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Hunting for willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) is a popular recreational activity in Norway, but studies of the hunters are limited. While large game management in Norway is based on sound models and research, management of small game hunters and hunting have not been subject to the same rigour. Compared to the extensive body of knowledge about ptarmigan behaviour and habitat preferences, the knowledge base on ptarmigan hunters is very limited. We surveyed the habitat preferences of 3,056 hunters to identify preferred landscape categories using pictures covering a range of landscape types. We also examined to which extent residence types and forms of hunting were related to habitat preferences. Through factor analysis, we identified three categories of hunting habitat; mountain forest, low alpine and high alpine. Mode of hunting is more important than residence status in terms of preferred habitat. Hunters using dogs preferred mountain forest and low alpine habitats more than hunters without dogs. Hunters without dogs had a higher preference than dog hunters for high alpine habitats. Hunters with mixed modes of hunting have wider habitat preferences. Residence status only affects the perception of the mountain forest habitat. The results may have implications for management as land use and place-based meanings are currently changing in many natural and rural landscapes, and hunting needs to be integrated with other recreational uses.  相似文献   
Recent studies on the threatened clouded apollo butterfly, Parnassius mnemosyne, have identified suitable habitats on a large scale. More detailed knowledge on specific habitat requirements of ovipositing females is still needed. Some earlier observations suggest that females just drop their eggs without discrimination. This study suggests that females can be rather choosy in their oviposition site selection and that they actively search for oviposition sites with suitable vegetation structure. By identifying factors influencing female oviposition, such as distance to shrub, valuable knowledge is generated for restoration plans considered in the study area. This stresses the importance of proper management of extant habitats in order to prevent local extinctions of P. mnemosyne and it also highlights the need for data on specific oviposition requirements in butterfly conservation.  相似文献   
我国华东沿海4种石磺形态学比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国华东沿海分布有瘤背石磺(Onchidium struma)、平疣桑椹石磺(Platevindex mortoni)、里氏拟石磺(Paraoncidium reevesii)、紫色疣石磺(Peronia verruculata)4属4种石磺,后3种为我国大陆沿海新纪录种。通过野外实地调查和实验室暂养分别观察了其生态习性及外部形态,测定外形主要生物学性状指标进行统计分析;同时解剖比较4种石磺的生殖系统和消化系统等内部结构。结果显示,4种石磺的生活区域分别从潮间带中潮区至高潮区再到潮上带而呈现梯度分布状态,生活区域的不同导致生活习性、呼吸方式的不同;4种石磺外部形态差别明显,身体背部和腹足的颜色不同,平疣桑椹石磺没有背眼,腹足灰黑色或灰白色,惟紫色疣石磺有树枝状鳃;在内部结构中,平疣桑椹石磺无阴茎附属腺,里氏拟石磺无阴茎牵引肌且与紫色疣石磺一样不具有肛门腺。主要生物学性状数据分析得出足长和足宽是典型代表数据,判别分析得出呼吸孔至身体末端距离与肛门至呼吸孔距离的比例是属种间具有显著性意义的观察指标,从外形及内部主要结构比较发现将它们分属4个种是准确的。外部形态的特殊结构以及内部结构主要差异可作为石磺科分类的主要依据;比较我国华东沿海石磺的形态学差异能为石磺科贝类模式种资料的重新修订提供良好的研究基础。  相似文献   
Anisopteran leg functions change dramatically from the final larval stadium to the adult. Larvae use legs mainly for locomotion, walking, climbing, clinging, or burrowing. Adults use them for foraging and grasping mates, for perching, clinging to the vegetation, and for repelling rivals. In order to estimate the ontogenetic shift in the leg construction from the larva to the adult, this study quantitatively compared lengths of fore, mid, and hind legs and the relationships between three leg segments, femur, tibia, and tarsus, in larval and adult Anisoptera of the families Gomphidae, Aeshnidae, Cordulegastridae, Corduliidae, and Libellulidae, represented by two species each. We found that leg segment length ratio as well as ontogenetic shift in length ratios was different between families, but rather similar within the families. While little ontogenetic shift occurred in Aeshnidae, there were some modifications in Corduliidae and Libellulidae. The severest shift occurred in Gomphidae and Cordulegastridae, both having burrowing larvae. These two families form a cluster, which is in contrast to their taxonomic relationship within the Anisoptera. Cluster analysis implies that the function of larval legs is primarily responsible for grouping, whereas adult behavior or the taxonomic relationships do not explain the grouping. This result supports the previous hypothesis about the convergent functional shift of leg characters in the dragonfly ontogenesis.  相似文献   
Three years after a river restoration scheme in the Syr Valley (Luxembourg) we investigated habitat development and habitat use of Galloway cattle deployed in a low-intensity grazing system on a permanent floodplain pasture. Habitats were delimited with a mobile GPS/GIS mapping system and their spatial development was assessed over three consecutive years. During these three years, the patches of the six habitats decreased to 40% of mean initial size, and a rapid net area expansion of wetland habitats (large sedge swamps: +100%, marsh and tall forb grasslands: +43%) was observed. The behavioural patterns and grazing preferences of the cattle were observed directly during the vegetation period in June, August and November. These observations were complemented by a transect analysis of cattle impact indicators in June and November. The cattle grazed the different habitats very selectively, as they preferred the mesophilic, and ruderal grasslands 1.6, and 5.6 times more than expected respectively. During the growing season, the grazing niche breadth declined (3.92 in June to 2.68 in November), and less preferred forage habitats like large sedge swamps were grazed primarily in the autumn. We used bite and step rates to investigate grazing intensity by habitat type. During summer, grazing intensity correlated with forage quality in the different habitat patches, whereas in autumn it was obviously influenced by the effort required to access the desired forage plants in a given habitat. The impact indicators revealed a matter transfer from riparian areas to the valley edge. Here, we give a first insight into habitat development and habitat use of Galloway cattle in a recently restored floodplain area and derive recommendations for the adaptive management of future projects.  相似文献   
Over the last decades, the populations of Austropotamobius pallipes have decreased markedly all over Europe. If we evaluate the ecological factors that determine its presence, we will have information that could guide conservation decisions. This study aims to investigate the chemical-physical demands of A. pallipes in NW Italy. To this end, we investigated 98 sites. We performed Principal Component Analysis using chemical-physical parameters, collected in both presence and absence sites. We then used principal components with eigenvalue > 1 to run Discriminant Function Analysis and Logistic Regression. The statistics on the concentration of Ca2+, water hardness, pH and BOD5 were significantly different in the presence and in the absence sites. pH and BOD5 played the most important role in separating the presence from the absence locations. These findings are further evidence that we should reduce dissolved organic matter and fine particles in order to contribute to species management and conservation.  相似文献   
Spore productivities and establishment probabilities of eumycetozoans were estimated and compared with quantitative data obtained from field surveys, using series of cultures of a given substrate. Spore numbers per spore case were found to increase from one to four in protostelids to up to 105–106 in myxomycetes, whereas average spore size decreased slightly from 14.8 μm for protostelids to 10.3 μm in myxomycetes. Spore numbers of fructifications calculated from dimensions of spores and fruit bodies were in good agreement with direct counts carried out for six species of myxomycetes. A colonisation model is presented that estimates frequencies (as a percent of successfully colonized habitat islands), which is independent of a given density of spore rain and the sexual system of the species being considered. Whereas asexual species need a minimum spore rain of ca 0.7 spores per habitat island to reach a frequency of 50 %, this figure is at least 2.4-fold higher for sexual species, depending from the incompatibility system assumed. Data from cultures indicate that the maximum potential spore rain is usually three orders of magnitude higher than the minimum figure required to create the observed frequencies. Eumycetozoans seem to follow the evolutionary trends predicted by the model. Species with sexual reproductive systems produce often more spores than asexual ones; many morphospecies have sexual and asexual strains; and back-conversion from sexual to asexual reproduction occurs occasionally.  相似文献   
The loss and fragmentation of forest habitats have been considered to pose a worldwide threat to the viability of forest-dwelling animals, especially to species that occupy old forests. We investigated whether the annual survival of sedentary male Tengmalm’s owls Aegolius funereus was associated with the cover of old coniferous forests in Finland. Survival and recapture probabilities varied annually with density changes in populations of the main prey (Microtus voles). When this variation was controlled for, and relationships between survival and proportions of the three different forest age classes (old-growth, middle-aged, and young) were modeled separately, the old-growth model was the most parsimonious. Survival increased with the cover of old forest, although the extent of old forest within owl territories was relatively small (mean ∼12%, range 2–37%). This association, however, varied among years and appeared especially in years of increasing vole abundance. At such times, old forests may sustain high populations of bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus, shrews and small passerines. In addition, old forests may serve as refuges against large avian predator species, such as Ural owls Strix uralensis and goshawks Accipiter gentilis. Our results suggest that changes in habitat quality created by agriculture and forestry may have the potential to reduce adult survival, an essential component of fitness and population viability.  相似文献   
Nelson Ramírez 《Flora》2005,200(1):30-48
Sexual system, temporal variation in sex expression, and herkogamy were evaluated in 210 plant species in the Venezuelan Central Plain (VCP). This analysis was conducted considering the life forms, habitats, flowering time, pollination systems, and dispersal syndromes of the plant species. Hermaphrodite species dominated the community (75.2%; N=158), followed by monoecious taxa (17.1%; N=36), and then dioecious (7.6; N=16). Most species were adichogamous (=homogamous) (75.2%; N=155), followed by protandrous (16.5%; N=34), and protogynous (8.3%; N=17). The frequency of herkogamous species was higher (N=124; 60.2%) than the non-herkogamous (N=82; 39.8%). The three reproductive traits interacted significantly in a way that complements their effectiveness in promoting cross-pollination and avoidance of pollen–stigma interference: hermaphrodite-adichogamous species occurred in similar frequency to herkogamous and non-herkogamous species; monoecious-adichogamous species were mostly herkogamous, and all hermaphrodite, functionally dioecious-adichogamous, species were herkogamous. Sexual system, herkogamy, and dichogamy are associated with habitats in the savanna-forest mosaic of the VCP. The proportion of dioecious species decreased from trees to annual herbs and from forest to disturbed areas. Dichogamous species were most frequent for herbaceous plants, and non-herkogamous species dominated in annual herbs. The frequency of herkogamous species decreased from forest to disturbed areas. Sexual system was significantly associated with pollination system. Most dioecious and monoecious species had generalist pollination. A three-factor log linear analysis indicated that for any combination significantly. Sexual systems and herkogamy were associated with the respective seed dispersal syndrome. Most dioecious and herkogamous species were dispersed by frugivores, while monoecious plants tended to be dispersed by granivores and wind. Flowering time of dioecious species peaked during the dry–rainy transition period, whereas that of monoecious species was greatest during the rainy season. Therefore, specific biotic and abiotic conditions may enforce the occurrence of unisexuality in the community. In a similar way, dichogamous species tend to flower during the rainy season, associated with herbaceous life form and wind pollination. These results are discussed in the context of evolutionary and ecological trends.  相似文献   
Symbiosis, the living‐together of unlike organisms, underlies every major transition in evolution and pervades most ecological dynamics. Among examples of symbioses, the simultaneous occupation of a termite nest by its builder termites and intruding invertebrate species (so‐called termitophily) provides suitable macroscopic scenarios for the study of species coexistence in confined environments. Current evidence on termitophily abounds for dynamics occurring at the interindividual level within the termitarium, but is insufficient for broader scales such as the community and the landscape. Here, we inspect the effects of abiotic disturbance on termitophile presence and function in termitaria at these broader scales. To do so, we censused the termitophile communities inhabiting 30 termitaria of distinct volumes which had been exposed to increasing degrees of fire‐induced disturbance in a savanna‐like ecosystem in southeastern Brazil. We provide evidence that such an abiotic disturbance can ease the living‐together of termitophiles and termites. Putative processes facilitating these symbioses, however, varied according to the invader. For nonsocial invaders, disturbance seemed to boost coexistence with termites via the habitat amelioration that termitaria provided under wildfire, as suggested by the positive correlation between disturbance degree and termitophile abundance and richness. As for social invaders (ants), disturbance seemed to enhance associational defenses with termites, as suggested by the negative correlation between the presence of ant colonies and the richness and abundance of other termitarium‐cohabiting termitophiles. It is then apparent that disturbance‐modulated distinct symbioses in these termite nests.  相似文献   
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