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The grouping behaviour of animals is governed by intrinsic and extrinsic factors which play an important role in shaping their social organization. We investigated the influence of ocean climate variation on the grouping behaviour of two widely separated populations of cetaceans, inhabiting north Atlantic and north Pacific coastal waters. The group size of both bottlenose dolphins in the Moray Firth, UK, and killer whales in Johnstone Strait, Canada, varied from year to year in relation to large‐scale ocean climate variation. Local indices of prey abundance were also related both to climate indices and predator group sizes. The cetaceans tended to live in smaller groups when there was less salmon available in both areas which seem to occur 2 years after a lower phase of the North Atlantic and Pacific Decadal Oscillations. These findings suggest that, even in highly social mammals, climate variation may influence social organization through changes in prey availability.  相似文献   
Many cetaceans are killed as a result of intensive anthropogenic impacts, and those that survive often endure wounds or scars. This study is the first report of an Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) that is missing its upper rostrum. This individual has inhabited Xiamen Bay, Fujian Province, China, for more than 3 years. Since the lower jaw and the other part around the upper jaw are intact, it is likely that the upper jaw was entangled in fishing nets or pipelines and subsequently broke off. Without the upper rostrum, this dolphin cannot snap prey, but it may use other feeding strategies – and the fact that this individual has survived for more than 3 years without its upper rostrum provides a novel insight into the ability of this species to persist in the wild.  相似文献   
This study assessed the extent of sexual dimorphism in striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) cranial size and shape off the South African coast. Dorsal and ventral features of 60 striped dolphin crania from both the western and eastern coasts of South Africa were analyzed using landmark‐based geometric morphometrics. Although there was no evidence of dimorphism in cranial size, evidence for small, but significant, variation in both dorsal and ventral cranial shape was found between the sexes. The observed dimorphism was partly associated with changes in shape around the temporal fossa, occipital condyle and supraoccipital bone, the nasal bone, and the paraoccipital process and basiocciptal. The temporal fossa serves as an attachment point for the temporal muscle, which functions to close the lower jaw, and the occipital area serves as the anterior insertion of the epaxial muscles, which power the upstroke of the flukes during swimming. Both the paraoccipital process and basiocciptal are associated with the functioning of the hyoid apparatus, which serves as an attachment point for muscles and ligaments involved in feeding and sound production. These findings suggest the possibility of differences in diet, foraging behavior, vocalizations, and locomotion between the sexes of this species.  相似文献   
We monitored the underwater behavior of botos (Inia geoffrensis) using stereo acoustic data loggers to observe their local habitat use and its diel changes at the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, Brazil. A‐tags were set at five sites in three different habitat types: Lake (low current), Channel (middle current), and Junction (junction of two channels). The presence index during nighttime was significantly greater than during daytime in the Lake and Junction. Underwater movement was estimated from the changing pattern (trajectory) of the relative angle of the sound source from A‐tags. A staying‐type trajectory was dominant in the Lake, although the prevalence of moving‐type trajectory increased at night. More than 80% of detected trajectories were the staying type in the Junction, while moving‐type trajectories dominated in the Channel. The frequency of click trains was greatest in the Lake, followed by the Junction and Channels. The average interpulse interval, which reflects the mean target distance of echolocation, was shortest in the Lake, followed by the Junction and Channel. These results suggest that the botos used the Lake as their primary habitat for active behaviors like foraging, especially at night, and the Junction as their primary habitat for relatively inactive behaviors at night.  相似文献   
Deliberate killing for use as bait in a regional catfish (Calophysus macropterus) fishery is the primary threat affecting the survival of the Amazon river dolphin, or boto (Inia geoffrensis). Establishing and improving freshwater protected areas has been suggested as a possible course of action to protect the species. However, the ecology of the boto is poorly understood and more information is needed on the species’ habitat use and movement patterns to ensure that spatial protection initiatives meet conservation needs. In this study, mark‐recapture/resight data collected in and near the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, a várzea in the Brazilian Amazon, was used to examine transition probabilities of botos between various habitat types. Our findings suggest that it is imperative that spatial protection initiatives focused on the boto take into account the importance of várzea habitat and bay systems for individuals in early life stages. Moreover, because botos frequently occupy the main rivers, particularly during the low water period, protecting areas of the main river waters adjacent to várzeas could aid in the protection of hunted populations.  相似文献   
Growth in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) was investigated through examination of sex‐specific, ontogenetic changes in the mass of 38 discrete body compartments, utilizing stranded dolphins in good body condition (n = 145). Ontogenetic allometry and the body composition technique were used to quantitatively describe growth patterns. Although adult males were significantly larger than adult females in total body mass (TBM) and total length, overall patterns of growth were remarkably similar between sexes. The integument, locomotor muscle, and vertebral column together represented 50%–58% of TBM across all life history categories, although their relative contributions varied ontogenetically. Young dolphins invested the greatest percentage of TBM in integument, while locomotor muscle was the single largest body component in adults. In both sexes (1) most muscle groups displayed positive allometry, (2) most skeletal elements displayed negative allometric or isometric growth, (3) most abdominal viscera associated with digestion displayed positive allometry, and (4) the brain displayed negative allometric growth. Reproductive tissues exhibited the highest rates of growth in both sexes, and increased as a percentage of TBM with maturity. This study provides an integrated view of bottlenose dolphin growth and a quantitative baseline of body composition for future monitoring of this sentinel species of ecosystem health.  相似文献   
Sixteen tooth characters were analyzed in 277 specimens of spinner dolphins ( Stenella longirostris ) from the eastern tropical Pacific to determine whether the characters were associated with size of the animal, species-stock membership or geographic location. The tooth characters included 5 continuous measurements and 11 qualitative variables. Statistical analyses of the characters included two-way ANOVA tests which assessed continuous measurement variables for differences based on stock membership, latitude and longitude of collection or whether the animal was collected north or south of the equator. Principal component analyses combined factors of continuous variables with those of qualitative variables into components which were used as variables in further analyses. Discriminant analyses were performed using continuous variables alone and using principal components as potentially discriminating variables. Results showed that tooth differences were not associated with size but significant differences were found in some tooth variables with stock membership, incremental changes in latitude and whether the animal was collected north or south of the equator. A discriminant function, containing only tooth length, correctly classified 67% of northern and 78% of southern animals according to location of collection north or south of the equator.  相似文献   
The bony falx (BF) and bony tentorium (BT) of spotted dolphins ( Stenella attenuata ) at different growth stages were observed. The BF and BT were observed to have the shape of the entire falx cerebri (FC) and tentorium cerebelli (TC), respectively, in adults, but were not seen in fetuses at all. Partially formed BF and BT were observed in the young. The BF and BT of spotted dolphins are formed by ossification in the FC and TC in the course of aging. Based on age determination by means of dentinal growth layers of the maxillary teeth, the ossification in the FC and TC of spotted dolphins begins by about 1 yr of age, and is completed, except for the passage of nerves and blood vessels, by about 9 yr of age. The BF and BT of spotted dolphins are formed possibly by continual dietary intake of large amounts of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D.  相似文献   
厦门海域的中华白海豚是一个受威胁的种群。以往有关该种群的调查范围主要集中在厦门以及邻近的南部漳州海域。为了获得厦门岛东部海域(包括晋江围头湾、小嶝岛以及大嶝岛部分水域)白海豚的分布和数量等信息,本文于2013年6—8月对该水域进行了船基样线法调查和照相识别研究。调查期间共目击到白海豚26群,照相识别白海豚个体27头。所有照相识别的白海豚个体均与厦门中华白海豚个体识别数据库中的个体匹配,表明厦门中华白海豚的分布区至少向东延伸至围头湾。本文白海豚遇见率为5.8群/100km和24.8头/100km,均要高于以往在厦门水域的调查结果,表明大嶝岛—围头湾水域是厦门中华白海豚的重要栖息地之一,值得优先保护和管理。  相似文献   
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