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Forest fragmentation and degradation leads to formation of modified habitats whose ability to support existing avifaunal diversity is still largely unknown. Bird diversity in indigenous forest, disturbed forest, plantation forest and farmlands adjacent to North Nandi Forest reserve was studied between January 2015 and June 2015. The distribution of bird feeding guilds in these habitat patches was also evaluated. Birds were surveyed using point counts, timed species counts and line transects and classified into six feeding guilds. A total of 3,232 individual birds of 151 species were recorded in the four habitats. Significant difference on bird abundance across the four habitats (F = 15.141, P ≤ 0.05, df = 3, 1121) was noted. Shannon–Weiner diversity index H′ for bird community ranged from 3.06 for plantation forest to 4.05 for disturbed forest showing a relatively diverse bird community. Insectivores (F = 3.090, P ≤ 0.05, df = 3, 297) dominated the foraging species assemblage in all the habitats significantly. Linear regression analysis revealed a strong linear relationship on bird species richness and abundance with vegetation variables (P < 0.01 in all cases). The results indicate that disturbed forest and indigenous forest support high bird species richness than plantation forest and farmlands. However, high bird abundance was observed in farmlands and plantation forest as opposed to indigenous forest and disturbed forest as they provide dispersal routes over a short distance and are important for creating corridors between primary forests.  相似文献   
本文从繁殖群体的环境条件、形体特征、卵巢发育与繁殖力方面对广东从化地区溪流、池塘、农田3种不同生境的食蚊鱼(Gambusia affinis)种群展开比较研究。结果发现,无论流动水体溪流还是静水水体池塘和农田,食蚊鱼的繁殖期均在3~12月份,繁殖群体中雌鱼占比明显高于雄鱼(Chi-Square test,P0.01)。雌鱼周年平均体长及体重,池塘生境的显著大于农田和溪流生境。农田生境中雌鱼的个体怀卵量(24.1±12.1)粒,体重相对繁殖力(57.5±31.0)粒/g,二者均明显高于溪流生境[(16.6±11.6)粒,(40.8±15.5)粒/g]与池塘生境[(18.9±16.3)粒,(35.7±19.1)粒/g],但农田生境雌鱼成熟卵子的卵径显著小于溪流和池塘生境。结果表明,在环境稳定的池塘生境中,食蚊鱼的繁殖策略偏向k-对策特性;在人为干扰较大的农田生境中,食蚊鱼的繁殖策略偏向r-对策特性。不同类型生境中食蚊鱼的繁殖特性存在一定差异,主要与其栖息环境的稳定性和饵料生物的丰富度有关。  相似文献   
The rapid emergence of new bacterial diseases negatively affects both human health and agricultural productivity. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying these disease emergences are shared between human‐ and plant‐pathogenic bacteria, not much effort has been made to date to understand disease emergences caused by plant‐pathogenic bacteria. In particular, there is a paucity of information in the literature on the role of environmental habitats in which plant‐pathogenic bacteria evolve and on the stress factors to which these microbes are unceasingly exposed. In this microreview, we focus on three molecular mechanisms underlying pathogenicity in bacteria, namely mutations, genomic rearrangements and the acquisition of new DNA sequences through horizontal gene transfer (HGT). We briefly discuss the role of these mechanisms in bacterial disease emergence and elucidate how the environment can influence the occurrence and regulation of these molecular mechanisms by directly impacting disease emergence. The understanding of such molecular evolutionary mechanisms and their environmental drivers will represent an important step towards predicting bacterial disease emergence and developing sustainable management strategies for crops.  相似文献   
The EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy requires the gathering of information on biodiversity to aid in monitoring progress towards its main targets. Common species are good proxies for the diversity and integrity of ecosystems, since they are key elements of the biomass, structure, functioning of ecosystems, and therefore of the supply of ecosystem services. In this sense, we aimed to develop a spatially-explicit indicator of habitat quality (HQI) at European level based on the species included in the European Common Bird Index, also grouped into their major habitat types (farmland and forest). Using species occurrences from the European Breeding Birds Atlas (at 50 km × 50 km) and the maximum entropy algorithm, we derived species distribution maps using refined occurrence data based on species ecology. This allowed us to cope with the limitations arising from modelling common and widespread species, obtaining habitat suitability maps for each species at finer spatial resolution (10 km × 10 km grid), which provided higher model accuracy. Analysis of the spatial patterns of local and relative species richness (defined as the ratio between species richness in a given location and the average richness in the regional context) for the common birds analysed demonstrated that the development of a HQI based on species richness needs to account for the regional species pool in order to make objective comparisons between regions. In this way, we proved that relative species richness compensated for the bias caused by the inherent heterogeneous patterns of the species distributions that was yielding larger local species richness in areas where most of the target species have the core of their distribution range. The method presented in this study provides a robust and innovative indicator of habitat quality which can be used to make comparisons between regions at the European scale, and therefore potentially applied to measure progress towards the EU Biodiversity Strategy targets. Finally, since species distribution models are based on breeding birds, the HQI can be also interpreted as a measure of the capacity of ecosystems to provide and maintain nursery/reproductive habitats for terrestrial species, a key maintenance and regulation ecosystem service.  相似文献   
不同波长诱虫灯对红树林主要害虫的诱集作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了明确红树林几种主要害虫的最佳诱集波长,本文利用18种波长的太阳能自动诱虫灯在深圳福田红树林保护区虫害高发期进行野外诱集实验,分析了不同波长对3种主要红树林害虫的诱集作用。结果显示,灯诱昆虫共81种,优势种为海榄雌瘤斑螟Acrobasis sp.、八点广翅蜡蝉Ricania speculum(Walker)和毛颚小卷蛾Lasiognatha mormopa(Meyrick)。18种波长的诱虫灯中,368 nm(Y)对海榄雌瘤斑螟的诱集作用最强,日均诱集量为4.55头,340 nm波长对毛颚小卷蛾的诱集效果最好,日均诱集量达到5.45头,400 nm波长对八点广翅蜡蝉的诱集效果最佳,日均诱集量为2.64头。18种不同波长的诱虫灯对红树林3种主要害虫均有一定的诱集作用,对两种鳞翅目昆虫诱集作用较强的诱虫灯波长均集中在UV-A波段。  相似文献   
Estimating soil organic carbon (SOC) density and influence factors of tropical virgin forests in Hainan Island provide new insight in basic data for SOC pool estimation and its dynamics study.
The main distribution areas of tropical virgin forests in Jianfengling (JFL), Bawangling (BWL), Wu- zhishan (WZS), Diaoluoshan (DLS), Yinggeling (YGL) of Hainan Island were selected, and soil samples (0-100 cm) were sampled and analyzed. SOC density was estimated by soil vertical fitting method and soil stratification method to discover the distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon in tropical virgin forests of Hainan Island.
Important findings
Results showed that: (1) The average SOC density using soil vertical fitting method in JFL, BWL, WZS, DLS and YGL was 14.98, 18.46, 16.48, 18.81, 16.66 kg·m-2, respectively, which was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than the estimated average SOC density using soil stratification method in these areas (14.73, 16.24, 15.50, 16.91, 15.03 kg·m-2, respectively). It is better to use soil vertical fitting method for SOC density estimation when the soil was natural without disturbance. (2) The proportion of SOC content in the first 0-30 cm depth interval out of SOC in the whole 0-100 cm soil profiles in JFL, BWL, WZS, DLS and YGL was 50.50%, 48.56%, 43.49%, 47.37%, 42.88%, respectively. (3) SOC density was significantly negative correlated with Shannon-Wiener index, Simpson index, species richness, and soil bulk density; and was significantly positive correlated with altitude, soil porosity, and soil nitrogen. However, SOC density was not significantly correlated to slope, biomass, average diameter at breast height, or average height. (4) Our study area Hainan was located in low latitude area with high rainfall and high temperature, which accelerated the decomposition of organic matter and nutrient recycling, resulting in significantly lower SOC densities in this tropical virgin forests of Hainan Island than the average value in China.  相似文献   
为研究海南产白唇竹叶青蛇分类地位,捕捉来自海南岛各地的12个白唇竹叶青蛇样本,并从GenBank下载65个竹叶青蛇的样本序列,以瘤鼻蝮蛇为外群,建立16S系统发育树。系统发育树显示,竹叶青蛇分为多个属的观点具有很大的合理性,白唇竹叶青蛇隶属于帝汶(岛屿)竹叶青蛇属。进一步验证了经典形态学和生物地理学的观点,海南岛产白唇竹叶青与其它地方产白唇竹叶青蛇不存在生殖隔离。  相似文献   
Four diverse disturbance types, namely, farmland, rotationally grazed grassland, overgrazed grassland and forbidden grazing grassland, were identified in the Alashan desert region of Inner Mongolia. Rodents were sampled in April, July and October in 2002 and 2003 using the trap-day method. Their spatial and temporal niches among the four disturbance types were assessed using the Shannon-Wiener niche breadth index and the Pianka niche overlap index. The Shannon-Wiener niche breadth index was the highest for Allactaga sibirica and Meriones meridianus (0.925 and 0.908, respectively), intermediate for Cricetulus eversmanni, Phodopus roborovskii and Citellus dauricus (0.789, 0.782 and 0.711, respectively), and lowest for Cardiocranius paradoxus (0.003). The Pianka niche overlap indices of six-paired species were the highest and varied from 0.900 to 1.000, suggesting their spatial niche overlapped almost completely. Conversely, the spatial niche overlap index for Meriones unguiculatus, Cardiocranius paradoxus, and Salpingotus kozlovi was zero, thus indicating a complete absence of competition among them. In addition, the temporal niche breadth and overlap indices varied greatly in relation to disturbance types and season. The level of temporal niche overlap in spring and autumn was low while in summer it was high. For all disturbance types and for each season, the temporal niche overlap index of Meriones meridianus and Cricetulus barabansis was always highest but for Meriones unguiculatus and Salpingotus kozlovi always lowest. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(10): 2,637–2,643 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   
描述海南岛青冈属一新种—燕千青冈。  相似文献   
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