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Nutritional insufficiency and toxicity are deleterious effects of phytoplankton on grazers. We hypothesize that toxic food is likely to have stronger evolutionary selective effects on grazers than nutritionally insufficient food. We explore this hypothesis in comparative studies of egg production and egg hatching of the copepod Acartia hudsonica challenged with both a toxic and a nutritionally insufficient alga. Experiments lasting 6 days, in which mixtures of different proportions of the suspect and a control alga were offered as food to female copepods, showed that the dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense, which bears paralytic shellfish toxins, was toxic to A. hudsonica. In contrast, the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum was nutritionally insufficient to A. hudsonica. In another set of experiments, the effects of A. fundyense and P. tricornutum, respectively, as sole foods on egg production and egg hatching success of two geographically separated populations (Maine and Connecticut) of the copepod A. hudsonica were examined in common-environment experiments, after being raised under identical conditions for two generations. The location in Maine regularly experiences toxic blooms of Alexandrium sp. whereas the location in Connecticut does not. During a 6-day period, A. fundyense reduced the egg production rates of the Connecticut copepod population, but not of the Maine population. In contrast, the diatom P. tricornutum reduced the egg production of both populations. These results of this study are consistent with the hypothesis of local adaptation to toxic food, but not to nutritionally insufficient food.  相似文献   
The euglenophyte Eutreptiella gymnastica is a common red tide causative species. However, there have been no studies on the grazing impact of heterotrophic protists on this species. To investigate the grazing impact of heterotrophic protists on E. gymnastica, we measured daily the abundances of E. gymnastica and co-occurring potential heterotrophic protistan grazers in Masan Bay, Korea, in August 2004 when an E. gymnastica red tide occurred. In addition, we tested whether the common heterotrophic dinoflagellates Gyrodinium dominans, Oxyrrhis marina, Pfiesteria piscicida, Polykrikos kofoidii, Protoperidinium bipes, and Stoeckeria algicida and the naked ciliates Strobilidium sp. (30–40 μm in cell length) and Strombidinopsis sp. (70–100 μm in cell length) were able to feed on E. gymnastica. We also measured their growth and ingestion rates on E. gymnastica as a function of prey concentration. Finally, we calculated the grazing coefficients by combining field data on the abundance of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate and ciliate grazers and co-occurring E. gymnastica with laboratory data on ingestion rates obtained in this study. The maximum abundance of E. gymnastica in Masan Bay in August, 2004 was 7575 cells ml−1, while those of Gyrodinium spp., P. kofoidii, P. bipes, the naked ciliates (≤50 μm in cell length), and naked ciliates (>50 μm in cell length) were 50, 9, 58, 32, and 3 cells ml−1, respectively. The maximum growth rate of G. dominans on E. gymnastica (1.13 d−1) was higher than that of O. marina (0.81 d−1) or P. bipes (0.77 d−1). However, E. gymnastica did not support positive growth of P. kofoidii, Strobilidium sp., and Strombidinopsis sp. (−0.04 ∼ −2.8 d−1). The maximum ingestion rates of G. dominans, P. kofoidii, P. bipes, O. marina, and Strobilidium sp. on E. gymnastica (2.1–2.7 ng C predator−1 d−1) were similar, but they were much lower than that of Strombidinopsis sp. (156 ng C predator−1 d−1). The calculated grazing coefficients for P. bipes, small heterotrophic Gyrodinium spp. (25–35 μm in cell length), naked ciliates (≤50 μm in cell length), P. kofoidii, and naked ciliates (>50 μm in cell length) on E. gymnastica were up to 0.77, 0.61, 0.22, 0.07 and 0.03 d−1, respectively (i.e., up to 54%, 46%, 20%, 7%, and 3% of E. gymnastica populations were removed by the population of each of these heterotrophic protistan grazers in 1 d, respectively). The results of the present study suggest that P. bipes, small heterotrophic Gyrodinium spp., and naked ciliates (≤50 μm in cell length) sometimes have considerable potential grazing impact on the populations of E. gymnastica.  相似文献   
Except for the lack of a centriole, interphase cell morphology and cell division in Stichococcus is similar to that in Klebsormidium. The cell in Stichococcus is largely filled by a chloroplast and pyrenoid, at the side of which are two mitochondria and one small peroxisome. The chloroplast/pyrenoid cleaves early in prophase, probably completely, and the nucleus is inserted between the two halves. A band of 3–5 microtubules always encircles the prophase nucleus; these disappear by metaphase. The spindle is open, the daughter nuclei remain far apart at telophase and during cytokinesis, and vacuoles collect between them; no phycoplast is associated with the cleavage furrow.

These results indicate a close phyletic relationship between Stichococcus and Klebsormidium, two organisms which are now considered to be more closely related to the progenitors of the higher land plants than most of the other members of the Ulotrichales.  相似文献   
实施先学后教、师生互教教学模式的体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在有害微生物控制技术课程实施先学后教、师生互教教学模式,经过教师4个阶段的引导,营造了愉快和谐的教学氛围,较好地实现了师生间的有效互动.这种教学模式确定了学生在学习过程中的主体地位,有利于培养学生自主学习、表达交流沟通等多方面的能力,增强他们的竞争与合作意识及质疑问难精神,同时也可促进教师角色转变,教学策略与技能改进.  相似文献   
Dinoflagellates are microalgae that are associated with the production of many marine toxins. These toxins poison fish, other wildlife and humans. Dinoflagellate-associated human poisonings include paralytic shellfish poisoning, diarrhetic shellfish poisoning, neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, and ciguatera fish poisoning. Dinoflagellate toxins and bioactives are of increasing interest because of their commercial impact, influence on safety of seafood, and potential medical and other applications. This review discusses biotechnological methods of identifying toxic dinoflagellates and detecting their toxins. Potential applications of the toxins are discussed. A lack of sufficient quantities of toxins for investigational purposes remains a significant limitation. Producing quantities of dinoflagellate bioactives requires an ability to mass culture them. Considerations relating to bioreactor culture of generally fragile and slow-growing dinoflagellates are discussed. Production and processing of dinoflagellates to extract bioactives, require attention to biosafety considerations as outlined in this review.  相似文献   
Species of the benthic dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus produce polyether neurotoxins that caused ciguatera fish/shellfish poisoning in human. The toxins enter marine food webs by foraging of herbivores on the biotic substrates like macroalgae that host the toxic dinoflagellates. Interaction of Gambierdiscus and their macroalgal substrate hosts is believed to shape the tendency of substrate preferences and habitat specialization. This was supported by studies that manifested epiphytic preferences and behaviors in Gambierdiscus species toward different macroalgal hosts. To further examine the supposition, a laboratory-based experimental study was conducted to examine the growth, epiphytic behaviors and host preferences of three Gambierdiscus species towards four macroalgal hosts over a culture period of 40 days. The dinoflagellates Gambierdiscus balechii, G. caribaeus, and a new ribotype, herein designated as Gambierdiscus type 7 were initially identified based on the thecal morphology and molecular characterization. Our results showed that Gambierdiscus species tested in this study exhibited higher growth rates in the presence of macroalgal hosts. Growth responses and attachment behaviors, however, differed among different species and strains of Gambierdiscus over different macroalgal substrate hosts. Cells of Gambierdiscus mostly attached to substrate hosts at the beginning of the experiments but detached at the later time. Localized Gambierdiscus-host interactions, as demonstrated in this study, could help to better inform efforts of sampling and monitoring of this benthic toxic dinoflagellate.  相似文献   
Marine biotoxins synthesized by Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) represent one of the most important sources of contamination in marine environments as well as a serious threat to fisheries and aquaculture-based industries in coastal areas. Among these biotoxins Okadaic Acid (OA) is of critical interest as it represents the most predominant Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning biotoxin in the European coasts. Furthermore, OA is a potent tumor promoter with aneugenic and clastogenic effects on the hereditary material, most notably DNA breaks and alterations in DNA repair mechanisms. Therefore, a great effort has been devoted to the biomonitoring of OA in the marine environment during the last two decades, mainly based on physicochemical and physiological parameters using mussels as sentinel organisms. However, the molecular genotoxic effects of this biotoxin make chromatin structure a good candidate for an alternative strategy for toxicity assessment with faster and more sensitive evaluation. To date, the development of chromatin-based studies to this purpose has been hampered by the complete lack of information on chromatin of invertebrate marine organisms, especially in bivalve molluscs. Our preliminary results have revealed the presence of histone variants involved in DNA repair and chromatin specialization in mussels and clams. In this work we use this information to put forward a proposal focused on the development of chromatin-based tests for OA genotoxicity in the marine environment. The implementation of such tests in natural populations has the potential to provide an important leap in the biomonitoring of this biotoxin. The outcome of such monitoring may have critical implications for the evaluation of DNA damage in these marine organisms. They will provide as well important tools for the optimization of their harvesting and for the elaboration of additional tests designed to evaluate the safety of their consumption and potential implications for consumer's health.  相似文献   
The potentially toxic dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum (Pavillard) Schiller has successfully established in the Baltic Sea in the last two decades. A review of the invasion history is presented as well as new data on the spatial and inter-annual variability of this species and its relation to salinity, temperature, and nutrient concentrations. A short literature review of the morphological characters of the Baltic P. minimum is also included.From 1993 to 2002, P. minimum was a regular component of the summer and autumn plankton flora of the Baltic Sea proper and the Gulf of Finland. Its abundance varied considerably inter-annually and did not show any clear trends during the period. Abundance of P. minimum was significantly higher in the nutrient-enriched Bay of Mecklenburg (German coast) and the southern Baltic proper than in the central and northern Baltic proper and the Gulf of Finland, where its abundance was mostly sparse. In coastal waters P. minimum occasionally reached densities of several million cells per litre and dominated phytoplankton biomass (>90%).Abundance of the Baltic P. minimum was generally not related to salinity or temperature. It could be a dominant species at both high and low salinity (over 15 and 4.8 PSU), and its temperature range was broad (from 2.7 to 26.4 °C). However, dense populations usually occurred from July to October at temperatures above 10 °C.Further, there appears to be a positive correlation between the success of P. minimum in the Baltic Sea and high concentrations of total phosphorus and nitrogen.This tolerant and morphologically variable dinoflagellate seems to be a morphospecies without subtaxa, which can expand its range in the Baltic Sea, especially in nutrient-rich coastal waters.  相似文献   
Although the molecular data currently used for identifying dinoflagellates are generally limited to nuclear ribosomal RNA genes, some dinoflagellates cannot be identified by their gene sequence or morphotype, suggesting that additional effective molecular makers are required. We report here a novel species-specific marker on the mitochondrial (mt) genome of dinoflagellates belonging to six Alexandrium spp., namely, A. tamarense, A. catenella, A. tamiyavanichii, A. affine, A. hiranoi, and A. pseudogonyaulax. This new mt marker was able to clearly differentiate these six species. PCR analysis using a primer set for the A. tamarense-specific sequence confirmed that this sequence is conserved in A. tamarense strains but not in other dinoflagellate species. We also sequenced the mt genome containing the developed molecular marker using a single cell from a field sample, which suggests that this marker is a powerful tool for identifying unculturable dinoflagellates. The sequenced molecular region was also used to identify Alexandrium-like cells isolated from environmental seawater as A. tamarense and A. affine.  相似文献   
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