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Three species of the genus Capsala including Capsala naffari n. sp., C. neothunni (Yamaguti, 1968) and C. nozawae (Goto, 1894) are recorded and described from the buccal cavity of mackerel tuna Euthynnus affinis caught from Emirate coasts. Capsala naffari can be differentiated by its lateral spiniform teeth, which extend posteriorly, small measurements compared with the closely resembled C. gotoi and relatively large testes. This is the first record of the genus Capsala from Arabian Gulf fishes and E. affinis is a new host record.  相似文献   
In order to assess the ability of Porites corals to accurately record environmental variations, high-resolution (weekly/biweekly) coral 18O records were obtained from four coral colonies from the northern Gulf of Aqaba, which grew at depths of 7, 19, 29, and 42 m along one transect. Adjacent to each colony, hourly temperatures, biweekly salinities, and monthly 18O of seawater were continuously recorded over a period of 14 months (April 1999 to June 2000). Contrary to water temperature, which shows a regular and strong seasonal variation and change with depth, seawater 18O exhibits a weak seasonality and little change with depth. Positive correlations between seawater 18O and salinity were observed. The two parameters were related to each other by the equation 18O Seawater (, VSMOW) = 0.281 × Salinity – 9.14. The high-resolution coral 18O records from this study show a regular pattern of seasonality and are able to capture fine details of the weekly average temperature records. They resolve more than 95% of the weekly average temperature range. On the other hand, attenuation and amplification of coral seasonal amplitudes were recorded in deep, slow-growing corals, which were not related to environmental effects (temperature and/or seawater 18O) or sampling resolution. We propose that these result from a combined effect of subannual variations in extension rate and variable rates of spine thickening of skeletal structures within the tissue layer. However, no smoothing or distortion of the isotopic signals was observed due to calcification within the tissue layer in shallow-water, fast-growing corals. The calculations from coral 18O calibrations against the in situ measurements show that temperature (T) is related to coral 18O ( c ) and seawater 18O ( w ) by the equation T (°C) = –5.38 ( c w ) –1.08. Our results demonstrate that coral 18O from the northern Gulf of Aqaba is a reliable recorder of temperature variations, and that there is a minor contribution of seawater 18O to this proxy, which could be ignored.  相似文献   
Coral communities were investigated in the northwestern Gulf of Aden, Yemen, for their composition, structure, and bioconstruction potential. Although no true reef was encountered, high cover coral carpets were found where hard substrate was available. Seven different types of coral communities were differentiated, and both non-framework and framework coral communities were found. Monotypy or oligotypy seem to be consistent characteristics of framework-building coral communities in the study area. Apart from substrate availability, proximity to the upwelling area and exposure were found to be the most important environmental factors influencing coral communities structure, composition, and bioconstruction potential.  相似文献   
We illustrate the use of Faith's 'Phylogenetic Diversity' measure to compare the phylogeographic structure of two bird species with patterns of avian endemism across six mountains in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. The Mountain Greenbul and Cameroon Blue-headed Sunbird showed phylogeographic patterns that together defined three biogeographic regions: Bioko, Mt. Cameroon, and the northern mountains of Cameroon. In contrast, the distributions of endemic species were largely a function of geographical distance, with close mountains sharing more endemic species than distant mountains. Moreover, for both species, populations on Mt. Cameroon were distinctive with respect to the ecologically relevant character bill size. Our results, while preliminary, illustrate the utility of a comparative approach for identifying geographical regions that harbour evolutionarily distinct populations and caution against using only the distributional patterns of endemics to prioritize regions for conservation. Results show that patterns of endemism may not be concordant with patterns of phylogenetic diversity nor morphological variation in a character important in fitness. While incorporation of additional species from unrelated taxa will be necessary to draw definitive conclusions about evolutionarily distinct regions, our preliminary results suggest a conservation approach for the Afromontane region of the Gulf of Guinea that would: (i) emphasize protection of both Bioko and Mt. Cameroon, thereby maximizing preservation of within-species phylogenetic and morphologic diversity; (ii) emphasize protection within the northern mountains to further conserve intraspecific phylogenetic diversity and maximize protection of endemic species.  相似文献   
阎丽春  覃海宁   《广西植物》2000,20(2):144-148
报道了广西植物分布新记录属 1个 ,新记录种 19个。  相似文献   
Otolith growth and age estimation in the European hake   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The internal sulcal rings in Merluccius merluccius otoliths cannot be considered as annuli. In the absence of a strong seasonal Zeitgeber, hake otoliths in the Mediterranean did not lay down an interpretable ring pattern that would be useful for age determination. A total of 484 sagittal otoliths from specimens ranging between 6 and 94 cm L T was studied in monthly samples from the Gulf of Lions in 1989–1990. Transverse, burnt otolith sections was analysed with an image analysis system using enhanced and filtered images and using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) function to avoid subjectivity in ring interpretation. The otolith radius-fish length relationship showed allometric growth and sexual dimorphism. The ring pattern was consistent for the sulcal rings in both sexes. Changes in the marginal increment showed the formation of multiple sulcal rings, of both environmental and physiological origin. The ring pattern depended on the sex and sexual activity.  相似文献   
广西水土保持植物材料试验研究初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李先琨  黄玉清  苏宗明  冯玲   《广西植物》1996,16(1):88-94
植物措施能有效地防止水土流失。本文根据水土保持植物措施的新思路和新模式,选用和配置水土保持植物材料,研究其生态经济效益。  相似文献   
瘤属DatamesStal1875隶属于杆科Bacillidae、异翅亚科Heteropteryginae,已知9种,均分布在东南亚地区。Shiraki(1935)报道我国台湾有1种蒙霍瘤D.mouhoti,(Bates1865),该种模式产地为柬埔寨。本文记述的瘤属在中国大陆是首次报道。模式标本保存在中国科学院上海昆虫研究所。  相似文献   
广西苦苣苔科稀有珍贵植物——弥勒苣苔   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道广西苦苣苔科植物一新记录属:弥勒苣苔属.该属接近金盏苣苔属,但不同在于弥勒苣苔属花冠上唇4浅裂,下唇不分裂,2对雄蕊分别着生于花冠中部及其上方,雌蕊具一个柱头.弥勒苣苔属为中国特有的单型属,仅弥勒苣苔一种,分布于云南东南部和广西西部.该种在广西首次记录,凭证标本存放于广西植物标本馆(IBK).  相似文献   
Summary Length of stopover and rate of weight gain (fat deposition) were studied in several species of passerine birds that stopped in southwestern Louisiana along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico after a trans-Gulf flight. Fatdepleted birds were more common among the birds that arrived at our study site in southwest Louisiana, though variability characterized our samples. Migrants that landed after encountering opposing winds or rain over the northern Gulf of Mexico were, on average, fatter than migrants that landed when weather was favorable for continued migration. Some of the variation in the energetic condition of arrivals may be explained by the location where migrants initiated crossings. Our simulation of flight over the Gulf of Mexico showed that with following winds a warbler can cross the Gulf of Mexico from Yucatan with fat reserves to spare, and stronger tailwinds make flights from as far south as Honduras energetically permissible. The length of stay after a trans-Gulf flight was related to the extent of fat-depletion upon arrival: lean birds stayed longer than fat migrants. Migrants stopped over for 1–7 days and replenished energy reserves at rates that varied from 0.19 g/d for Hooded Warblers (Wilsonia citrina) to 0.87 g/d for Ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapillus). Within each species, most individuals gained weight at a rapid rate, though a few individuals lost or maintained weight during their stay.  相似文献   
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