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Anionic dyes, notably acid fuchsine, strongly stain the nuclei and cytoplasm of neurons severely damaged by injury or disease. We provide detailed instructions for staining nervous tissue with toluidine blue and acid fuchsine for optimal demonstration of injured neurons. Degeneration was induced in the hippocampus of the mouse by systemic administration of kainic acid, and the resulting acidophilia was investigated using paraffin sections of the Carnoy-or Bouin-fixed brains. The affected cells were bright red with the toluidine blue-acid fuchsine sequence. Their nuclei were stainable also with alkaline Biebrich scarlet and with the 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulfonic acid-Ba(OH)2 method; all staining was blocked by benzil but was relatively refractory to deamination by HNO2. These properties indicated an arginine-rich protein. The nuclei were strongly acidophilic in the presence of a high concentration of DNA (strong Feulgen reaction), and acidophilia could not be induced in normal neuronal nuclei by chemical extraction of nucleic acids. The cytoplasmic acidophilia of degenerating hippocampal neurons was due to a protein rich in lysine (extinguished by alkalinity, easily prevented by deamination, and unaffected by benzil). Stainable RNA was absent from the perikarya of the affected cells, but normal neuronal cytoplasm did not become acidophilic after extraction of nucleic acids. We suggest that kainate-induced cell death is preceded by increased production of basic proteins, which become concentrated in the nucleus and perikaryon. Groups of small, darkly staining neurons were seen in the cerebral cortex in control and kainite-treated mice. These shrunken cells were purple with the toluidine blue-acid fuchsine stain, and were attributed to local injury incurred during removal of the unfixed brain.  相似文献   
Recent studies have demonstrated that impaired protein synthesis occurs in several neurodegenerative conditions associated with oxidative stress. Studies have also demonstrated that administration of oxidative stressors is sufficient to impair different and discrete regulatory aspects of protein synthesis in neural cells, with the majority of these studies focused on the effects of oxidative stressors towards initiation factors. Currently, little is known with regards to oxidative stress effects on the rates of RNA- and protein-synthesis, or the relationship between oxidant-induced impairments in RNA-/protein-synthesis to subsequent neuron death. In the present study, we demonstrate that administration of an oxidative stressor (hydrogen peroxide) induces a significant and time-dependent decrease in both RNA- and protein-synthesis in primary neurons and neural SH-SY5Y cells. Increases in RNA oxidation and disruption of ribosome complexes were selectively observed following the longer durations of oxidant exposure. Significant correlations between the loss of RNA- and protein-synthesis and the amount of oxidant-induced neuron death were also observed. Interestingly, the addition of a protein synthesis inhibitor (cycloheximide) did not significantly alter the amount of neuron death induced by the oxidative stressor. These data demonstrate that oxidant exposure promotes a time-dependent decrease in both RNA- and protein-synthesis in neurons, and demonstrate a role for elevations in RNA oxidation and ribosome dysfunction as potential mediators of impaired protein synthesis. These data also suggest that there is a complex relationship between the ability of oxidative stressors to modulate RNA- and protein-synthesis, and the ability of oxidative stressors to ultimately induce neuron death.  相似文献   
Nodose ganglia are composed of A-, Ah- and C-type neurons. Despite their important roles in regulating visceral afferent function, including cardiovascular, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal homeostasis, information about subtype-specific expression, molecular identity, and function of individual ion transporting proteins is scarce. Although experiments utilizing the sliced ganglion preparation have provided valuable insights into the electrophysiological properties of nodose ganglion neuron subtypes, detailed characterization of their electrical phenotypes will require measurements in isolated cells. One major unresolved problem, however, is the difficulty to unambiguously identify the subtype of isolated nodose ganglion neurons without current-clamp recording, because the magnitude of conduction velocity in the corresponding afferent fiber, a reliable marker to discriminate subtypes in situ, can no longer be determined. Here, we present data supporting the notion that application of an algorithm regarding to microscopic structural characteristics, such as neuron shape evaluated by the ratio between shortest and longest axis, neuron surface characteristics, like membrane roughness, and axon attachment, enables specific and sensitive subtype identification of acutely dissociated rat nodose ganglion neurons, by which the accuracy of identification is further validated by electrophysiological markers and overall positive predictive rates is 89.26% (90.04%, 76.47%, and 98.21% for A-, Ah, and C-type, respectively). This approach should aid in gaining insight into the molecular correlates underlying phenotypic heterogeneity of nodose ganglia. Additionally, several critical points that help for neuron identification and afferent conduction calibration are also discussed.  相似文献   
In this study we have determined the binding specificities of four different neuronal cell types to tenascin-C (TN-C) and larninin using a cell adhesion assay. TN-C was repulsive for small cerebellar neurons and PC12 phaeochromocytoma cells, since after short-term adhesion to the substrate-bound molecule with a maximum of cell binding at 45 min, the cells detached from the substrate and after 22 h only about 25% of the originally adherent cells were still bound. For N2A neuroblastoma cells and retinal cells TN-C was an adhesive substrate, since the number of adherent cells did not decrease after the initial attachment period. All four cell types adhered well to larninin at all time points studied. For short-term adhesion of small cerebellar neurons and PC12 cells two binding sites were identified on TN-C, one being localized within the epidermal growth factor-like repeats three to five and the second within fibronectin type III-like repeats three and four. One binding site for N2A and retinal cells was localized within fibronectin type III-like repeat seven. Binding of small cerebellar neurons to TN-C was dependent on Ca2+, but not on Mg2+and was inhibitable by polyclonal antibodies to β1 integrin. Short-term adhesion of small cerebellar neurons was also inhibitable with a mixture of recombinant fragments of TN-C encompassing the whole molecule, although the specific inhibitory activity of this mixture was ten-fold lower on a molar basis when compared to the native molecule. Our observations indicate that different neuronal cell types use distinct binding sites on TN-C for repellent or adhesive interactions and that β1 integrin is involved in the recognition event leading to repulsion of small cerebellar neurons.  相似文献   
The number of c-fos protein-like immunoreactive (Fos-LI) cells in the gracile nucleus was determined after electrical stimulation at Aα/Aβ-fiber strength of the normal and of the previously injured sciatic nerve in adult rats. No Fos-LI cells were seen after electrical stimulation of the noninjured sciatic nerve, or after sciatic nerve injury without electrical stimulation. However, stimulation 21 days after sciatic nerve transection resulted in numerous Fos-LI cells in the ipsilateral gracile nucleus. Combined Fos immunocytochemistry and retrograde labeling from the thalamus showed that the majority (76%; range = 70–80%) of the cells in the gracile nucleus that expressed Fos-LI after nerve injury projected to the thalamus. The results indicate that morphological, biochemical, and physiological alterations in primary sensory central endings and second-order neurons, which have earlier been demonstrated in the dorsal column nuclei after peripheral nerve injury, are accompanied by changes in the c-fos gene activation pattern after stimulation of the injured sciatic nerve. A substantial number of the c-fos-expressing neurons project to the thalamus.  相似文献   
[3H]2-Deoxy-d-glucose (2-DG) and high-resolution autoradiography were employed to investigate labeling patterns of the trigeminal and infrared sensory system in acrotaline snake, the pit viper (Trimeresurus flavoviridis). Following intracardiac injection of 9.25 MBq [3H]2-DG, neurons in the nucleus of the lateral descending trigeminal tract (LTTD), nucleus reticularis caloris (RC), nucleus trigemini mesencephalicus, nucleus trigemini motorius, and trigeminal ganglia were labeled in various degrees after the pit organ had been removed (basal condition). This revealed that a higher rate of glucose utilization occurred in these nuclei than in the common sensory trigeminal nuclei, which lacked labeling entirely. When a pit was stimulated periodically with an infrared stimulus for 45 min, the difference in percentage of labeled cells was ipsilaterally increased by 12.84% in large cells of the LITD and by 7.55% in the RC, as compared with the contralateral, basal-condition side. These slight changes indicate a small increase of glucose consumption during infrared reception. On the other hand, the small cells in the LTTD showed labeling that did not change with stimulation, suggesting that 2-DG uptake in inhibitory interneurons is relatively constant.  相似文献   
In the classical view, NMDA receptors (NMDARs) are located postsynaptically and play a pivotal role in excitatory transmission and synaptic plasticity. In developing cerebellar molecular layer interneurons (MLIs) however, NMDARs are known to be solely extra‐ or presynaptic and somewhat poorly expressed. Somatodendritic NMDARs are exclusively activated by glutamate spillover from adjacent synapses, but the mode of activation of axonal NMDARs remains unclear. Our data suggest that a volume transmission is likely to stimulate presynaptic NMDARs (preNMDARs) since NMDA puffs directed to the axon led to inward currents and Ca2+ transients restricted to axonal varicosities. Using local glutamate photoliberation, we show that pre‐ and post‐synaptic NMDARs share the same voltage dependence indicating their containing NR2A/B subunits. Ca2+ transients elicited by NMDA puffs are eventually followed by delayed events reminding of the spontaneous Ca2+ transients (ScaTs) described at the basket cell/Purkinje cell terminals. Moreover, the presence of Ca2+ transients at varicosities located more than 5 μm away from the uncaging site indicates that the activation of preNMDARs sensitizes the Ca2+ stores in adjacent varicosities, a process that is abolished in the presence of a high concentration of ryanodine. Altogether, the data demonstrate that preNMDARs act as high‐gain glutamate detectors.  相似文献   
Exposure to chronic drugs of abuse has been reported to produce significant changes in postsynaptic protein profile, dendritic spine morphology and synaptic transmission. In the present study we demonstrate alterations in dendritic spine morphology in the frontal cortex and nucleus accumbens of mice following chronic morphine treatment as well as during abstinence for two months. Such alterations were accompanied with significant upregulation of the postsynaptic protein Shank1 in synaptosomal enriched fractions. mRNA levels of Shank1 was also markedly increased during morphine treatment and during withdrawal. Studies of the different postsynaptic proteins at the protein and mRNA levels showed significant alterations in the morphine treated groups compared to that of saline treated controls. Taken together, these observations suggest that Shank1 may have an important role in the regulation of spine morphology induced by chronic morphine leading to addiction.  相似文献   
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