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Male wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes) construct nests that areused in their display to females. Previous work has suggestedthat the number of vacant nests may be used as a mate choicecue. Correlational data from 1992 confirmed that females appearedto be assessing die number of vacant nests on a male's territoryand preferentially mating with males with more nests. Male taillengdi was also correlated widi mating success. In 1993 thenumbers of nests on territories was experimentally manipulated,the female setdement patterns confirmed that die number of vacantnests did mediate mate choice. Male tail length failed to explainadditional variance in mating success when die variance explainedby the experimental manipulation was removed, suggesting diatdie original correlation arose because both tail length andmating success were correlated widi a confounding variable.The structure of the vegetation in a male's territory influencedmating success. This appeared to be due to nests surviving betterin territories widi dense vegetation. Males on territories inwhich nests survive well had longer tails. Male-male competitionfor good territories may explain die observed effects of malemorphology on mating success. Furdier analysis of die nest choicedata showed diat all nests had an equal chance of being usedby a female. The fact diat all nests had an equal probabilityof being chosen by a female means diat each additional nestbuilt by a male wren results in die same increase in matingsuccess. This suggests diat die benefits to males of nest buildingincrease linearly. The number of nests on a territory will beaffected by various factors such as predation pressure, nestbuilding rate, and vegetation structure. The information diatfemales are getting by assessing such a signal is discussed.  相似文献   
In many taxa females appear to base their mate choice on multipletraits. But the relative importance of different traits inmate choice has rarely been determined. Here we show that femalesof a freshwater fish, the European bitterling, Rhodeus sericeus,base their mate choice on multiple traits that differ in theirreliability as indicators of expected reproductive successand are used at different stages of the decision process. Theinitial decision to inspect a male is based on male behaviorand red coloration, whereas the final spawning decision isbased on the quality of the live unionid mussel, Anodonta anatina,that the male is defending as an oviposition site. Male traitsmay indicate which males are worth inspecting by reflectingmale quality, such as reproductive condition and genetic constitution.Male traits do not, however, reflect mussel quality, as bright males also court females vigorously toward mussels that yielda low probability of survival of the offspring. Females, onthe other hand, are choosier than males in their choice ofspawning site and seem to gain reliable information about thesurvival probability of the eggs by inspecting the mussel directly.  相似文献   
陈述性偏好法是当前用于评估环境物品非市场价值的主要方法,包括条件价值评估法(CVM)和选择实验(CE).本文利用陈述性偏好法对三江平原湿地的生态保护价值进行评估,基于随机效用理论构建陈述性偏好方法的支付意愿评价模型,求出基于CVM与CE的三江平原湿地生态保护价值的支付意愿(WTP).结果表明: 基于CE的平均支付意愿为每年379元,不同选择属性的边际支付意愿分别是水源涵养为每年114.00元,湿地面积为每年72.55元,自然景观为每年59.55元,生物多样性为每年37.09元;CVM的平均支付意愿为每年134元.分析支付意愿的影响因素,并对受访者拒绝支付原因进行探讨.CE方法得到受访者的支付意愿显著高于CVM方法,社会经济属性中受教育程度和个人平均年收入与受访者的支付意愿呈显著正相关,而拒绝支付原因没有显著差异.CE可以进行多属性、多水平分析,求出湿地各选择属性的支付意愿,因此CE比CVM更能揭示受访者的偏好信息,其评估结果更接近于实际.  相似文献   
In many species, sperm velocity affects variation in the outcome of male competitive fertilization success. In fishes, ovarian fluid (OF) released with the eggs can increase male sperm velocity and potentially facilitate cryptic female choice for males of specific phenotypes and/or genotypes. Therefore, to investigate the effect of OF on fertilization success, we measured sperm velocity and conducted in vitro competitive fertilizations with paired Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) males representing two alternative reproductive tactics, jacks (small sneaker males) and hooknoses (large guarding males), in the presence of river water alone and OF mixed with river water. To determine the effect of genetic differences on fertilization success, we genotyped fish at neutral (microsatellites) and functional [major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II ß1] markers. We found that when sperm were competed in river water, jacks sired significantly more offspring than hooknoses; however, in OF, there was no difference in paternity between the tactics. Sperm velocity was significantly correlated with paternity success in river water, but not in ovarian fluid. Paternity success in OF, but not in river water alone, was correlated with genetic relatedness between male and female, where males that were less related to the female attained greater paternity. We found no relationship between MHC II ß1 divergence between mates and paternity success in water or OF. Our results indicate that OF can influence the outcome of sperm competition in Chinook salmon, where OF provides both male tactics with fertilization opportunities, which may in part explain what maintains both tactics in nature.  相似文献   
Most hypotheses to explain nonrandom mating patterns invoke mate choice, particularly in species that display elaborate ornaments. However, conflicting selection pressures on traits can result in functional constraints that can also cause nonrandom mating patterns. We tested for functional load‐lifting constraints during aerial copulation in Rhamphomyia longicauda, a species of dance fly that displays multiple extravagant female‐specific ornaments that are unusual among sexual traits because they are under stabilizing selection. R. longicauda males provide females with a nuptial gift before engaging in aerial mating, and the male bears the entire weight of the female and nuptial gift for the duration of copulation. In theory, a male's ability to carry females and nuptial gifts could constrain pairing opportunities for the heaviest females, as reported for nonornamented dance flies. In concert with directional preferences for large females with mature eggs, such a load‐lifting constraint could produce the stabilizing selection on female size previously observed in this species. We therefore tested whether wild‐caught male R. longicauda collected during copulation were experiencing load‐lift limitations by comparing the mass carried by males during copulation with the male's wing loading traits. We also performed permutation tests to determine whether the loads carried by males during copulation were lighter than expected. We found that heavier males are more often found mating with heavier females suggesting that whereas R. longicauda males do not experience a load‐lift constraint, there is a strong relationship of assortative mating by mass. We suggest that active male mate choice for intermediately adorned females is more likely to be causing the nonrandom mating patterns observed in R. longicauda.  相似文献   
Habitat quality is generally thought to affect breeding success. We tested this effect comparing differences in clutch size and reproductive success between citril finch Serinus citrinella sub-populations closely located (<5 km) but differing in habitat quality, within the Port del Comte mountain, in the Catalonian Pre-Pyrenees. We found that birds in the low quality area (Bofia) showed significantly lower hatching, breeding and nesting success than finches in the high quality area (Vansa). These differences in reproductive success fit well with recently found differences in citril finch body mass, fat score, diet, survival rate and speed of moult between these two localities.  相似文献   
Studies of rock ptarmigan Lagopus mutus in northern latitudes have shown that, in the breeding season, the majority of cocks pair monogamously and defend small territories, whilst in most populations, a small proportion of cocks are polygynous or remain unmated. Little is known, however, on spacing behaviour and habitat use of alpine rock ptarmigan populations occurring at low densities at the southern edge of the species’ range. From 1995 to 1997, we trapped, radio-tracked and observed birds in the Central Italian Alps (elevation 2,000–3,000 m) in order to investigate spacing behaviour and habitat use in alpine landscapes where habitats offering rich food and cover are patchy. Both sexes were selective in their habitat use, and cocks did not establish territories on bare ground, artificial or nutrient rich grasslands or bogs. In the breeding season, cocks had larger home ranges than hens (cocks 99 ± 57 ha, hens 50 ± 25 ha) that overlapped with the ranges of neighbouring cocks and hens. Cocks were monogamous and defended relatively large territories (core areas of home ranges: cocks 37 ± 26 ha, hens 24 ± 12 ha), which corresponded with low spring densities (0.47–2.29 cocks km−2 and 0.35–1.60 pairs km−2). Territory size of individual cocks was negatively correlated with the amount of high quality habitat in the core-area. Our results suggest increased home ranges and large breeding territories in low density alpine rock ptarmigan populations, compared to populations occurring at higher densities in the central and northern alps, and on subarctic and arctic grounds at northern latitudes, confirming the predictions of models on food-based territoriality.  相似文献   
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