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Summary The microdistribution of diploid and tetraploid plants of Dactylis glomerata L. was examined and related to their immediate environment in several sites in central Galicia, where morphologically indistinguishable individuals of both ploidies grow in sympatry. The two related cytotypes differed in habitat preference. Diploids were mainly confined to the low-density forest-floor habitat in woodlands of mostly ancient origin, whereas tetraploids were widespread in varied habitats but clearly predominant in open areas, particularly in disturbed anthropic sites. The in situ comparison of plant performance showed that where plants of each ploidy were more common they produced more tillers, panicles and seeds. This habitat preference closely reflected differences in life-history characteristics. The tetraploids had an early and short flowering time almost always completed before the aestival drought, whereas the diploids began to flower several weeks later and flowered throughout the drought. Comparisons along artificial gradients of soil water availability and light transmittance indicated that the cytotypes had distinct physiological requirements which probably originated in metabolic and more general genetic differentiation and could be directly attributable to ploidy. Habitat differentiation increases the species' colonizing ability. It also amplifies divergence in reproductive strategy between diploids and tetraploids, which reduces ineffective crossing between cytotypes and thereby permits them to coexist in sympatry. The effect of hybridization at the polyploid level on the differentiation between cytotypes was assessed from the recent introduction of a foreign tetraploid entity into the study area. Hybridization between the two distinct tetraploids was found to increase habitat differentiation between the diploids and the tetraploids, but the major part of this differentiation is probably attributable to ploidy itself.  相似文献   
Summary Females of the sunflower moth, Homoeosoma electellum held in the presence of pollen, or an ethanolic pollen extract, from the sunflower Helianthus annuus initiated calling behavior at a significantly younger age following emergence than those provided sucrose only. Furthermore, females with pollen subsequently spent more time calling, and had an increased rate of egg maturation, than those held without pollen. These effects were attributed to a kairomone as females held in the presence of, but denied direct access to, pollen behaved in the same manner as those in contact with pollen. The importance of this life history strategy for the exploitation of temporarily available resources, essential to the survival of neonate larvae, and on the dispersal of adults, is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The distributions of five Drosophila species and four components of the microflora have been compared across a total of 48 traps baited with four different fruit and vegetable substrates in two domestic compost heaps in Canberra (Australia). Large and consistent differences are found, both among the Drosophila and among the microbial classes, in their distributions across traps baited with different substrates. Moreover the distribution of each Drosophila species shows a unique set of strong associations with the microbial distributions. Thus the distributions of both D. simulans and D. melanogaster are found to be strongly negatively correlated with the abundance of bacteria while D. simulans is also strongly positively correlated with the titre of fermenter yeasts. D. immigrans is strongly positively correlated both with bacteria and with non-fermenter yeasts. D. hydei is positively correlated with nonfermentery yeasts and D. busckii is negatively correlated with fermenter yeasts. Moulds are the only microbial class not consistently associated with the distribution of any of the Drosophila species. The correlations with the other microbial classes are sufficient to explain the majority of the abundance differences of the Drosophila species among the trap types. It is therefore proposed that the clear partitioning of the fruit resources by the Drosophila is due to their differing primary interactions with the microflora.  相似文献   
Peter Sowig 《Oecologia》1989,78(4):550-558
Summary In 4 common Middle-European mainly bumblebee-pollinated plant species (Impatiens glandulifera, Echium vulgare, Aconitum napellus, Symphytum officinale) the influence of patch size on species composition of the pollinator community was studied. Short-tongued species were most dominant in large patches, while small patches were frequented by middle- and long-tongued bumblebees. This phenomenon was extremely obvious in Symphytum officinale and Aconitum napellus, where short-tongued species had bitten a hole in nearly every flower of large patches. Long-tongued species were forced to small patches, where nectarrobbing occurred only exceptionally. In small patches visitationrate (Number of visits per flower per hour) was not lower but either equal or even higher then in large patches. Nectar measurements in Echium vulgare showed, that not only the mean quantity of nectar but also the variance was lower in small patches. As a result, the possible gain can be predicted much more precisely in a small patch than in a large one, and bumblebees have less difficulties in making the right foraging decisions. According to this, foraging strategies depend on patch size. This was confirmed by a computer simulation. The conclusion can be drawn, that many bumblebee species are able to share the same resource by using different patch sizes. Since large flower patches occur mainly in man-made habitats, the dominance of short-tongued species in many bumblebee communities studied by other authors may be unnatural.Supported by the Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg  相似文献   
Four aphid species (Aphis fabae cirsiiacanthoidis Scop., Brachycaudus cardui (L.), Capitophorus carduinus Walker and Uroleucon cirsii (L.)) feed on the creeping thistle Cirsium arvense. They utilize different parts of their host plant and at different times. A wide niche is typical of C. carduinus and U. cirsii, whereas A. f. crisiiacanthoidis and B. cardui, show narrower but overlapping niches. Morphological features such as stylet length and body size as well as colony size and density are associated with the choice of feeding site. C. carduinus, the smallest species with the shortest stylets was able to use leaf veins and lamina, while the other species mainly used the stem and peduncles. Within this group, A. f. cirsiiacanthoidis and B. cardui are restricted to the upper part of the stem because of their short stylets, but adult U. cirsii, the species with the longest stylets, can also feed at the base of the stem.
Räumliche und zeitliche ressourcenaufteilung in der blattlausgilde an der ackerkratzdistel cirsium arvense
Zusammenfassung An der Ackerkratzdistel leben vier Blattlausarten (Aphis fabae cirsiiacanthoidis Scop., Brachycaudus cardui (L.), Capitophorus carduinus Walker und Uroleucon cirsii (L.)), die im Verlauf der Vegetationsperiode verschiedene Strukturen ihrer Wirtspflanze nutzen. Eine breite Nische ist für U. cirsii und C. carduinus typisch, während A. f. cirsiiacanthoidis und B. cardui engere Nischen besitzen, die sich nahezu überlappen. Die Nahrungsplatzwahl wird sowohl durch morphologische Parameter wie Stilettlänge und Körpergewicht als auch durch Koloniegröe und Dispersion innerhalb der Kolonie beeinflut. Die kleinste Art, C. carduinus, die auch das kürzeste Stilett besitzt, ist in der Lage, an Blattadern und auf der Blattspreite zu saugen. Die anderen Arten bevorzugen Stengel, Seitenstengel und Blütenstiele. Innerhalb dieser Gruppe können A. f. cirsiiacanthoidis und C. carduinus wegen ihrer kürzeren Stilette nur am oberen Teil des Stengels saugen, während adulte U. cirsii aufgrund ihrer längeren Stilette auch an der Stengelbasis leben können.
Bloodsmears from 119 yellow baboons (Papio hamadryas cynocephalus) in six groups in Mikumi National Park, Tanzania, and from 189 olive (P.h. anubis) hamadryas (P.h. hamadryas) and hybrid baboons in three groups in Awash National park, Ethiopia showed differing levels of infection with Hepatocystis simiae. 0% to 42% in the Tanzanian groups were carriers of the parasite but none of the Ethiopian baboons was positive. The remarkable absence of H. simiae in the Ethiopian baboons is believed to be related to environmental factors that exclude transmission in the absence of the Culicoides vector.  相似文献   
Abstract. Partitioning of recently-fixed carbon among plant organs and subsequent distribution of reserve carbon were studied by supplying whole shoots of bean plants ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) with 14C-labelled CO2 of constant specific radioactivity throughout a photoperiod. The gain of tracer carbon in each part revealed net accumulation of recently-fixed carbon from direct fixation, import or both. Growth rate coefficients describing the present pattern of plant growth were calculated from ratios of tracer carbon to total carbon present in plant organs and were used to project future plant form. The period 10–20 d after the start of flowering was marked by a major increase in partitioning of recently-fixed carbon to reproductive growth. Growth rates for the plant and its parts during this period were projected on the basis of growth rate coefficients and were found to be similar to rates measured by gravimetric growth analysis. Changes in tracer carbon recovered in individual organs after chase periods of various lengths revealed net decreases for leaves and stems. About 9% of the carbon distributed to fruits came from reserves even in the absence of obvious stress. Respiratory loss during the chase period was determined from the progressive drop in recovery of the original tracer carbon. The methods are being applied to measure current net accumulation rates in studies of sink organ physiology, and to compare partitioning of recently-fixed and of stored carbon in several plant species under defined growth conditions.  相似文献   
  • 1 The dung colonization and dung burial behaviour of twelve crepuscular/nocturnal tunnelling (paracoprid) species of beetles were examined in order to identify mechanisms which might facilitate resource (dung) partitioning. The species were selected from a diverse assemblage of dung beetles, the members of which coexist in the sandy-soil regions of Natal, South Africa.
  • 2 The pattern of dung colonization in relation to dung age was examined in the field using baited pitfall traps. Some species, e.g. Onitis deceptor Peringuey, Catharsius tricornutus De Geer and Copris elphenor Klug, showed a marked preference for fresh dung (1–2 days old) whereas other species, e.g. O. viridulus Boheman and Copris fallaciosus Gillet, preferred older dung (3–7 days old).
  • 3 Two distinct patterns of dung burial were recognized. In the Coprini, dung burial was complete within 24–48h of pad colonization, and the level of dung burial was similar in the laboratory and in the field. In the Onitini, dung burial occurred progressively over a 12-day period, although the timing of initiation of dung burial varied between species: in O. deceptor nearly all individuals had begun burial within 2 days of pad colonization, whereas only 20% of O. viridulus had commenced dung burial by that time. However, nearly all O. viridulus had buried substantial quantities of dung by day 12.
  • 4 The mass of dung buried per pair by the larger coprine beetles (100–300 g) and onitine beetles (400–1000 g) suggests that there is potential for inter- and intraspecific competition, even in pads colonized by relatively few beetles. The colonization and use of dung of different ages are discussed as means of resource partitioning in relation to the relative abilities of species to compete for dung.
Summary The distributions, with respect to habitat structure, of nine species of eastern-Australian cicadas have been shown to be non-random. The most striking consequence of this non-randomness is a marked inverse relationship between habitat breadth and habitat position (terms defined in text). Eight basic models and 12 derived models were used in conjunction with a canonical space to try to account for the ways in which the species of cicadas were distributed with respect to habitat. Several models produced results that were in reasonable agreement with the observed data. The most parsimonious of these corresponds to analytical results of other workers, such as Diamond's (1975) incidence curves, occurrence sequences (Schoener and Schoener 1983), and probability functions (Adler and Wilson 1985). The distributions of cicadas can be modelled by assuming that the species occupy sites independently of one another. These species of cicadas are unlikely to engage in interspecific competition, which is consistent with independence of distributions.  相似文献   
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