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In this communication we approximate the variance of a function of random variables by using a second degree Taylor series expansion, and demonstrate the increased accuracy this second degree approximation gives over the usual Delta method by using some examples from genetics.  相似文献   
Garrulax morrisonianus, an endemic avian species of Taiwan, inhabits evergreen forests at high elevations of 2,000–3,952 m. In this study, we developed 15 microsatellite primer pairs for genetic study. These markers were screened for 52 samples collected from wild populations of different geographical regions. The number of alleles ranged from 4 to 13. The expected (H E) and observed (H O) heterozygosities were 0.430–0.725 and 0.000–0.500, respectively. All loci were significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium due to the heterozygote deficiency. The authors Tzen-Yuh Chiang, Sao-Cheng Lao, Ya-Fu Lee contributed to the study equally.  相似文献   
Good genes,complementary genes and human mate preferences   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Roberts SC  Little AC 《Genetica》2008,134(1):31-43
The past decade has witnessed a rapidly growing interest in the biological basis of human mate choice. Here we review recent studies that demonstrate preferences for traits which might reveal genetic quality to prospective mates, with potential but still largely unknown influence on offspring fitness. These include studies assessing visual, olfactory and auditory preferences for potential good-gene indicator traits, such as dominance or bilateral symmetry. Individual differences in these robust preferences mainly arise through within and between individual variation in condition and reproductive status. Another set of studies have revealed preferences for traits indicating complementary genes, focussing on discrimination of dissimilarity at genes in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). As in animal studies, we are only just beginning to understand how preferences for specific traits vary and inter-relate, how consideration of good and compatible genes can lead to substantial variability in individual mate choice decisions and how preferences expressed in one sensory modality may reflect those in another. Humans may be an ideal model species in which to explore these interesting complexities.  相似文献   
Phallusia nigra is a cosmopolitan solitary ascidian with a distinct niger-blue tunic that is considered to be an easy diagnostic feature, even in the field. The wide geographic distribution of this species may have been a result of the overconfidence of taxonomists and ecologists in the assignment of unknown specimens to this species, based on this simple diagnostic character. Indeed, there seems to be a correlation between cosmopolitanism and the presence of few, but very conspicuous diagnostic characters in benthic invertebrate species. Almost invariably, genetic studies have demonstrated that the cosmopolitanism of those species is artificial and that, rather, they are made up of groups of morphologically very similar, but genetically distinct, species. Thus, we decided to verify the specific status of Western Atlantic populations of P. nigra, from Miami (USA) to São Paulo (southeastern Brazil) by estimating genetic variation and population structure levels along the entire range of this ascidian in the Western Atlantic. The analysis of 10 allozyme systems shows high levels of mean heterozygosity (H=0.28) so that P. nigra has genetic variation levels more related with other invertebrates than to their, phylogenetically closer, chordate relatives (that show lower levels of heterozygosity). The genetic structure of the population was relatively high (FST=0.083) for conspecific populations, but much lower than what would be expected if they belonged to different species. High levels of gene identity also indicate that the Western Atlantic population of P. nigra constitutes a single species. This result suggests an extremely high dispersal capability of the larvae of this ascidian or a relatively recent range expansion of its populations. Since this species is commonly found in harbors, the anthropogenic transport (p.e., in ballast water) may have contributed for the observed genetic homogeneity.  相似文献   
bri3 was identified to be a novel gene up-regulated in TNF-treated cells with suppressed subtractive hybridization (SSH) in our laboratory. Previous studies showed that overexpression of BRI3 induced apoptosis in L929 cells. To further study the function of bri3, we disrupted its expression by expressing bri3 antisense RNA. The antisense RNA promoted resistance to TNF-induced cell death by more than 1000-fold in L929 cells, suggesting the involvement of BRI3 in TNF-induced cell death in this cell line. Analysis of cell death caused by other apoptotic inducers showed that the effect of BRI3 antisense RNA is highly specific to TNF-induced cell death. Taken together, bri3 appears to play an important role in TNF-induced cell death. Finally, we reported here that BRI3 may be localized to lysosome and function through lysosome.  相似文献   
Female mate choice influences the maintenance of genetic variation by altering the mating success of males with different genotypes. The evolution of preferences themselves, on the other hand, depends on genetic variation present in the population. Few models have tracked this feedback between a choice gene and its effects on genetic variation, in particular when genes that determine offspring viability and attractiveness have dominance effects. Here we build a population genetic model that allows comparing the evolution of various choice rules in a single framework. We first consider preferences for good genes and show that focused preferences for homozygotes evolve more easily than broad preferences, which allow heterozygous males high mating success too. This occurs despite better maintenance of genetic diversity in the latter scenario, and we discuss why empirical findings of superior mating success of heterozygous males consequently do not immediately lead to a better understanding of the lek paradox. Our results thus suggest that the mechanisms that help maintain genetic diversity also have a flipside of making female choice an inaccurate means of producing the desired kind of offspring. We then consider preferences for heterozygosity per se, and show that these evolve only under very special conditions. Choice for compatible genotypes can evolve but its selective advantage diminishes quickly due to frequency-dependent selection. Finally, we show that our model reproduces earlier results on selfing, when the female choice strategy produces assortative mating. Overall, our model indicates that various forms of heterozygote-favouring (or variable) female choice pose a problem for the theory of sexual ornamentation based on indirect benefits, rather than a solution.  相似文献   
The Chinese tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri chinensis) is a small experimental animal with a close affinity to primates. This species has long been proposed to be an alternative experimental animal to primates in biomedical research. Despite decades of study, there is no pure breed for this animal, and the overall genetic diversity of wild tree shrews remains largely unknown. In order to obtain a set of genetic markers for evaluating the genetic diversity of tree shrew wild populations and tracing the lineages in inbreeding populations, we developed 12 polymorphic microsatellite markers from the genomic DNA of the tree shrew. An analysis of a wild population of 117 individuals collected from the suburb of Kunming, China, showed that these loci exhibited a highly expected heterozygosity (0.616). These 12 microsatellites were sufficient for individual identification and parentage analysis. The microsatellite markers developed in this study will be of use in evaluating genetic diversity and lineage tracing for the tree shrew.  相似文献   
Nine microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized for the endangered and tertiary relict perennial herb, Tricyrtis ishiiana. The number of alleles ranged from 2 to 33. The expected (H E) and observed (H O) heterozygosities were 0.207–0.944 and 0.215–0.813, respectively, from 96 individuals on one population. Five loci exhibited significantly fewer heterozygotes than expected under Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (< 0.05). These primers amplifying microsatellites in this species may provide a useful tool for population genetics to establish conservation strategy.  相似文献   
The consequences of inbreeding have been well studied in a variety of taxa, revealing that inbreeding has major negative impacts in numerous species, both in captivity and in the wild; however, as trans-generational health data are difficult to obtain for long-lived, free-ranging species, similar analyses are generally lacking for nonhuman primates. Here, we examined the long-term effects of inbreeding on numerous health estimates in a captive colony of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), housed under semi-natural conditions. This vulnerable strepsirrhine primate is endemic to Madagascar, a threatened hotspot of biodiversity; consequently, this captive population represents an important surrogate. Despite significant attention to maintaining the genetic diversity of captive animals, breeding colonies invariably suffer from various degrees of inbreeding. We used neutral heterozygosity as an estimate of inbreeding and showed that our results reflect genome-wide inbreeding, rather than local genetic effects. In particular, we found that genetic diversity affects several fitness correlates, including the prevalence and burden of Cuterebra parasites and a third (N = 6) of the blood parameters analyzed, some of which reflect immunocompetence. As a final validation of inbreeding depression in this captive colony, we showed that, compared to outbred individuals, inbred lemurs were more likely to die earlier from diseases. Through these analyses, we highlight the importance of monitoring genetic variation in captive animals—a key objective for conservation geneticists—and provide insight into the potential negative consequences faced by small or isolated populations in the wild. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Because of its common negative association with fitness, inbreeding is a major concern in conservation biology. Traditionally it has been measured as individual inbreeding coefficient calculated from the pedigree, but recently multilocus heterozygosity estimates have become commonly used as proxies. However, theoretical and simulation studies have cast doubt on the validity of these surrogates especially when they are based on only a few molecular markers. Yet, empirical studies reporting the correlation between multilocus heterozygosity and inbreeding coefficient are rare. We studied this relationship in a wild Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus) population subject to a long-term field study over 30 years. The correlations between inbreeding coefficient and the employed heterozygosity measures—standardized heterozygosity and internal relatedness—based on 21 microsatellite loci were weak. These results together with results from theoretical and simulation studies caution against use of multilocus heterozygosity estimates to study inbreeding in natural populations.  相似文献   
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