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Feeding response of two copepods Neocalanus flemingeri and Calanus sinicus on cultures of three life-forms; vegetative cells, resting spores and resting cells, of Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus was investigated. N. flemingeri fed heavily on the vegetative cells but scarcely responded to feed on the resting spores. C. sinicus showed significantly higher filtering rate on the vegetative cells and resting cells than on the resting spores. Survival of the three life-forms of C. pseudocurvisetus after gut passage of the copepods was also studied. The resting spores could germinate from fecal pellets of both N. flemingeri and C. sinicus; however, both the vegetative cells and the resting cells could not survive ingestion by the copepods. These results suggest that resting spore forming diatoms, such as C. pseudocurvisetus form spores which have a low nutritional value and during gut passage are largely indigestible due to the heavily silicified frustules and thus minimize the effects of grazing by copepods.  相似文献   
We studied the competitive effects within and between two taxonomically distant freshwater herbivores, a snail and a mayfly, common in Swedish lakes, Lymnaea peregra and Cloeon dipterum, respectively, and their effect on grazing in a laboratory experiment. The experimental set-up consisted of 2-l aquaria, each containing a periphyton covered tile. Intra- and interspecific effects were tested by increasing the density of one species at a time in four different treatments, (1) snails (intraspecific treatment), (2) mayflies (intraspecific treatment), (3) mixed-snails (interspecific treatments, snails kept constant) and (4) mixed-mayflies (interspecific treatments, mayflies kept constant). Intraspecific competition affected both snails and mayflies negatively, i.e. increasing mortality with increasing con-specific density. Furthermore, there was a decrease in snail growth with increasing snail density. In the mixed-species treatments both species changed their microhabitat use indicating interspecific competition. Despite this, we also found a positive effect of mayfly density on snail growth, most likely due to indirect commensalism. No density-dependent effect of grazing on periphyton was found, probably due to interference competition between grazers. However, there was a significant difference in periphyton biomass, due to species composition of grazers. Irrespective of their densities, if they co-existed, the two grazer species decreased the periphyton biomass significantly compared with both single-species treatments. We considered this as a joint action of facilitation and interaction. Our results suggest that competition can be an important structuring factor in macroinvertebrate communities and that species composition can be significant for ecosystem processes within lentic environments.  相似文献   
The extensive buildup of phytoplankton biomass in the Ross Sea conflicts with the view that high rates of herbivory occur in all regions of the Southern Ocean. Nano and microplanktonic consumers comprise a significant fraction of total plankton biomass; however, the importance of grazing remains uncertain in the Ross Sea. Microzooplankton ingestion of solitary and colonial cells of Phaeocystis antarctica were calculated using a novel live-staining fluorescently-labeled algae method. Different morphotypes of P. antarctica were stained different colors, mixed, and observed inside Euplotes to determine their feeding preference. The blue (7-aminocoumarin) (CMAC) stain was used on the colonies and the green (CMFDA) CellTracker Probe was used on solitary cells. Both morphotypes can be seen inside the food vacuoles of the ciliate, supporting the idea that microzooplankton are capable of ingesting cells within the colonial matrix. This suggests that P. antarctica colonies enter the microbial loop in the Ross Sea before sedimentation.  相似文献   
放牧、刈割及摘顶对亚热带人工草地牧草种群的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过比较放牧、刈割及摘顶3种干扰发现,适度放牧、刈割提高了亚热带高山人工草地鸭茅、黑麦草种群的适应性,部分原因在于2种干扰均对牧草进行了摘顶.摘顶解除了牧草的顶端优势及生殖生长。放牧、刈割对牧草产生的生态影响在某种程度上可通过摘顶而实现。从而提高种群密度、热值及能量积累.单因子的人工摘顶试验表明,牧草顶端优势的维持降低了牧草种群密度,抑制了能量积累。从抑制了种间竞争.持续摘顶解除了牧草的顶端优势。促进了牧草密度及能量的增长,从而提高了牧草种群的竞争力.  相似文献   
Abstract. A regional vegetation survey of the temperate grassy woodlands (temperate savanna) in Australia was designed to assess the effects of clearing and grazing on the composition of vegetation remnants and the adjacent pasture matrix. Vegetation was sampled across a range of habitats using 77 0.1024‐ha quadrats; the relative abundance of species was recorded. Classification analysis clustered the sites into three main groups that corresponded to intensity of grazing/clearing followed by groups based on underlying lithology (basalt, metasediment, granites). Using Canonical Correspondence Analysis, exogenous disturbance and environmental variables were related to the relative abundance of species; grazing intensity had the highest eigenvalue (0.27) followed by tree canopy cover (0.25), lithology (0.18), altitude (0.17) and slope (0.10). Based on two‐dimensional ordination scores, six species response groups were defined relating to intensity of pastoralism and nutrient status of the landscape. Abundance and dominance of native shrubs, sub‐shrubs, twiners and geophytes were strongly associated with areas of less‐intense pastoralism on low‐nutrient soils. The strongest effects on species richness were grazing followed by canopy cover. Continuously grazed sites had lower native species richness across all growth forms except native grasses. There was no indication that intermediate grazing intensities enhanced forb richness as a result of competitive release. Species richness for all native plants was lowest where trees were absent especially under grazed conditions. Canopy cover in ungrazed sites appeared to promote the co‐existence of shrubs with the herbaceous layer. Predicted declines in forb richness in treeless, ungrazed, sites were not detected. The lack of a disturbance‐mediated enhancement of the herbaceous layer was attributed to habitat heterogeneity at 0.1 ha sampling scale.  相似文献   
Abstract. In order to test for cumulative effects of fire on Paspalum quadrifarium‐dominated grasslands (‘pajonal’), we analysed the impact of single and repeated fires on the community structure and post‐fire recovery of canopy after a final, simultaneous fire event. Nine plots were defined within a homogeneous pajonal stand, and treatments of low (LF), medium (MF) and high frequency (HF) of fire were defined by the application of one, two or four cold‐season burns, respectively, along a 6‐yr period. Both burned and unburned plots were exposed to grazing by cattle during the summer following the first and the third years of that period. High cattle preference for burned sites conditioned fire temperature and vegetation responses to the following burning events. Cumulative effects between successive burning events were observed for the cover of basal area of the dominant and other sprouting species, the cover and thickness of the litter layer, the seed bank size of the principal recruiter species, and the floristic composition. While light interception by the canopy was positively related to fire frequency during the early growth season, further growth of P. quadrifarium determined a greater light interception in LF than in MF and HF. These patterns of light interception were associated with a faster occupation of the inter‐tussock areas by opportunistic species in plots subjected to frequent fires (HF and MF) than in plots with low fire frequency (LF), and a more lasting regrowth of P. quadrifarium in the LF plot than in the HF ones. High fire frequencies reduced the dominance of P. quadrifarium. Percent of species classified as subordinated graminoids or forbs did not vary among treatments. However, the abundance of different forb species was differentially favoured by contrasting frequencies of fire, describing some coarse relationships between their specific responses and their dispersal strategies.  相似文献   
Abstract. Throughout the Mediterranean region, vegetation dynamics are affected by human activities which are either ‘stresses’ or ‘disturbances’, depending on their frequency, intensity and spatial distribution. To minimize or reduce anthropogenic degradation caused by land use and other disturbances, it is necessary to understand and predict the various responses of plant communities to disturbances. In particular, detailed but integrative approaches are required to assimilate large databases on vegetation and to make them directly useful for managers and restorers. We describe two case studies undertaken to evaluate the effects of logging or overgrazing on plant species diversity in pine forests of southern France and steppe ecosystems of southern Tunisia. Both studies employed the same methodology to identify plant functional traits (morphological, life history and regeneration traits) associated with community response to disturbance. The results of these analyses allowed us to develop state and transition models that could be used to plan and predict ecosystem trajectories, assess ongoing degradation processes and monitor community and ecosystem responses to management and restoration practices. We discuss the relevance and the use of plant functional types (PFTs) as tools for ecosystem management and planning and for monitoring restoration in southern Europe, northern Africa and elsewhere. Using this approach it is possible to improve management strategies for the conservation, restoration and sustainable exploitation of biodiversity and of ecosystems.  相似文献   
K.Z. Cai  J.L. Bai   《Small Ruminant Research》2009,85(2-3):111-115
By using faecal egg counting, larvae culturing, coccidian oocysts identifying, the present study was conducted to determine infection intensity of nematodosis and coccidosis of young sheep (6–12 months) raised under three types of feeding and management regims namely, confinement system (2 farms, n = 30), semiconfinement system (2 farms, n = 30) and grazing system (2 farms, n = 30) in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (NHAR) in China. The mean egg counts of gastrointestinal nematodes were zero in confinement system, 63 EPG in semiconfinement system and 263 EPG in grazing system, while the mean coccidian oocyst counts (oocysts per gram of faeces, OPG) of each regim were 3784, 1713 and 687, respectively. Gastrointestinal parasite loads of sheep were attributed to low EPG (zero EPG) in confinement, moderate EPG in semiconfinement and high EPG in grazing regim, respectively, which in turn resulted in high OPG in confinement, moderate OPG in semiconfinement and low OPG in grazing regim, respectively. The infection rate of nematodes of sheep was zero in confinement, 43.33% in semiconfinement and 96.67% in grazing regim, while the infection rate of coccidia was 100%, 96.67% and 86.67%, respectively. The nematodes of sheep in grazing regim were, in the order of prevalence: Ostertagia (Teladorsagia) (80.00%), Marshallagia (66.67%), Nematodirus (63.33%), Trichostrongylus (43.33%), Haemonchus contortus (43.33%), and Chabertia (16.67%), while in semiconfinement regim were, in the same order of prevalence: 43.33%, 10.00%, 40.00%, 20%, 20% and 0%, respectively. Seven species of Eimeria were recognized in the three management regims. Their prevalence rates were E. parva (85.56%), E. ahsata (70.00%), E. ovinoidalis (34.44%), E. intricata (21.11%), E. crandallis (20.00%), E. granulosa (18.89%), and E. faurei (5.56%). These results may provide a further understanding of the factors associated with parasite epizootiology under different feeding and management regims.  相似文献   
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