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王小冬  王艳 《生态学报》2012,32(2):414-420
棕囊藻包含囊体和游离单细胞两种生活史阶段。囊体是棕囊藻藻华爆发时的优势形态,藻华衰退时囊体能够形成凝聚体,但是棕囊藻游离单细胞的凝聚体极少被发现。本次研究将球形棕囊藻单细胞和高密度的海洋弯曲甲藻共同培养,使球形棕囊藻的生长承受高摄食压力,通过观察摄食者和棕囊藻的生长、凝聚体的数量和形态,阐明单细胞凝聚体的形成以及与摄食压力的关系。当球形棕囊藻进入衰退期时,高摄食压力引发游离单细胞聚合形成凝聚体,无摄食压力情况下,单细胞不形成凝聚体。凝聚体由无鞭毛细胞组成,细胞排列紧密,近似球体。凝聚体形成伊始,凝聚体内部可见凝胶状物质将细胞互相粘结,并且粘附了纤维等物质。凝聚体的体积和粘附的细胞数量逐渐提高,细胞排列愈加紧密,凝聚体内部形态和结构不易分辨。凝聚体的形成有效保护了部分单细胞免受摄食压力的影响,减少了摄食死亡率。凝聚体的形成是球形棕囊藻面临高摄食压力时采取的主动的防御策略。球形棕囊藻能够频繁引发大规模藻华的原因可能在于其在生长的各个阶段中均具有优越的竞争策略。  相似文献   
海洋有害赤潮的生物防治对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
该文综述了海洋有害赤潮治理的生物方法。细菌、寄生虫和病毒等微型生物是天然水体中具有调节藻类种群动态平衡的重要潜在因子,它们的繁殖速度非常快,并具有宿主的专一性,是一种非常有潜质的赤潮调控因子。根据生态系统中的食物链关系,通过引入赤潮生物的天敌来防治赤潮也是一种治理方法。浮游动物和一些滤食性的贝类在水体中与赤潮生物共存,并能以这些赤潮生物为食,是具有明显赤潮治理功效的生物控制剂。另一方面,利用大型海藻与微藻间的相生相克和营养竞争等作用在养殖区域内进行赤潮的防控被认为具有较强的理论和实践意义。该文详细介绍了上述方法的原理、可行性以及局限性,并就今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
溶藻细菌杀藻物质的研究进展*   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
张勇  席宇  吴刚   《微生物学通报》2004,31(1):127-131
溶藻细菌作为防治有害藻类水华的一种可能微生物,已引起了众多科研人员的关注。大多数溶藻细菌分泌的生物活性杀藻物质对宿主藻类具有强烈的杀灭作用。首先讨论了细菌活性杀藻物质的生态作用,重点阐述了目前已经报道的细菌杀藻物质的种类及其提取和分离方法,最后对细菌杀藻物质的进一步研究提出几点看法。  相似文献   
The first recorded bloom of Karenia spp., resulting in brevetoxin in oysters, in the low salinity waters of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOMEX) occurred in November 1996. It raised questions about the salinity tolerance of Karenia spp., previously considered unlikely to occur at salinities <24 psu, and the likelihood that the bloom would reoccur in the NGOMEX. Salinity was investigated as a factor controlling Karenia spp. abundance in the field, using data from the NGOMEX 1996 bloom and Florida coastal waters from 1954 to 2004, and growth and toxin production in cultures of Karenia brevis (Davis) G. Hansen and Moestrup. During the NGOMEX bloom, Karenia spp. occurred much more frequently at low salinities than in Florida coastal waters over the last 50 years. The data suggest that the NGOMEX bloom started on the NW Florida Shelf, an area with a higher frequency of Karenia spp. at low salinities than the rest of Florida, and was transported by an unusual westward surface current caused by Tropical Storm Josephine. The minimum salinity at which growth occurred in culture ranged between 17.5 and 20 psu, but the optimal salinity ranged between low values of 20 or 25 and high values of 37.5–45 psu, depending on the clone. The effect of salinity on toxin production in one clone of K. brevis was complex, but at all salinities brevetoxin levels were highest during the stationary growth phase, suggesting that aging, high density blooms may pose the greatest public health threat. The results demonstrate that Karenia spp. can be a public health threat in low salinity areas, but the risk in the NGOMEX is relatively low. No bloom has occurred since the 1996 event, which was probably associated with a special set of conditions: a bloom along the Florida Panhandle and a tropical storm with a track that set up a westward current.  相似文献   
The CoASTAL cohort represents the first community cohort assembled to study a HAB-related illness. It is comprised of three Native American tribes in the Pacific NW for the purpose of studying the health impacts of chronic, low level domoic acid (DA) exposure through razor clam consumption. This cohort is at risk of DA toxicity by virtue of their geographic location (access to beaches with a history of elevated DA levels in razor clams) and the cultural and traditional significance of razor clams in their diet. In this prospective, longitudinal study, Wave 1 of the cohort was comprised of 678 members across the human lifespan, with both sexes represented within child, adult, and geriatric age groups. All participants were followed annually with standard measures of medical and social history; neuropsychological functions, psychological status, and dietary exposure. DA concentrations were measured at both public and reservation beaches where razor clams are acquired. Multiple metrics were piloted to further determine exposure. Baseline data indicated that all cognitive and psychological functions were within normal limits. In addition, there was considerable variability in razor clam exposure. Therefore, the CoASTAL cohort offers a unique opportunity to investigate the potential health effects of chronic, low level exposure to DA over time.  相似文献   
The Makah Tribe of Neah Bay, Washington, has historically relied on the subsistence harvest of coastal seafood, including shellfish, which remains an important cultural and ceremonial resource. Tribal legend describes visitors from other tribes that died from eating shellfish collected on Makah lands. These deaths were believed to be caused by paralytic shellfish poisoning, a human illness caused by ingestion of shellfish contaminated with saxitoxins, which are produced by toxin-producing marine dinoflagellates on which the shellfish feed. These paralytic shellfish toxins include saxitoxin, a potent Na+ channel antagonist that binds to the pore region of voltage gated Na+ channels. Amino acid mutations in the Na+ channel pore have been demonstrated to confer resistance to saxitoxin in softshell clam populations exposed to paralytic shellfish toxins present in their environment. Because of the notion of resistance to paralytic shellfish toxins, the study aimed to determine if a resistance strategy was possible in humans with historical exposure to toxins in shellfish. We collected, extracted and purified DNA from buccal swabs of 83 volunteer Makah tribal members and sequenced the skeletal muscle Na+ channel (Nav1.4) at nine loci to characterize potential mutations in the relevant saxitoxin binding regions. No mutations of these specific regions were identified after comparison to a reference sequence. This study suggests that any resistance of Makah tribal members to saxitoxin, if present, is not a function of Nav1.4 modification, but may be due to mutations in neuronal or cardiac sodium channels, or some other mechanism unrelated to sodium channel function.  相似文献   
The population dynamics of Cytophaga strain 41-DBG2, a bacterium algicidal to the harmful algal bloom (HAB) dinoflagellate Karenia brevis, were investigated in laboratory experiments using fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Following its introduction into non-axenic K. brevis cultures at concentrations of 103 or 105 bacterial cells per milliliter, 41-DBG2 increased to 106 cells per milliliter before initiation of its algicidal activity. Such threshold concentrations were not achieved when starting algal cell numbers were relatively low (103 cells per milliliter), suggesting that the growth of this bacterium may require high levels of dissolved organic matter (DOM) excreted by the algae. It remains to be determined whether this threshold concentration is required to trigger an algicidal response by 41-DBG2 or, alternatively, is the point at which the bacterium accumulates to an effective killing concentration. The ambient microbial community associated with these algal cultures, as determined by DGGE profiles, did not change until after K. brevis cells were in the process of lysing, indicating a response to the rapid input of algal-derived organic matter. Resistance to algicidal attack exhibited by several K. brevis clones was found to result from the inhibition of 41-DBG2 growth in the presence of currently unculturable bacteria associated with those clones. These bacteria apparently prevented 41-DBG2 from reaching the threshold concentration required for initiation of algicidal activity. Remarkably, resistance and susceptibility to the algicidal activity of 41-DBG2 could be transferred between K. brevis clones with the exchange of their respective unattached bacterial communities, which included several dominant phylotypes belonging to the α-proteobacteria, γ-proteobacteria, and Cytophaga–Flavobacterium–Bacteroides (CFB) groups. We hypothesize that CFB bacteria may be successfully competing with 41-DBG2 (also a member of the CFB) for nutrients, thereby inhibiting growth of the latter and indirectly providing resistance against algicidal attack. We conclude that if algicidal bacteria play a significant role in regulating HAB dynamics, as some authors have inferred, bacterial community interactions are crucial factors that must be taken into consideration in future studies.  相似文献   
Nearly annual blooms of the marine dinoflagellate Karenia brevis, which initiate offshore on the West Florida Shelf in oligotrophic waters, cause widespread environmental and economic damage. The success of K. brevis as a bloom-former is partially attributed to its ability to use a diverse suite of nutrients from natural and anthropogenic sources, although relatively little is known about the ability of K. brevis and the closely related Karenia mikimotoi to use a variety of organic sources of phosphorus, including phosphomonoesters, phosphodiesters, and phosphonates. Through a series of bioassays, this study characterized the ability of axenic and nonaxenic K. brevis and K. mikimotoi clones isolated from Florida waters to use a variety of organic phosphorus compounds as the sole source of phosphorus for growth, comparing this utilization to that of inorganic sources of phosphate. Differing abilities of axenic and nonaxenic K. brevis and K. mikimotoi cultures to use phosphorus from the compounds evaluated were documented. Specifically, growth of axenic cultures was greatest on inorganic phosphorus and was not supported on the phosphomonoester phytate, or generally on phosphodiesters or phosphonates. The nonaxenic cultures were able to use organic compounds that the axenic cultures were not able to use, often after lags in growth, highlighting a potential role of co-associated bacterial communities to transform nutrients to bioavailable forms. Given the ability of K. brevis and K. mikimotoi to use a diverse suite of inorganic and organic phosphorus, bloom mitigation strategies should consider all nutrient forms.  相似文献   
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