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Animal populations are spatially structured in heterogeneous landscapes, in which local patches with differing vital rates are connected by dispersal of individuals to varying degrees. Although there is evidence that vital rates differ among local populations, much less is understood about how vital rates covary among local patches in spatially heterogeneous landscapes. In this study, we conducted a nine-year annual mark–recapture survey to characterize spatial covariation of survival and growth for two Japanese native salmonids, white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis japonicus and red-spotted masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae, in a headwater stream network composed of distinctly different tributary and mainstem habitats. Spatial structure of survival and growth differed by species and age class, but results provided support for negative covariation between vital rates, where survival was higher in the tributary habitat but growth was higher in the mainstem habitat. Thus, neither habitat was apparently more important than the other, and local habitats with complementary vital rates may make this spatially structured population less vulnerable to environmental change (i.e. portfolio effect). Despite the spatial structure of vital rates and possibilities that fish can exploit spatially distributed resources, movement of fish was limited due partly to a series of low-head dams that prevented upstream movement of fish in the study area. This study shows that spatial structure of vital rates can be complex and depend on species and age class, and this knowledge is likely paramount to elucidating dynamics of spatially structured populations.  相似文献   
1. Studies assessing human impacts on freshwater ecosystems are typically based on a single taxonomic group, often macroinvertebrates or fish. Unfortunately, the degree to which such macroinvertebrate or fish‐based surveys can be generalised across other taxonomic groups remains largely unknown. A prerequisite for useful generalisations is that different taxonomic groups exhibit concordant patterns of community structure across sites. 2. We examined the concordance among fish, benthic macroinvertebrates and bryophytes in 32 streams in a boreal catchment in Finland. Our goal was to test how consistently different taxonomic groups classify stream sites; for example, can site groupings based on macroinvertebrates be used as a surrogate for bryophyte or fish assemblage classification? 3. Our results show that community classifications in headwater streams are not concordant across taxonomic groups, at least not at the within‐river system scale. The lack of concordance reflected the fact that all three groups responded to different environmental factors. Macroinvertebrate community structure was mainly correlated with stream size and pH, whereas bryophytes were related to water colour, nutrient content and in‐stream habitat variability. Fish community structure was best described by stream depth, substrate size and water oxygen concentration. 4. Our results suggest that great care should be taken when typologies based on benthic macroinvertebrates, or any other taxonomic group, are extrapolated to other groups in creating typologies of lotic environments.  相似文献   
目的了解中山大学附属第一医院2002年到2005年自血培养标本中分离的致病细菌的耐药状况和菌群分布特征。方法采用全自动血培养仪进行培养,血培养报阳后转种血平板,用VITEK-60鉴定所分离致病菌,药敏试验用K-B法。结果4年间血培养共分离出934株病原细菌,其中大肠埃希菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎克雷伯菌,是该院引起血液感染的主要致病细菌。药物敏感试验显示革兰阴性杆菌对亚胺培南、哌拉西林/他唑巴坦、头孢哌酮/舒巴坦的敏感性最高,而革兰阳性球菌对万古霉素及替考拉宁的敏感性最高。结论血液感染患者的死亡率较高,应重视导致血液感染致病菌的病原学研究,以利于疾病的治疗。  相似文献   
Many successful invasions have taken place in systems where harmful disturbance has changed habitat conditions. However, less attention has been paid to the role of habitat restoration, which modifies habitats and thus also has the potential to facilitate invasions. We examined whether in‐stream habitat restorations have the potential to either facilitate or resist invasion by two widely introduced non‐native stream salmonids, Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill and Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, in Finland. A physical habitat simulation system was used to calculate whether the habitat area for the target species increased or decreased following the restorations. For comparison, we also reported results for four native stream fish species. The simulations showed that the restored streams provided the highest amount of usable habitat area for the native species, particularly for Salmo salar L. and Gottus gobio L. However, it was interesting to note that the restorations significantly increased habitat quality for the two non‐native species, especially at low flows. Nevertheless, the non‐native species had the lowest amount of usable habitat area overall. The modeling results indicated that not only habitat destruction but also habitat restoration could contribute to the spread of non‐native species. Fisheries and wildlife managers should be aware of the possibility, when restoring habitats in order to preserve native ecosystems, that non‐native species could manage to gain a foothold in restored habitats and use them as population sources for further spread. Knowing the widespread negative effect of non‐native species, this risk should not be underestimated.  相似文献   
Abstract: Many aquatic species in the arid southwestern United States are imperiled, persisting primarily in isolated, low-order streams that are increasingly vulnerable to stochastic disturbances. During 2003 and 2004, we surveyed 39 mountain canyons in southeastern Arizona, USA, for lowland leopard frogs (Rana yavapaiensis), a species that has declined in abundance and distribution across its range in the United States. We quantified habitat features at 2 spatial scales, canyon and pool, to identify features that distinguished sites inhabited by frogs from those uninhabited by frogs. Canyons inhabited by frogs had watersheds that averaged 8.1 km2 larger (SE = 2.52), pools that averaged 37.8 m3 greater (9.30) in volume, gradients that averaged 4.1% (1.40%) less steep, and locations that averaged 3.2 km closer (1.06) to the nearest valley stream than did uninhabited canyons. Plunge pools inhabited by frogs averaged 13.5% (5.66%) more perimeter vegetation, 11.2% (5.34%) more canopy cover, and 1.9 (0.60) more refuges than uninhabited pools. In general, canyons that provided more perennial water during dry summer months and plunge pools that provided more bank heterogeneity were more likely to be inhabited by frogs. Conservation of lowland leopard frogs and other aquatic species that inhabit xeric systems in the southwestern United States depends principally on maintaining riparian ecosystems that provide habitat for these species and the adjacent uplands that influence the structure and function of these systems. Therefore, both riparian areas and their adjacent uplands must be managed to maintain habitat for organisms that inhabit these rare and diverse ecosystems.  相似文献   
Research in river-floodplain systems has emphasized the importance of nutrient delivery by floodwaters, but the mechanisms by which floods make nutrients available are rarely evaluated. Using a laboratory re-wetting experiment, we evaluated the alternative hypotheses that increased nutrient concentrations in riparian groundwater during flash floods are due to (H1) elevated nutrient concentrations in surface floodwaters entering the riparian zone or (H2) re-mobilization of nutrients from riparian soils. We sampled soils from the riparian zone of a 400m reach of Sycamore Creek, AZ. Two sub-samples from each soil were re-wetted with a solution that mimicked the chemistry of floodwaters, with one sub-sample simultaneously treated with a biocide. We also measured structural characteristics of soils (texture, organic matter, moisture, and extractable nutrients) to investigate relationships between these characteristics and response to re-wetting. Riparian soils exhibited considerable variation in physical and chemical structure. Soil organic matter, moisture, and texture co-varied among samples. Re-wetting increased concentrations of nitrate and ammonium, and decreased SRP, relative to initial concentrations. Live soils were significantly lower in NO3-and SRP than biocide-treated samples. Extractable DIN pools were the best predictors of mobilization, and soil organic matter was strongly correlated with nitrate losses, probably via its relationship with microbial uptake. Nutrient mobilization and processing also varied considerably with depth, lateral position, and among plots. We estimate that 70–80% of N in riparian groundwater during flash floods is re-mobilized from riparian soils, but are unable to reject the hypothesis that flood inputs may be important sources of nutrients to riparian soils over longer time scales.  相似文献   
To evaluate the importance and fate of organic matter inputs in forested streams, we determined the litterfall inputs and the benthic coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) in one headwater stream flowing through a mixed deciduous forest, during one year. Both vertical traps and the stream bottom were sampled monthly. The material collected was sorted into four main categories: leaves, fruits and flowers, twigs and debris. Litter production was 715 g m−2 y−1 and seasonal, with 73% of the annual total during October–December (autumn). Leaves comprised the largest litter component. Benthic organic matter was 1880 g m−2 y−1, and was also seasonal. Highest accumulation was attained in spring, and twigs and branches comprised the major component. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
A heptageniid mayfly species Paegniodes dao sp. nov. (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) is described from Vietnam. The larva is distinguished by round anterolateral margins of pronotum, triangular‐shaped labrum, rudimentary lamella and well developed fibrillae of gills 1, and light brown body that lacks distinct markings. Diagnosis, line drawings, material, and habitat data are provided.  相似文献   
Recognition that beavers are integral components of stream ecosystems has resulted in an increase in beaver‐mediated habitat restoration projects. Beaver restoration projects are frequently implemented in degraded stream systems with little or no beaver activity. However, selection of restoration sites is often based on habitat suitability research comparing well‐established beaver colonies to unoccupied stream sections or abandoned colonies. Because beavers dramatically alter areas they occupy, assessing habitat conditions at active colonies may over‐emphasize habitat characteristics that are modified by beaver activity. During 2015–2017, we conducted beaver activity surveys on streams in the upper Missouri River watershed in southwest Montana, United States, to investigate habitat selection by beavers starting new colonies in novel areas. We compared new colony locations in unmodified stream segments to unsettled segments to evaluate conditions that promoted colonization. Newly settled stream segments had relatively low gradients (β ± SE = ?0.72 ± 0.27), narrow channels (β = ?1.31 ± 0.46), high channel complexity (β = 0.76 ± 0.42), high canopy cover of woody riparian vegetation (β = 0.56 ± 0.21), and low‐lying areas directly adjacent to the stream (β = 0.36 ± 0.24), where β denotes covariate effect sizes. Habitat selection patterns differed between our new settlement site analysis and an analysis of occupied versus unoccupied stream segments, suggesting that assessing habitat suitability based on active colonies may result in misidentification of suitable site conditions for beaver restoration. Our research provides recommendations for beaver restoration practitioners to select restoration sites that will have the highest probability of successful colony establishment.  相似文献   
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