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Summary The distribution of substance P (SP)-, somatostatin (SOM)-, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)- and met-enkephalin (mENK)-immunoreactive nerve fibres and cell bodies has been studied in the gastrointestinal tract, lateral blood vessel (heart) and segmental ganglia of the leech (Hirudo medicinalis). In the crop and intestine, there was a sparse distribution of VIP-, SP-, SOM- and mENK-immunoreactive nerves, while in the intestine, a dense network of SP-, a moderate network of SOM-, and a sparse distribution of mENK- and VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibres was seen. SP-, SOM- and VIP-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were found in all the gut regions studied, the greatest number being in the intestine. No mENK-containing cell bodies were seen in any region of the gastrointestinal tract. The heart contained a few SP-, SOM-, and VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibres, but no nerve cell bodies were found. Immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were also present in the segmentai ganglia. A typical midbody ganglion contained up to seven pairs of SP-containing neurones, four pairs of SOM-containing neurones, two pairs of VIP-containing neurones and one to three pairs of mENK-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies. The lateral pair of large SOM-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies is of similar size and correct position to the lateral N cells. One of the pairs of large SP-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies is probably identical to the Leydig cells. A tentative identification of other immunofluorescent nerve cells is attempted. Immunoreactive nerve fibres to all four peptides were distributed throughout the neuropil, those to SP being the most numerous.  相似文献   
Summary The afferent pathways to the nucleus basalis prosencephali of the pigeon were studied by use of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique. It was confirmed that this nucleus receives a direct pathway from the nucleus sensorius principalis nervi trigemini and that, as in the starling, it receives a direct input from the nucleus lemnisci lateralis, pars ventralis, an auditory relay. Totally novel is the finding that the nucleus basalis prosencephali is the target of a direct pathway originating in the medullary nucleus vestibularis superior. All three pathways bypass the thalamus. From within the telencephalon the nucleus basalis prosencephali also receives fibres from the tuberculum olfactorium and the peri-ectostriatal belt, suggestive of olfactory and visual input. Marked cell bodies were also found in the neostriatum frontolaterale. It is assumed that these arose from HRP uptake by axons of the tractus fronto-archistriatalis that course through the nucleus basalis prosencephali to the anterodorsal archistriatum. Marked fibres and bouton-like formations were observed in the latter structure. The afferents to the nucleus basalis prosencephali are discussed in conjunction with the probable role of the nucleus as a sensorimotor coordinator of the pecking/feeding behaviour of the pigeon.  相似文献   
Summary Central projections of the nervus terminalis (n.t.) in the goldfish were investigated using cobalt- and horseradish peroxidase-tracing techniques. Single n.t. fibers were identified after unilateral application of cobalt chloride-lysine to the rostral olfactory bulb. The central course and branching patterns of individual n.t. fibers were studied in serial sections. Eight types of n.t. fibers are differentiated according to pathways and projection patterns. Projection areas of the n.t. include the contralateral olfactory bulb, the ipsilateral periventricular preoptic nucleus, both retinae, the caudal zone of the periventricular hypothalamus bilaterally, and the rostral optic tectum bilaterally. N.t. fibers cross to contralateral targets in the anterior commissure, the optic chiasma, the horizontal commissure, the posterior commissure, and possibly the habenular commissure. We propose criteria that differentiate central n.t. fibers from those of the classical secondary olfactory projections. Branching patterns of eight n.t. fiber types are described. Mesencephalic projections of the n.t. and of secondary olfactory fibers are compared and discussed with regard to prior reports on the olfactory system of teleosts. Further fiber types for which the association with the n.t. could not be established with certainty were traced to the torus longitudinalis, the torus semicircularis, and to the superior reticular nucleus on the ipsilateral side.  相似文献   
A variety of methylated 4-oxypiperidine derivatives were tested for their ability to inhibit protein synthesis in vitro. A direct correlation was found between the extent of methylation of these compounds and their inhibitory activity in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate cell-free translation system.Abbreviation IC50 50% inhibitory concentration  相似文献   
Abstract: Energy-dependent internalization of 125I-labeled tetanus toxin into cultured neural cells is shown to follow an energy-independent binding process. A three-step model, involving receptor-mediated binding followed by sequestration and internalization is proposed. In the first step, binding of toxin is enhanced in appearance under low ionic strength medium, at 0–4°C; it is suppressed, however, with increasing incubation temperature under physiological salt concentrations. Cell-bound toxin is displaced by approximately 35.5% when high-salt medium (physiological concentrations) is added to cells at 0–4°C; the effect is further amplified at 37°C. Addition of disialoganglioside GD1b (1–5 μg/ml) also lowers the amount of cell-associated toxin. The fraction of 125I-labeled toxin retained by the cells after exposure to high-salt medium at 0–4°C or after addition of GD1b is operationally defined as sequestered toxin. This second step, characterized by a stable association of the toxin with the neural cells, is affected by both physiological salt and by 37°C conditions. Lastly, an energy-dependent phenomenon of firm association of tetanus toxin with neural cells, compatible with internalization, is described. The toxin residing in this fraction is bioactive and cannot be removed by salts, gangliosides, or by treatment with protease or neuraminidase. Binding, sequestration, and internalization are mutually dependent, as they are all blocked by pretreatment of cells with neuraminidase and by an enhanced energy-independent sequestration event, which results in enhanced tetanus toxin internalization by an energy-dependent process.  相似文献   
Abstract: Sciatic nerves from 13-day-old rats were incubated in vitro with [35S]methionine in the presence or absence of 0.22 μM monensin and total paniculate and myelin fractions prepared. The total particulate was further subfractionated by continuous density gradient centrifugation, after which the maximal specific activities of three marker enzymes, 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide phospho-diesterase (myelin), 5′-nucleotidase (plasma membrane), and cerebroside sulphotransferase were recovered at 0.72, 0.82, and 0.92 M sucrose, respectively. The radiolabelled proteins present in the gradient subtractions were analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and fluorography, and bands corresponding to the P0 and myelin basic proteins were identified by co-migration with unlabelled myelin marker proteins on both one-dimensional SDS-PAGE and two-dimensional nonequilibrium isoelectric focussing/SDS-PAGE systems. Following a 90-min incubation with [35S]methionine, newly synthesized myelin basic proteins were recovered in fractions between 0.5 and 0.7 M sucrose; this distribution was unaltered by monensin. In contrast, the distribution of newly synthesized P0 protein across the gradients was influenced by monensin: a bimodal distribution across the control gradients with peaks of recovery of 0.60 and 0.82 M sucrose was altered to give a single peak at an intermediate density of 0.72 M sucrose. The total proportions of newly synthesized P0 and myelin basic proteins (MBP) present across the entire gradients were calculated from the fluorograms, and the ratio was found to be 2.8 P0: (LBP + SBP), in both the presence and absence of the ionophore. However, only 70% and 50% of the control levels of MBP and P0 were recovered with a purified myelin fraction after incubation with monensin. The results are discussed with reference to different intracellular transport processes for the P0 glycoprotein and the MBP within the Schwann cell, and also to the differential compartmentation of the sites of synthesis and membrane export within the Golgi body.  相似文献   
In vivo interactions of acrylonitrile with macromolecules in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The irreversible binding of [2,3-14C]acrylonitrile (VCN) to proteins, RNA and DNA of various tissues of male Sprague-Dawley rats after a single oral dose of 46.5 mg/kg (0.5 LD50) has been studied. Proteins were isolated by chloroform-isoamyl alcohol-phenol extraction. RNA and DNA were separated by hydroxyapatite chromatography. Binding of VCN to proteins was extensive and was time dependent. Radioactivity in nucleic acids was registered in the liver and the target organs, stomach and brain. DNA alkylation, which increased by time, was significantly higher in the target organs, brain and stomach (119 and 81 pmol/mg, respectively, at 24 h) than that in the liver. The covalent binding indices for the liver, stomach and brain at 24 h after dosing were, 5.9, 51.9 and 65.3, respectively. These results suggest that VCN is able to act as a multipotent carcinogen by alkylation of DNA in the extrahepatic target tissues, stomach and brain.  相似文献   
A photosensitive chemical oscillating reaction, i.e., the Briggs-Rauscher (B.R.) reaction, exhibiting a wealth of nonlinear behavior, when performed in a continuous-flow stirred-tank reactor, and subjected to periodic light irradiation, is studied as an experimental example of entrainment phenomena observable in biological systems. The adaptation patterns under periodic light irradiation are elucidated by means of the response of the system to continuous and single-pulse light irradiation. It is shown that self-oscillating states, excitable steady states and bistable systems can exhibit the same types of synchronization patterns when submitted to periodic external forces with appropriate amplitude and time scale conditions.  相似文献   
Helle  K. B.  Miralto  A.  Pihl  K. E.  Tota  B. 《Cell and tissue research》1983,231(2):399-414
Summary The general and ultrastructural organization of the heart of the elasmobranch, Scyllium stellare, was studied in normal and in anoxic animals. The rich coronary supply was revealed three-dimensionally by the use of corrosion casts, showing a thebesian system of coronary arterioles and capillaries in the thin, outer compact layer as well as in the predominant, inner spongy layer of trabeculae.Only the sinus venosus received a neuronal input of large bundles of granule-containing axons terminating at fenestrated regions of the endocardium and suggesting a neurohormonal function.A simple, tubular sarcoplasmic reticulum with flattened junctional cisternae was present in myocardial cells of 1–5 m diameter, which contained one or two bundles of myofibrils. The latter were closely apposed to the inner aspect of the plasmalemma. Mitochondria were located centrally in the cells, which were joined by unfolded desmosomes involving Z-band material.Long periods of anoxia were tolerated without loss of heart function, but at the expense of cytoplasmic glycogen. Lipid granules were abundant in all layers and chambers, notably in animals prepared in the summer. The lipid granules displayed a marked increase in electron density when the heart was incubated in a buffered oxalate solution prior to fixation. A glycogen-sparing effect of the lipids during anoxia was observed.  相似文献   
Summary Differentiation of glial cells and the glia limitans in organ cultures of chick spinal cord explanted at early neural tube stages, alone or with adjacent tissues, was studied by electron microscopy. Oligodendrocytes and astrocytes comparable to those seen in the chicken in vivo were observed, mainly in areas of good neuronal differentiation. A glia limitans with basal lamina, comparable to that in vivo, was found when spinal cord was bordered by normally adjacent tissues. When it was surrounded by vitelline membrane only, a characteristic limiting layer of glial processes, but no basal lamina, was seen. Contact with a filter membrane (Millipore) elicited excessive differentiation of glial filaments and modified cell fine structure; no glia limitans was formed. Supported by Grant 5 RO 1 NB 0637 from the United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   
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