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Summary Experiments, performed withPinus pinaster cloned shoots submitted to an auxin treatment (NAA 10–6 M, 18 days), demonstrated that rooting abilityin vitro persists over 5 successive induction cycles (through out a 9-month period). Rooting ability needs a permanent synthesis of auxin synergists which activate the metabolism of cell dedifferentiation and root primordium initiation. Agar culture permitted intense meristem initiation, but prevented active root elongation. In the presence of a mycorrhizal fungus,Pisolithus tinctorius orHebeloma cylindrosporum, roots resumed growth and short lateral root formation was stimulated. These two phenomena induced by fungal association improve the quality of the root systems required to facilitate successful transplantation from test-tubes to field conditions.  相似文献   
Elicitors released from hyphae or cell walls of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull. ex Fries.) Quél. induced in suspension-cultured cells of Picea abies (L.) Karst. a set of fast reactions: (i) an immediate efflux of Cl into the medium, followed by a K+ efflux; (ii) an influx of Ca2+ (measured as accumulation of 45Ca2+ in the cells); (iii) a phosphorylation of a 63-kDa protein and dephosphorylation of a 65-kDa protein (detectable by 4 min after elicitor application); (iv) an alkalinization of the medium, and (v) a transient synthesis of H2O2. The removal of extracellular Ca2+ by EGTA delayed the elicitor-induced alkalinization. A further reduction of this response could be achieved by TMB-8 an inhibitor of Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. Moreover, the inhibition of protein kinase activity by staurosporine prevented the extracellular alkalinization completely. However, the effectiveness of the elicitors in inducing the extracellular alkalinization was strongly impaired by constitutively secreted enzymes of spruce cells which cleaved the elicitors to inactive fragments. It is suggested that in ectomycorrhizae the efficacy of elicitors released from fungal cell walls is controlled by apoplastic enzymes of the host; the plant itself is able to reduce the activity of fungal elicitors on their way through the plant cell wall. But those elicitors which finally reach the plasma membrane of host cells induce reactions that are similar to the early defense reactions in plant-pathogen interactions.Abbreviations DW dry weight - FW fresh weight - TMB-8 3,4,5 trimethoxybenzoic acid 8-(diethylamino)-octyl ester We thank Prof. M. Zenk (Universität München, Germany) for providing spruce cell cultures, and Dr. I. Kottke (Universität Tübingen, Germany) for isolates of Hebeloma crustuliniforme Tü 704. We are also thankful to Dr. W. Mayer (Universität Tübingen) for valuble discussions. This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. B. Zitterell-Haid was financed by Graduiertenkolleg Interaktion in Waldökosystemen (supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and G. Hebe by a scholarship of the Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz.  相似文献   
 The effect of different genotypes of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum on in vitro rooting of micropropagated cuttings of Prunus avium and P. cerasus was studied in an attempt to determine whether ectomycorrhizal fungi could enhance in vitro adventitious root formation in plants which form arbuscular endomycorrhizas. The rooting percentage of P. avium cuttings was approximately 16% in the absence of hormonal treatment; it increased up to 30% in the presence of 5.7 μM IAA which was the most favourable auxin concentration. The rooting percentage of cuttings cultivated in the absence of IAA was enhanced by all the studied strains of H. cylindrosporum. It ranged from 50 to 60% with the IAA-overproducing mutant D 111 or the wild-type dikaryon D1, to 100% in the presence of the mutants 331 or D 117. The cuttings of P. cerasus showed a higher rooting ability than those of P. avium since approximately 40% of them were able to root in the absence of hormonal treatment. Except for the mutant D117, their rooting percentage was not significantly improved by H. cylindrosporum. Fungal inoculation also affected the survival of cuttings at acclimatization: 50% of the uninoculated P. avium cuttings survived whereas the survival percentage of inoculated cuttings ranged from 30 to 100% depending on the fungal genotype. With P. cerasus, the percentage of survival of uninoculated cuttings ranged from 85 to 100% and fungi either did not significantly improve it or lowered it. At acclimatization fungal hyphae could be observed in close contact with adventitious roots, but they did not establish mycorrhizal association. The shoot height of P. avium plantlets obtained from inoculated cuttings was not significantly different from that of plantlets originating from uninoculated ones. By contrast, fungal inoculation generally depressed the growth of acclimatized P. cerasus plantlets. The possibility of using ectomycorrhizal fungi as a tool to enhance rooting of micropropagated cuttings of plants which do not form ectomycorrhizas is discussed. Received: 25 November 1996 / Accepted: 2 June 1997  相似文献   
Ectomycorrhizas were synthesized in pots and growth pouches betweenQuercus serrata, Q. acutissima, and two ectomycorrhizal fungi,Pisolithus tinctorius andHebeloma cylindrosporum. Root morphology and the structure of the mantle and Hartig net were compared using light, fluorescence, scanning and transmission electron microscopy.P. tinctorius initially colonized root cap cells, and eventually produced a highly branched lateral root system with a complete mantle, whereasH. cylindrosporum promoted root elongation with few hyphae on the root apex surface indicating that interaction between roots differs with fungal species. Hartig net structure and hyphal inclusions varied between all the combinations tested. There were structural differences between mycorrhizas ofH. cylindrosporum/Q. acutissima grown in soil and growth pouches, which indicate that the growth pouch environment can induce artefacts in roots. Fruit bodies ofH. cylindrosporum developed in pots withQ. acutissima. AlthoughP. tinctorius has been used to inoculate oak seedlings in the nursery, results of this study indicate thatH. cylindrosporum may also be an effective ectomycorrhizal fungus forQ. serrata andQ. acutissima.  相似文献   
共生担子菌滑菇 H ebeloma circinas携带两个线形的染色体外 DNA分子 .全部的菌丝 DNA经蛋白酶 K处理后 ,通过琼脂凝胶电泳观察到 :在染色体 DNA旁有两个大小不等的 DNA带 ,命名为 p HCl和 p HC2 ,其分子量分别为 1 0 .3kb和 9.1 kb.用核酸外切酶处理 p HC DNA,确认其 5′端被保护 .对 p HC2用不同的内切酶处理并确定其内切酶图谱 ,对其 3.2 kb H ind 片段进行克隆 ,亚克隆和测序 .结果表明 :其片段有两个开读框 ( open reading frames) ,携带类似于病毒 B型的DNA和 RNA多聚酶基因编码 .p HC2为该菌携带的一个典型的线形质粒 ,这也是首次在共生担子菌中发现的线形质粒 .  相似文献   
Population studies of ectomycorrhizal fungal species have largely relied upon fruit body (the reproductive organ) sampling. Analysis of the fruit bodies alone supposes that they reflect the present and spatial organization of all below-ground genets (mycorrhizas and extramatrical mycelia). The relation between fruit bodies and ectomycorrhizas was investigated for the basidiomycete agaric Hebeloma cylindrosporum in four Pinus pinaster stands in south-west France. Genet identification was based on the comparison of polymorphisms within a hypervariable segment of the ribosomal intergenic spacer amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a H. cylindrosporum species-specific primer. Mycorrhizas were sorted from soil samples collected underneath patches of fruit bodies or patches where fruit bodies had or had not been observed during the years prior to mycorrhiza collection. On average 65% of the 1026 mycorrhizas collected underneath fruit bodies were formed by H. cylindrosporum, whereas only 2% of the 954 collected in places from where fruit bodies were absent were formed by this species. All genotypes identified above ground were also identified below ground. In patches where one genotype formed all or more than 90% of the fruit bodies, the same genotype formed all or a large majority of the mycorrhizas. In patches occupied by several different fruiting genotypes, additional nonfruiting ones could be present on the root systems. In all cases, the mycorrhizas of one genotype were found no more than 10-20 cm away from its corresponding fruit bodies, and fruit body disappearance at a given place was associated with the disappearance of the corresponding mycorrhizas within 1 year. Although there was not a strict coincidence between the total numbers of genets present below ground and of those forming fruit bodies, fruit body analysis for H. cylindrosporum appears to reflect both the genetic diversity and the spatial structure of its below-ground populations. The results obtained also illustrate the rapid turnover of ectomycorrhizal fungal species on the root systems in the absence of any obvious major disturbance of the ecosystem.  相似文献   
Species composition and fruiting season of ammonia fungi were investigated in Iriomote Island of the southern Ryukyus, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.Castanopsis andPinus forests were surveyed and 10 species of ammonia fungi were collected, including one new agaric species,Hebeloma luchuense sp. nov. This new fungus is characterized by having a rooting, squamulose-scaly stipe and cortinate veil and forms ectomycorrhizae withCastanopsis cuspidata var.sieboldii. Although the general mushroom season in theCastanopsis forest in Iriomote island was very short and restricted to summer, ammonia fungi were observed to fruit throughout the year in urea-treated plots.  相似文献   
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