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In order to characterise current and historical pattern of heavy metal (HM) pollution in Estonia, this article will compare the concentrations and stocks of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn represented in current deposition (data from 18 local precipitation stations) with natural media of three different ages: 1–3-year-old moss carpet (ICP Vegetation moss survey data from 99 open area plots), 3–5-year-old litter layer, and several-decades-old organic layer (mor humus) of coniferous forest, in mostly podzolic soils (ICP Forest soil survey data, 75 stands).Objectives of this study are (1) to assess differences in HM retention and accumulation in various aged media of coniferous stands (2) to estimate territorial differences in current HM distribution and previously accumulated concentrations and stores of HM (3) to compare territorial distribution of HM concentration in Estonia between five different regions: N-W; N-E; S-W; S-E and Western insular region, whereas the local oil shale industry in N-E part of Estonia has been the main source of HM pollution over a long period of time and therefore may have an effect on HM regional distribution.Comparing the studied media, three types of HM retention patterns were detected: (1) for Cu, Ni, Cr (2) for Cd, Pb, (3) for Zn. The mean current level of HM deposition in Estonia is low comparison to previous decades, especially the 1980s. The effect of the previously significantly higher exposure of HM emissions and deposition is preserved in older part of soil organics (OF), where the highest stocks and concentrations of HMs (with the exception of Zn) are currently found. The HM proportions in fly ash of oil shale and in OF layer of soil were very similar with regards to Ni and Cr—indicating their origin from the oil shale industry in the N-E region. According to spatial distribution analysis, the greatest accumulated storages of Ni and Cr in OF layer of coniferous forest soils are characteristic to S-W Estonia.  相似文献   
Military training areas (MTAs) host high numbers of endangered habitats and species due to their large area, generally low fertilizer and biocide exposure, and a high dynamic of disturbances caused by military training activities. Since the end of the Cold War in the 1990s, thousands of former military properties have been closed due to international disarmament agreements. Based on a literature review, we present the importance of decommissioned MTAs in Germany for nature conservation, their number, area, and status, as well as the German approaches and experiences managing these sites. More than 119,000 ha of former military areas of high conservation value were transferred by the Federal Government to German Federal States, the German Federal Environmental Foundation, and other nature conservation organizations as part of the so-called National Nature Heritage (NNH), and an additional 60,000 ha were saved in other ways. It is a big challenge in nature conservation to establish appropriate management systems to maintain the endangered habitats and species on these sites, most of which are contaminated with unexploded ordnance (UXO). Several projects have been implemented in Germany to develop strategies to deal with UXO contamination. We discuss management options, from prescribed burning on UXO contaminated sites to the establishment of wilderness, in the light of the requirements of the European Union’s Natura 2000 network of protected areas.  相似文献   
The role of the surface polymer brush of nonionic surfactant vesicles (NSV) in inhibiting interactions with small membrane-perturbing molecules was investigated using the bee venom peptide melittin as a probe. The interaction between melittin and NSV was compared with that of distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DSPC) vesicles and sterically stabilised liposomes (SSL) containing 5 mol% pegylated distearoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DSPE.E44). The degree of melittin interaction with the various vesicles was determined by measuring peptide binding and folding, using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence and circular dichroism respectively, in addition to monitoring the release of encapsulated carboxyfluorescein dye. NSV composed of 1,2-di-O-octadecyl-rac-glyceryl-3-(ω-dodecaethylene glycol) (2C18E12) showed a strong affinity for melittin, whilst exhibiting ~ 50% less bound peptide than SSL. 2C18E12:Chol vesicles showed reduced melittin interaction, in a manner consistent with Chol incorporation into DSPC vesicles. These results are discussed with respect to the effect of Chol on the in-plane order of 2C18E12 bilayers and consequent attenuation of hydrophobic interactions with the peptide. NSV formed from equimolar mixtures of polyoxyethylene-n-stearoyl ethers C18E2 and C18E20 showed a greater interaction with melittin than 2C18E12. However, replacing C18E20 with C18E10 was sufficient to achieve an attenuation of melittin interaction similar to that observed in 2C18E12:Chol vesicles. This indicates that the presence of surface polymer brush alone may confer resistance to melittin, provided hydrophobic interactions between the peptide and the vesicles can be minimised, through improved in-plane bilayer order.  相似文献   
内蒙古不同类型草地叶面积指数遥感估算   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index,LAI)是重要的植被结构参数,反演LAI是植被遥感的重要研究内容之一。根据在内蒙古呼伦贝尔和锡林浩特草原利用LAI 2000观测的草地LAI,比较了不同植被指数(SR、RSR、EVI、NDVI、SAVIARVI)估算不同类型草地LAI的能力,建立了基于Landsat-5 TM遥感数据的LAI估算模型,并利用LAI观测数据对模型进行了检验,生成了研究区内草地LAI分布图,据此对MODIS LAI产品一致性进行了评价。结果表明,在呼伦贝尔和锡林浩特两个研究区,RSRLAI的相关性最高(R2分别为0.628、0.728,RMSE分别为0.512、0.490),在低密度草地,RSR的优势更为明显;验证表明,根据RSR建立的LAI估算模型的精度可达70%;利用TM数据生成的两个地区的LAI(TM LAI)空间变化明显,锡林浩特草地的LAI值整体上低于呼伦贝尔草地;在呼伦贝尔和锡林浩特,MODIS LAI产品与TM LAI一致性分别为0.566,0.323,MODIS LAI产品高估了呼伦贝尔草地LAI值,而在锡林浩特研究区则存在低估现象。  相似文献   
The 231 habitat types included in the European Environmental Agency (EEA) database of the Natura 2000 Network are distributed throughout more than 22 thousand Sites of Community Importance (SCI) covering around 128 million hectares in Europe. However, individual habitat areas have different conservation relevance according to the Rarity of the habitat type and their Representativeness in relation to the whole type.We propose a Relevance Index and evaluate it for each area of each habitat type, taking into account the Rarity of the habitat type, assessed by the extent of its occurrence in the Natura 2000 Network, and the Representativeness of the area, as the contribution of that area to the total extent of that habitat type in the Network.Results allow for an objective analysis of the Natura 2000 Network indicating, for example, that rarity of a habitat type in Natura 2000 Network does not necessarily correlate with its priority status, suggesting the need for reevaluation of the situation.The Relevance Index proposed for a given habitat area is the product of the Rarity Index of its habitat type and the Representativeness of the area. We demonstrate the application of the Index for the areas of three different Natura 2000 Sites. The Relevance Index of one Site (SRI) will be the sum of the Relevance Indices of its corresponding habitat areas (HRI). The same approach is applicable to regions, countries or for any habitat cluster allowing for the quantification of their contribution to the whole Natura 2000 Network.It is suggested that the Relevance index can also be applied in monitoring the components of the Natura 2000 Network, and is useful to support management decisions for conservation in Europe.  相似文献   
The declining European ground beetle Carabus variolosus, an indicator of undisturbed woodland brooks and swamps, is listed in the EU Species and Habitats Directive. Little is known about this flightless and endangered beetle, apart from its distribution range and habitat stenotopy. We present the results of a 2-year mark-release-recapture study on two neighbouring populations in Germany, which investigated basic parameters of population ecology that may be influential in the persistence of the beetle. Extremely small population sizes were the key findings. Since population densities corresponded to those of typical Carabus species, the size of the habitats was most probably the limiting factor. The risk of heavy losses during offspring development and hibernation may be alleviated by the considerable proportion of C. variolosus reproducing in more than 1 year. The fact that we did not recapture any marked specimens from the neighbouring population suggests a very limited dispersal power. The results imply a high vulnerability of the species, provide basic methodological information for an implementation of the EC Directive and for further research, and highlight the necessity to enlarge populated habitats.  相似文献   
Aim   To examine the way in which 'area' and 'habitat diversity' interact in shaping species richness and to find a simple and valid way to express this interaction.
Location   The Natura 2000 network of terrestrial protected areas in Greece, covering approximately 16% of the national territory.
Methods   We used the Natura 2000 framework, which provides a classification scheme for natural habitat types, to quantify habitat heterogeneity. We analysed data for the plant species composition in 16,143 quadrats in which 5044 species and subspecies of higher plants were recorded. We built a simple mathematical model that incorporates the effect of habitat diversity on the species–area relationship (SAR).
Results   Our analysis showed that habitat diversity was correlated with area. However, keeping habitat diversity constant, species richness was related to area; while keeping area constant, species richness was related to habitat diversity. Comparing the SAR of the 237 sites we found that the slope of the species–area curve was related to habitat diversity.
Main conclusions   Discussion of the causes of the SAR has often focused on the primacy of area per se versus habitat heterogeneity, even though the two mechanisms are not mutually exclusive and should be considered jointly. We find that increasing habitat diversity affects the SAR in different ways, but the dominant effect is to increase the slope of the SAR. While a full model fit typically includes a variety of terms involving both area and habitat richness, we find that the effect of habitat diversity can be reduced to a linear perturbation of the slope of the species accumulation curve.  相似文献   
Biodiversity and stakeholder participation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Consensus building through stakeholder participation is a promising new trend that takes into account the interactive character of the communication process. There is a growing realisation that stakeholder participation has a significant role to play in the development and delivery of biodiversity policy and practice. Experience and best practice from activities such as the designation and management of Natura 2000 and Integrated Coastal Zone Management shows that problem solving and conflict management are significantly enhanced through participative processes. There is therefore the potential for a change to take place in the way that biodiversity policy is developed and implemented. This brings challenges to the biodiversity community in terms of developing new skills and processes and in engaging with new agendas and sectors.  相似文献   
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