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二倍体石蒜在安徽发现   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
本文以根尖细胞为材料,观察了石蒜Lycoris radiata(L′Her.)Herb.三个不同居群植物的染色体数目和核型,发现石蒜为一复合体,包括两种不同类型:(1)三倍体类型,主要包括一群以鳞茎无性繁殖的园艺栽培植株,其染色体数目和核型为2n=33=33t(st),属“4A”核型,且极其稳定。(2)二倍体类型,主要包括一群野生植株,变异较大,我们发现有下列几种情况:一是芜湖产石蒜(L.radiata)的野生材料,其染色体数目和核型为2n=21+1B=1m+12st+8t+1B,属“3A”核型,在石蒜种内迄今未见有类似报道;另一是黄山产野生材料,观察到两个细胞型,绝大多数细胞为2n=22=12st+1Ot,极个别细胞出现2n=22+1B=6st+14t+2T+1B的情况,均属“4A”核型。芜湖和黄山野生材料的染色体数目和核型均为首次报道。石蒜(L.radiata)的二倍体类群也是首次在安徽发现。  相似文献   
Tianma (Rhizoma gastrodiae) is the dried rhizome of the plant Gastrodia elata Blume (Orchidaceae family). As a medicinal herb in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) its functions are to control convulsions, pain, headache, dizziness, vertigo, seizure, epilepsy and others. In addition, tianma is frequently used for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders though the mechanism of action is widely unknown. Accordingly, this study was designed to examine the effects of tianma on the proteome metabolism in differentiated human neuronal SH-SY5Y cells to explore its specific effects on neuronal signaling pathways. Using an iTRAQ (isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation)-based proteomics research approach, we identified 2390 modulated proteins, out of which 406 were found to be altered by tianma in differentiated human neuronal SH-SY5Y cells. Based on the observed data, we hypothesize that tianma promotes neuro-regenerative signaling cascades by controlling chaperone/proteasomal degradation pathways (e.g. CALR, FKBP3/4, HSP70/90) and mobilizing neuro-protective genes (such as AIP5) as well as modulating other proteins (RTN1/4, NCAM, PACSIN2, and PDLIM1/5) with various regenerative modalities and capacities related to neuro-synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   
Concurrent use of herbal medicine (HM) and conventional medicine (CM) is increasing. However, little is known about the prevalence of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) related to this concurrent use. In order to investigate changes in liver enzymes during concurrent use of HM and CM and to assess the prevalence of DILI related to their concurrent use, we screened for liver injury among inpatients at our institution who were administered both HM and CM for at least 14 days while hospitalized between 2006 and 2010. We used the Council for International Organization of Medical Science (CIOMS) laboratory criteria to define liver injury. Of the 892 patients included in the study, 34 (3.81%) had liver injury on admission and 21 (2.35%) had liver injury at discharge. Of the 48 cases that fulfilled the CIOMS laboratory criteria for liver injury, 34 had preexisting liver injury. The remaining 14 were analyzed, and five were concluded to have DILI, resulting in a prevalence of 5/892 (0.56%, with a 95% confidence interval of 0.07-1.05%). Overall, clinical symptoms of liver injury were mild. We thus contend that concurrent use of HM and CM is relatively safe.  相似文献   
应用HPLC图谱进行石蒜属种间关系与分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁菊红  彭峰  冯煦  孙视  何树兰  夏冰 《西北植物学报》2007,27(11):2195-2201
利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)对石蒜属及其近缘植物中国水仙共17份样品的生物碱进行检测,以各样品生物碱色谱峰的相对保留时间为变量,采用SPSS12.0中的Q型聚类法,得到树形图。聚类分析结果显示,17份样品聚成3类:第Ⅰ类包括长筒石蒜、安徽石蒜、鹿葱、换锦花、中国石蒜、香石蒜、乳白石蒜、红蓝石蒜8个种;第Ⅱ类由石蒜、稻草石蒜、江苏石蒜、忽地笑、玫瑰石蒜、矮小石蒜组成;中国水仙单独成第Ⅲ类。聚类结果与传统分类结果有较好的一致性,并支持鹿葱、玫瑰石蒜、安徽石蒜杂交起源的观点。外形相似的忽地笑与中国石蒜,矮小石蒜与石蒜HPLC图谱明显有别,表现出较远化学亲缘关系。表明HPLC化学图谱可用于石蒜属及其近缘植物中国水仙的分类和鉴别研究,并为石蒜属植物指纹图谱研究和质量控制提供重要参考。  相似文献   
石蒜属植物多糖的分离纯化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴彦  周守标  万安 《生物学杂志》2005,22(3):44-46,27
对五种石蒜属植物,安徽石蒜、中国石蒜、忽地笑、换锦花、石蒜多糖的提取、分离、纯化及其理化性质进行了研究。为石蒜属植物多糖开发利用提供依据,更为相关石蒜属植物多糖的最佳提纯过程和探讨该属种间亲缘关系提供资料。  相似文献   
The autecology of rare species can be derived using similarities among functional traits and environmental conditions observed for common species, i.e. we employed the ‘matching analogy approach’ with the analytical scheme ‘common species → driver → trait → driver → rare species’. We addressed the driver–trait relationship for common epigeic lichens of thin-soil calcareous grasslands, which are endangered by cessation of traditional land use. Common lichens were suppressed by encroaching herbs and shrubs, and were supported by ground disturbances. The lichens of open low-productivity alvars are predominantly calciphilous, epibryic, crustose-squamulose, sexually reproducing and contain UV-protective pigments. Lichens of encroached alvars are soil-type generalists, fruticose, reproduce vegetatively and contain herbivore-deterring compounds. Rare lichens resemble the species of open low-productivity alvars, except their more limited niche space, i.e. they are restricted to arctic-alpine habitats. The conservation practices on alvars should support the formation of crust-forming communities by suppressing the growth of shrubs and herbs, and by promoting recurrent small-scale soil disturbances.  相似文献   
几种野生植物提取物抑菌作用研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文以乙醇为溶剂,分别提取了瓦松、泽漆及一组中草药配方的有效成分;室内测定了三种提取液对5种植物病原菌(棉花枯萎病菌Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.vasinfectum;小麦赤霉病菌Fusarium graminearum Schw;西瓜枯萎病菌Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.niveum;仙人掌软腐病菌Erwinia chrysanthemi pv.chrysanthemi;魔芋软腐病菌Erwiniacarotovora pv.carotovora)的抑菌作用.结果表明:三种提取物对镰刀菌均有不同程度的抑制作用,且三种提取物的抑菌效果差异显著,其中瓦松的抑菌效果最强.当在50 mL培养基中加入5mL不同提取液时,瓦松对不同镰刀菌的相对抑制率为91.39%~100%;中草药配方提取液对不同镰刀菌的相对抑制率分别为41.11%~85.37%;而泽漆提取液对镰刀菌的相对抑制率仅为12.86%~21.23%;当在50 mL培养基中加入提取液体积降低为2 mL、1 mL、0.5mL时,三种提取液对三种镰刀菌的抑制效果骤然下降,但下降的梯度不一.对大白菜软腐病菌与魔芋软腐病菌而言也是瓦松的抑菌效果最强,中草药配方次之,泽漆的抑制效果最差.  相似文献   
虫草菌感染虫草蝠蛾幼虫的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文叙述了虫草菌在自然条件下感染虫草蝠蛾幼虫的过程和特性,主要内容包括自然感染的虫龄和影响感染的生态因子。  相似文献   
红花石蒜茎尖的玻璃化超低温保存   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2~3mm的石蒜茎尖放在MS+0.4mol·L-1蔗糖的培养基上预培养5d,在25℃下用预处理液处理20min,接着用冰浴的玻璃化保护剂PVS2在冰浴中处理80min后,换新鲜PVS2并迅速投入液氮。液氮保存24h后,于40℃水浴中快速解冻2min,用MS+1.2mol·L-1蔗糖的液体培养基洗涤20min,滤纸吸干后接种到恢复培养基中,在25℃下暗培养7d后,转入光照强度为36μmol·m-2·s-1和光暗周期12/12h条件下培养。2周后的成活率最高可达90%,植株再生率达53%。  相似文献   
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