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Gall formation in Prionitis lanceolata is associated with aspecific eubacterium (Proteobacteria [alphasubclass], Rhodobacter grouping), which, typical ofbacterial symbionts, has not yet been cultivated or isolated in pureculture. This investigation tested the hypothesis that P.lanceolata gall formation was caused by the associated eubacteriumusing a species-specific rDNA probe (S-S-P.l.sym-0949-a-A-25) toidentify and assay for symbiont presence during consecutive laboratoryinduction trials. Gall induction was quantified and whole-cell in situhybridization used to determine the relative percentage of symbioticeubacteria in inoculation homogenates. In situ hybridization ofsymbionts in sections allowed localization and monitoring of thismicrobe during gall development. Induction trial results indicate asignificant correlation between bacterial symbiont presence and gallinitiation (P = 0.00005). The gall bacterium comprisedthe majority of the eubacteria hybridized in laboratory inductionhomogenates (85-97%), in galls induced in the laboratoryand in three algal populations in nature. The evidence presented heredemonstrates the causative role of the identified eubacterium in gallinduction and formation. This investigation is significant in theapplication of molecular methods towards understanding the roles ofnoncultivable marine bacteria in marine algal-microbeinteractions.  相似文献   
Few species in the genus Grateloupia have been investigated in detail with respect to the development of the auxiliary cell ampullae before or after diploidization. In this study, we document the vegetative and reproductive structures of two new species of Grateloupia, G. taiwanensis S.‐M. Lin et H.‐Y. Liang sp. nov. and G. orientalis S.‐M. Lin et H.‐Y. Liang sp. nov., plus a third species, G. ramosissima Okamura, from Taiwan. Two distinct patterns are reported for the development of the auxiliary cell ampullae: (1) ampullae consisting of three orders of unbranched filaments that branch after diploidization of the auxiliary cell and form a pericarp together with the surrounding secondary medullary filaments (G. taiwanensis type), and (2) ampullae composed of only two orders of unbranched filaments in which only a few cells are incorporated into a basal fusion cell after diploization of the auxiliary cell and the pericarp consists almost entirely of secondary medullary filaments (G. orientalis type). G. orientalis is positioned in a large clade based on rbcL gene sequence analysis that includes the type species of Grateloupia C. Agardh 1822 , Gfilicina. G. taiwanensis clusters with a clade that includes the generitype of Phyllymenia J. Agardh 1848 , Ph. belangeri from South Africa; that of Prionitis J. Agardh 1851 , Prlanceolata from Pacific North America; and that of Pachymeniopsis Y. Yamada ex Kawab. 1954, Palanceolata from Japan. A reexamination of the type species of the genera Grateloupia, Phyllymenia, Prionitis, and Pachymeniopsis is required to clarify the generic and interspecific relationships among the species presently placed in Grateloupia.  相似文献   
Morphological observations and molecular analyses of the north‐western Pacific species of the red algal genus Grateloupia (Halymeniaceae) indicate the presence of an entity, which is somewhat similar in gross morphology to G. asiatica Kawaguchi et Wang but is distinguished from the latter species by some morphological features. These include: (i) a somewhat fleshy texture; (ii) wider and much thicker (4.5–10 mm wide and up to 1300 μm thick) axes, of which an inner cortex consists of more (6–9) cells; (iii) generally longer (up to 17 cm), marginal and surface proliferations that are clearly constricted (terete) at bases; and (iv) much elongated, oblong auxiliary cells. Phylogenetic analysis using the ribulose‐l,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase (rbcL) gene of G. asiatica and the alga in question shows them to be distantly related and strongly supports the differentiation of these two entities at the species level. Judging from the literature, this entity is actually Grateloupia subpectinata Holmes, which has been placed into synonymy under G. asiatica [as G. filicina (Lamouroux) C. Agardh] or G. prolongata J. Agardh in previous reports, and therefore the Holmes name is reinstated.  相似文献   
Three members of the red algal family Halymeniaceae (Thamnoclonium dichotomum (J. Ag.) J. Ag., Codiophyllum flabelliforme (Sond.) Schmitz, and C. decipiens (J. Ag.) Schmitz) are investigated. All are endemic to southern and southwestern Australia, possess basal stalks of substantial size and firmness, and are consistently associated with specific sponge taxa. In each case, the sponges are bonded by collagen-like fibrils to the host cuticle without modifying the algal tissue at the ultrastructural level. Secondary cortication and prominent growth rings occur in the stalks of all three species, and in each the pit plugs between cells become wider, more convoluted and less electron dense with increasing distance from the surface. Such pit plugs are apparently a unique attribute of the stalked Halymeniaceae. The three species share pit plug, sponge association and stalk morphological features but are not otherwise closely related, as they actually represent three distinct genera.  相似文献   
Morphological observations and molecular analyses of the red alga Grateloupia filicina (Halymeniaceae) from two geographically distant regions, eastern Asia (Japan and northern China) in the northwestern Pacific and Italy in the Mediterranean, reveal the presence of two distinct entities. Morphologically, the eastern Asian entity differs substantially from the Italian entity in the following ways: 1) thin and soft thalli with wider axes, 2) denser medullary filaments, 3) scattered reproductive structures over the entire thallus, and 4) a mature auxiliary cell that is oval and slightly larger than other ampullary cells. Phylogenetic analysis based on the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase gene ( rbc L) sequences revealed that the eastern Asian and Italian entities are phylogenetically far apart, strongly supporting the differentiation of these two entities at the species level. The eastern Asian entity is therefore described as a new species, Grateloupia asiatica. This species can be distinguished from most known species of Grateloupia that have widely flattened thalli by its compressed to narrowly flattened axes with numerous pinnate proliferations and from a few species with similar thalli by a particular combination of features, including a gelatinous texture, mostly simple and narrower axes, a thinner cortex, and the absence of catenate proliferations.  相似文献   
Several southern Australian red algae of the family Halymeniaceae (Cryptonemiales) are differentiated into hard, massive stalks and considerably softer laminar blades or phyllodes. The taxonomy, morphology and pit-connection ultrastructure of one such species, Cryptonemia kallymenioides (Harvey) Kraft comb. nov., are compared to C. undulata Sonder, which lacks massive stalks. In both species there is extensive periodic secondary cortication of the stalks, resulting in the formation of distinct “growth rings.” The blades of C. kallymenioides appear to be seasonal and its stalks perennial, while plants of C. undulata are apparently perennial but shorter lived than C. kallymenioides. As a result, stalks in the latter can reach 2–3 cm in diameter with up to 18 growth rings, compared to the 1–2 mm diameters and up to 6 rings within the stalks of C. undulata. Heavy secondary thickening of cortical cell walls occurs in both species and confers a “woody” texture to the stalks of C. kallymeniodes. Regardless of the large differences in average stalk diameters between the two species, the pit-connection ultrastructure from cortex to medulla shows much the same sequence of morphological modification. Pit-connections are standard red algal structures in the outer cortex, but become increasingly convoluted on the membrane-bound surfaces abutting cytoplasm and develop wider apertures and less dense cores with increasing distance from the stalk surface. In occasional medullary cells of C. kallymenioides, the cytoplasm disintegrates, leaving cell walls and pit-connections to play an apparently structural role which has not been reported in other red algae. It is suggested that the increase in aperture size and surface areas of pit-connections is compatible with their playing a role in the intercellular transport of solutes towards the inner cell layers which may, in C. kallymenioides, lie many millimeters distant.  相似文献   
Grateloupia doryphora (Montagne) Howe, originally described from Peru, has repeatedly been reported as an invasive species in Atlantic and Mediterranean waters. Various attempts to explain this species' route of introduction have been unsatisfactory. New evidence from comparative rbcL sequence analysis and morphology suggests that this adventive species in the NE and NW Atlantic corresponds with G. turuturu Yamada, originally described from Japan. This provenance follows a well-recognized trend of invasive marine organisms that have colonized the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea from Pacific NE Asia.  相似文献   
Spermatozoids and vegetative cells of the green alga Golenkinia minutissima Iyengar et Balakrishnan have been examined by light and electron microscopy. The biflagellate spermatozoids are of a somewhat specialised type, elongated with the nucleus attached to the flagellar bases, and containing a reduced chloroplast without pyrenoid or eyespot. The flagellar apparatus and root system has been examined in detail and is compared with that found in other green algae. The flagella are of a previously unknown type; they contain only one central microtubule—possibly non-functional—but they move in an apparently normal way. Present knowledge about flagellar roots in green algae has been assembled in a table, showing that the cruciate root has now been found in 10 genera, belonging to almost as many families. Exceptions are Oedogonium, which contains a modification of this type, and the Charales, which are very different. During spermatogenesis in Golenkinia each spermatozoid is surrounded by a wall which disappears at maturity. This fact may prove to be of taxonomic value.

The spines on the vegetative cells are composed of regularly arranged longitudinal fibrils, possibly cellulose, attached to the inner part of the two-layered cell wall. The content of the vegetative cell is typically chlorococcalean.  相似文献   
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