitive and rapid method was developed for the detection of Hg2+ ions.  相似文献   
外马廊山岛植被特性与植物多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该研究对无居民海岛舟山外马廊山岛进行初步踏勘,了解该岛植被特征与植物多样性,探讨海岛植被与大陆植被的差异性,并对海岛植物的主要植物组成、生活型结构、地理成分、群落类型以及多样性和相似性进行了分析。结果表明:外马廊山岛面积小,共有33科51属55种植物,植物种类偏少,留存有普陀狗哇花,滨柃,厚叶石斑木等具有滨海特色植物,具有开发潜力。外马廊山岛热带成分较为明显,与附近地区较为相似。岛上群落优势种或建群种的科为山茶科,大戟科,松科等,与大陆的常绿阔叶林的优势种或建群种的优势科如樟科,金缕梅科,壳斗科,山茶科等不大相同。岛上植物主要以高位芽植物为主(58.18%),但较大陆常绿阔叶林的高位芽植物比例要低。外马廊山岛植物群落结构简单,植物多样性相对较低,物种丰富较低,主要原因在于生态适应性和演替过程的差异,岛上植物群落演替至稳定群落还需要相当一段时间。外来种比例占9.09%,外来种如黑松和红鸡竹能形成群落或在群落中具有较为明显的优势,并可能会造成一定的生态干扰。  相似文献   
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