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The genetic structure of remaining black poplar ( Populus nigra ) trees on the banks of the Dutch Rhine branches was investigated using the AFLP technique. In total, 143 trees, including one P. deltoides and some P. x euramericana , were analysed using six AFLP primer combinations which generated 319 polymorphic bands. The AFLP patterns showed that some of the trees sampled as P. nigra were clearly different. These deviating patterns were also observed for the P. deltoides tree and all trees already identified as hybrid P. x euramericana . Hybrids between the two species are morphologically sometimes difficult to distinguish from the species itself. Two important possible source populations for recolonization of the riverbanks of the river Rhine, consisting of mature flowering P. nigra trees, appeared to consist of only a few genotypes each. In contrast, young black poplar trees growing alone or in small groups downstream of the possible source populations appeared to be predominantly generatively derived because no clones of mature trees were found among them. Therefore vegetative propagation seems a very local strategy whereas colonization of new areas appears to occur through generative propagation. Whether the genetic diversity within these black poplars is sufficient for recolonization of river banks and survival of the metapopulation is a question for further research.  相似文献   
以安全性较高的本土植物南方菟丝子和重要的外来入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花为材料,于温室中采用盆栽试验在湿润和半湿润条件下用南方菟丝子寄生不同生长阶段(幼苗阶段、过渡阶段和成株阶段)的加拿大一枝黄花植株,考察加拿大一枝黄花植株被寄生后的营养生长、光合生理、逆境生理等指标,探索适宜南方菟丝子寄生加拿大一枝黄花的最佳条件阈值。结果显示:(1)寄生处理与对照之间,加拿大一枝黄花株高、基径、生物量、叶绿素含量、光合速率、可溶性糖、丙二醛、脯氨酸等指标差异均显著;(2)幼苗组、过渡组被寄生加拿大一枝黄花的株高增量、基径增量、生物量、叶绿素含量、净光合速率均显著低于相应对照组,而其可溶性糖、丙二醛、脯氨酸含量均显著高于相应对照组;(3)在半湿润条件下,加拿大一枝黄花的株高、基径增量均小于湿润条件下植株,其净光合速率、叶绿素含量在幼苗组和过渡组均小于湿润条件下植株,而可溶性糖、丙二醛、脯氨酸含量在在幼苗组和过渡组均大于湿润条件下相应指标;(4)幼苗组、过渡组加拿大一枝黄花被寄生后无法正常开花结实,寄生幼苗组加拿大一枝黄花的南方菟丝子亦无法正常开花结实。研究表明,在湿润与半湿润地区,南方菟丝子可以寄生各生长阶段的加拿大一枝黄花,并对株高1.2 m以下的植株产生较强的寄生胁迫;寄生的最佳时间段为每年的4月到8月。  相似文献   
In a recently published article Sleep et al. ( 2009 ) suggested that 30-yr declines in Canada warbler (1975–2005) based on Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data could be attributed to 30-yr declines in spruce budworm through a series of analyses based principally on correlations. We demonstrate that the relationship does not hold when a longer-term data set (1968–2008) is used for the analysis. Sleep et al. ( 2009 ) also demonstrated a positive relationship between correlations of Canada warbler abundance and time and spruce budworm defoliation and time using provincial data sets. We examined the underlying BBS data and found that there were insufficient observations of Canada warbler in the western provinces (Alberta and Manitoba) to support the conclusion because most Canada warbler observations occurred far (>100 km) from any budworm defoliation. As well, we used a density-dependent stochastic population growth model as proposed by Sleep et al. ( 2009 ) and found only 2 significant relationships (Nova Scotia, Alberta) between Canada warbler population growth rate and budworm defoliation at the provincial scale. We conclude that little analytical evidence exists to support the idea that Canada warbler decline is a function of spruce budworm decline. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
In long‐lived polygynous species, male reproductive success is often monopolized by a few mature dominant individuals. Young males are generally too small to be dominant and may employ alternative tactics; however, little is known about the determinants of reproductive success for young males. Understanding the causes and consequences of variability in early reproductive success may be crucial to assess the strength of sexual selection and possible long‐term trade‐offs among life‐history traits. Selective pressures driven by fluctuating environmental conditions may depend on age class. We evaluated the determinants of reproduction in male bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) aged 2–4 years using 30 years of individual‐level data. These young males cannot defend estrous ewes and use alternative mating tactics. We also investigated how the age of first detected reproduction was correlated to lifetime reproductive success and longevity. We found that reproductive success of males aged 3 years was positively correlated to body mass, to the proportion of males aged 2–4 years in the competitor pool, and to the number of females available per adult male. These results suggest that reproductive success depends on both competitive ability and population age–sex structure. None of these variables, however, had significant effects on the reproductive success of males aged 2 or 4 years. Known reproduction before the age of five increased lifetime reproductive success but decreased longevity, suggesting a long‐term survival cost of early reproduction. Our analyses reveal that both individual‐level phenotypic and population‐level demographic variables influence reproductive success by young males and provide a rare assessment of fitness trade‐offs in wild polygynous males.  相似文献   
莫莫格自然保护区白鹤秋季迁徙停歇期觅食生境选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年秋季(10月8日—20日)及2009年秋季(9月20日—10月16日),通过样方法对觅食生境11个生态因子进行调查,利用卡方检验、资源选择指数和资源选择函数在莫莫格保护区对秋季迁徙停歇期白鹤觅食生境选择进行研究。结果表明,白鹤对距人为干扰源距离、植被密度、盖度、高度、植物性食物密度以及水深均具有选择性,但对宏观尺度干扰因子的选择性较低。其偏好觅食生境的特点为:距一级路>5000m,>二级路1500m以上,>三级路1000m以上,>居民点1000m以上,农田>1000m;植被密度20~50株/m2,盖度<10%,高度<20cm,扁杆藨草密度1~50株/m2,藨草密度1~10株/m2,水深40~60cm。白鹤秋季觅食生境资源选择函数为Logistic(P)=0.663+0.565×与一级道路距离+0.042×与二级道路距离+0.519×与三级道路距离+0.353×与居民点距离+0.169×与农田距离–0.455×植被密度–0.618×植被盖度–0.548×植被高度–0.158×扁杆藨草密度–0.404×藨草密度+0.920×水深,T(x)=eLogistic(p)/[1+eLogistic(p)],模型正确预测率为82.9%。  相似文献   
Abstract Effectively managing habitat for threatened populations of Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) requires knowledge of habitat conditions that provide for the ecological needs of lynx. We snow-tracked lynx to identify habitat conditions associated with hunting behavior and predation during winters of 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 in the northern Cascade Range in Washington state, USA. We recorded number and success of predation attempts, prey species killed, and trail sinuosity on 149 km of lynx trails. Lynx killed snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), and cricetids more than expected in Englemann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) forests, where snowshoe hare densities were highest. Lynx killed prey less than expected in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests and forest openings. We used the sinuosity of lynx trails as an index of quality of habitat hunted. Lynx trails that included predation attempts were more sinuous than trail segments without predation attempts. Lynx trails had greater sinuosity in forest stands with high hare densities dominated by Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir than in stands with low hare densities dominated by Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine or in forest openings. We encourage forest managers to maintain or create sufficient understory cover to support high densities of snowshoe hares as foraging habitat for lynx.  相似文献   
Abstract: We examined population size and factors influencing nest survival of greater sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis tabida) at Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Idaho, USA, during 1997–2000. Average local population of cranes from late April to early May, 1998–2000, was 735 cranes, 34% higher than that reported for May 1970–1971. We estimated 228 (SE = 30) nests in the basin core (excluding renests), 14% higher than a 1971 estimate. Apparent nest success in our study (x̄ = 60%, n = 519 nests) was lower than reported for Grays Lake 30–50 years earlier. Daily survival rates (DSRs) of all nests averaged 0.9707 (41.2%). The best model explaining nest survival included year and water depth and their interaction. Nest survival was highest (DSR = 0.9827) in 1998 compared with other years (0.9698-0.9707). Nest survival changed little relative to water depth in 1998, when flooding was extensive and alternative prey (microtines) irrupted, but declined markedly with lower water levels in 2000, the driest year studied. Hypotheses relating nest survival to vegetation height, land use (idle, summer grazing, fall grazing), and date were not supported. In a before-after-control-impact design using 12 experimental fields, nest survival differed among years but not among management treatments (idle, fall graze, fall burn, and summer—graze—idle rotation), nor was there an interaction between year and treatments. However, DSRs in fall-burn fields declined from 0.9781 in 1997–1998 to 0.9503 in 1999–2000 (posttreatment). Changes in the predator community have likely contributed to declines in nest success since the 1950s and 1970s. Our results did not support earlier concerns about effects of habitat management practices on crane productivity. Nest survival could best be enhanced by managing spring water levels. Managers should continue censuses during late April to evaluate long-term relationships to habitat conditions and management.  相似文献   
我国南方重要害虫松大蚜及茶尺蠖中近年来分别发现由加拿大虫疫霉和圆孢虫疫霉造成的大面积流行病,在短期内将害虫种群摧毁殆尽。加拿大虫疫霉系我国首次记载。本文描述和讨论了2种虫生真菌的形态特征,记载了真菌病的流行概况。  相似文献   
In 2001 and 2002, 52 elk (Cervus canadensis; 21 males, 31 females), originally obtained from Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada, were transported and released into Cataloochee Valley in the northeastern portion of Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM, Park), North Carolina, USA. The annual population growth rate (λ) was negative (0.996, 95% CI = 0.945–1.047) and predation by black bears (Ursus americanus) on elk calves was identified as an important determinant of population growth. From 2006 to 2008, 49 bears from the primary elk calving area (i.e., Cataloochee Valley) were trapped and translocated about 70 km to the southwestern portion of the Park just prior to elk calving. Per capita recruitment (i.e., the number of calves produced per adult female that survive to 1 year of age) increased from 0.306 prior to bear translocation (2001–2005) to 0.544 during years when bears were translocated (2006–2008) and λ increased to 1.118 (95% CI = 1.096–1.140). Our objective was to determine whether per capita calf recruitment rates after bear removal (2009–2019) at Cataloochee were similar to the higher rates estimated during bear removal (i.e., long-term response) or if they returned to rates before bear removal (i.e., short-term response), and how those rates compared with recruitment from portions of our study area where bears were not relocated. We documented 419 potential elk calving events and monitored 129 yearling and adult elk from 2001 to 2019. Known-fate models based on radio-telemetry and observational data supported calf recruitment returning to pre-2006 levels at Cataloochee (short-term response); recruitment of Cataloochee elk before and after bear relocation was lower (0.184) than during bear relocation (0.492). Recruitment rates of elk outside the removal area during the bear relocation period (0.478) were similar to before and after rates (0.420). In the Cataloochee Valley, cause-specific annual calf mortality rates due to predation by bears were 0.319 before, 0.120 during, and 0.306 after bear relocation. In contrast, the cause-specific annual mortality rate of calves in areas where bears were not relocated was 0.033 after the bear relocation period, with no bear predation on calves before or during bear relocation. The mean annual population growth rate for all monitored elk was 1.062 (95% CI = 0.979–1.140) after bear relocation based on the recruitment and survival data. Even though the effects of bear removal were temporary, the relocations were effective in achieving a short-term increase in elk recruitment, which was important for the reintroduction program given that the elk population was small and vulnerable to extirpation.  相似文献   
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