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Four new species of Cyatheaceae from Ecuador are described: Alsophila conantiana Lehnert, Cyathea brucei Lehnert, C. moranii Lehnert, and C. sylvatica Lehnert. Range extensions are documented for Alsophila esmeraldensis R.C. Moran and Cyathea macrocarpa (C. Presl) Domin.

For full article, see Electronic Supplement at: http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/06-13.htm  相似文献   

Rapateaceae (16 genera, approximately 100 species) is largely restricted to the tepuis and sandplains of the Guayana Shield in northern South America, with Maschalocephalus endemic to West Africa. The family has undergone extensive radiation in flower form, leaf shape, habit, and habitat. To analyze the evolution of these distributions and traits, we derived a molecular phylogeny for representatives of 14 genera, based on sequence variation in the chloroplast-encoded ndhF gene. The lowland subfamily Rapateoideae is paraphyletic and includes the largely montane subfamily Saxofridericioideae as a monophyletic subset. Overall, the morphological/anatomical data differ significantly from ndhF sequences in phylogenetic structure, but show a high degree of concordance with the molecular tree in three of four tribes. Branch lengths are consistent with the operation of a molecular clock. Maschalocephalus diverges only slightly from other Monotremae: it is the product of relatively recent, long-distance dispersal, not continental drift--only its habitat atop rifted, nutrient-poor sandstones is vicariant. The family appears to have originated approximately 65 Mya in inundated lowlands of the Guayana Shield, followed by: (1) wide geographic spread of lowland taxa along riverine corridors; (2) colonization of Amazonian white-sand savannas in the western Shield; (3) invasion of tepui habitats with frequent speciation, evolution of narrow endemism, and origin of hummingbird pollination in the western Shield; and (4) reinvasion of lowland white-sand savannas. The apparent timing of speciation in the Stegolepis alliance about 6-12 Mya occurred long after the tepuis began to be dissected from each other as the Atlantic rifted approximately 90 Mya. Given the narrow distributions of most montane taxa, this suggests that infrequent long-distance dispersal combined with vicariance accounts for speciation atop tepuis in the Stegolepis alliance.  相似文献   
Species belonging to the Carboniferous genera Lepidodendron and Lepidophloios are well known from the coalfields of Pennsylvania (Lower Asturian (Westphalian D) substage of the Pennsylvanian) through the publications of Lesquereux and White. They believed that the lycophyte flora was rather distinct from other contemporaneous coal floras elsewhere due to its isolation. A full revision of the lepidodendroid lycophyte species is given here and this reassessment permitted comparisons with those floras known from the European and Canadian Maritimes coalfields. Differences in species distribution suggest there was a barrier (Arcadian Highlands) to species distribution to and from the coalfields of Pennsylvania. Several species are recognized only from the coalfields of Pennsylvania, although the number has been significantly reduced from the original publications.  相似文献   
Belemnite deposits were studied in the Jurassic of Britain and the Bathonian-Callovian of the Aar Massif. Special attention was given to a Middle Callovian Belemnopsis concentration at Brora in Sutherland. Studies of guard size, ontogeny, abundance and orientation suggest that these Belemnopsis had seasonal fluctuations in growth, a low mortality rate compared to living coleoids and were probably deposited in local concentrations, by hybodont sharks. Cylindroteuthis abundance is a better guide to the sedimentation rate, than Belemnopsis.  相似文献   
Soil is a reservoir of microbial diversity and the most supportive habitat for acquiring and transmitting antimicrobial resistance. Resistance transfer usually occurs from animal to soil and vice versa, and it may ultimately appear in clinical pathogens. In this study, the southwestern highlands of Saudi Arabia were studied to assess the bacterial diversity and antimicrobial resistance that could be affected by the continuous development of tourism in the region. Such effects could have a long-lasting impact on the local environment and community. Culture-dependent, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), and shotgun sequencing-based metagenomic approaches were used to evaluate the diversity, functional capabilities, and antimicrobial resistance of bacteria isolated from collected soil samples. Bacterial communities in the southwestern highlands were mainly composed of Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria. A total of 102 antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) and variants were identified in the soil microbiota and were mainly associated with multidrug resistance, followed by macrolide, tetracycline, glycopeptide, bacitracin, and beta-lactam antibiotic resistance. The mechanisms of resistance included efflux, antibiotic target alteration, and antibiotic inactivation. qPCR confirmed the detection of 18 clinically important ARGs. In addition, half of the 49 identified isolates were phenotypically resistant to at least one of the 15 antibiotics tested. Overall, ARGs and indicator genes of anthropogenic activities (human-mitochondrial [hmt] gene and integron-integrase [int1]) were found in relatively lower abundance. Along with a high diversity of bacterial communities, variation was observed in the relative abundance of bacterial taxa among sampling sites in the southwestern highlands of Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   
Understanding the complex interactions among environment, genotype and ontogeny in determining organismal phenotypes is cental to many biological disciplines. The Eurycea multiplicata complex, endemic to the Interior Highlands (Ozark Plateau and Ouachita Mountains) of eastern North America, comprises a diverse radiation of paedomorphic surface-dwelling (E. tynerensis), metamorphic surface-dwelling (E. multiplicata multiplicata and E. m. griseogaster) and metamorphic subterranean (Typhlotriton spelaeus) hemidactyliine plethodontid salamanders. Portions of two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome-b and NADH dehydrogenase-4, totalling 1818 base pairs (bp) were sequenced for 70 ingroup individuals plus numerous outgroup taxa, to examine the biogeography and relationships among these morphologically disparate species. Results show the E. multiplicata complex to be monophyletic, with its two most divergent clades corresponding to geography, not morphology or life history. Transforming surface-dwelling populations from the Ouachitas (E. m. multiplicata) are sister to the Ozark taxa, including paedomorphic surface-dwelling (E. tynerensis), subterranean (T. spelaeus) and transforming surface-dwelling salamanders assigned to the 'subspecies'E. m. griseogaster. Among Ozark taxa T. spelaeus (deeply nested within Eurycea) is sister to a clade that includes E. m. griseogaster and E. tynerensis. Current taxonomy suggests that paedomorphic populations (E. tynerensis) from the western Ozarks are distinct from nearby transforming populations (E. m. griseogaster). However, paedomorphic and transforming salamanders do not form reciprocally monophyletic groups and many populations share almost identical haplotypes. Ancestral state reconstruction of life history traits shows that paedomorphosis arose independently from three to nine times. Most populations are either completely paedomorphic or completely transforming. This suggests that local habitat parameters strongly influence life history mode in this complex, either facultatively or by selection for particular genotypes.  相似文献   
Soil amendment with organic wastes in the Highlands of Ethiopia has been greatly reduced by widespread use of dung cakes and crop residues as fuels. This study assessed the interaction between household energy and recycling of nutrients and carbon to the soil using household survey, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, direct observations and measurements between 2014 and 2015 in Kumbursa village (Central Highlands of Ethiopia). All surveyed households were entirely dependent on biomass fuel for cooking, with production and consumption rates directly related to wealth status, which significantly varied (P < 0.001) among three farm wealth groups (poor, medium and rich). Crop residues and dung cakes accounted for 80(±3)% by energy content and 85(±4)% by dry mass weight of total biomass fuel consumption. Mean losses were 59(±2) kg ha?1 yr?1 nitrogen (109(±8) kg yr?1 per household), 13.9(±0.3) kg ha?1 yr?1 phosphorus (26(±2) kg yr?1 per household), 79(±2) kg ha?1 yr?1 potassium (150(±11) kg yr?1 per household) and 2100(±40) kg ha?1 yr?1 organic carbon (3000(±300) kg yr?1 per household). Rich farmers lost significantly more carbon and nutrients in fuel than farmers in other wealth groups. However, these losses were spread over a larger area, so losses per land area were significantly higher for medium and poor than for rich farmers. This means that the land of poorer farmers is likely to become degraded more rapidly due to fuel limitations than that of rich farmers, so increasing the poverty gap. The estimated financial loss per household due to not using dung and crop residues as organic fertilizer was 162(±8) USSoil amendment with organic wastes in the Highlands of Ethiopia has been greatly reduced by widespread use of dung cakes and crop residues as fuels. This study assessed the interaction between household energy and recycling of nutrients and carbon to the soil using household survey, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, direct observations and measurements between 2014 and 2015 in Kumbursa village (Central Highlands of Ethiopia). All surveyed households were entirely dependent on biomass fuel for cooking, with production and consumption rates directly related to wealth status, which significantly varied (P < 0.001) among three farm wealth groups (poor, medium and rich). Crop residues and dung cakes accounted for 80(±3)% by energy content and 85(±4)% by dry mass weight of total biomass fuel consumption. Mean losses were 59(±2) kg ha?1 yr?1 nitrogen (109(±8) kg yr?1 per household), 13.9(±0.3) kg ha?1 yr?1 phosphorus (26(±2) kg yr?1 per household), 79(±2) kg ha?1 yr?1 potassium (150(±11) kg yr?1 per household) and 2100(±40) kg ha?1 yr?1 organic carbon (3000(±300) kg yr?1 per household). Rich farmers lost significantly more carbon and nutrients in fuel than farmers in other wealth groups. However, these losses were spread over a larger area, so losses per land area were significantly higher for medium and poor than for rich farmers. This means that the land of poorer farmers is likely to become degraded more rapidly due to fuel limitations than that of rich farmers, so increasing the poverty gap. The estimated financial loss per household due to not using dung and crop residues as organic fertilizer was 162(±8) US$ yr?1. However, this is less than their value as fuels, which was 490(±20) US$ yr?1. Therefore, farmers will only be persuaded to use these valuable assets as soil improvers if an alternative, cheaper fuel source can be found.  相似文献   
Climate change is forcing many plant species to shift their range in search of adequate environmental conditions, being localized endemic species particularly at risk on mountain summits. The Pantepui biogeographic province, a set of flat-topped mountain summits (called tepuis) of northern South America, contains both high plant diversity and a high degree of endemism. Previous studies based on warming projections for the area suggested that half of the Pantepui endemic flora would disappear due to habitat loss by 2100. In this study, we selected one of the best-explored tepuis, Roraima-tepui, to establish the baseline of diversity and endemism for comparisons with historical data and future monitoring surveys, aimed at testing the hypothesis of upward migration of plants in response to global warming. We also analysed floristic and physiognomic features of the Eastern Tepui Chain (ETC, the mountain range where Roraima is located), and the phytogeographic patterns of both the ETC and Pantepui. The Roraima summit contains 227 species, including 44 new records, 13 exotic species (some of them with high invasive potential), and at least one species new to science. At the ETC level, Roraima is the tepui with highest species richness and degree of endemism, and shows a relatively high floristic similarity with Kukenán and Ilú. Herbaceous species dominate over shrubs on these tepuis, Tramen and Maringma, whereas on Yuruaní, Karaurín and Uei, they reach similar abundances. At the Pantepui level, endemic species have highly localized distribution patterns (17% local endemics). Conservation opportunities are evaluated in light of these results.  相似文献   
Intra‐ and interspecific morphological variation due to both phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary convergence hinder the work of taxonomists and lead to over‐ and underestimates of species richness. Nevertheless, most species on Earth are recognized solely based on morphological characters. We used molecular phylogenetic and morphometric techniques to examine two freshwater mussel species. One is common and widespread, while the other is imperiled and endemic to the Interior Highlands of the USA. Phylogenetic and molecular clock analyses revealed that divergence of Arcidens confragosus and Arkansia wheeleri is small and relatively recent. Divergence in these and other taxa is probably due to isolation of streams in the Interior Highlands. Morphometric analyses showed distinct shell shapes using traditional morphometrics, but not through geometric morphometrics. Outlined shell shapes are indistinguishable; geometric morphometrics could not capture a three‐dimensional component. Our analyses support the validity of these two species as congeners, with the nomen Arcidens (Simpson 1900) having priority. Because shell morphologies are both heritable and environmentally determined, our study emphasizes the importance of considering both molecular and morphometric analyses for identification of freshwater molluscs of conservation concern. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 535–545.  相似文献   
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