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对小蓬草(Conyza canadensis)大小孢子发生、雌雄配子体形成、受精、胚及胚乳发育过程进行了研究,主要结果如下:花药四室,药壁由表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层组成.表皮退化;药室内壁宿存,细胞柱状伸长,纤维状加厚;中层细胞退化较早,在小孢子母细胞减数分裂开始时仅存残迹;绒毡层于小孢子母细胞减数第一次分裂前期开始原位变形退化,属于腺质型绒毡层;小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,四分体的排列方式主要为四面体形和左右对称形;成熟花粉粒多为3细-胞花粉粒,偶见2细-胞花粉粒.子房下位,2心皮,1室,单胚珠,基生胎座;单珠被,薄珠心,倒生胚珠,具发达的珠被绒毡层.珠心表皮下分化出大孢子孢原细胞,孢原细胞直接发育为大孢子母细胞,大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成4个大孢子直线形排列,仅合点端的大孢子发育成功能大孢子母细胞,胚囊发育为蓼型.两个极核在受精前融合为次生核,珠孔受精.胚乳发育属于核型,胚胎发育为紫菀型;具胚乳吸器.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Introduced disease is a major mortality factor in some populations of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Epizootics of infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC) and contagious ecthyma occurred in bighorn sheep in the Silver Bell Mountains of south-central Arizona, USA, from 1 December 2003 to 31 March 2004. Our objectives were to 1) investigate the influence of the epizootic on abundance and demographics and 2) examine how IKC affected the mortality, behavior, and movements of clinically affected animals. Morbidity was 39%, and all sex and age classes were affected. The population declined 23%, with most mortality in the adult female (1 M, 11 F) segment of the population. Of the diseased animals that were marked (n = 27), 44% recovered and 44% died. Predation (50%) and starvation (33%) were the primary causes of mortality of diseased bighorn sheep. Bighorn sheep that were infected spent less time feeding and moved less than noninfected animals during the epizootic. Managers might be able to minimize losses of infected animals through predator control. To minimize losses to starvation, managers should refrain from any activity that disturbs infected animals (including treatment) because disturbances increase energy expenditures and expose infected animals to injury.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Management of Pacific Flyway Canada geese (Branta canadensis) requires information on winter distribution of different populations. Recoveries of tarsus bands from Vancouver Canada geese (B. canadensis fulva) marked in southeast Alaska, USA, ≥4 decades ago suggested that ≥83% of the population was non-migratory and that annual adult survival was high (Ŝ = 0.836). However, recovery distribution of tarsus bands was potentially biased due to geographic differences in harvest intensity in the Pacific Flyway. Also, winter distribution of Vancouver Canada geese could have shifted since the 1960s, as has occurred for some other populations of Canada geese. Because winter distribution and annual survival of this population had not recently been evaluated, we surgically implanted very high frequency radiotransmitters in 166 adult female Canada geese in southeast Alaska. We captured Vancouver Canada geese during molt at 2 sites where adults with goslings were present (breeding areas) and 2 sites where we observed nonbreeding birds only. During winter radiotracking flights in southeast Alaska, we detected 98% of 85 females marked at breeding areas and 83% of 70 females marked at nonbreeding sites, excluding 11 females that died prior to the onset of winter radiotracking. We detected no radiomarked females in coastal British Columbia, or western Washington and Oregon, USA. Most (70%) females moved ≤30 km between November and March. Our model-averaged estimate of annual survival (Ŝ = 0.844, SE = 0.050) was similar to the estimate of annual survival of geese marked from 1956 to 1960. Likely <2% of Vancouver Canada geese that nest in southeast Alaska migrate to winter areas in Oregon or Washington where they could intermix with Canada geese from other populations in the Pacific Flyway. Because annual survival of adult Vancouver Canada geese was high and showed evidence of long-term consistency, managers should examine how reproductive success and recruitment may affect the population.  相似文献   
外来杂草加拿大一枝黄花对入侵地植物的化感效应   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
梅玲笑  陈欣  唐建军 《应用生态学报》2005,16(12):2379-2382
采用人工气候箱培养试验,初步研究了入侵杂草加拿大一枝黄花对本地植物的化感作用.测定了根系和根状茎的不同浓度浸提液对白三叶发芽率和幼苗生长的影响;不同播种密度下根系1:60提取浓度对白三叶种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响;根状茎1:60提取浓度对白三叶、红三叶、天蓝苜蓿、黑麦草、北美车前、鸡眼草、苇状羊茅、胜红蓟、马齿苋、碱蓬和刺苋的种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明,加拿大一枝黄花根系和根状茎的化感抑制作用均随浓度的升高而增强,且根状茎提取物的抑制效应高于根系提取物的效应;在1:60低浓度根系浸提液作用下,不同密度的白三叶幼苗萌发率和幼根、幼芽长度差异不显著;1:60低浓度根状茎提取物对11个物种的种子萌发均有显著抑制作用,但对不同物种的抑制程度有差异,对禾本科植物的抑制作用大于非禾本科和豆科;1:60低浓度根状茎提取物对10个物种的幼根影响与对萌发率的影响相似,但在对幼芽的影响上,仅对鸡眼草、刺苋和苇状羊茅起抑制作用,而对其他植物无显著抑制(黑麦草、北美车前、胜红蓟、马齿苋和刺苋)或起促进作用(白三叶、红三叶、天蓝苜蓿).  相似文献   
为揭示加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)在庐山自然保护区的扩散过程及其对林地的可能影响及规律,调查了庐山自然保护区周边加拿大一枝黄花的分布现状,并在庐山自然保护区加拿大一枝黄花入侵群落设置了长期监测样地,对7个1 m×1 m的样方进行了植物多样性季节变化的定点研究.结果发现,加拿大一枝黄花已在庐山自然保护区周边大量发生,尤其是在城镇周边和高速公路两侧.庐山自然保护区森林覆盖率较高,光弱、多雾天气不利于加拿大一枝黄花的生长与繁殖,因此,加拿大一枝黄花在样地内的扩散较慢.但是,加拿大一枝黄花在所处的植物群落草本层一直长期存在,并导致样地内部分本土草本植物多度下降,尤其在每年10月期间群落植物多样性下降到最低.研究结果表明,加拿大一枝黄花也有可能在郁闭度较好的林地实现种群更新,对自然保护区的潜在影响不容忽视.  相似文献   
1. Predation plays an integral role in many community interactions, with the number of predators and the rate at which they consume prey (i.e. their functional response) determining interaction strengths. Owing to the difficulty of directly observing predation events, attempts to determine the functional response of predators in natural systems are limited. Determining the forms that predator functional responses take in complex systems is important in advancing understanding of community interactions. 2. Prey survival has a direct relationship to the functional response of their predators. We employed this relationship to estimate the functional response for bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocepalus predation of Canada goose Branta canadensis nests. We compared models that incorporated eagle abundance, nest abundance and alternative prey presence to determine the form of the functional response that best predicted intra-annual variation in survival of goose nests. 3. Eagle abundance, nest abundance and the availability of alternative prey were all related to predation rates of goose nests by eagles. There was a sigmoidal relationship between predation rate and prey abundance and prey switching occurred when alternative prey was present. In addition, predation by individual eagles increased as eagle abundance increased. 4. A complex set of interactions among the three species examined in this study determined survival rates of goose nests. Results show that eagle predation had both prey- and predator-dependent components with no support for ratio dependence. In addition, indirect interactions resulting from the availability of alternative prey had an important role in mediating the rate at which eagles depredated nests. As a result, much of the within-season variation in nest survival was due to changing availability of alternative prey consumed by eagles. 5. Empirical relationships drawn from ecological theory can be directly integrated into the estimation process to determine the mechanisms responsible for variation in observed survival rates. The relationship between predator functional response and prey survival offers a flexible and robust method to advance our understanding of predator-prey interactions in many complex natural systems where prey populations are marked and regularly visited.  相似文献   
为了探索鹤类精液冷冻保存和使用技术,2003~2005年,进行了白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)的冷冻精液保存及人工授精实验。使用Beltsville家禽精液稀释液作为白鹤精液稀释液,12%的二甲基亚砜(DMSO)为冷冻液。精液样本冷冻经过三个阶段的降温,最后保存在液氮中。成功保存了编号93001雄性白鹤精液36 支(0.2 ml/支)。冷冻精液在0~4℃冰水中解冻3~5 min,解冻后白鹤精液精子活率为29.3%±15.5%(n=16),2004和2005年分别为92101号雌鹤产的两窝卵进行人工授精实验,2年共产卵5枚,其中1枚卵受精并成功孵化。实验发现在雌鹤产卵前一周和产卵期间每天输精,并增加每次输精量,同时在产完1枚卵后4 h内完成一次输精,效果最佳。  相似文献   
Populations of species located at southern range edges may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change as warming temperatures and subsequent changes to ecosystems exceed species-specific tolerances. One such species is Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis), a cold-adapted mesocarnivore that maintains a large core population in Alaska, USA, and Canada but exists within several peripheral populations in the contiguous United States. Increases in temperature, declines in snow pack, and climate-influenced increases in fire frequency and intensity, could negatively affect lynx populations, threatening their long-term persistence in the continental United States. Despite these threats, our understanding of broad-scale effects on lynx occupancy and the extent of current lynx distribution in many of these peripheral populations is minimal. We conducted an occupancy survey of lynx in Washington, USA, using a spatially extensive camera-trapping array covering 7,000 km2 of potential lynx habitat. We used the resulting database of detection data to develop single-season occupancy models to examine the abiotic and biotic effects on current lynx occupancy and predict future lynx distribution based on climate change forecasts. Our results show lynx occupancy across the Washington landscape is restricted and dictated largely by abiotic factors, disturbance regimes, and distance from source populations in Canada. Predictions of future distribution suggest lynx will be increasingly challenged by climatic changes, particularly at the southern and lower elevation portions of their range in Washington. Our results paint an alarming picture for lynx persistence in Washington that is relevant to current deliberations regarding lynx delisting from the Endangered Species Act. Our simple camera design was a highly effective method for surveying lynx across broad spatial scales, and could be a key monitoring tool for lynx that is easy to implement by researchers and government agencies. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
The survival rate of North American bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis, housed in several zoological gardens was analyzed. Complete herd histories, including birth and death data as well as causes of mortality, were collected from seven institutions. Lambs were divided into inbred and noninbred animals, with lambs being considered inbred if they had an inbreeding coefficient greater than zero. The rate of survival of inbred and noninbred lambs was compared using “survival equalling one year” and “survival equalling six months.” Another analysis compared the survival rate of male and female inbred lambs and male and female noninbred lambs. Age at death was also compared in inbred and noninbred lambs. The analysis of the data for the seven collections, located in various geographic areas and housing various subspecies, indicates that inbreeding depression is a mortality factor in the captive management of North American bighorn sheep. Therefore, long-term survival of captive or isolated wild populations will depend on maintaining genetic diversity within the herds through careful selection of breeding stock in captive populations and introduction of nonrelated animals into isolated wild populations.  相似文献   
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