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Summary The three-dimensional structure of goose-type lysozyme (GEWL), determined by x-ray crystallography and refined at high resolution, has similarities to the structures of hen (chicken) eggwhite lysozyme (HEWL) and bacteriophage T4 lysozyme (T4L). The nature of the structural correspondence suggests that all three classes of lysozyme diverged from a common evolutionary precursor, even though their amino acid sequences appear to be unrelated (Grütter et al. 1983).In this paper we make detailed comparisons of goose-type, chicken-type, and phage-type lysozymes. The lysozymes have undergone conformational changes at both the blobal and the local level. As in the globins, there are corresponding -helices that have rigid-body displacements relative to each other, but in some cases corresponding helices have increased or decreased in length, and in other cases there are helices in one structure that have no counterpart in another.Independent of the overall structural correspondence among the three lysozyme backbones is another, distinct correspondence between a set of three consecutive -helices in GEWL and three consecutive -helices in T4L. This structural correspondence could be due, in part, to a common energetically favorable contact between the first and the third helices.There are similarities in the active sites of the three lysozymes, but also one striking difference. Glu 73 (GEWL) spatially corresponds to Glu 35 (HEWL) and to Glu 11 (T4L). On the other hand, there are two aspartates in the GEWL active site, Asp 86 and Asp 97, neither of which corresponds exactly to Asp 52 (HEWL) or Asp 20 (T4L). (The discrepancy in the location of the carboxyl groups is about 10 Å for Asp 86 and 4 Å for Asp 97.) This lack of structural correspondence may reflect some differences in the mechanisms of action of three lysozymes. When the amino acid sequences of the three lysozyme types are aligned according to their structural correspondence, there is still no apparent relationship between the sequences except for possible weak matching in the vicinity of the active sites.  相似文献   
Summary twenty seven field experiments were conducted to determine if there were differences between five barley cultivars in their ability to utilize soil nutrients. There were significant differences among cultivars in yield of grain and in concentration of all macro and micro nutrients examined in both the whole plant and grain.Gateway ranked the highest for the concentration of Na, Mn, and Cu in the whole plant and was among the cultivars with highest concentration of Ca, Fe, and Zn. Centennial had generally the lowest concentration of all the nutrients determined in the whole plant. For the concentrations of Na, Mg, and Cu in grain Gateway ranked highest, but ranked third for the concentrations of K, Ca, Fe, Mn, and Zn in grain. Galt had the highest K and Mg concentration and lowest Mn, Cu and Zn concentration in grain. Except for K concentration in grain, Centennial had the lowest concentrations of all other cationic nutrients in grain.Yield of grain rather than nutrient concentration was the most important criteria in determining the ranking of nutrient yields per hectare. Because of its high grain yield, Bonanza produced the largest yield of micronutrient cations and was second to Galt in production of macronutrient cations, although it was lowest in macronutrient cation concentration. Similarly, Bonanza and Galt had the lowest protein concentration, but produced the highest yield of protein per hectare.The implications for animal nutrition of different levels of nutrients between cultivars are discussed.  相似文献   
P. Horton  P. Lee 《Planta》1985,165(1):37-42
Thylakoids isolated from peas (Pisum sativum cv. Kelvedon Wonder) and phosphorylated by incubation with ATP have been compared with non-phosphorylated thylakoids in their sensitivity to photoinhibition by exposure to illumination in vitro. Assays of the kinetics of fluorescence induction at 20° C and the fluorescence emission spectra at-196° C indicate a proportionally larger decrease in fluorescence as a result of photoinhibitory treatment of non-phosphorylated compared with phosphorylated thylakoids. It is concluded that protein phosphorylation can afford partial protection to thylakoids exposed to photoinhibitory conditions.Abbreviations and symbols DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - F 0 Level of chlorophyll fluorescence when photosystem 2 traps are open - F m Level of chlorphyll fluorescence when photosystem 2 traps are closed - P Maximum level of fluorescence reached in the absence of DCMU - PSI (II) photosystem I(II)  相似文献   
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteins labeled with 32P1 in S49 mouse lymphoma cells revealed five phosphoproteins that were rapidly and reversibly dephosphorylated in response to elevation of cyclic AMP (cAMP). Under basal conditions, labeling of at least two of these proteins was limited by slow turnover of protein-bound phosphate. The rapid cAMP-mediated dephosphorylation of these species was attributable, therefore, to stimulation of a specific phosphoprotein phosphatase.  相似文献   
A phylogenetic survey of proteins immunologically related to Synapsin I, a major synaptic vesicle-associated phosphoprotein in mammals was carried out. Proteins antigenically related to Synapsin I were found by use of radioimmunoassay and other radioimmunochemical techniques in the nervous systems of several vertebrate and invertebrate species, which included birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, echinoderms, arthropods, and mollusks. Four proteins present in fish brain, antigenically related to Synapsin I, were further studied and found to resemble mammalian Synapsin I in several respects. Like Synapsin I, the fish proteins were present in high amounts in nervous tissue, were enriched in synaptosomal fractions of brain where they were substrates for endogenous protein kinases, were acid extractable, and were sensitive to digestion by collagenase. In addition, two-dimensional peptide-mapping analysis revealed some homology between major phosphopeptide fragments of Synapsin I and the fish proteins. The results indicate that proteins related to Synapsin I are wide-spread in the animal kingdom.  相似文献   
I. Tsekos 《Protoplasma》1985,129(2-3):127-136
Summary The endomembrane system during carposporogenesis inChondria tenuissima was studied using electron microscopy and histochemistry. Profiles of the nucleus are convoluted, resulting in a highly increased surface area. Stacked cisternae are found within the peripheral part of the nucleus. Vesicles, tubules and membrane bound fibrillar bodies occur within the nucleoplasm. The endoplasmic reticulum surrounds the nuclear envelope.The endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus, together with small transition vesicles, represent a functional unit. They form two different secretory substances during carposporogenesis. In young stages, carbohydrates are produced by normal dictyosomes within large, normal exocytotic Golgi vesicles. They do not react positively with PAS or Thiéry method and are believed to represent cell wall material. In later stages, the central area of the Golgi cisternae becomes filled with electron dense material. The individual cisternae are transformed into cored vesicles at the trans-face of the dictyosomes. The dense core of the vesicles is proteinaceous and stains with coomassie brilliant blue R. The peripheral fibrillar material is polysaccharidic and reacts positively using the Thiéry method. The contents of the cored vesicles are believed to participate in carpospore attachment. The ER gives rise to cytolysosomes in which starch grains are sequestrated and digested. Mucilaginous sacs seem to be similarly formed.  相似文献   
Summary Using the monotone dependence function (mdf) together with correlation coefficient it was found that the Ma-DNA content as well as total protein content are regularly, linearly, positively and strongly dependent in sister cells (proter-opisthe) ofChilodonella steini. Additionally it was shown that proter-opisthe ordering is irrelevant to Ma-DNA and protein contents.Analysis of sister cell generation times (TG) confirmed the existence of regular, linear, positive and strong codependence.The relations between Ma-DNA and total protein contents, between protein content and TG, and between Ma-DNA content and TG were also described. There is a weak, linear dependence between Ma-DNA and total protein contents. Relations of TG and Ma-DNA content or TG and total protein content are non-linear and not even monotone. Low and high levels of DNA or proteins are connected with long generation times.  相似文献   
The Chou-Fasman predictive algorithm for determining the secondary structure of proteins from the primary sequence is reviewed. Many examples of its use are presented which illustrate its wide applicability, such as predicting (a) regions with the potential for conformational change, (b) sequences which are capable of assuming several conformations in different environments, (c) effects of single amino acid mutations, (d) amino acid replacements in synthesis of peptides to bring about a change in conformation, (e) guide to the synthesis of polypeptides with definitive secondary structure,e.g. signal sequences, (f) conformational homologues from varying sequences and (g) the amino acid requirements for amphiphilicα-helical peptides.  相似文献   
Insulin Binding in Four Regions of the Developing Rat Brain   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
Specific insulin binding has been demonstrated in partially purified membranes prepared from four regions of the developing rat brain. Insulin binding to brain membranes demonstrated kinetics and hormonal specificity that were quite similar to those reported for traditional insulin target tissues (e.g., liver and adipose tissue), and binding was significantly correlated with receptor concentration. Binding in the olfactory bulbs, cerebrum, cerebellum, and hypothalamus all reached highest values at 15 days of postnatal life, with the olfactory bulbs generally showing the greatest binding at all ages studied. A temporal relationship was found between insulin binding to brain membranes in the postnatal rat and plasma membrane protein synthesis, especially in the cerebellum and olfactory bulbs.  相似文献   
We examined the patterns of cyclic AMP-dependent protein phosphorylation in membranes prepared from rat cortical synaptosomes following gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. We determined the optimum pH (6.2), time (20 s), Mg2+ concentration (10 mM) and cyclic AMP concentration (5 microM) for the reaction. We also found that the detergents Triton X-100 and gramicidin S enhanced cyclic AMP-dependent protein phosphorylation. Inhibitors of the Na+, K+ ATPase (ouabain, NaF, vanadate) enhanced protein phosphorylation. This effect occurred in the presence but not in the absence of detergent. The addition of purified bovine brain cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit enhanced membrane protein phosphorylation. The addition of homogeneous neural (bovine brain) and non-neural (bovine skeletal muscle) cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase type II regulatory subunit partially inhibited protein phosphorylation. Both neural and non-neural regulatory subunits behaved similarly. In addition to cyclic AMP-dependent phosphorylation, the alpha-subunit of pyruvate dehydrogenase (Mr = 41,000) is phosphorylated in a cyclic AMP-independent fashion. We also examined the phosphorylation pattern of membranes prepared from rat heart and found that the number of acceptor substrates was much less than that from the nervous system.  相似文献   
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