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A combination of enclosure nutrient enrichment experiments and historical data analysis was used to identify the factors controlling seasonal dynamics and competition of the phytoplankton community in the Curonian lagoon (Southeast Baltic Sea). Experiments using different nutrient (N, P and Si) manipulations were performed in 10-l enclosures for 48 h. Changes in chlorophyll a concentrations, inorganic nutrient concentrations, and plankton cell density were monitored. Results revealed that phytoplankton development in the lagoon is strongly affected by ambient physical factors (wind, temperature). Nutrient limitation, however, also plays an important role in seasonal succession mechanisms showing quite distinct seasonal development patterns. Based on the data, available phytoplankton seasonal succession in the Curonian lagoon could be described as composed by three phases corresponding to different domination and regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   
Habitat quality was assessed for two native osmerids, delta smelt Hypomesus transpacificus and longfin smelt Spirinchus thaleichthys , between two distinct nursery areas located in the low-salinity zone of the San Francisco estuary. The relationship between several variables was investigated including fish density, fish size, feeding success and the general condition of larvae as well as juveniles for both species. The nursery habitats that were evaluated included the North and South Channels of Suisun Bay. The results showed higher densities of zooplankton and decreased water velocities for the North Channel when compared to the South Channel. The dominant prey item was calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus forbesi for both species although longfin smelt residing in the North Channel also included another copepod in their diets, Acanthocyclops spp. In both locations, delta smelt fed predominantly during daytime flood tides, while longfin smelt feeding appeared to continue into the night hours. When both locations were compared, delta smelt in the North Channel exhibited higher densities, larger sizes, increased somatic condition and larvae <15 mm standard length demonstrated greater feeding success. Longfin smelt, exhibited similar densities, feeding success and size distributions between both channels, but generally showed poorer somatic condition for the South Channel, potentially due to energetic costs associated with documented vertical migration behaviour. Overall, the physical conditions of the North Channel provided superior habitat for both species, while the South Channel afforded only marginal habitat for longfin smelt and very poor habitat for delta smelt. Therefore, the North Channel of Suisun Bay acts as critical nursery habitat by providing better feeding and growing conditions leading to increased health and survival for both species.  相似文献   
The invertebrate drift leaving the lower end of a small coastal stream on the east coast of Vancouver Island was recorded during low flow conditions. 20,156 animals, weighing 0.96 g (dry weight), were collected in drift nets over a 5 day period in early summer. High and low drifting taxa are listed. Considerable daily variation in total captures occurred and was attributed to a few dominant taxa (primarily harpacticoid copepods, mites and chironomid larvae) exhibiting atypical drift patterns. 0.004% of the stream's invertebrate standing crop was estimated to be in the water column at any instant in time. The possible use of the outgoing animals as food for juvenile salmon in the estuary is discussed.  相似文献   
Early juvenile Japanese temperate bass Lateolabrax japonicus samples were collected during four cruises to study the spatial and temporal patterns of distribution and feeding habits of the fish in Chikugo estuary, Ariake Sea, Japan. Gut contents were studied by separating, identifying and counting the prey organisms. Plankton samples were collected during each cruise to study the numerical abundance of copepods in the water. Copepod dry biomass and gut content dry mass were estimated. Juveniles were distributed over wide estuarine areas in salinities ranging from as low as 0·37 to as high as 28·81. Considerable spatial and temporal variations were observed in the copepod distribution in the environment and in the food habits of the fish. Two distinctly different copepod assemblages were identified along the estuary: one in the upper river, dominated by a single species Sinocalanus sinensis, and the other a multi‐specific assemblage in the lower estuary dominated by common coastal copepods such as Acartia omorii, Oithona davisae, Paracalanus parvus and Calanus sinicus. The gut content composition corresponded strongly with the copepod composition in the environment, i.e. a single species (S. sinensis) dietary habit at the upper river and a multi‐specific dietary habit dominated by the common coastal copepods in the lower estuary. Ivlev's electivity index showed that the fish strongly preferred larger copepods and avoided smaller ones. Higher dry biomass of copepods in the water as well as higher dry masses of the gut contents were recorded in the low‐to‐medium saline upper river areas, indicating that these areas are of particular importance as nursery grounds for the juvenile Japanese temperate bass. It was speculated that ascending to the upstream nursery areas to utilize S. sinensis, which is the single dominant copepod in these areas, is one of the most important survival strategies of the Japanese temperate bass juveniles in the Chikugo estuary.  相似文献   
Estuaries are productive ecosystems providing important habitat for a diversity of species, yet they also experience intense levels of anthropogenic development. To inform decision‐making, it is essential to understand the pathways of impacts of particular human activities, especially those that affect species such as salmon, which have high ecological, social‐cultural and economic values. Salmon systems provide an opportunity to build from the substantial body of research on responses to estuary developments and take stock of what is known. We conducted a systematic English‐language literature review on the responses of juvenile salmon to anthropogenic activities in estuaries and nearshore areas asking: what has been studied, where are the major knowledge gaps and how do stressors affect salmon? We found a substantial body of research (n = 167 studies; 1,369 comparative tests) to help understand responses of juvenile salmon to 24 activities and their 14 stressors. Across studies, 82% of the research was conducted in the eastern Pacific (Oregon and Washington, USA and British Columbia, Canada) showing a limited geographical scope. Using a semiquantitative approach to summarize the literature, including a weight‐of‐evidence metric, we found a range of results from low to moderate–high confidence in the consequences of the stressors. For example, we found moderate–high confidence in the negative impacts of pollutants and sea lice and moderate confidence in negative impacts from connectivity loss and changes in flow. Our results suggest that overall, multiple anthropogenic activities cause negative impacts across ecological scales. However, our results also reveal knowledge gaps resulting from minimal research on particular species (e.g. sockeye salmon), regions (e.g. Atlantic) or stressors (e.g. entrainment) that would be expedient areas for future research. With estuaries acting as a nexus of biological and societal importance and hotspots of ongoing development, the insights gained here can contribute to informed decision‐making.  相似文献   
珠江口附近海区甲壳类动物的区系特征及其分布状况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2006年8月(夏季)、2006年10月(秋季)、2006年12月(冬季)和2007年4月(春季)珠江口附近海区的底拖网调查资料,分析了该海域甲壳类动物的区系特征和分布状况.结果表明:本次调查共采获甲壳类动物54种,分隶于2目17科25属,其中,虾类22种、蟹类22种、虾蛄类10种;该海域甲壳类动物多数为热带 亚热带的暖水性种类,少数为广温性种类,未出现暖温性和冷温性种类;广盐性的种类最多,其次为高盐性种类,低盐性种类最少;大多数种类属于印度洋 西太平洋区系;调查海域的甲壳类动物种类与东海、菲律宾海、印度尼西亚海、日本海关系较密切,与黄海、渤海、朝鲜海关系较疏远.调查海域甲壳类动物的优势种为周氏新对虾、口虾蛄、武士蟳、红星梭子蟹、猛虾蛄、锈斑蟳、日本蟳、长叉口虾蛄、中华管鞭虾、三疣梭子蟹和逍遥馒头蟹.出现的种类数以秋季最多(33种),春季最少(26种).甲壳类资源密度在水深0~40 m水域较高,在水深10~20 m最密集.调查海域甲壳类动物的平均资源密度为99.60 kg·km-2,以夏季最高(198.93 kg·km-2)、春季最低(42.35 kg·km-2);组成甲壳类动物的3个类群中,蟹类的资源密度最高(41.81 kg·km-2),其次是虾类(38.91 kg·km-2),虾蛄类最低(18.88 kg·km-2);各类群资源密度存在明显的季节变化,虾类在夏季最高(120.32 kg·km-2)、春季最低(0.67 kg·km-2),蟹类和虾蛄类则均在冬季最高(62.01和29.49 kg·km-2)、秋季最低(24.64和6.30 kg·km-2).  相似文献   
王瑛  张建锋  陈光才 《生态学杂志》2012,31(9):2305-2311
在水培条件下,研究了2种柳树(Salix integra)无性系(“一支笔”和“微山湖”)对模拟富营养化水体中氮素的吸收状况,并采用常规耗竭法探讨了柳树幼苗根系对NH4+-N、NO3--N的吸收动力学特征.结果表明:2种柳树无性系对低浓度模拟富营养化水体中总氮的去除率均达90%以上,是高浓度情况下的2倍;对低浓度模拟污水中总磷的去除率达80%,高浓度下则达92%,且“一支笔”对总氮、总磷的吸收效果优于“微山湖”;2种柳树无性系对氮素的吸收均表现为水体中营养物质浓度越高,去除效果越好;只有NH4+-N或NO3--N存在时,“微山湖”的最大吸收速率和亲和力高于“一支笔”;当有其他氮源影响时,2种柳树无性系对NH4+-N和NO3--N的吸收效率则下降至50%;研究表明,柳树对富营养化水体的生态修复作用较强,是进行面源污染生态修复的优良树种.  相似文献   
Global losses of seagrasses and mangroves, eutrophication‐driven increases in ephemeral algae, and macrophyte invasions have impacted estuarine detrital resources. To understand the implications of these changes on benthic ecosystem processes, we tested the hypotheses that detrital source richness, mix identity, and biomass influence benthic primary production, metabolism, and nutrient fluxes. On an estuarine muddy sandflat, we manipulated the availability of eight detrital sources, including mangrove, seagrass, and invasive and native algal species that have undergone substantial changes in distribution. Mixes of these detrital sources were randomly assigned to one of 12 treatments and dried detrital material was added to seventy‐two 0.25 m2 plots (= 6 plots). The treatments included combinations of either two or four detrital sources and high (60 g) or low (40 g) levels of enrichments. After 2 months, the dark, light, and net uptake of NH4+, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, and the dark efflux of dissolved organic nitrogen were each significantly influenced by the identity of detrital mixes, rather than detrital source richness or biomass. However, gross and net primary productivity, average oxygen flux, and net NOX and dissolved inorganic phosphorous fluxes were significantly greater in treatments with low than with high detrital source richness. These results demonstrate that changes in detrital source richness and mix identity may be important drivers of estuarine ecosystem performance. Continued impacts to estuarine macrophytes may, therefore, further alter detritus‐fueled productivity and processes in estuaries. Specific tests that address predicted future changes to detrital resources are required to determine the consequences of this significant environmental problem.  相似文献   
黄河调水调沙对黄河口海域双酚A的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2011年6—7月黄河调水调沙前、中期、后对黄河口海域双酚A(BPA)污染情况进行调查,研究了调水调沙对黄河口海域双酚A的影响。结果表明:黄河口13个站位表层海水和沉积物中均有双酚A检出,以调水调沙前测得的海水和沉积物中双酚A含量评估黄河口附近双酚A的污染程度。海水中双酚A浓度范围为13.6—64.0 ng/L,平均浓度为26.2 ng/L;沉积物中双酚A的浓度为0.559—2.73μg/kg干重,平均浓度为1.19μg/kg,是海水中平均含量的48倍。黄河河口区域海水中双酚A浓度受调水调沙影响而呈现较大变化,调水调沙后双酚A浓度明显增加,调水调沙前、后呈显著性差异(P0.01),说明陆源输入是黄河口区域中双酚A的主要污染来源。离入海口近的站位沉积物中双酚A浓度受调水调沙影响较大,呈显著性差异(P0.01),调水调沙后含量显著降低。黄河口海域已经遭受双酚A污染,存在生态安全问题。  相似文献   
Laboratory culture studies on the euryhalinity of Bostrychia radicans Montagne and Caloglossa leprieurii (Montagne) J. Agardh from the mouth and head of the Mullica River estuary, New Jersey, revealed both species probably have ecotypes whose growth patterns correlate with the salinity regime of their habitat in nature. Significant growth differences of tetrasporelings were determined in response to four salinities (5, 15, 25, 35%c) even after acclimation periods of the tetrasporophytes from 6 mo–2 yr in laboratory culture. However, one isolate of Bostrychia and both isolates of Caloglossa also demonstrated some capability for physiological adaptation to salinity changes although this was less significant statistically than their ecotypic response. It thus appears that certain euryhaline algae may consist of ecotypes, each of which has some capacity for physiological adaptation to salinity variations.  相似文献   
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