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A novel bacterium was cultivated from an extreme thermal soil in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, that at the time of sampling had a pH of 3.9 and a temperature range of 65–92 °C. This organism was found to be an obligate aerobic, non-spore-forming rod, and formed pink-colored colonies. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence placed this organism in a clade composed entirely of environmental clones most closely related to the phyla Chloroflexi and Thermomicrobia. This bacterium stained gram-positive, contained a novel fatty-acid profile, had cell wall muramic acid content similar to that of Bacillus subtilis (significantly greater than Escherichia coli), and failed to display a lipopolysaccharide profile in SDS-polyacrylamide gels that would be indicative of a gram-negative cell wall structure. Ultrastructure examinations with transmission electron microscopy showed a thick cell wall (approximately 34 nm wide) external to a cytoplasmic membrane. The organism was not motile under the culture conditions used, and electron microscopic examination showed no evidence of flagella. Genomic G+C content was 56.4 mol%, and growth was optimal at 67 °C and at a pH of 7.0. This organism was able to grow heterotrophically on various carbon compounds, would use only oxygen as an electron acceptor, and its growth was not affected by light. A new species of a novel genus is proposed, with YNP1T (T=type strain) being Thermobaculum terrenum gen. nov., sp. nov. (16S rDNA gene GenBank accession AF391972). This bacterium has been deposited in the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC BAA-798) and the University of Oregon Culture Collection of Microorganisms from Extreme Environments (CCMEE 7001).  相似文献   
We evaluated the population genetic structure of seven microsatellite loci for old growth and second growth populations of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus). From each population, located within Hartwick Pines State Park, Grayling, Michigan, USA, 120-122 contiguous trees were sampled for genetic analysis. Within each population, genetic diversity was high and inbreeding low. When comparing these populations, there is a significant, but small (less than 1%), genetic divergence between populations. Spatial distance between populations or timber harvest at the second growth site were reasonable explanations for the observed minor differences in allele frequencies between populations. Spatial autocorrelation analysis suggested that, for the old growth population, weak positive structuring at 15 m fits the isolation by distance model for a neighbourhood size of about 100 individuals. In comparison, genotypes were randomly distributed in the second growth population. Thus, logging may have decreased spatial structuring at the second growth site, suggesting that management practices may be used to alter natural spatial patterns. In addition, the amount of autocorrelation in the old growth population appears to be lower for some of the microsatellites, suggesting higher numbers of rare alleles and that higher mutation rates may have directly affected spatial statistics by reducing structure.  相似文献   
Schmitz  Martin  Platt  Wiliam  DeCoster  James 《Plant Ecology》2002,160(2):137-148
Environmental heterogeneity, especially that related to topography, has been proposed to influence numbers of plant species in different sized areas. Despite little variation in elevation, large numbers of vascular plant species occur in some habitats. This study explored possible relationships between number of plant species and substrateheterogeneity in two species-rich habitats, subtropical pine savannas and short-hydroperiod prairies, in the Long Pine Key region of Everglades National Park (Florida, U.S.A.). We examined relationships between numbers of vascular plant species and topographic heterogeneity by measuring numbers of species and elevations in differ-ent sizes of nested plots that spanned five orders of magnitude (0.1 m2 to 1000 m2 ) and that were located along two transects extending from pine savannas into short-hydroperiod prairies in different areas of Long Pine Key. We also classified substrates and soil depths in 1 m 2 sized submodules within the nested plots. Pine savannas occurred at higher elevations than adjacent short-hydroperiod prairies. Although differences occurred in substrate types and distribution within 1 m 2 plots, numbers of species were not associated with these differences. Vari-ances in elevations were similar in the smallest plots, but increased with area more rapidly in pine savannas than in short-hydroperiod prairies. Plot size explained about 85% of the variation in species numbers, which increased from 2040 per 1 m 2 to 80120 per 1000 m2 . An interaction between habitat and scale explained 5% of the variation; more species occurred in shorthydroperiod prairies than pine savannas at scales <10 m2 , but the re-verse occurred at scales >10 m2. The number of species in pine savannas at scales of 1 m2and 10 m2was positively associated with variation in elevations; no significant relationships were obtained in short-hydroperiod prairies, which lack the fine-scale topographic variation of pine savannas. Our data indicate that substrate het-erogeneity, measured as variation in elevations, is not likely to be involved in the co-occurrence of many species within small areas of these savannas, but may influence numbers of species at larger scales of observation, es-pecially in pine savannas. Why many plant species occur within very small areas in these savannas remains un-answered.  相似文献   
Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) often groom in gatherings that cannot simply be divided into unilateral dyadic grooming interactions. This feature of grooming is studied at two different levels: grooming cliques and grooming clusters. Grooming cliques are defined as directly connected configurations of grooming interactions at any given moment, and when any member of a clique successively grooms any member of another clique within 5min and within a distance of 3m, all the members of both cliques are defined as being in the same grooming cluster. Twenty-seven types of cliques are observed, with the largest one consisting of seven individuals. Mutual and/or polyadic cliques account for more than 25% of all cliques. The size of grooming clusters varies from two to 23 individuals, and almost 70% of the grooming time is spent in polyadic clusters. Although adult males groom the longest in relatively smaller clusters (size=2-4), adult females groomed the longest in clusters of five or more individuals. A review of the literature implies that mutual and polyadic cliques occur less often in other primate species than in chimpanzees. The importance of overlapping interactions for these kinds of gatherings and its possible significance in the evolution of sociality is discussed in this article.  相似文献   
Herbivore damage is known to cause the premature loss of mature leaves. However, the effects of herbivory on abscission during the early stages of leaf development remain unexplored, even though herbivores frequently prefer unlignified, immature leaves. In a field experiment, we removed 50% of the tissue from leaves at various stages of development on seedlings of Shorea hopeifolia (Dipterocarpaceae), a dominant rain forest tree in Indonesian Borneo. Four weeks following simulated herbivory, >88% of unlignified expanding leaves had been abscised, compared to only 20% of fully expanded, unlignified leaves and 0% of recently lignified, mature leaves. In a separate experiment over 9 wk, simulated herbivory did not increase abscission rates of mature leaves, even when 75% of leaf tissue was removed. Because most (58%) of S. hopeifolia seedlings under natural conditions had lost 1% or less of the tissue from their mature leaves, herbivore damage probably has little effect on the abscission of mature leaves. In contrast, the tendency for damaged expanding leaves to abscise may explain why 49% of S. hopeifolia seedlings had already lost their youngest leaf. If similar patterns occur in other species, herbivore attacks on developing leaves may contribute substantially to both leaf loss and the cumulative impact of herbivory on the growth and survival of whole plants.  相似文献   
Abstract. A phenological map has been prepared for the Podyjí/Thayatal National Park, located on the border between the Czech Republic and Austria. The area is characterized by V-shaped river valleys deeply incised into a gently undulating landscape. Five stages of phenological development were defined, based upon phenological spectra of plant communities in late April; 96 sites, more or less regularly spaced over the area, were assigned to one of these stages using field observations of these spectra. Potential direct solar irradiation was calculated from a digital elevation model for a 25 m x 25 m grid extending over the study area. A method was developed for interpolation of phenological observations by weighted regression of phenology on the irradiation model. This interpolation enables the prediction of the local stage of phenological development across the study area without levelling out phenological patterns dependent upon small-scale topographic variation. Spring phenological events appear to be more advanced in the valleys (except for steep north-facing slopes) than in the adjacent landscape. Possible climatic processes underlying this pattern are discussed with emphasis on temperature inversions in the river valleys. Cold-air-drainage inversions reported from the valleys are probably too infrequent and of too short duration to delay plant phenology. The combined effects of advanced phenology and the increased risk of spring frost injury due to these inversions in the valleys may be an explanation for local distributional patterns of flora and vegetation.  相似文献   
Mortality of vertebrates was monitored on a local road running across Poland’s Biebrza River Valley during 2 years (August 2005–July 2006). On the basis of distance from the river and surrounding habitats, the road (of total length 2,510 m) was divided into three stretches. The road was monitored on foot by two people every month, over a few consecutive days. A total of 1,892 road kills representing at least 47 species were found. Of these, 90.7% were amphibians, 4.2% mammals, 3.1% birds and 2.0% reptiles. Most (70%) of the amphibians were anurans, with the common toad, common frog and moor frog among them together accounting for 82% of the total. Mortality among amphibians differed between months, most anurans dying in May and August, while a majority of Urodela are lost in October. The peaks in mortality were connected with the migration of adult amphibians in spring and juveniles in summer and autumn. The number of amphibians killed was greatest on the (wettest) stretch adjacent to the river and decreased with distance from it. Mortality among birds was highest in July—probably in association with the dispersal of young individuals. Among recorded mammalian road kills, there was a prevalence of small rodents (mainly voles) and insectivores (mainly shrews). Medium-sized mammals were found only accidentally. Mortality in general was conditioned by the number of anurans killed.  相似文献   
Novikoff hepatocellular carcinoma cells possess cell-surface glycoproteins that bind the lectin, concanavalin A. A subset of Con A-binding plasma membrane glycoproteins was solubilized by addition of n-butanol to a suspension of Novikoff cells. Glycoproteins solubilized into the n-butanol-saturated aqueous phase of the two-phase mixture were purified by sequential chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Sepharose-conjugated concanavalin A. Glycoproteins specifically bound to the Sepharose-conjugated Con A exhibited apparent Mr = 72,000 to 125,000. The plasma membrane localization of these components was inferred by their isolation from cells surface labeled with NaIO4/ NaB3H4. A xenoantiserum, raised against glycoproteins specifically bound to Sepharose-conjugated concanavalin A was employed to identify reactive components in nonionic detergent extracts of Novikoff tumor cells or rat hepatocytes surface labeled using lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination (125I). Major reactive peptides in extracts of Novikoff cells exhibited apparent Mr = 74,000, 82, 000, 110,000, and 135,000, while those in extracts of hepatocytes possessed apparent Mr = 98,000 and 105,000. The reactivity of the antiserum with extracts of 125I-labeled Novikoff cells was abolished by absorption of the antiserum with hepatocytes, indicating that the qualitative differences observed may result from structural modification of one or more cell-surface glycoproteins, rather than the expression of new or inappropriate glycoproteins. This antiserum will provide a useful probe to investigate alterations in the expression or structure of glycoproteins that occur as a consequence of malignant transformation or adaptation of malignant cells to growth in the ascitic form.  相似文献   
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