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A knowledge of diel variation and the vertical distribution of phytoplankton communities may contribute to a better understanding of the driving factors of key species. Applying functional-group classification provides important information on the causes of species selection in the pelagic community. The diel variation of phytoplankton functional groups was analysed during an autumnal stratification period with the aim of understanding their changes in the vertical position related to light, mixing regime and grazing pressure. Phytoplankton and zooplankton communities were sampled every 4 h during a 24-h period in a vertical profile in a subtropical meso-eutrophic reservoir. Strong stratification during a 24-h cycle and a mixed clear epilimnion with partial atelomixis marked the autumn season in the Faxinal reservoir, southern Brazil. The highest phytoplankton densities and biomass were found during the second part of the day, a general pattern reported in the literature, and may be explained by zooplankton dynamics. During the 24-h cycle, phytoplankton functional groups lacking a self-regulating capacity and those able to regulate their vertical position were vertically segregated in the lake. The diel behaviour of both groups was driven by the mixing regime (including atelomixis), light and zooplankton grazing pressure.  相似文献   
The aims of this study were to test the influence of grazing intensity, effects of local and landscape parameters, and regional effects on orthopteran assemblages. We made our investigations on extensively and intensively grazed cattle pastures in three regions of the Hungarian Great Plain. The regions differed in landscape complexity; one region was situated in a structurally simple landscape with large landscape units, one in a structurally complex landscape with marshy patches and trees in the grasslands and one in a landscape with intermediate structural complexity. In each region we had seven pairs of differently managed grasslands, which differed in grazing intensity. Grasshoppers were recorded once in July 2003 using sweepnet catches and visual and acoustic observations in two 95 m long transects at each site (84 transects in total). Botanical surveys and measurements of other local factors were also made for each transect. After samplings, we digitised the most important land-use types using aerial photographs to produce landscape scale parameters within 100 and 500 m circles around every site. Analysing the management, regional, landscape and local effects on species richness with linear mixed models, we showed only strong significant regional differences. Linear mixed models for Orthoptera abundance yielded significant regional effects and marginal management effects. However, after including local and landscape parameters in a separate model a marginal local effect was found instead of a management effect in addition to the significant regional effect. Logistic regression models of 15 species also revealed the importance of local factors, particularly the importance of grass height, which is highly dependent on grazing intensity. We conclude that management intensity has indirect effects on Orthoptera species richness and abundance. Landscape scale parameters are also important, at least for some species.  相似文献   
Report cards are an increasingly popular method for summarising and communicating relative environmental performance and ecosystem health, including in aquatic environments. They are usually underpinned by an Ecosystem Health Index (EHI) that combines various individual indicators to produce an overall ecosystem health “score”. As a result of public water quality concerns, an integrated means of monitoring and reporting on aquatic ecosystem health was needed for the Fitzroy Basin in central Queensland, Australia. The Fitzroy Partnership for River Health was formed to address this need, and developed an EHI and report card for the Basin using existing monitoring data collected from various third parties including regulated companies operations and government. At 142,000 square kilometres, the Fitzroy Basin is the largest catchment draining to the World Heritage Listed Great Barrier Reef. The Fitzroy Basin provides an example of how to deliver an effective aquatic ecosystem health reporting system in a large and complex river basin. We describe the methodology used to develop an adaptive EHI for the Fitzroy Basin that addresses variability, complexity and scale issues associated with reporting across large areas. As well, we report how to manage the design and reporting stages given limitations in data collection and scientific understanding.  相似文献   
Abstract. In order to restore natural salt marsh in a 460‐ha nature reserve established in man‐made salt marsh in the Dollard estuary, The Netherlands, the artificial drainage system was neglected and cattle grazing reduced. Vegetation changes were traced through two vegetation surveys and monitoring of permanent plots over 15 yr after the management had been changed. Exclosure experiments were started to distinguish grazing effects from effects of increased soil waterlogging caused by the neglect of the drainage system. Both vegetation surveys and permanent plots demonstrated a dichotomy in vegetation succession. The incidence of secondary pioneer vegetation dominated by Salicornia spp. and Suaeda maritima increased from 0 to 20%, whereas the late‐successional (Phragmites australis) vegetation from 10 to 15%. Grazing intensity decreased towards the sea. The grazed area contracted landward, which allowed vegetation dominated by tall species to increase seaward. Grazing and increased waterlogging interacted in several ways. The impact of trampling increased, and in the intensively grazed parts soil salinity increased. This can probably be explained by low vegetation cover in spring. Framework Ordination, an indirect‐gradient‐analysis technique, was used to infer the importance of environmental factors in influencing changes in species composition. Many changes were positively or negatively correlated with soil aeration and soil salinity, whereas elevation was of minor importance. Grazing accounted for only a few changes in species frequency. Changes in permanent plots were greater during the first than during the second half of the study period. In exclosures that were installed halfway through the study period, there was a relatively rapid recovery of previously dominant species that had decreased during the first half of the study period. Species richness per unit area in the reserve increased. At the seaward side of the marsh, the altered management allowed succession to proceed leading to establishment of stands of Phragmites australis, whereas on the landward side, the combination of moderate grazing with neglect of the drainage system appeared an effective measure in maintaining habitats for a wider range of halophytic species.  相似文献   
 不同放牧强度下高寒灌丛植物在生长发育、生理生态,物质生产和群落结构等方面主要有以下变化:1.在高寒灌丛草场,禾草类、莎草类和灌丛类植物的叶面积指数和平均生长速率随着放牧强度的减轻而增大;随着放牧强度的增加而减小。植株平均高度,植被盖度水平也与放牧强度呈负相关(p<0.01)。2.各项生长分析参数中:叶面积比率(LAR)、叶面积干重比(SLA)和叶干重比(LWR)与放牧强度之间存在负相关。叶面积指数(LAI)与地上生物量呈正相关(p<0.5),地上部现存在量与放牧强度呈负相关(p<0.01)。3.不同放牧强度条件下,高寒灌丛中的禾草类、莎草类、灌丛类和杂类草植物的种类组成和数量变化明显。其中禾草类和莎草类、灌丛类植物的生物量和种类组成比例在重度放牧下减少,在轻度放牧下增大。反之,重度放牧下杂类草的组成和数量明显增加,而轻度放牧下其比例降低。  相似文献   
K.Z. Cai  J.L. Bai   《Small Ruminant Research》2009,85(2-3):111-115
By using faecal egg counting, larvae culturing, coccidian oocysts identifying, the present study was conducted to determine infection intensity of nematodosis and coccidosis of young sheep (6–12 months) raised under three types of feeding and management regims namely, confinement system (2 farms, n = 30), semiconfinement system (2 farms, n = 30) and grazing system (2 farms, n = 30) in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (NHAR) in China. The mean egg counts of gastrointestinal nematodes were zero in confinement system, 63 EPG in semiconfinement system and 263 EPG in grazing system, while the mean coccidian oocyst counts (oocysts per gram of faeces, OPG) of each regim were 3784, 1713 and 687, respectively. Gastrointestinal parasite loads of sheep were attributed to low EPG (zero EPG) in confinement, moderate EPG in semiconfinement and high EPG in grazing regim, respectively, which in turn resulted in high OPG in confinement, moderate OPG in semiconfinement and low OPG in grazing regim, respectively. The infection rate of nematodes of sheep was zero in confinement, 43.33% in semiconfinement and 96.67% in grazing regim, while the infection rate of coccidia was 100%, 96.67% and 86.67%, respectively. The nematodes of sheep in grazing regim were, in the order of prevalence: Ostertagia (Teladorsagia) (80.00%), Marshallagia (66.67%), Nematodirus (63.33%), Trichostrongylus (43.33%), Haemonchus contortus (43.33%), and Chabertia (16.67%), while in semiconfinement regim were, in the same order of prevalence: 43.33%, 10.00%, 40.00%, 20%, 20% and 0%, respectively. Seven species of Eimeria were recognized in the three management regims. Their prevalence rates were E. parva (85.56%), E. ahsata (70.00%), E. ovinoidalis (34.44%), E. intricata (21.11%), E. crandallis (20.00%), E. granulosa (18.89%), and E. faurei (5.56%). These results may provide a further understanding of the factors associated with parasite epizootiology under different feeding and management regims.  相似文献   
放牧对冶勒自然保护区大熊猫生境的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
四川冶勒自然保护区周边村民的牲畜基本上都在保护区内放养。为研究放牧和大熊猫对竹类的利用及放牧强度与竹类的关系 ,利用Forageratio选择指数 ,Pearson相关分析和联列表独立性检验 ,对调查数据进行分析。结果表明 ,大熊猫活动区海拔为 2 870~ 390 0m ,并喜欢选择竹类盖度为 5 0 %~ 10 0 % ,竹类高度 2~ 3m ,竹类生长状况好的竹林。而放牧海拔为 2 70 0~ 4 0 0 0m ,放牧对竹类的盖度、高度、生长状况没有选择性 ,为随机利用。放牧海拔与大熊猫活动海拔无显著相关。大熊猫在放牧生境活动的频率较低 ;放牧生境中竹类的成竹平均密度和竹子平均密度都低于大熊猫活动生境 ,枯死竹比例高于大熊猫活动生境。放牧强度与竹类的有、无和竹类盖度是相关联的 ,大熊猫出现与否也与放牧活动相关联 (在 95 %的置信度 ,P <0 0 5 )。放牧强度强的生境没有大熊猫活动 ,竹子的盖度也较低。由于放牧活动对竹类的生长和盖度造成影响 ,从而影响大熊猫对放牧生境的利用 ,在保护区内应采取一定的措施控制放牧活动。  相似文献   
Saint Pierre  C.  Busso  C.A.  Montenegro  O.A.  Rodríguez  G.D.  Giorgetti  H.D.  Montani  T.  Bravo  O.A. 《Plant Ecology》2003,165(2):161-167
Root proliferation of desirable (Stipa clarazii andS. tenuis) and undesirable (S.ambigua)perennial grasses was studied in semiarid rangelands of Central Argentina(40°39S, 62°54W) in 1998. On 17 September, soil coreswereremoved from the edge of the plant, metal structures lined with screen mesh(hereafter called bags) were buried in the holes, and root-free soil was placedinto these structures. Numbers of green tillers and circumference per plant hadpreviously been determined. Since plants were of unequal size among species,root length and root dry weight data are reported on a per green tiller basis.Half of the plants was defoliated to 5 cm stubble height on 17September and/or 12 October, while the other half remained undefoliated(controls). Bags were destructively harvested either 20 days after the firstdefoliation (first sampling) or 56 days after the second defoliation (secondsampling) by digging out soil very carefully around each bag. Roots were washedfrom soil, root length estimated by the line intercept method, root dry weightdetermined after oven-drying, and root length per unit root dry weightcalculated from the two measured variables. Root length and dry weight weremorethan 96% greater on defoliated and undefoliated plants ofS. clarazii than on those of S.tenuisor S. ambigua for both sampling dates. Root length perunitroot dry weight, however, was more than 43% greater (p < 0.05) inS. tenuis than in S. clarazii andS. ambigua during the second sampling. Defoliated plantshada similar root length and root dry weight than undefoliated plants in all threespecies, although plants of S. tenuis defoliated twiceshowed a greater (p < 0.05) root length than undefoliated controls. Rootlength and root dry weight were similar between sampling periods, except onundefoliated plants of S. tenuis which had a greater (p<0.05) root length and root dry weight at the first than at the second sampling.Although root length per unit root dry weight may be greater inS. tenuis than in S. clarazii andS. ambigua, greater root length and dry weight increasesinS. clarazii after defoliation appear determinant incontributing to explain its greater competitive ability and defoliationtolerance when compared with the other two species.Nomenclature of taxa followed.  相似文献   
Abstract. Australian alpine vegetation is confined to the southeast of the continent and the island of Tasmania. It exhibits strong geographic patterns of floristic variation. These patterns have been attributed to variation in edaphic conditions resulting from geographic variation in substrate, climate and glacial history. This edaphic hypothesis is tested using floristic and environmental data from 166 quadrats distributed throughout the floristic and geographic range of Australian alpine vegetation. Environmental vector fitting in three-dimensional ordination space, the number of significant environmental differences between all pairs of 17 floristic groups and overall statistical analyses of the environmental differences between communities suggest a primacy of climatic variables over edaphic variables in explaining the broad patterns of floristic variation. Continentality, summer warmth, summer rainfall and winter cold all provide a better statistical explanation of floristic variation than the most explanatory of the edaphic variables, extractable P. The environmental variables that best discriminate the groups at each dichotomy of the divisive classification of the floristic data are largely climatic at the upper two levels, with edaphic, topographic and biotic variables being generally more important than climatic variables at the lower levels. Many of the edaphic variables that were most important in discriminating dichotomous groups were relatively insignificant in the broader analyses, suggesting that it is important to partition large data sets for environment/floristic analyses. The results of such partitioning show that the environmental factors most important in influencing floristic variation in alpine vegetation in Australia vary by location and geographic scale.  相似文献   
This study set out to generate estimates of the standing perennial biomass for six different vegetation types, and associated upland and lowland habitats, across the altitudinal gradient presented by the Kamiesberg mountain range in the Namaqualand region of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. Volume-biomass regressions, established for 94 perennial species accounting for 70–80% of the plant cover, were used to generate these estimations. Comparisons to other studies give similar findings, corroborating the method adopted. Biomass was found to vary significantly in relation to the altitudinal, and associated rainfall, gradient, as well as by habitat type where the rocky uplands have considerably more biomass that the sandy lowland habitats. An examination of the impact of sustained heavy grazing associated with a communal rangeland on this standing perennial biomass, showed a significant decrease in on the lowland habitats. This loss in biomass is principally of palatable species, with no evidence of a response in terms of perennial biomass. These findings point to degradation on the lowland habitats of the communal rangeland, with negative consequences for livestock farmers in the region.  相似文献   
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