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TTLL5/STAMP (tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family member 5) has multiple activities in cells. TTLL5 is one of 13 TTLLs, has polyglutamylation activity, augments the activity of p160 coactivators (SRC-1 and TIF2) in glucocorticoid receptor-regulated gene induction and repression, and displays steroid-independent growth activity with several cell types. To examine TTLL5/STAMP functions in whole animals, mice were prepared with an internal deletion that eliminated several activities of the Stamp gene. This mutation causes both reduced levels of STAMP mRNA and C-terminal truncation of STAMP protein. Homozygous targeted mutant (Stamptm/tm) mice appear normal except for marked decreases in male fertility associated with defects in progressive sperm motility. Abnormal axonemal structures with loss of tubulin doublets occur in most Stamptm/tm sperm tails in conjunction with substantial reduction in α-tubulin polyglutamylation, which closely correlates with the reduction in mutant STAMP mRNA. The axonemes in other structures appear unaffected. There is no obvious change in the organs for sperm development of WT versus Stamptm/tm males despite the levels of WT STAMP mRNA in testes being 20-fold higher than in any other organ examined. This defect in male fertility is unrelated to other Ttll genes or 24 genes previously identified as important for sperm function. Thus, STAMP appears to participate in a unique, tissue-selective TTLL-mediated pathway for α-tubulin polyglutamylation that is required for sperm maturation and motility and may be relevant for male fertility.  相似文献   
浙江天台盆地上白垩统赤城山组发现的巨型长形蛋类可鉴定为西峡巨型长形蛋(Macroelongatoolithusxi xiaensis)和一新蛋属、新蛋种——桥下巨型纺锤蛋(Megafusoolithus qiaoxiaensis oogen.etoosp.nov.)。西峡巨型长形蛋此前仅发现于河南西峡盆地,其特征为个体巨大(35cm),蛋壳外表面具瘤点状纹饰,蛋壳锥体层与柱状层界线明显,呈波浪形,锥体层与柱状层厚度之比为1:5—1:2。已记述的产自天台的张氏巨型长形蛋(M.zhangi)和产自河南西峡盆地的西峡长圆柱蛋(Longiteresoolithus xixiaensis)均为西峡巨型长形蛋的同物异名。桥下巨型纺锤蛋的特征包括蛋壳中部外表面具有棱脊状纹饰,蛋壳锥体层与柱状层界线不明显,二者厚度之比近1:3,这些特征区别于巨型长形蛋属。目前已知巨型长形蛋科仅包含巨型长形蛋属和巨型纺锤蛋属,订正的科征为:蛋化石巨大,长径大于35cm;蛋长形,两端大致对称,长宽之比约为3:1;蛋化石在蛋窝中一般两枚为一组,呈单层圆环状排列,蛋窝直径近3m;蛋壳外表面具瘤点状或棱脊状纹饰,蛋壳由锥体层与柱状层组成。这些特征明显区别于其他类型的蛋化石,因此它们代表了一个独立的蛋科:巨型长形蛋科(Macroelongatoolithidae)。  相似文献   
Abstract: Restudy of skulls and available postcrania of the proterochampsian archosauriform Proterochampsa barrionuevoi from the Ischigualasto Formation (Upper Triassic, Carnian) in the San Juan Province, Argentina, confirms that the genus is diagnosed by autapomorphies that include dermal sculpturing consisting of prominent ridges and nodular protuberances, a large hook‐like lateral projection on the quadratojugal, an antorbital fossa restricted to a depression along the maxilla, lateral expansion of the premaxilla anterior to the premaxilla–maxilla contact, absence of a supratemporal fossa, exclusion of jugal from suborbital fenestra, basal tubera of parabasisphenoid facing ventrally and reaching laterally beyond the basipterygoid process, and a ventral lamina on the angular. Proterochampsa nodosa is a valid species distinguished from Pbarrionuevoi by fewer cranial ridges with larger protuberances, relatively smaller supratemporal fenestrae and width of frontals between orbits less than that of the nasals. A phylogenetic analysis supports the monophyly of Proterochampsia consisting of Proterochampsa, Chanaresuchus bonapartei, Gualosuchus reigi, Tropidosuchus romeri and Cerritosaurus binsfeldi. A temporal separation between the two basal proterochampsians with earliest records in the Late Triassic (Proterochampsa and Cerritosaurus) and Chanaresuchus, Gualosuchus and Tropidosuchus in the Middle Triassic indicates hidden proterochampsian diversity in the Middle Triassic.  相似文献   
Chancelloriids are a group of enigmatic sessile animals that are covered with sclerites shaped as rosettes of spines, producing an appearance like that of a barrel cactus. They are known only from Cambrian rocks. Isolated sclerites of chancelloriids are widespread in small shelly faunas, but they have proven difficult to treat taxonomically due to the variation within and between individual animals. We report on large samples of chancelloriid sclerites from the Meishucunian (pre‐trilobitic Lower Cambrian) of eastern Yunnan Province, China, including material from the Dahai Member of the Zhujiaqing Formation (the Zhujiaqing section, Dahai, Huize County) and the Shiyantou Formation (the Xiaotan section, Yongshan County). The material from the Dahai Member appears to come from a single species, Chancelloriella irregularis. Statistical analysis of morphotype co‐occurrences in different samples suggests that several species are represented in the material from the Shiyantou Formation, which we herein tentatively place in four species, Allonnia erromenosa, Allonnia tetrathallis, Archiasterella charma sp. nov. and Archiasterella cf. pentactina. We suggest therefore that careful study of large collections of isolated chancelloriid sclerites permits the identification of different species, opening the possibility of their use in evolutionary or stratigraphical studies. In particular, in South China, it seems that Chancelloriella irregularis is characteristic of rocks of the Paragloborilus subglobosusPurella squamulosa Assemblage Zone and the Watsonella crosbyi Assemblage Zone, whilst Archiasterella and Allonnia first appear in the overlying Sinosachites flabelliformisTannuolina zhangwentangi Assemblage Zone. C. irregularis is thus amongst the oldest well‐characterized chancelloriids, and the irregularity and poor organization of its sclerites relative to those of younger forms support the hypothesis that chancelloriid sclerites are compound structures arising from the fusion of originally separate elements, perhaps homologous with sclerites of halkieriids and other coeloscleritophorans. The similarity between the arrangement of rays in a chancelloriid sclerite and the arrangement of bubbles in small bubble clusters suggests that in many cases, aspects of the form of chancelloriid sclerites are the result of simple physical processes.  相似文献   
我国上侏罗统牛津阶-基末利阶(163-150Ma)保存有完好的最原始的蠼螋昆虫化石,首次描述,分析和讨论了原始蠼螋后翅脉序特征,认为与现代生存的蠼螋后翅基本相同。因此,提出了与西方某些蠼螋昆虫分类学者不同的意见,认为始螋亚目(Aechidermaptera)应归入于革翅目(Dermaptera)之中,且视其为一个最原始的类群较为合理,内蒙古自治区这个原始类群的下列重要特征皆为首次发现;胸骨具有特殊的形态结构;革翅锁具(Tegmina locking device)和刺脊突(spiny crest)发育;前,中,后足跗节皆为5节;后足基节显著伸长;颈部被划分为前,后两个颈片;革翅后缘收缩变尖,上述5项被视为厚原始蠼螋特有的祖征,下列特征应为早期蠼螋共有的原始性状;虫体扁平,通常具毛;腹部侧缘彼此近平行;触角显长,丝状,多节(通常多于11节);两只单眼发育;上颚具齿;中胸小盾片显大;革翅较长,通常具有明显的翅脉;股节具隆脊;爪和爪垫通常发育;腹部各节背板与腹板不重叠(两者位置非简单的上,下关系);尾须柔软,多节,雌性产卵器鞘显著外伸,本文建立了始螋亚目1新科Sinopalaeo-dermatidae和2新属2新种Sinopalaeodermata neimonggolensis gen.et sp.nov,Jurassimedeola orientalis gen,et sp.nov。同时,对蠼螋昆虫的起源和演化重新进行了讨论,做出了与西方某些蠼螋昆虫研究者结论不同的推断。  相似文献   
A moderate diversity biota of foraminifers, algae and calcareous microproblematica is recorded from the Lower Carboniferous Yindagindy Formation within the intracratonic Southern Carnarvon Basin in Western Australia. Very shallow metahaline to hypersaline conditions are suggested. The palaeobotanical components are sporadic calcitarcha, tuberitinaceans, codiaceans Orthriosiphon? sp. 1, dasycladaleans? Koninckopora tenuiramosa, and algosponges Issinella devonica, Serrisinella cf. serrensis, Issinella? sp. 1, Kamaena cf. awirsi, Proninella? sp. and Stacheoides spp. The foraminiferal assemblage is dominated by a new koktjubinid taxon: Praekoktjubina yindagindyensis nov. gen., nov. sp. Subordinate associated foraminifers are more sporadic Salpingothurammina? sp. 1, Plectinopsis michelseni nov. gen., nov. sp., Rectopravina multifida nov. gen., nov. sp. (with 4 morphotypes), and scarce Endothyra spp. Despite many of these taxa being endemic, a middle Visean age is probable, based on: (1) the maximum global geographic extent of K. tenuiramosa reached during the middle Visean, (2) the disappearance of Plectinopsis nov. gen. in Palaeotethys and the Urals, and (3) the first occurrence of Praekoktjubina nov. gen. in Palaeotethys. An age no older than the middle Visean is supported by sparse conodonts from the Formation and comparison to episodes of carbonate deposition in the Bonaparte Basin, further north in the East Gondwana rift system. Absence of middle Visean archaediscoids may be due to high salinity. The following algal and foraminiferal families and superfamilies are emended: Scribroporellaceae (a lectotype is selected for Orthriosiphon saskatchewanense); Palaeospiroplectamminidae (due to the creation of Plectinopsis nov. gen.); Haplophragminoidea (due to the creation of Rectopravina nov. gen.); and Globivalvulinoidea and Koktjubinidae (due to the creation of Praekoktjubina nov. gen.).  相似文献   
The P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) has been implicated in the process of multinucleation and cell fusion. We have previously demonstrated that blockade of P2X7Rs on osteoclast precursors using a blocking antibody inhibited multinucleated osteoclast formation in vitro, but that P2X7R KO mice maintain the ability to form multinucleated osteoclasts. This apparent contradiction of the role the P2X7R plays in multinucleation has prompted us to examine the effect of the most commonly used and recently available P2X7R antagonists on osteoclast formation and function. When added to recombinant RANKL and M-CSF human blood monocytes cultures, all but one compound, decreased the formation and function of multinucleated TRAP-positive osteoclasts in a concentration-dependent manner. These data provide further evidence for the role of the P2X7R in the formation of functional human multinucleated osteoclasts and highlight the importance of selection of antagonists for use in long-term experiments.  相似文献   
Rhinocerotids are particularly abundant and diversified in Neogene deposits of the Indian subcontinent, but their systematics is far from being well defined. Based on the revision of old collections and new findings from the Early Miocene of the Bugti Hills and Zinda Pir, Pakistan, ‘Aceratherium blanfordi Lydekker, 1884’ is a chimera, consisting of two dentally convergent but postcranially distinct rhinocerotid taxa: Pleuroceros blanfordi and Mesaceratherium welcommi sp. nov. Postcranial features appear to be much more diagnostic than craniodental morphology in this case. A phylogenetic analysis based on 282 morphological characters scored for 28 taxa (four outgroups and ingroup including both taxa of interest and a ‘branching group’) strengthens this statement and supports Pleuroceros and Mesaceratherium as monophyletic genera within Rhinocerotinae. Both genera are recognized for the first time outside Europe. In the Bugti Hills, P. blanfordi and M. welcommi are part of an exceptionally diversified rhinocerotid fauna, with up to nine species associated in the same locality (Kumbi 4f). This rhinocerotid assemblage confirms the earliest Miocene age (Agenian/Aquitanian) of the upper member of the Chitarwata Formation as a whole. Coeval homotaxic rhinocerotid faunas from Europe (France, Czech Republic) and East Africa (Uganda, Kenya) support broad and sustainable rhinocerotid interchanges amongst South Asia, Europe, and Africa under compatible environmental conditions throughout earliest Miocene times. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 139–194.  相似文献   
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